View Full Version : I must be an idiot

07-29-2002, 08:54 AM
Boy am I an idiot. I am the kind of guy that would spend all day in the parking lot helping a fellow boater getting his ride working and never think about how much time it takes As long as there is beer). I have met some great friends that way. :)
Well I gotta tell my story of getting screwed by a "fellow" jet boater. I offered a set of Hooker water injected OTT Twisties for a 480 on E bay.
I put them in for $250 and was hoping to get $350.
Two days after the insertion I get an E mail from a guy in CA. WRITE THIS NAME DOWN JOHN WHITNEY, who says he'll give me $365 if I end the auction and ship them to him the next day. He tells me he has a trip planned for that Friday and really wants them for the trip. I call him at his work (707-840-0563) and we talke about helping a fellow boater. I shipped the headers teh next day and he got them on Thursday. He put them on, sent me pictures and they worked great
YOU GUESSED IT. Now he is Stiffing me.. :mad:
I finally got a hold of him and we agree that he will ship me a Holley Tunnel Ram scoop in lieu of $200 (he works in an auto parts store) and send me a check for thye rest. (about $200 with the shipping) That was the last I ever heard from him
I have called him no response
I have sent 50 E mails no response. His E mail address is JandJwhitney2002@aol.com. :mad:
This SUCKS. I have a picture of his boat if I knew how to post it I would. :mad:
i am sorry I am venting, but this guy is a jerk. I'll still help everyone else but If I meet this guy, I only hope he has a big enough motor to RUN! or the conscience enough to PAY UP
:mad: :mad:

07-29-2002, 09:09 AM
Boater or not, you just can't help people these days without looking out for "a numbero uno". Sorry to hear of your problem, but on the you should have known so side of things here, the guy should have had no problem overnighting a check if he really wanted those headers. The you could have overnighted the headers and everything would have been in great shape. Good Luck on your continued quest for his $$$$$

07-29-2002, 12:24 PM
Dude that sucks i hope u get your money out of him or the satisfaction of running into him at the river!I just bought a oilpan for a customers boat im working on from a guy that post's here on the forums.I needed it fairley fast so i asked him if he would mind if i western unioned him the money then he could express deliver it it worked out perfect and the guy was great to deal with.

07-29-2002, 12:47 PM
I guess you take a chance and hopefully it works out. Put can make them selves sound convincing.

07-29-2002, 02:28 PM
Well it sounds like you know where he lives - go kick his ass. And if he's bigger than you just beat'em over the head with something.

07-29-2002, 04:33 PM
Wetdawg.I just called the number you gave.And the people I got a hold of say it is a kragen auto parts store.hope this helps dude.get that prick my wife and I like to help anyway we can.But when people do things like this it gets our dander up.

07-29-2002, 04:34 PM
Hey Dawg, that sounds pretty messed up. From the looks of the phone no. he is just north of me up in the north bay area. What auto parts place is it he works? I really hope he reads these forms and gets a hint and you get the money he OWES you. Take care and good boating. Jake

07-29-2002, 04:35 PM
Hey sears did they say which Kragens it was??

07-29-2002, 04:41 PM
Damn Dawg! It's a shame that you're gettin' screwed like that! I won't deal with individuals over the internet that I don't know at least a little about or know where they can be found. I've seen some good deals but as they say, "If it's too good to be true, it's probably not!" Too bad you're on the other side of the equation. I couldn't screw somebody like that, boater or not!...and I'm sure you couldn't either! The lesson here is you can be a nice guy FACE TO FACE, but not 'puter to 'puter! Good luck in your efforts and keep gettin' wet!
BTW, you're not an idiot! You're just a nice guy who is bein' taken advantage of by a low-life s**theel! There is a difference!
[ July 29, 2002, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: gigamurph ]

07-29-2002, 05:00 PM
Gig and JETBOAT5150,check the sandbar for the info that I got on this.Jetboat that Kragens is in MIKINLIVILLE,ca.Check out what I found out in the sandbar sect.It might help out.Let's get this F@ck.

07-29-2002, 06:07 PM
Here’s a web site that I found to be useful in looking up phone numbers and the like. The neat thing is the reverse lookup feature. Just click on the reverse lookup tab at the top of the page, type in a phone number and if it’s listed in the local book it will tell you who’s numbers it is AND the address. Unfortunately, when I tried it for the number Wetdawg posted above it said no listings were found. Oh well just trying to help.

07-30-2002, 07:35 AM
i am sorry I am venting, but this guy is a jerk. I'll still help everyone else but If I meet this guy, I only hope he has a big enough motor to RUN! or the conscience enough to PAY UP
:mad: :mad: [/QB][/QUOTE]Can you not Cashiers COD for E-Bay-Never done E-Bay-Dave