View Full Version : Changes at HOT BOAT Magazine

10-27-2007, 04:45 PM
I'm sure others have noticed but nobody has said anything, but it seems that LFP has sold the Hot Boat title to another group. (Check out Kevin Spaise's editorial in the Nov/Dec issue) One thing that does concern me is that Brett Bayne is no longer listed on the masthead as an editor. Now this may not give you any worry, but Brett was the one who championed and fought for our smaller, custom, older style hot rods(v-drives and jets) to still be featured in the print edition. I believe he was mainly responsible for the added section at the end of the magazine that featured "our" type of boats and was my favorite part of the magazine. You'll notice that the latest issue is missing this section. Although we are no longer in the "mainstream" of performance boating, I do feel we are the most loyal and rabid participants. If you look at the main Forums directory page at just about any time, the # of people online in the Just Jets and V-drive forums outnumber by far any other forums. This is only a guess, but I would put the v-drivers as the most hard core. I'll base that by saying that on a percentage of participation basis, v-drivers that have driven a boat in a sanctioned race would at least double or triple the percentage found on any other forum.
Although we love to argue the merits of our favorite propulsion system(especially with the jetters :D ). We who love excessive power in small boats are in this together. I hope that we will not be minimalized and included as an afterthought, because our #'s and participation in the sport are large.
I really hope they do not discontinue our little section at the back of the magazine.( I'm not saying that this is what is planned, because I don't know) I feel it is a testament to the roots, history and continued creativity of our sport. Please add your thoughts here and let me and HOT BOAT know what you think. I would love it if one of the editors joined us in a discussion here and/or let us know what is planned. If someone wants to link this to Just Jets, please do. I would like to hear their comments and thoughts also. Sorry for such a long post, thanks for reading. Greg

10-27-2007, 04:55 PM
I too missed the section in the back, great articles every issue. I met Bret on the phone last spring when he was getting input for the spread he did about my Sanger redo, very friendly guy. Hopefully next month the section will reappear. I also hope that the new owners of Hot Boat don't do cost saving and drop the ***boat net forum we all enjoy. Keep up the great magazine and don't change too much of a good thing.

10-27-2007, 05:10 PM
I'm sure others have noticed but nobody has said anything, but it seems that LFP has sold the Hot Boat title to another group.
There's been about a dozen threads on it. :D Someone will be along to flog you shortly.

10-27-2007, 05:15 PM
Thanks Kachina, obviously I never make it out of v-drives:D

10-27-2007, 05:21 PM
Thanks Kachina, obviously I never make it out of v-drives:D
I kinda figured that. You've gotta go to the drama section to see them.

3 daytona`s
10-27-2007, 05:37 PM
There's been about a dozen threads on it. :D Someone will be along to flog you shortly.
I guess in a way you have already:confused: :rolleyes:

10-27-2007, 05:51 PM
I guess in a way you have already:confused: :rolleyes:
I meant the kind of flogging poor NSF caught.

3 daytona`s
10-27-2007, 06:21 PM
I meant the kind of flogging poor NSF caught.

10-27-2007, 11:29 PM
I was also wondering about Brett Bayne. I have met him in person. He was a super nice guy. I hope he is still involved. If the small V-Drives and Jets are gone I will not renew my subscription....:(

river redy
10-28-2007, 03:24 AM
Well the days of reading are articles are gone,due to the fact we dont throw any money at hot boat, and the new owners are there in Havasu where they do alot of testing on the bigger boats with deeper pockets and because of this I will not renew my subscription. :mad:

10-28-2007, 04:35 AM
***boat has a Magazine.....:eek: :eek: :eek: Whats up Greg... Maybe Brett has left "HOTYAHT" to start a V-Drive Magazine...

10-28-2007, 06:10 AM
:mad: according to froggystyle, if its not a Nor-Tech or Outerlimits it ain't shit, his words!!! he feels lil boats aren't cover material or worth reading about, whatever !!!
I saw his responses and thought he was acting like he had just been hired by them and now making the rules. I don't think so.:D
I don't know how it will turn out but I would guess that The magazine will not forget its roots.....v-drive

Not So Fast
10-28-2007, 06:46 AM
I meant the kind of flogging poor NSF caught.
HUH, what, did I miss something, who flogged me and with what, damnit I missed the action again:) NSF

10-28-2007, 07:06 AM
Hot Boat tee shirts with subscriptions will keep them in business...

10-28-2007, 07:38 AM
It was a joke, but it was just for my enjoyment.
HUH, what, did I miss something, who flogged me and with what, damnit I missed the action again:) NSF
click (http://***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166662&highlight=magazine+owner)
Ok, flogging might have been an extreme description.

flat broke
10-28-2007, 07:58 AM
IMHO no one should be sheding tears over a loss of editoral contribution from anyone on the masthead at ***boat. The magazine is ALWAYS riddled with editorial errors. Citing pictures of one boat as something it's not, giving opinions about how boats handle without actually driving them, so on and so forth. If it's been said more than once, and it's absolutely true. To an ardent enthusiast, these forums bear far more fruit than you could ever find in the pages of the mags. Contributions from guys like Billy, Racey, and SD, just to name a random few; contain far more technical knowledge and first hand experience than you could ever hope to find in anything written for the magazine. The magazine has been lacking in solid technical content relating to our kind of boats for many years. As such most guys only get the mag out of habit or for the bikini girls ;)
The only downer for me would be if the new owners dumped the forums. Since I'd wager they're at least covering their bases with the banner ads etc. I don't see the site going anywhere due to cost issues. Even if the forums were to fold, there are plenty of people that can put up a similar message board and host it with comparable bandwidth. The people that contribute to the boards are the ones that make it what it is; not the fact that it says Hot Boat in the URL. If those people still wanted to share information they'd post somewhere else, and as such, there isn't really cause for concern if HB were to dump the boards. There are already enough other offshoot sites that people would readily flock to in the absence of their usual boating destination on the web.

Not So Fast
10-28-2007, 10:57 AM
It was a joke, but it was just for my enjoyment.
click (http://***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166662&highlight=magazine+owner)
Ok, flogging might have been an extreme description.
I did take a beating didnt I, assholes:D :D :D I'll have to bring that up at the next meeting since my niece is the managing editor now. Like that will happen, havent seen or spoken to her in oh, 5-6 years!! NSF,,,, ps I'm going over to PowerBoat anyway.

10-28-2007, 11:02 AM
Maybe Brett Otta Start A Real Magazine;) :d

10-28-2007, 12:27 PM
I agree with Chris on this. The magazine as it stands pretty much sucks for the little boaters. Maybe 10 years ago they had some decent tech articles on some of the smaller boats but since then all the smaller boats have gotten bigger and if you dont move up in boat size like the magazine has then you are better off not subscribing to it just to avoid the disappointment.
The little section at the back simply wasn't enough to satisfy thirst for info and as such I haven't renewed in close to 5 years.
The website on the other hand is invaluable. Tons of knowledge here. Would be a shame to lose it. Its too bad the drama gets out of hand though, I can think of numerous posters who dont come here anymore and several others who dont contribute to the boards just to avoid the drama.

sc fab 1
10-28-2007, 07:17 PM
I agree with Chris on this. The magazine as it stands pretty much sucks for the little boaters. Maybe 10 years ago they had some decent tech articles on some of the smaller boats but since then all the smaller boats have gotten bigger and if you dont move up in boat size like the magazine has then you are better off not subscribing to it just to avoid the disappointment.
The little section at the back simply wasn't enough to satisfy thirst for info and as such I haven't renewed in close to 5 years.
The website on the other hand is invaluable. Tons of knowledge here. Would be a shame to lose it. Its too bad the drama gets out of hand though, I can think of numerous posters who dont come here anymore and several others who dont contribute to the boards just to avoid the drama.
i totally agree with you and chris. the only thing that kind of chaps my a$$ is that i have been building my ride for 2 1/2 yrs and spending every extra cent on this thing hoping to get my first completed project in a magazine. now it seems that won't happen.:(

mostly crue
10-29-2007, 11:34 AM
Now I did not hear this firsthand, but I was told by a friend in the know, that there is in fact a new magazine in the works. I was also told that Jim Wylkes had also left Hot Boat and wrote a goodbye article that was never published.
I was told not to fear because the magazine would be based on more of what we all have and post about. (v-drives, jets, race boats etc.)

10-29-2007, 04:53 PM
I meant the kind of flogging poor NSF caught.
HUH, what, did I miss something, who flogged me and with what, damnit I missed the action again:) NSF
I did take a beating didnt I, assholes:D :D :D I'll have to bring that up at the next meeting since my niece is the managing editor now. Like that will happen, havent seen or spoken to her in oh, 5-6 years!! NSF,,,, ps I'm going over to PowerBoat anyway.
See, I didn't just make shit up, I just remember stupid shit!