View Full Version : Jetboaters worst nightmare!!!!

06-28-2003, 07:42 PM
Me and pops took the boat out yesterday. Everything was great i was idling around waiting for him warming up. I looked back to make sure everything was ok and I saw a stream of water. Oh shit eek! the line from the jet was off( I forgot to tighten it up before I left the house). I started to panic and naied the gas heading for the beach. The motor then died. I turned on my dual bilge set up and grabbed a screwdriver and tightened the hose. That scared the hell out of me eek! eek! Good thing I run dual bilge pumps. I wont be doing this again.

06-28-2003, 07:56 PM
I have been there man.
Looked back once and saw the flywheel throwing water everywhere.
Happy ending

06-28-2003, 07:57 PM
That was my serious post.
My smart ass post will say:
VIDEO of Jet Boaters Worst Nightmare (http://marineassault.net/Ride.mpg)

06-28-2003, 08:13 PM
That was my serious post.
My smart ass post will say:
VIDEO of Jet Boaters Worst Nightmare (http://marineassault.net/Ride.mpg) lolllllll.. lmfao hahahahhaa. thast some funny shit. hey you still have the humor in u. lol i like that.

06-28-2003, 10:16 PM
Dammit 396, don't scare me like that! :p

06-28-2003, 11:35 PM
Taking to long to load :confused:

06-29-2003, 04:40 AM
I have been there man.
Looked back once and saw the flywheel throwing water everywhere.
Happy ending Been there, done that. I had lifted the motor just a little to work on it and I ripped the underside of the hose and didn't see it.

06-29-2003, 04:58 AM
cruising Buena Vista in friends boat. Thats right I'm cool :cool: people in back say Hey there is water on floor! I look back and balancer is slinging water. eek! hammer it and it won't plane out :confused: I'm thinkin sinking cry see my friend on beach and aimed for him idea He see's me and starts waving me back :mad: I'm going at him and he starts running calling me things that aren't on my birth certificate burningm ran the boat up on the beach jawdrop He's ready to tear me a new doodie drop spot and he sees water up to the exhaust in back. somebody used regular heater hose under engine from pump, it broke, no gate valve, beach party. 21ft omega hard to get back off beach, easier than off bottom of lake though. live and learn. glad it was ok for you 396.

06-29-2003, 06:17 AM
The hose blew on my CVX 20 Glastron, the first thing I thought was to run it upon the beach, however, I figured out that if the motor was not running the bilge could keep up with the water and I made the repair out on the water , then loaded the boat and put steel lined a/c hose on the main pump hose no more probs.

06-29-2003, 06:43 AM
Same thing happened to me my mom,dad,nephew,and daughter went in the new boat for quick ride and boat got slow and heavy then noticed water at my feet headed strait to the bank(shore,side of canal)and turned it sideways opened the hatch grabbed some buckets and hit the bilge found the busted heaterhose made repair and went home and installed 1/2"stainless steel tubing and never looked at it again.the material I used is rated at 10,000psi.

06-29-2003, 07:11 AM
omega had no bilge pumps. not a good thing. lotta bailing.hard to look cool on beach bailing. first thing i looked at when i bought my Bies was that hose and for pumps and valve. Don't tell my WIFE that i can learn or I'm done for.

06-29-2003, 08:52 AM
You don't really notice it with your foot on the throttle, but when you let off all the water shoots up past your feet. OH SH!T eek!
I had a freeze plug come out of the block. major water!! I was a couple miles down river before I found out. turned on the bilge pump and when it was dry I headed back, stopped about three more times to empty the hull before I made it back to the dock.
of course the freeze plug had to be behind the motor mount! having to pull the motor for a freeze plug is B.S. :mad:
[ June 29, 2003, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: checkmate76 ]

06-29-2003, 09:12 AM
Been there, done that, sank the boat and broke the trailer.
When I bought my Challenger, my buddy and I took it out to Piru for a shake down run. :D
We backed in the water and I took the trailer up and parked it. As I was walking down to the ramp, I see my buddy jumping up and down and waving his hands. eek! eek! I ran down there and he say's the boat is sinking. I go take a look and it's got and ton of water in it. eek! I turned on the bilge pump and ran up to get the trailer.
I was in a hurry, and the parking lot at Piru was dirt and very rough. As I was rushing to the ramp, the trailer bouncing all over the place, the bunks bounced right off the trailer. :mad: Crap!!! I gathered up the bunks and stuffed them in the truck and rushed down to the boat.
By this time the boat was barely floating and my buddy is standing there trying to hold it up by the pump to keep it from sinking. Fortunatly I had my tool box with me and I dug up some nails to put the bunks back on with. I got them on and the trailer backed in just in time because the rear end was just starting to go under.
After we pulled it out and drained water, I found that the prior owner had left the intake hose off the jet. I was so pissed. :mad: I learned then that 1 500GPH bilge pump is not enough. Now I always run 2. One automatic and one manual, just in case. I won't get into the sory behind the auto pump. wink

06-29-2003, 09:56 AM
forgot to put the center plug in once. either forgot, or it was sabotage (i like the sabotage story better).
anyway, i was pulling out on the rope and realized my right foot was feeling a little damp. looked down to see the whole center sponson full. pushed off the rope, and yelled for wendy.
i have an 1100gpm bilge pump in the center sponson, two 500s (one in each outer sponson). with all three on, water out was vastly exceeding water in, and by the time it was back at the ramp, the water was almost all gone. found another plug, chokers installed it, went back out to the rope and won the round.
it was nice to know the three bilge pumps would exceed that amount of leakage.

06-29-2003, 01:00 PM
I had a Hose burst in my brand new Bies. I was in the middle of the lake looked back and saw water fliging from the front of the motor. I hauled a$$ back to the beach right thru the no wake zone. Only time the sheriff deputies were understanding. Oversite on the mechanic who preped the boat. Wrong type hose for the intake.
I got 3 bilge pumps and a bucket in my Kachina. :)

Tahiti Owner
06-29-2003, 01:17 PM
OK I have one for you...picture this...girlfriend's first ride, I have my 2 daughters with me and her 2 kids too. We head out on the lake get a mile down or so and all of a sudden the motor starts to go slower and slower until finally it stalls. Then it doesn't even turn over. Next thing the wind kicks up and the waves start getting bigger...picture ocean waves. A little panic starts to set in and finally after about 30 boats pass us 1 stops to ask if we could use some help. Well we got a tow back to the launch where she sees a pontoon boat and asks me with a serious look on her face "Why can't we just have one of those?" Of course I just laughed and told her if "We" wanted one of those she could buy one over there as I pointed toward the marina. Now all I have to do is discover why the oil pan is full of water, lets hope for something simple like a head gasket or an exhaust system that has seen much better days!

06-29-2003, 09:32 PM
I finally downloaded the video, took for ever. When he gained speed it sounded like the motor blew up,,3 times,,What Happened?????????

Kamakazi Ken
06-29-2003, 09:56 PM
After a long wait!!!
At least the boy had a life jacket on!!!
I was on the lake yesterday and I saw at least 3 boats with kids and no life jackets on.
[ June 29, 2003, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: Kamakazi Ken ]

06-30-2003, 05:12 AM
I finally downloaded the video, took for ever. When he gained speed it sounded like the motor blew up,,3 times,,What Happened????????? Very sensitive throttle. You have to drive it back down when going that fast. It never finished winding out. Nothing wrong.
I only ease into the throttle and do not wind it out the last few hundred RPM with Jr. on board.

76 Sleekcraft
06-30-2003, 05:48 AM
Seems like that has happened to just about everyone. I blew a line off mine last week. Probably was not on tight enough. Same thing happened, when the boat wasnt running very well, I slowed down to take a look, low and behold, water rushed up around the gas pedal. It was so deep in the boat by that time, I couldnt tell where it was coming from. I blasted back to the ramp and beached it.
A new hose clamp, and unfortunately a new starter and I was going again.
It could have been way worse.
Ah, the joys of jet boating!!!

06-30-2003, 06:29 AM
OK all the talk of stuff washing up to your feet reminds me of my worst jet boat experience.
I was running an MSD with no alternator and thought I would carry a spare battery. I put one against the gunnel and off we went.
Let off of the throttle a while later and my feet were flooded. BUT IT WAS GAS !!!
The battery had got across the steel braided fuel line from the tank to the tank selector. Burned it the length of the posts. Stopped and capped off the tank. The boat had flapper drains and eventually ran it all out.
Very lucky. I keep the burned hose as a reminder.
[ June 30, 2003, 07:30 AM: Message edited by: Infomaniac ]

Jeff Fry
06-30-2003, 11:07 AM
I took my 21' SKV to Elsinore Yesterday to water test. I had mine off, but it was on my check list, in which i told my wife to write down sat night when i was done working on it. When we got to the Northshore ramp, i it was the first thing i did!. I was almost there!, but i made a note to tell myself. wink

Aluminum Squirt
06-30-2003, 11:29 AM
Thank god for those rubber duck bill flappers we use on the aluminum boats, I can't forget the plug. But it does make me forget the plug on the ski boat all the time...fortunately my bilge pump can keep up with it so I just jump in and put the plug in-Aluminum Squirt

07-03-2003, 12:30 PM
This thread must be bad karma. I was just reading and posting on this one a few days ago.
Took the boat out to lake Oroville yesterday. Was running around and my water intake line came off. eek! Filled the boat with a couple hundred gallons of water. What a pain to lift off the motor cover and get down to that water line when the motor is hot. Got a nice burn on my arm :mad: and the wife was bitching at me because her purse got wet.
Oh well, all part of days fun for a jet owner. At least I was not at work. :D

07-03-2003, 01:10 PM
Forgot the transom plug one time, The water was half way up my 10 qt pan when I realized it. Plugged it with my hand while my friend found the plug....I almost head for the beach but then realized I had a plug somewhere.

07-08-2003, 07:08 PM
Two weeks ago... Took it out to the lake for a test run. Running great so I go out about 2 miles. My daughter wanted me to stop so she could get in the back. I didn't want to let the engine drop below 1500 (just in case it stalled on this first trip) so I slowed a little and told her to go ahead. As I hit the throttle I thought something was wrong because the boat took a lot longer to plane. Blew it off to the first test run. About 30 seconds later the wife yells "Ohh Shit we are filling up w/ water." Well I had the hood on and could not see the source so I nailed it full throttle back to the ramp. About 1/4 mile from the ramp the engine wanted to stall. I kept my foot in it thinking "no you don't".
About 1/8 mile from the ramp she yells. " There is water coming out the top !" (I have a scoop style vent on top of the hood) Now I knew we may be in trouble because that vent is right in front of the carb and the water was being forced out the vent meaning just as much was going down the carb. I ran it up to the ramp just short of ripping the paint from the hull and raced to the trailer.
I had water up to the manifolds and broke the winch trying to load the damn thing. Ended up to be the exit hose from the engine to the right exhaust manifold blew off, then since the exhaust got heated up it melted the 3" diameter rubber hose on the exhaust and created yet another fast leak.
This was still not as bad as a buddies of mine who had just gotten his boat done from wrecking it in a Nitrous run. He has his cooling lines run wrong and melted BOTH his rubber hoses off the exhaust. He ran wide open through the No Wake AND right UP the ramp. Paint wasn't even a month old. eek!