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View Full Version : Today's outrages

11-08-2007, 12:38 PM
Sometimes I worry about our country:
Here, you can get a picture of your dog with Santa Claus for $10.
For Veteran's Day, a school will talk about conscientious objectors.
I am not making this up.

11-08-2007, 12:58 PM
in what context did they talk about "conscientious objectors"?
if a student asked what it was do you think the teacher should have dodged the question? or expalined to them about an all volenteer army where people complain about being sent to war after they have received the benefits of goverment service after knowingly accepting the responsibility to do so?

11-08-2007, 01:42 PM
in what context did they talk about "conscientious objectors"?
if a student asked what it was do you think the teacher should have dodged the question? or expalined to them about an all volenteer army where people complain about being sent to war after they have received the benefits of goverment service after knowingly accepting the responsibility to do so?
Many soldiers who were drafted under the threat of imprisonment might not agree. :idea:

11-08-2007, 02:18 PM
Sorry, I just caught the end of it on Rush.
I have nothing against cons. objectors per se, but the context was instead of honoring our vets, were going to do this.
Further outrages at school:
Have you been forced by the school board to go sit with your kids and watch an Inconvenient Truth yet?
I would love to go and make comments like MST 3000. Take a laughing box, etc.
The other day my 5th grader told me that we were all going to die cuz of global warming, that deserves a collective bitch slap.
Meanwhile one school is pushing yoga to destress. Not that yoga is bad, but they could start by not guilting the crap out of the kids at the indoctrination center. And the yoga is being lobbied with your tax dollars by the Dept of Ag.

11-08-2007, 02:49 PM
Many soldiers who were drafted under the threat of imprisonment might not agree. :idea:
The term "conscientious objectors" as it is most commonly used in the last 20 years, Is often claimed by people that joined the military with the mindset that they would never actually see combat and thought the military was a easy check.
And yes in the early 80's alot of guys joined with the idea they would never see deployment.

centerhill condor
11-08-2007, 03:02 PM
So, the Dems in Congress have this pay as you play idea regarding the budget...The FAA has a "trust fund" for the FAA type stuff...keeping America's skies safe etc...well, the dems want to raid that fund to reduce the number of people tagged with the AMT.
Also, the Dems want to ad a few lines, with Ralph Nader's approval, that do away with the agreement to arbitrate instead of litigate...all contracts would be affected even the ones signed years ago by consenting adults.
America's trial lawyers will love this and the cost of doing business in the USA will escalate...look for the VETO.