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View Full Version : Airplane , Who the Phuck said Airplane....

Sleeper CP
11-08-2007, 06:16 PM
This ain't no phucking treadmil.....
Sleeper CP
Big Inch Ford Lover

11-08-2007, 06:26 PM
Awesome video, I've never seen that on film before.

Excessive Force
11-08-2007, 08:39 PM
what is that? is that photoshop

Sleeper CP
11-08-2007, 08:47 PM
what is that? is that photoshop
Water vapor or condensation. As a jet approaches the sound barrier (super sonic speed) it is in a trans-sonic zone the shock wave compresses the air around the jet and basically squeezes the water out of the air.
But it is not to un-like a consendation trail off of a jets wing when it is landing. I have seen a few really cool one's where every part of the jet was covered in a fog except for the canopy. That was on the USS Ranger the jet looked like it was out of a Sci-fi movie. And then at the Miramar air show twice when the humidity was very high a couple of the jet's on high speed high G moves the same type of thing happened.
But the trans-sonic one's look cool
Sleeper CP
Big Inch Ford Lover

11-08-2007, 09:39 PM
That was bad ass........I saw the same thing on the ground with LIGHT when the sound barrier was broken at black lake a few years ago. From an aerial shot, everything in front of the jet powered vehicle was dark, extending out from the very tip of the vehicle at about 30 degrees in both directions. Everything behind the vehicle was in bright sunlight...........MP