View Full Version : Winterizing the motor and pump... help

11-12-2007, 07:21 AM
Ok, so the temps here in S.E. Michigan are dropping into the 30's... This is my first jet boat and just checking if there is any special i need to do to the pump to winterize it and get all the water out. I don't want any surprises when spring comes around...!
I already know the basic things to do to the motor, but i'm open to any suggestions or comments. My combo is the ol' BBO 455 and 'cuzzi pump.
**i already posted this in the 'blower motor' section already on accident, admin please delete that one!**

11-12-2007, 07:31 AM
Ok, so the temps here in S.E. Michigan are dropping into the 30's... This is my first jet boat and just checking if there is any special i need to do to the pump to winterize it and get all the water out. I don't want any surprises when spring comes around...!
I already know the basic things to do to the motor, but i'm open to any suggestions or comments. My combo is the ol' BBO 455 and 'cuzzi pump.
**i already posted this in the 'blower motor' section already on accident, admin please delete that one!**
Just make sure you shut off your water valve to the pump or all the antifreeze from you block will drain back out your pump. ( DONT FORGET TO TURN IT BACK ON NEXT SPRING) :D I just hit all the a greese zerts with some greese and call it a day. :D

11-12-2007, 07:34 AM
this was posted a couple weeks age on this same board,explains things.

11-12-2007, 07:39 AM
Just make sure you shut off your water valve to the pump or all the antifreeze from you block will drain back out your pump. (
u talking about the hose that's on the side of the pump that feeds the motor with water? I don't have a valve there.... maybe i'll install one so the anti freeze doesn't flush back through into the pump like you said. it is just a black rubber hose... It is the same hose i connect a garden hose to if i wanna fire the motor on the trailer.

11-12-2007, 07:42 AM
How do you control the amount of water pressure in your block with out a valve? :idea:

11-12-2007, 07:47 AM
ok, found a great thread on winterizing...have that all tooken care of.
as far as controling the water pressure.... um i don't think i am. I keep the boat at my dads shop so i'll check it out tonight to see if there is some sort of valve. i don't think there is any. matter of fact i know there isn't. it just go's into a t fitting. is it bad if i don't control the pressure??!!

11-12-2007, 07:47 AM
I have a pressure regulator and a valve on mine. I flushed my system out with antifreeze, but left the valve open. All you need is to flush out the system with antifreeze to be sure there isnt any water in there. It doesnt need to stay there. When I first got my boat, it never had a valve or anything and I never had a problem. Just make sure that the antifreeze gets everywhere that there might be water, such as exhaust manifolds and such.
Put a large bucket underneath the pump nozzle and that will catch most of what runs out. I also made sure I had it running out my exhaust too, but not a lot, so it wasnt a huge mess, but you might want to put something under the exhaust tips also. Oh yeah, I have logs, not headers...

11-12-2007, 07:53 AM
ok, found a great thread on winterizing...have that all tooken care of.
as far as controling the water pressure.... um i don't think i am. I keep the boat at my dads shop so i'll check it out tonight to see if there is some sort of valve. i don't think there is any. matter of fact i know there isn't. it just go's into a t fitting. is it bad if i don't control the pressure??!!
What is your opperating temp? :idea: My TX has a valve on it like a hose spicket on the outside of your house you can control the amount of water going in the block to get you opperating temp UP at a good number, so your engine runs better, with out this I would think your temp gage would barly read 100 degrees. But I may be mistaken, lets see what everybody else thinks.

11-12-2007, 09:05 AM
umm, well, hate to say this but the sending unit is bad, and the gauge never worked.:jawdrop:
I only had the boat in the water 3 times this year and it was all in october! the boat hasn't been in the water in 10 years, and it needed alot of mechanical work. So i was just to dam anxious to get it out when my father and i got it ready. I know it was running cool and not overheating. next spring i'm gonna get the gauge working and install a valve in the line

11-12-2007, 09:10 AM
Before I installed the regulator and thermostat, mine would run at around 100. Maybe 110 after going very slow for awhile. Now she runs about 160 with the therostat...

11-12-2007, 09:10 AM
Good Idea... :D

11-13-2007, 11:25 AM
I don't know if it was mentioned in the other thread or not. As a precaution for the pump, I lower the trailer tongue as low as it will go. Then shut the valve from the pump to the block and shoot the leaf blower into the nozzle for a few minutes. It is hard to believe how much water stays in there even after a drive home from the lake ect.