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View Full Version : Tell me about this SANDRAIL

11-16-2007, 03:54 PM
Are they any good, I know nothing about sandrails...
And dont throw out there a 100K tatum either

11-16-2007, 03:59 PM
Nice cars!!! But with your wife's baller status i would look further ahead and get a really nice car

11-16-2007, 04:01 PM
She doesnt not want to spend all her money on a car that is used 3 months out of the year.
What other cars are nice in that price range....
Dont forget still have to buy a 5th wheel to put it in....

11-16-2007, 04:05 PM
I talked to Shawn Gibson about his and he really likes it.
I have two other friends who have owned them and they also liked them.
Alan the owner seems to be a nice guy who will build the car to your spec's if need be.
The only downfall (last time I heard) was that they were about a year out due to the popularity of their cars.
Hope this helps.

Cole Trickle
11-16-2007, 04:06 PM
Nice sand car. It's not a heavy duty dual sport so I wouldn't pound through the hard pack at 100mph.
Extreme makes good stuff and used to always have a long waiting list.
Have you looked over at Glamis Dunes in the buggy classifieds? Honestly I think you would be making a huge mistake to buy new with what is on the market.:)

11-16-2007, 04:07 PM
She doesnt not want to spend all her money on a car that is used 3 months out of the year.
What other cars are nice in that price range....
Dont forget still have to buy a 5th wheel to put it in....
Don't forget to save out some extra $$$ for driving classes!
They don't throw in spin out classes with the purchase of sand cars unless of course you step up and buy the DCB car.:D

11-16-2007, 04:08 PM
She doesnt not want to spend all her money on a car that is used 3 months out of the year.
What other cars are nice in that price range....
Dont forget still have to buy a 5th wheel to put it in....
What's your price range? Do you mind buying used?
I bought my 05 S.U. for 25k less than it would have cost to build.
Good deals on used cars right now.

JB in so cal
11-16-2007, 04:09 PM
Don't forget to save out some extra $$$ for driving classes!
They don't throw in spin out classes with the purchase of sand cars unless of course you step up and buy the DCB car.:D
Damn. I was too slow!

11-16-2007, 04:09 PM
If your gonna drive it like you do the boat. Do us a favor and stay in the water. Your safer over there!!!! Like said before i think its a big mistake buying a new car right now with all the nice hardware for sale maybe used only a few trips. To be honest you could pick up a really nice piece right now for around 40K

11-16-2007, 04:13 PM
A buddy of mine has one with a twin turbo Mazda rotary in it. He loves it. He breaks a lot of shit but it usually something in the drive train he breaks. I've never heard any complaints from him regarding dealing with Extreme.

11-16-2007, 04:17 PM
[QUOTE=BLOWN HOWARD;2898950]If your gonna drive it like you do the boat. Do us a favor and stay in the water. Your safer over there!!!!
That's about the best thing I have heard around here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sqeyes:

11-16-2007, 04:22 PM
Don't be fooled by the $41,000 price tag. After adding the things that would make it nice car for the dunes, you'll be pushing 60K. If I were to order that car, I'd add bypass shocks, better tranny, & a little more motor. Not saying you wouldn't have fun in the stock configuration, just a little more fun with better reliability with the add ons.

Tunnel Vision
11-16-2007, 04:25 PM
"Tell me about this sandrail"... hmmm, It has four tires.....

11-16-2007, 04:39 PM
Are they any good, I know nothing about sandrails...
And dont throw out there a 100K tatum either
TOP OF THE LINE (http://www.mosebillt.com/)
having driven the MB2 myself, everything else just feels like junk;)

11-16-2007, 05:02 PM
[QUOTE=BLOWN HOWARD;2898950]If your gonna drive it like you do the boat. Do us a favor and stay in the water. Your safer over there!!!!
That's about the best thing I have heard around here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sqeyes:
Sorry, it will be the Mrs. you have to watch out for.......:eek:

11-16-2007, 05:57 PM
Depends on your buget and how "big" of a car you want.
The EcoII, Desert Dynamics, SU make good affordable 5 seater cars. If you want a little smaller that fits in a toy hauler then I would go with a Buggy Works car. No need to change tires to get it into the toy hauler and does just well out in the dunes with an LS1 and a 2D :D

11-16-2007, 06:00 PM
Very nice cars, if you're looking to buy these are nice too, http://www.buckshotracing.com/

11-16-2007, 06:09 PM
Wait I forgot Miguel is straight baller status...then I would go with an http://www.allstarchassiswerx.com/ :D

11-16-2007, 06:25 PM
And if you really want the good shit then
Johnny Kaiser at Alpha Cars ltd.

11-16-2007, 06:37 PM
Extreme makes a great car.

JB in so cal
11-16-2007, 06:45 PM
OK. Miguel - I hope all your questions have been answered...
Lol!!!:) :)

11-16-2007, 06:47 PM
Someone has the fever.....:D

11-16-2007, 06:49 PM
Are they any good, I know nothing about sandrails...
And dont throw out there a 100K tatum either
I have a buddy that is selling his Dejong 5 seater, LS1, intercomm, etc. Sweet car. He is in Vegas.

11-16-2007, 07:08 PM
Extreme performance makes a great car. A good buddy loved his. Very well built and reliable.Unfortunately it and his trailer were parked in his garage, when he lost his home in the fires.

11-16-2007, 07:28 PM

11-16-2007, 07:41 PM
I have one of these cars. It isn't a HUGE travel machine, but it is the best duning car I have ever ridden in. Don't get me wrong, I love the big 1 3/4" chassis V8 cars with 26" of travel, but I would much rather dune in my car. Mine makes 430hp at the crank with 2D and an aftermarket sequential shift kit. The cars handles incredible and is very stable. If you ust want to jump and run the sand highway whoops 90% of the time then this is the wrong car, but if you want to smash your buddies through the dunes , then you should consider a car like mine. I have buddies with big cars (Buckshots etc.) and they walk from me on sand highway, but through the dunes I definitely have the advantage. Good luck. P.S., this is not my car, but it is really close to what I have.

11-16-2007, 07:57 PM
If you have the cash defintiely buy used there are alot for sale some have been up for a looonnggg time.
Low ball an offer and see what happens.I am sure you will find a good deal this way.

11-16-2007, 08:25 PM
Extreme performance makes a great car. A good buddy loved his. Very well built and reliable.Unfortunately it and his trailer were parked in his garage, when he lost his home in the fires.
Was this guy's house in Fallbrook??? I heard about a sand car and 5th wheeler that burned? :( :(

11-16-2007, 08:36 PM
I don't know if that's your bud or something, but Mosebilt is about as top of the line as Hyundai.
not to many $70k Hyundai's out there;) ...but "to each his own"
26" travel in all four corners, and a 550hp LS option, I drove the black MB2 that is pictured in the website, they drove out to Glimas on a Tuesday just to meet me for a demo, and fool turned me loose with the car:jawdrop: :D , could not get past 3rd gear at gecko nor try as I did, I could not bottom it out not even droping into a "witch-eye", and with my "tonage" thats saying something:) , the trans package I wanted put into the $90k area and out of reach, otherwise best sand car I have ever driven

11-16-2007, 08:37 PM
Oh, plan on putting about $5,000 a year aside to fix that 2D. ;)
I thought it said 4D No???

11-16-2007, 08:45 PM
Nope, it's a Mendy MD4E-2D. It's a 4E that's been made into a 2D. 375HP max. And, about $15k cheaper than an HD4.
Uh trick in numbers.... I thought that number was cheap. After you put trick satuff on your at 70K+

11-16-2007, 09:36 PM
Whatever happened to just being fine and a fun rail? Haven't the Jones' died yet?

11-16-2007, 09:51 PM
Whatever happened to just being fine and a fun rail? Haven't the Jones' died yet?
no....... your mandatory sand car must have real "Corinthian leather" and a 1.2 jigawatt stereo system to be allowed at glimas:) :) :D

11-17-2007, 07:00 AM
TOP OF THE LINE (http://www.mosebillt.com/)
having driven the MB2 myself, everything else just feels like junk;)
I love the 2 seater.. Ive been talking about this company for the last two years..
They have some killer stuff.. I was going to demo .. but the purchase was pending a boat sale that never happend..
these guys are able to do special orders.. I needed a short car that would fit in my 12' garage.. :D

11-17-2007, 07:12 AM
I'm gonna tell you right now, Extreme don't sell no $41,000 buggies. I'd bet their average buggy is about the same as ours, $95k.
If I am not mistaken I thin Fullerton got his for about 60k

11-17-2007, 07:27 AM
I'm gonna tell you right now, Extreme don't sell no $41,000 buggies. I'd bet their average buggy is about the same as ours, $95k.

11-17-2007, 07:55 AM
Remember you always get what you pay for, Extreme is one of the best but not the cheapest. Here's a used one built last year with hardly any use.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2007-EXTREME-PERFORMANCE-DOUBLE-THROWDOWN-2_W0QQitemZ320169331901QQihZ011QQcategoryZ133220QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

11-17-2007, 08:00 AM
I love the 2 seater.. Ive been talking about this company for the last two years..
They have some killer stuff.. I was going to demo .. but the purchase was pending a boat sale that never happend..
these guys are able to do special orders.. I needed a short car that would fit in my 12' garage.. :D
wait till you drive it.....:D Good Lord it's fast, the way it's geared 3rd is about all you need to use from farting around to ...oh chit I am going to fast, I could find no bad handling characteristics, the tilt wheel is a nice touch;) not to mention how quiet it is, seems like a good bunch to work with, they dragged a Prevost coach and matching double decker trailer to glimas just to meet me for about 4hrs of demo, so you gota figure "service" is a high priority for them;) the base model trans seems to be the only weak link here kinda Hyundai-ish:jawdrop: :D , those Mendola 2D's are not the strongest things in the world, there is a thicker gear set for the 2D's that help, but a upgrade to another trans that won't need a $2k rebuild every season would be the better choice in the long run (IMO)

11-17-2007, 08:07 AM
An Eco Chassis or a Funco IMO are going to be some of the best duning cars out there. They are light, and dont sit 20 feet in the air like some of these other cars. I have two friends with Eco Chassis 1's (now they make the Eco2), and they are great cars. Now if you are wanting to dune they are the top 3 cars out there. If you are wanting to blast through the woops and pull wheelies down the drags then buy another car that is heavier so that it can absorb the woops a little bit.
One of the Eco's we have is a 4 seater LS1 built, and the other is a 2 seater shortstar. Both dune VERY well! If it going to be just you and the wife, I personally would go with a 2 seater.
I have a friend with a double throwdown, and it doesnt DUNE anywhere near as good. Too top heavy and feel kinda "loppy".
Another friend has a big5 gen4 and that is probably the top duning car Ive ever ridden in.

11-17-2007, 08:13 AM
I'm gonna tell you right now, Extreme don't sell no $41,000 buggies. I'd bet their average buggy is about the same as ours, $95k.
I would say maybe there avg buggy goes for about 85k, however you CAN buy a basic buggy in the mid 40's from them. I wouldnt get all tricked out anyways. Why have a sick paintjob? Then your worried too much about scraches. Give me a mendeola, a subaru, some great suspension, and a 5 point harness. Beadlock rims arent necesarry for duning... you dont need 30k in paint... dont need a GPS if you know where everything is in glamis already.... dont need tv's and other dumb sht... Hell, you can buy styraphome and convert most trunks into mini coolers! So to say that they dont sell many may be true, but they still will build it... especially in todays market.
Miguel, I would look used, Ive seen an Eco Chasis for just under 30k (1 year old)

11-17-2007, 10:20 AM
I like the Elite Sand Cars my self. Really nice craftsmanship on the car and great guys to deal with. And there not f-ing huge like most cars out there. I think most builders forget about the weight in the sand, and just add more horsepower to off set it.

11-17-2007, 03:53 PM
I like the Elite Sand Cars my self. Really nice craftsmanship on the car and great guys to deal with. And there not f-ing huge like most cars out there. I think most builders forget about the weight in the sand, and just add more horsepower to off set it.
Do you have a sand car Chris?

Fast Freddy
11-18-2007, 09:17 AM
there is not a sandrail made on this planet that i cannot break. the stronger they are built just means the faster and BIGGER i can go. every rail has its limit and i will find it.

11-18-2007, 09:45 AM
Other options,
Race proven
Stepped up
This is just the beginning. They all are basically all the same. Chromaly bent steel frames with a v8 way over inflated. Freaking shocks could run you 5K for the right set. But for the dunes all you need are some good Ranchos:D Happy dune-nen