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View Full Version : Fun Fast Family Sport; Lake Havasu Water Ski Races

11-24-2007, 03:21 PM
During the 3rd weekend of February, 16-17 there are going to be water ski races held at Lake Havasu on Windsor beach so if you would like to come check out the races or give it a shot, please contact me and i can set you up with a boat and any needed gear. Or just bring out your boat and play skis and run what you brung. There will also be races on the 2nd weekend of March at Parker in AZ there hosted at the beach down by the blue water casino.
For more info please contact me here or go to nwsra.net
New classes have been opened for the 08 season so come check it out

11-25-2007, 06:00 PM
any takers

11-25-2007, 06:07 PM
Will pass the info on to one of my buddies that used to do the Long Beach to Catalina race.

11-26-2007, 05:30 PM
thanks. thats a great race.
and you should bring that stoker out they have outboard classes it would be a great boat to run.

11-26-2007, 05:58 PM
this does sound tempting. hafta get my boat to run first.

11-26-2007, 09:43 PM
for all the regs to run boat in the races go to the fallowing link
the only major requerment is that you have fire ext, kill switch w/ lanired, paddle, flar gun, fmh radio, and life lines and helmets.
some of the gear can be loanded out to fiest time racers.

11-27-2007, 07:39 AM
Mine not fast enough to race. Would be better suited for my buddies. His 20.1 runs close to 100 with a 3.0L V6
thanks. thats a great race.
and you should bring that stoker out they have outboard classes it would be a great boat to run.

11-27-2007, 09:20 AM
Mine not fast enough to race. Would be better suited for my buddies. His 20.1 runs close to 100 with a 3.0L V6
Ritchey & all,
That is the most common misconception. This is why NWSRA is trying to make many changes to the rules and classes. Very few skiers can actually "outski" the boat, and if they can, yes they are running behind the big boys at 100+. You would be hard pressed to find a skier to get behind your friends boat and let him pull him at that speed without a long period of proving himself as a driver. But, some of the most entertaining races are often the races with skiers who are giving it their all to stay at around 60-70 mph. Stock boat class says that the boat, by itself, cannot attain a speed in excess of 70mph. There is also talk of a new class that limits the boats to never exceed 60mph, which really requires great teamwork to not break (tested by gps) 60. The average speed for many of the marathon divisions is no where near what you think. To run at even 50-60mph for 30 minutes will take a great effort by any skier.
Yea, there are a few "open" type boats with mega power and unreal top speed (and they are awesome to watch run). But what ski racing needs is "entry" level owners, like you, to give it a try and get the new people involved.
It is a great family sport that everyone can get involved at some point: driver, observer, skier or race help. Does it really matter if you went 50 or 80 as long as you are having a great time and getting a taste of "racing"? If you have never been in an actual race with your boat, it is a rush at any speed. I know, my boat barely breaks 65mph right now and the feeling is like being a kid again.:D

11-27-2007, 11:44 AM
for all the regs to run boat in the races go to the fallowing link
the only major requerment is that you have fire ext, kill switch w/ lanired, paddle, flar gun, fmh radio, and life lines and helmets.
some of the gear can be loanded out to fiest time racers.
Does the Boat Driver still need a DOT physical and the Observer First Aid/CPR certified? May like to point that out as well... ;)

11-27-2007, 11:47 AM
Good points. Sent the info to my buddy with the Stoker. He used to do the Long Beach to Catalina race many years ago.
Ritchey & all,
That is the most common misconception. This is why NWSRA is trying to make many changes to the rules and classes. Very few skiers can actually "outski" the boat, and if they can, yes they are running behind the big boys at 100+. You would be hard pressed to find a skier to get behind your friends boat and let him pull him at that speed without a long period of proving himself as a driver. But, some of the most entertaining races are often the races with skiers who are giving it their all to stay at around 60-70 mph. Stock boat class says that the boat, by itself, cannot attain a speed in excess of 70mph. There is also talk of a new class that limits the boats to never exceed 60mph, which really requires great teamwork to not break (tested by gps) 60. The average speed for many of the marathon divisions is no where near what you think. To run at even 50-60mph for 30 minutes will take a great effort by any skier.
Yea, there are a few "open" type boats with mega power and unreal top speed (and they are awesome to watch run). But what ski racing needs is "entry" level owners, like you, to give it a try and get the new people involved.
It is a great family sport that everyone can get involved at some point: driver, observer, skier or race help. Does it really matter if you went 50 or 80 as long as you are having a great time and getting a taste of "racing"? If you have never been in an actual race with your boat, it is a rush at any speed. I know, my boat barely breaks 65mph right now and the feeling is like being a kid again.:D

11-27-2007, 04:16 PM
Does the Boat Driver still need a DOT physical and the Observer First Aid/CPR certified? May like to point that out as well... ;)
Yes, it is true. But any local Dr. can do the blood pressure, etc. to get the physical done, it is very basic. The CPR thing is in fact required, but if you do not have one, there is usually people there who are qualified and will jump in to observe.
The basic requirements for the boat itself are: foot pedal, kill switch and a solid steering system. You are not required to have a rear facing seat, etc.

11-28-2007, 04:13 PM
riverkid and halvecta thanks for the added info and ski racing really needs more boats skiers ect. so who cares your boats top speed or ski capibilitys just come out and its a garinted rush.

11-28-2007, 04:13 PM
riverkid did you used to own the 623 connley w/ the 300 promax

River Lynchmob
11-28-2007, 05:31 PM
:D So at 46, and having a blown, v-drive, 21', full interior & never competed, what classes could I ski ??
Social class...arms out front 69" taper backed ski with 100' line max :D

11-28-2007, 06:41 PM
riverkid did you used to own the 623 connley w/ the 300 promax
That's my buddy Jeff... :)

11-28-2007, 06:42 PM
:D so I guess I was pretty stupid to have been pulled behind the same boat with my 68" EP Prostock ski, 75' line, over 75mph for numerous miles back in the day:jawdrop: :jawdrop: social class my ass !!, gimme one of them Maha's !!!
I have one you can borrow... :)

11-28-2007, 06:49 PM
in the leg before the race starts. Easy... :D :D

11-28-2007, 08:49 PM
river kid i ski behind that boat.
and bob hes an old guy you could beat him. if you need any of the gear send me a pm and we can figure out what you need and so on

12-05-2007, 07:49 PM
:confused: we had some interest what happened

12-10-2007, 06:37 PM

12-10-2007, 06:45 PM
river kid i ski behind that boat.
and bob hes an old guy you could beat him. if you need any of the gear send me a pm and we can figure out what you need and so on
Catalina 07... :D

12-10-2007, 06:58 PM
:confused: we had some interest what happened
I'll give you my opinion.
I was a regular (observer) for a couple decades, early 80's to early 00's and still do the Catalina race.
From what I see ski racing is in trouble.
First and primary: Kids are not growing up water skiing any longer. So the pool to draw from just is not there. There are a few, but not like it used to be. I remember the Lake Mead marathons when you could literally not fit another boat on the beach. 100+/- boats easy. Now what is it, 15, 20, maybe 30 on a good weekend?
Wakeboarders as a general rule don't graduate into waterski racing. They have to be exposed to water skiing to become interested. I certainly don't have an answer on how to overcome this and take ski racing in an upward direction again in terms of the present limited or poor participation level.
Second: Costs. Of boats, of fuel, of everything. It is not an inexpensive sport if you want to compete at the higher levels. A lot of guys have left the sport due to this.
Just an observation from what I see and hear.

12-10-2007, 07:02 PM
I'll give you my opinion.
I was a regular (observer) for a couple decades, early 80's to early 00's and still do the Catalina race.
From what I see ski racing is in trouble.
First and primary: Kids are not growing up water skiing any longer. So the pool to draw from just is not there. There are a few, but not like it used to be. I remember the Lake Mead marathons when you could literally not fit another boat on the beach. 100+/- boats easy. Now what is it, 15, 20, maybe 30 on a good weekend?
Wakeboarders as a general rule don't graduate into waterski racing. They have to be exposed to water skiing to become interested. I certainly don't have an answer on how to overcome this and take ski racing in an upward direction again in terms of the present limited or poor participation level.
Second: Costs. Of boats, of fuel, of everything. It is not an inexpensive sport if you want to compete at the higher levels. A lot of guys have left the sport due to this.
Just an observation from what I see and hear.

12-10-2007, 09:15 PM
Yeah what Rex One said and he wore the same life jacket for two decades ;)

12-10-2007, 09:53 PM
Rex one.
That is very true the # of water skiers is minimal as it is when you go to the river the majority is now wakeboarders and the skiers out there are typically racers. and the expense are huge the gas bill alone is harsh. but this all is avoidable what is needed is new classes that welcome the average weekend warrior with any type of boat and play ski. this could keep it relitivly cheap considering a racing weekend. there are two new classes with a speed limit of 60 mph hope fully this will draw in people.
I also had an idea of a small block naturaly asperated class to keep the boat cost and speed down for new racers.
any ideas would be welcomed

12-10-2007, 09:56 PM
riverkid did u pull him in catalina 2 yrs ago

12-10-2007, 09:59 PM
Yeah what Rex One said and he wore the same life jacket for two decades ;)
Going on 3. :D

12-10-2007, 10:59 PM
I'll give you my opinion.
First and primary: Kids are not growing up water skiing any longer. So the pool to draw from just is not there....
True, but what about all the kids of the former skiers? It seems the next generation should be getting around to it. Someone probably is still driving around Dad's old Hallett or Schiada.
Wakeboarders as a general rule don't graduate into waterski racing.
Sad, but true. Wakeboarding is a culture that is very different than the old ski racing group.
Second: Costs. Of boats, of fuel, of everything. It is not an inexpensive sport if you want to compete at the higher levels. A lot of guys have left the sport due to this.
I agree, it is not "cheap", but either is a week at Mammoth or the beach. There sure are a bunch of boats that people have sunk many thousands of dollars in, and now they cannot seem to fill it with gas?
My observation and experience is that the barrier to entry may be uncertainty and some intimidation. Unless you know someone personally who is already out there, there are a number of questions that someone would need to have answered before he/she feels confident to get out there. Pulling or skiing with multiple boats out there at once is not to be taken lightly. The feeling that a stock boat is inadequate or noncompetitive is very likely. To drive into Lake Havasu and say OK here we are, let's race; would take some serious guts. The few times we have made it out there we had a blast, and never came close to winning. I think many assume that if you do not have a twin turbo gem with a spare engine and drive in your trailer, then you are wasting your time coming out.
It seems that figuring out a way to communicate to people that although it needs to be taken seriously for safety, the point is to get out there and run what you brung. If the ski racing bug bites, then you can decide how far to take it in time and investment. Maybe a "open house" day, or a rookie day out at Puddingstone or Parker to get all the folks that "would if they thought they could" to come out and learn the ropes.
New Maha ski = $1,200
Old Murdock ski = $200
New Schiada = $85,000
Old Howard or Hallett = $15,000
Tank of gas = $150
Meet great people, some adrenaline, a huge smile and quality family time = priceless

12-11-2007, 04:58 AM
Good suggestions and observations H.
As far as the kids of skiers becoming involved, I know several who are. But there's just not enough from that source alone. Like any sport, interests change and people go off and do other things. Without the influx of new people (waterskiers coming in unrelated to present participants) it's a tough road to maintain numbers needed.
Times have changed a lot and it seems in watersports, boarding is now more the rule vs the exception and skiing has taken over the exception role. I agree the "get aquainted" techniques need to be exploited by the assn and those involved. Because at what point does it become not viable to even put on races in terms of participant numbers? It is not cheap to put on these events even with all volunteer workers. If it falls below that point then big trouble is on the horizon for the sport (any sport).
Enough are involved with Australian ski racing and have been down there. (I haven't). I'd take a hard look at how they keep it going as they seem pretty successful participant wise. What methods do they employ to bring young people into it?
Another issue here is the US is there is SO MANY competing interests, sports, activities, and shit to do. Makes it difficult for a relatively obscure sport such as ski racing to gain and maintain a foothold.

Icarus prospector
12-11-2007, 05:42 AM
Very true. A corollary is the snow ski / snowboard population.

12-11-2007, 06:56 AM
riverkid did u pull him in catalina 2 yrs ago
He ran Catalina in '05. I think this is when he broke his ankle skiing behind my Schiada... I have some heart issues so I don't drive anymore. I observe or nav in the Catalina Race. We usually ski Over & Back, Double Up or Vet Mens, depending on who comes over from AUS.
That's Kyle pulling him in '07. Jeff's old Schiada was pretty sick too...
My buddy who own the 38 sold it this year so I don't think I'll be doing Catalina any more either...

12-11-2007, 07:11 AM
it starts getting expensive... :sqeyes:

12-11-2007, 07:31 AM
Relatively speaking it's always been expensive.
Halvecta & W.O.TMarine were you at the NWSRA meeting last month?
A lot of good ideas floating around there.
As far a wake boarding is concerned your all right it's what everyone is doing and the families are buying specific boats just for this. these boats aren't cheap either.
We are one of the original extreme sports. I think with some awareness through marketing we can appeal to the wake board crowd.

12-11-2007, 07:54 AM
nobody wanted to race after your daughter quit? :D :D

12-11-2007, 07:59 AM
nobody wanted to race after your daughter quit? :D :D
You didn't hear about her trophy winning runs at San Diego & Puddingstone?
She's a perfect example of how you can have fun win a trophy and not be that fast. Although she does have a good driver

12-11-2007, 08:04 AM
...Although she does have a good driver
Nice work... :D :D

12-11-2007, 08:09 AM
you should get back out to the River w/us that was a fun afternoon at the sandbar!
Or better yet get involved in the racing again. Your wife's running marathons maybe it's time for her to step up and ski a marathon. Got a boat ready for her!

12-11-2007, 08:15 AM
As far a wake boarding is concerned your all right it's what everyone is doing and the families are buying specific boats just for this. these boats aren't cheap either.
My brothers correctcraft cost about the same as a new brummit efi turbo engine. Maybe even a little less.

12-11-2007, 08:21 AM
My brothers correctcraft cost about the same as a new brummit efi turbo engine. Maybe even a little less.
Don't need to use a Bummet turbo motor to have fun. I started with a 21' Lavey Craft with a sock 454. Plenty of single engine O/B's running in F2 class
May with enough interest we could have a class for tournament ski or wake board boats

12-11-2007, 08:40 AM
you should get back out to the River w/us that was a fun afternoon at the sandbar!
Or better yet get involved in the racing again. Your wife's running marathons maybe it's time for her to step up and ski a marathon. Got a boat ready for her!
We couldn't even get the boat off the trailer before we were attacked (I think that was your Sea-Doo, too)...:D
She only tried her Maha once and couldn't get up... We will have to see about that. Got a 300 I can borrow? :D :D :D

12-11-2007, 08:45 AM
...I started with a 21' Lavey Craft with a stock 454.
Skier was slow, though...:o ;) :D
I've got some video of that someplace... :)

12-11-2007, 11:04 AM
Relatively speaking it's always been expensive.
Halvecta & W.O.TMarine were you at the NWSRA meeting last month?
A lot of good ideas floating around there.
No. Our goal is to make it out to 3 or 4 of the races this year. I am very curious to hear more about the new classes and races ( 60 mph, etc.).
As far a wake boarding is concerned your all right it's what everyone is doing and the families are buying specific boats just for this. these boats aren't cheap either.
We are one of the original extreme sports. I think with some awareness through marketing we can appeal to the wake board crowd.
It sure seems like there are quite a number of boats in general. Families with boats are much more common than 10 years ago.
Another one of the concerns that I have heard from some, including the old Arrowhead guard, is that speeds & risk have just gotten ridiculous. Including the very tragic accident this year at Mead, I think that many folks just do not have an interest in skiing or seeing their kid ski at very high speeds. While accidents have always been part of racing, to hear that Catalina is being done in 50-55 minutes :jawdrop: makes people do some quick math to figure out that these guys are flying. Without the experience to know those speeds are a very select few, the assumption is "my boat will not go that fast downriver with an empty tank, let alone pulling a skier who must be out of his mind".
I think that if people did not see it as just SPEED ski racing, but rather speed/skill/team/endurance racing they may be more inclined to give it a try. Yes, speed is critical. But in many of the classes, it ends up being the last man standing.

12-11-2007, 08:07 PM
These are all great ideas but it is very obvois that we are all ski racers in this fourm and, yes this does help for we all show up at a race weekend and say what the event holders should be doing to make it better so why dont we then.
I think ski racing needs a fresh start i think the mead race 2 years ago when paul ran it was great. There was no waiting around on one team to start an intire race and the scoring was held in a better fasion where it wasent the same people doning it every day and every race.
Also a newbee weekend at parker or a local lake would be great to have experiaced skiers and racer come out and team up with a family or group of people that wanted to try it. existing racers could bring old gear play boats. and storys to help cox these newly interested racers into out great sport.
last you dont need a $20000 boat to get started our very first race boat was a 19ft stoker vee bottom only one made with a 235 john used it in catalina many year that boat probably made 100+ trip to the island and back. never that fast but sure was fun.
last i started racing and skiing in the same year i was 10 and our only goal was to finnish the race, and hope i didnt fall too many times. so its really not about havin a 100 mph boat and being a rippin skier. its all about hookin up with a great group of people and havin a fun weekend of racing.

12-12-2007, 07:28 AM
[QUOTE=Halvecta;2938007] I am very curious to hear more about the new classes and races ( 60 mph, etc.).
New racing format for the year (unofficial):
Sat & Sunday each day of racing will include
30 minute men's marathon
30 minute women's marathon
20 minute mini marathon
4 to 5 circle races with classes for kids, novice, 60mph, & faster classes

Rvr Swpr
12-12-2007, 07:52 AM
Jim Barnard in Ventura has enjoyed Racing for alot of years.Seems he is always getting his boat ready.

12-12-2007, 08:32 AM
Don't need to use a Bummet turbo motor to have fun. I started with a 21' Lavey Craft with a sock 454. Plenty of single engine O/B's running in F2 class
May with enough interest we could have a class for tournament ski or wake board boats
understand, but I would think the boat would need enough oats to run 40+ with out it's tounge hanging out. I don't see tournament boat owners going racing pulling a skier. Just not their mind set.
But........ have you thought about a wake board class? I know it sounds goofy but they are having snow board races these days. Might get some intrest and when they want to go faster they might step on a ski.
Another thought might be to combine some of your events with a wake board / ski event. That might get your sport exposed to people that never thought about it before.

12-12-2007, 08:45 AM
understand, but I would think the boat would need enough oats to run 40+ with out it's tounge hanging out. I don't see tournament boat owners going racing pulling a skier. Just not their mind set.
But........ have you thought about a wake board class? I know it sounds goofy but they are having snow board races these days. Might get some intrest and when they want to go faster they might step on a ski.
Another thought might be to combine some of your events with a wake board / ski event. That might get your sport exposed to people that never thought about it before.
:idea: good idea about having wake board class.
the problem with combining a race with a wake board event would be time, if we do the new format with the marathon and circle races we will be hard pressed just to get these events completed

Rvr Swpr
12-12-2007, 08:47 AM
Make time,start earlier,move it along,etc.

12-12-2007, 09:20 AM
:idea: good idea about having wake board class.
the problem with combining a race with a wake board event would be time, if we do the new format with the marathon and circle races we will be hard pressed just to get these events completed
Maybe try and do some exhibition short course stuff at their event. Just for expouser, not points. I remember seeing it done at SCSC races at long beach. I loved it.

12-12-2007, 10:49 AM
Maybe try and do some exhibition short course stuff at their event. Just for expouser, not points. I remember seeing it doine at SCSC races at long beach. I loved it.
Great idea. Maybe even at some of those poker runs as well. Even if most of those boats are not set up for skiing, the people involved and watching are extreme sport types.

12-12-2007, 10:57 AM
Jim Barnard in Ventura has enjoyed Racing for alot of years.Seems he is always getting his boat ready.
He is a great guy. Every time I stop by his shop he is working on that old Hallett #501. He is definitely one of those guys that does it for fun and a chance to get out there and pull for anyone who is looking for a ride. Winning is nothing but a bonus for him. I think he even pulled that 70+ yr. old lady, I think here name is Alice, a few times. I know his boat can run pretty good and it is a 70's or early 80's Hallett. And watch out for that crazy parrot in his office!

Havasu Daytona
12-12-2007, 11:23 AM
I'm thinking about doing this. I have a friend of mine who has been the observer/navigator for the "P6" boat that has won the outboard class in the Catalina race almost every year.
I could be the first to win in a 21 Eliminator Daytona with a 300 Merc outboard. My GPS is right at 100MPH.

12-12-2007, 11:56 AM
I'll give you my opinion.
I was a regular (observer) for a couple decades, early 80's to early 00's and still do the Catalina race.
From what I see ski racing is in trouble.
First and primary: Kids are not growing up water skiing any longer. So the pool to draw from just is not there. There are a few, but not like it used to be. I remember the Lake Mead marathons when you could literally not fit another boat on the beach. 100+/- boats easy. Now what is it, 15, 20, maybe 30 on a good weekend?
Wakeboarders as a general rule don't graduate into waterski racing. They have to be exposed to water skiing to become interested. I certainly don't have an answer on how to overcome this and take ski racing in an upward direction again in terms of the present limited or poor participation level.
Second: Costs. Of boats, of fuel, of everything. It is not an inexpensive sport if you want to compete at the higher levels. A lot of guys have left the sport due to this.
Just an observation from what I see and hear.
Even with all that, will the icebergs even be melted yet in Feb?

12-12-2007, 12:20 PM
Great idea. Maybe even at some of those poker runs as well. Even if most of those boats are not set up for skiing, the people involved and watching are extreme sport types.
If someone skied one of the big poker runs they would be the talk of the town for sure!

12-12-2007, 12:33 PM
If someone skied one of the big poker runs they would be the talk of the town for sure!
I did not mean that they would ski it , but to have some sort of an exhibition just before or after. I think Randy Davis of Nordic and Mike Avila are both into all kinds of racing.
Then again, it would be classic to see the look on someone's face as Haig passes them at 100+ on a ski!:eek:

12-12-2007, 12:37 PM
I did not mean that they would ski it, but to have some sort of an exhibition just before or after. I think Randy Davis of Nordic and Mike Avila are both into all kinds of racing.
Then again, it would be classic to see the look on someone's face as Haig passes them at 100+ on a ski!:eek:
Oh they would have to ski it. If not the point would be moot.
My first trip to parker I thought I was all Billy Bad Azz with my flat. Bob T passed me pulling doubles. (figured out who it was a few years later) That was the first time I ever saw a speed skier.
Mad respect to you guys.

12-12-2007, 12:53 PM
Oh they would have to ski it. If not the point would be moot.
My first trip to parker I thought I was all Billy Bad Azz with my flat. Bob T passed me pulling doubles. (figured out who it was a few years later) That was the first time I ever saw a speed skier.
Mad respect to you guys.
I had the same experience, except it was in my first "stock" class race. I realized for the first time that my MPH gauge was a off.....it sure felt like 68 mph when I was by myself!!!
Boats have a great way of bringing reality to speed. You know, when your at a good clip and you feel like you are really moving, only to have some guy in sleeper boat run away from you. And you keep pushing the stick or pedal harder and harder 20+ times convinced that there must be something wrong! Unlike cars where it is rare to wring it out, but we have all reached our boat's "terminal velocity" only to go home and figure how much it would take to get more speed.

12-12-2007, 05:29 PM
I had the same experience, except it was in my first "stock" class race. I realized for the first time that my MPH gauge was a off.....it sure felt like 68 mph when I was by myself!!!
Boats have a great way of bringing reality to speed. You know, when your at a good clip and you feel like you are really moving, only to have some guy in sleeper boat run away from you. And you keep pushing the stick or pedal harder and harder 20+ times convinced that there must be something wrong! Unlike cars where it is rare to wring it out, but we have all reached our boat's "terminal velocity" only to go home and figure how much it would take to get more speed.
Been there and done that. Back in the day every place we went we pulled a skier. Now you hardly see anyone skiing, just morning or evenings. We used to ski all day long... Doesn't help with all the bigger boats now tearing up the water...

12-12-2007, 05:48 PM
Just my .02-
I have SKi Raced on and off since '89 ( not long enough in my opinion)
and have raced Novice, unblown prop, SR men, Stock boat, Outboard ( the NEW
F2 class) and have had fun at every race... Every thing out there has some sort of "life span" and Ski Racing keeps hanging on. There are classes for every one, lots of GREAT people and even when I don't ski, I still end up in PARKER!
Most of my last years have been spent behind a Stock Stoker with a 'rude XP" motor. You don't need to do 80 to have fun!!!!! Wake Boarders wish they could SKI!! Go team USA! ( and NWSRA)
Boat 527 and 143

12-12-2007, 05:56 PM
had a turbo'd 19' Spectra rigged by Teague in 1982 or so. Red boat, #143. He took me for a ride in that thing while I was in high school and it has been on ever since... :D

12-12-2007, 06:02 PM
I was referring to my brothers Hallett 210 # 143, I have also owned the old Edelbrock 19 Spectra, and now the 527. We still have the 19 ( My Brothers)
Fully re-rigged with a NA 502 , no rub rail, the Old 427 E-Brock boat. We like

12-12-2007, 06:13 PM
I've seen his Hallett. Nice.
I would like to know what happened to my neighbor (Tom Rossebo)'s Spectra. Was one of the last out of the mold, capped and she hauled the mail...

12-12-2007, 10:47 PM
Just my .02-
I have SKi Raced on and off since '89 ( not long enough in my opinion)
and have raced Novice, unblown prop, SR men, Stock boat, Outboard ( the NEW
F2 class) and have had fun at every race... Every thing out there has some sort of "life span" and Ski Racing keeps hanging on. There are classes for every one, lots of GREAT people and even when I don't ski, I still end up in PARKER!
Most of my last years have been spent behind a Stock Stoker with a 'rude XP" motor. You don't need to do 80 to have fun!!!!! Wake Boarders wish they could SKI!! Go team USA! ( and NWSRA)
Boat 527 and 143
Is your #527 the Vector with a speedmaster drive, red interior and race layup that was for sale up in the Northwest some time ago?

12-13-2007, 06:48 AM
Yes it is, wounded pretty badly last winter... Had to go boatless until September ( which sucked) New 502, Aluminum heads, Roller cam and the new Twin Carb Air gap Manifold... Probably soon to be Sold, the Family is growing>>> All around great boat, I have had it since '95.

12-13-2007, 08:30 AM
[QUOTE=Havasu Daytona;2939522]I'm thinking about doing this. I have a friend of mine who has been the observer/navigator for the "P6" boat that has won the outboard class in the Catalina race almost every year.
I could be the first to win in a 21 Eliminator Daytona with a 300 Merc outboard. My GPS is right at 100MPH.
P6 an institution at the Catalina race. The great thing about ski racing is theres a class for everyone and if you've seen the P6 boat you know what I mean (riverkid you got a P6 pic you could post)
You could enter your daytona in F2 is the motor stock? we don't have anyone in this class running 100mph. Maybe tough finding a skier to run behind a Daytona. but if you got it all together to run a race you'd be getting alot of attention

12-13-2007, 08:54 AM
Yes it is, wounded pretty badly last winter... Had to go boatless until September ( which sucked) New 502, Aluminum heads, Roller cam and the new Twin Carb Air gap Manifold... Probably soon to be Sold, the Family is growing>>> All around great boat, I have had it since '95.
Uh oh, what happened and have you had any problems getting parts and maintenance for that drive?
Do you plan on coming south for any races?
Havasu Daytona - go for it. This is what it is about. As long as you take it seriously enough to be safe. Give it a whirl.

Rvr Swpr
12-13-2007, 09:04 AM
He is a great guy. Every time I stop by his shop he is working on that old Hallett #501. He is definitely one of those guys that does it for fun and a chance to get out there and pull for anyone who is looking for a ride. Winning is nothing but a bonus for him. I think he even pulled that 70+ yr. old lady, I think here name is Alice, a few times. I know his boat can run pretty good and it is a 70's or early 80's Hallett. And watch out for that crazy parrot in his office!
He flipped a old jet over on Casitas earlier this year,Banged up pretty good ,broken leg,he was trying to help a guy get a boat going.His Denali even has a blower motor in it.

12-13-2007, 09:36 AM
Uh oh, what happened and have you had any problems getting parts and maintenance for that drive?
Do you plan on coming south for any races?
We will be in Parker... I have not decided if I will ski yet. 527 stays home in Oregon.. Our New Years race ( very short 10 mi sprint) is coming up though.
Can't wait!

dirty old man
12-13-2007, 10:04 AM
Talk about exhibition. Once, years ago I was practicing with my skier at Lake Mead while there was an Offshore race. Got into a straightaway with 2 big offshore guys pulling my skier at about 100. Had to be embarrassing for them

Havasu Daytona
12-13-2007, 10:40 AM
Scott Chrisman and Ron Bone from the "P6" boat... are good friends of mine. We may just do this. Scott and I are serious. Scott used to hold the World Speed Ski record at the Long Beach Marine Stadium in the Guiness book of records. Scott is a great skiier but I think Ron or I will be the skier.
My 300 Mercury Pro Max is totally stock. With lightness and instant accelleration, I should easily get ahead of the big offshore boats. Staying ahead of them and their big wakes maybe another challenge. My Daytona makes a zero wake. If we have flat water, I know we could run hard and fast.

12-13-2007, 10:52 AM
Scott Chrisman and Ron Bone from the "P6" boat... are good friends of mine. We may just do this. Scott and I are serious. Scott used to hold the World Speed Ski record at the Long Beach Marine Stadium in the Guiness book of records. Scott is a great skiier but I think Ron or I will be the skier.
My 300 Mercury Pro Max is totally stock. With lightness and instant accelleration, I should easily get ahead of the big offshore boats. Staying ahead of them and their big wakes maybe another challenge.
Let me know if you need any help with registation, lifelines, helmets ect.
Are you thinking of doing the Havasu race?

Havasu Daytona
12-13-2007, 11:10 AM
Definately the Havasu Race. I have a vacation home there and still ski most early mornings. I have lifelines and helmets. I may need to buy a new Maha ski... mine is getting pretty tired. I'll see what we can put together.
Thank you for your offer!!!
Let's see... the F2 Class for 50 year olds... yeah that may work.

12-13-2007, 12:38 PM
Havasu Daytona things your gonna need to bring to the race: the martini glasses, the Grey Goose and whoever was wearing the bra draped over the bottle

12-13-2007, 01:18 PM
.... 527 stays home in Oregon.. Our New Years race ( very short 10 mi sprint) is coming up though.
Can't wait!
Maybe you could swap to a jet and run the Rogue with those nuts in Grants Pass!:)
Too bad a nice Hallet like that doesn't get chances to be put to the test. What is the "sprint" race?

12-13-2007, 01:27 PM
Havasu Daytona....Look us up at the races

Havasu Daytona
12-13-2007, 01:29 PM
That would be this one...
But I have upgraded to this one recently...
Will that work?

12-13-2007, 01:38 PM
Maybe you could swap to a jet and run the Rogue with those nuts in Grants Pass!:)
Too bad a nice Hallet like that doesn't get chances to be put to the test. What is the "sprint" race?
A bunch of idiots in Portland OR race a short "Bridge to Bridge" Ski race every New Years day in Portland. It has been going on since the days of Ray DeFir ( now the owner of some Rayson Molds) I happen to be one of the idiots!
Basically a free for all, everyone starts on the deck, flag drops , off we go. Problem is I ski with a 210' line...Longest line other than mine is 125 or so...It is so much fun going past the others. I have been trying to get them to ski laps, but they feel that the short race and their short lines is MY handicap.
The Vector is ready. Lets go... FYI a few posts back Re: last years damage, I have never hurt the #3, my 600HP does not even tax it. I had a lean problem and dropped #6... Since fixed.

12-13-2007, 01:56 PM
your going to make a lot of friends in ski racing