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03-05-2006, 04:08 AM
Council to discuss mooring
The residents of Lake Havasu City are getting a chance to have their say on the Bridgewater Channel on Tuesday.
Mayor Harvey Jackson is encouraging the public to attend a work session at 5 p.m. Tuesday to receive input on the Bridgewater Channel mooring issue.

03-05-2006, 05:11 AM
The rest of the story...
Mayor Harvey Jackson said in January his proposal to eliminate most of the mooring in the narrow portions of the Bridgewater Channel is an attempt to reclaim the area for locals and attract more family type tourists to the area.
Jackson's contention is that bigger boats and rowdier crowds have ruined the area for the locals and that by removing the moorings, the rowdy, drunken crowds would move on.
The idea first was proposed at the Jan. 3 work session during a presentation about enforcing the law during the height of the summer boating season and holiday weekends in particular.
The police department later said they never requested that City Council shut down the Channel during that presentation, they simply were looking to eliminate alcohol consumption in the manmade waterway, noting that their arrest statistics show that most of the problems they face stem from the over consumption of alcohol, and that by removing that factor from the equation, the rowdy behavior should be reduced significantly.
Business owners in the Channel area expressed anger and frustration upon hearing about the possibility of moorings being eliminated and vowed to fight it. A group of boaters staged a demonstration on Jan. 8 against Jackson's proposal.
An attempt to limit mooring and beaching in the Channel in May 2005 met stiff resistance, and some of the restrictions were lifted at City Council's direction
Currently, it is up to the city manager to control the amount of mooring and beaching in the Channel.
There were no City Council communications attached to the work session agenda on this issue, only a statement saying there may be additional materials available at the meeting.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Police Facility (2360 McCulloch Blvd.). An ad placed by Lake Havasu City encourages interested participants to show up early due to limited seating in the council chambers.

03-05-2006, 05:13 AM
LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ - Another Lake Havasu City employee bites the dust and is walking away.
Shortly after the resignation of City Manager Tim Ernster and City Attorney Matt Podracky, H.R. Division Manager Sandy Millar turned in her resignation this week.
“I’m just resigning because we are relocating, and I’m not going to offer any other information,” said Millar.
Millar’s last day with the city will come near the end of March. Opinions have been voiced locally that much of the turmoil - and turnover - at Lake Havasu City Hall is directly linked to the new city council.
I believe that Harvey brought in a new City Manager w/o a Council vote...
And now there's some big corruption investigation over City credit card usage..

03-05-2006, 06:32 AM
Mayor Harvey is an idiot!

03-05-2006, 07:09 AM
Really :mad:

03-05-2006, 07:10 AM