View Full Version : Shasta Poker Run/Photo Shoot

Frequent Flier
12-07-2007, 02:10 PM
Who's goin???

12-07-2007, 02:21 PM
your real late or real early. the shasta run i know is in june i believe. let me know if there is another one.:confused: :confused:

Frequent Flier
12-07-2007, 02:24 PM
your real late or real early. the shasta run i know is in june i believe. let me know if there is another one.:confused: :confused:
Last I heard was June 13-14 2008

12-07-2007, 02:44 PM
sounds like something we might try. keep us all informed when the dates are set for sure. I brought up pokers west and they only have 2007 stuff.

12-07-2007, 02:49 PM
The Original Shasta cat attack group will be there 6/5 thru the 6/8

12-07-2007, 02:56 PM
were do you recommend to stay. we stayed at sugarloaf last time we wnt up there nice place but booked way ahead of time.

12-07-2007, 02:58 PM
You can always tell when the weather's bad.

12-07-2007, 02:59 PM
If your doing the hotel thing most stay at bridge bay, but it also gets booked up way in advance. I know a lot of us have already made our resv..

Frequent Flier
12-07-2007, 03:04 PM
If your doing the hotel thing most stay at bridge bay, but it also gets booked up way in advance. I know a lot of us have already made our resv..
Glad to see your gonna join the Photo Shoot this year!!!!
Bridge Bay will book up fast so get your reservations soon...

12-07-2007, 03:05 PM
we would like to come up to the poker run but also meet the cat club. we have a cobra cat.we will try to make it for a full week or so. just need poker run dates. we spend most of our time at san antonio lake outside of paso robles.

12-07-2007, 03:09 PM
Glad to see your gonna join the Photo Shoot this year!!!!
Bridge Bay will book up fast so get your reservations soon...
Ken and the Delta Junk Bunch will not be there the same weekend as us Frequent Flier, instead of a helicopter shoot and poker run they prefer to go homo in some secluded cove and take pictures with a polaroid.

12-07-2007, 03:16 PM
Ken and the Delta Junk Bunch will not be there the same weekend as us Frequent Flier, instead of a helicopter shoot and poker run they prefer to go homo in some secluded cove and take pictures with a polaroid.
Here we go. The King of the Folsom Puddle Paddle Boat Club running his mouth off already.

12-07-2007, 03:17 PM
Glad to see your gonna join the Photo Shoot this year!!!!
Bridge Bay will book up fast so get your reservations soon...
I am debating staying for the week, but won't do the photo shoot. I already have done that and still have the same boat and have plenty of pics of my junk.. and unless the so called poker run is greatly improved over going from the damn to silverthorn, I don't personally feel the need.. Id rather go boating up the arms with all the delta guys and hang out.... we have some great runs with everyone, and a few of the guys have houseboats to party on... but there is something for everyone, that's for sure.... Its nice to hang out and drink in the bar at night with everyone, but if your not a paying subscriber...... Don't look at the cheese ;)
Well I see it didn't take long for the idiot to chime in.... sbcokeman, I think you can now see which weekend the dipshits will be there.
Can't we just all get along without you bringing your sexual gay preferences into it Grads.. You fock up every thread with your jackass remarks...

12-07-2007, 03:28 PM
sounds like fun, the wife and i might try it this year. thanks for the info acatitude, might need a guide if your not to busy.

12-07-2007, 03:31 PM
anytime sb, your more then welcome to join the DLB in any of our runs... We are doing a delta run out of disco bay on the 15th of this month also, if youd like to join in...

12-07-2007, 03:32 PM
were booked up for a couple of months at this time but i would like to try the delta sometime never been on it.

12-07-2007, 03:44 PM
Here we go. The King of the Folsom Puddle Paddle Boat Club running his mouth off already.

12-07-2007, 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by grads2112
Ken and the Delta Junk Bunch will not be there the same weekend as us Frequent Flier, instead of a helicopter shoot and poker run they prefer to go homo in some secluded cove and take pictures with a polaroid.

12-07-2007, 04:06 PM
I think Grads was molested by his uncle as a child, thus becoming a moron

12-07-2007, 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by grads2112
Ken and the Delta Junk Bunch will not be there the same weekend as us Frequent Flier, instead of a helicopter shoot and poker run they prefer to go homo in some secluded cove and take pictures with a polaroid.
Ditto...I stand my my earlier comment.
It looks like you'll fit in just fine with the Delta Junk Bunch.
Grads Why are you such a D!@K??? If you don't like the DLB then stay off our threads. ie: get a life! Deal with the people you don't like and quit generalizing. One day you just might need a favor/tow/help from one of us, and find you unneccessarily burnt a lot of bridges. Peace Out!

12-07-2007, 05:05 PM
Do yourself a favor Grads and don't come on the DLB run next weekend. The hole your digging is getting all to deep.

12-07-2007, 05:10 PM
Grads Why are you such a D!@K??? If you don't like the DLB then stay off our threads. !
Last time I checked this thread was titled "Shasta poker run/photo shoot" which none of the DJB'ers plan on attending so I would say this is not your thread...in fact since I WILL BE attending this event I guess that makes it mine....so why don't you stay out of my threads?

12-07-2007, 05:27 PM
Do yourself a favor Grads and don't come on the DLB run next weekend. The hole your digging is getting all to deep.
I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit what you think.

12-07-2007, 05:33 PM
:sleeping: :sleeping:
Last time I checked this thread was titled "Shasta poker run/photo shoot" which none of the DJB'ers plan on attending so I would say this is not your thread...in fact since I WILL BE attending this event I guess that makes it mine....so why don't you stay out of my threads?
If you read that post correctly you would realize that was a post from a previous thread. The point of which was...you don't even know some of us yet you sling mud on all of us with your comments. We have been involved in the "Shast poker run/photo shoot" numerous times and consider ourselves a big part of the DLB. So as far as I am concerned this thread was fair game.

12-07-2007, 06:28 PM
Last time I checked this thread was titled "Shasta poker run/photo shoot" which none of the DJB'ers plan on attending so I would say this is not your thread...in fact since I WILL BE attending this event I guess that makes it mine....so why don't you stay out of my threads?
number 1, Grads, I don't think you have a clue who is attending what, as usual, and its not the title , its who started the thread, jackass. You dont see any unwanted posts in you know whos threads. There was nothing derogatory in this thread until you had to chime in like a jackass again.. so you need to go back and see where this went south... I know you think it's funny, but your missing the big picture here.. Your acting like a little high school girl who didnt get asked to the prom, so you go screaming thru the halls for attention, or as you have acussed people of hiding behind their pc, thats exactly what you are doing. you don't have the balls to man up and face the music , so you try and piss off everyone....its working..... GROW UP

Poker Runs West
12-07-2007, 07:27 PM
First off Greg / grads 2112 knock this crap off with all the negative BS about any group. I know the bantering started in fun and jest and some took to too far========and now no one knows when it is a joke or not. I know it did not start with you but it is time to put it to rest at least as it pertains to any group as everyone in the group can not be judged by the actions of one or a few misguided people. PLEASE.......... I think everyone with an open mind knows why and who is responsible for this negative atmosphere starting. Leave it at that.
I have had many private messages concerning this matter and everyone I have communicated with is sick of it. Everyone is also very disappointed that a split has occured and some now resent the fact that they will have to miss one element or the other on their June Shasta trip.
Poker Runs West Shasta event will be on June 13 & 14. All of the good stuff from past events will be there with some new cool things as well.
Lodging and houseboat deals will be posted soon along with other info at www.pokerrunswest.com.
Chris:) :) :)

12-07-2007, 08:22 PM
GRADS, i WAS TRIING TO GIVE YOU THE BENIFIT OF DOUBT with your post about you wanting to come out with us and hang and be social and have fun. But now you just go off and do shit like this. Why??:(

12-07-2007, 08:50 PM
Why do I get the feeling every time I read this or that other thread I'm all of a sudden either back in high school or listening to a bunch of girls bicker. LOL

12-08-2007, 07:46 AM
we would like to come up to the poker run but also meet the cat club. we have a cobra cat.we will try to make it for a full week or so. just need poker run dates. we spend most of our time at san antonio lake outside of paso robles.
Just come up on Thursday June 5 and stay through the 15th ;) If you stay @ Bridgebay you'll meet most of the Delta Lunch (junk) Bunch. The following weekend some of us will still be there and you'll meet a whole new group of great peeps attending the Poker Run/Photo Shoot. Don't let the negative bs in either thread scare you off, you'll have a great time!!!! ;) :)

12-08-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit what you think.
Thanks for backing up my statement.

12-08-2007, 08:19 AM
I totally agree with you Chris that all the bickering should be put to rest and lets just all enjoy boating and meeting new people.
YOU are right that the folks who have been going to these events for a few years all know who and the reasons why the person(s) are who initiated this split..... Lets just all get along regardless of some of the selfish individuals...
And congratulations on your new endeavor Chris.

12-08-2007, 04:08 PM

Frequent Flier
12-09-2007, 11:10 AM
So who's going????
1. Frequent Flier-28' Daytona