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View Full Version : Anone lookin' for me this weekend i'll be at

12-08-2007, 12:07 AM
Mondales craking my 8 track, then later i may go have a drink at Crazy Eds..
Tommory night the friget for dancing..
Wake me up then it turns past 1972
Mark still livin' the dream

12-08-2007, 07:18 AM
Is that Crazy Eds in Cave Creek Az?:)

12-08-2007, 10:35 AM
Or is that Crazy Ed's across from the cinema?...boy, how I miss 1972 in LHC....Do you remember Donna the bartender at the Frigate?

12-09-2007, 02:15 PM
Don't remember Donna I was 19 at that time and hardly remember anyone let alone any person. The Frigate was the happening spot in havasu in the 70s.
Crazy Eds was right across from the theater, straw floors and the major spot for catching up with friends..
Ahhh those were da days, all about waterskiing and getting laid.

12-09-2007, 02:43 PM
Don't remember Donna I was 19 at that time and hardly remember anyone let alone any person. The Frigate was the happening spot in havasu in the 70s.
Crazy Eds was right across from the theater, straw floors and the major spot for catching up with friends..
Ahhh those were da days, all about waterskiing and getting laid.
I thought that was the Crazy Ed's you were talkin' about! For all you guys, it's where the Greek Resturant is today...Don ran a great bar at the Frigate. I also remember Donna, one of the bartenders at the Frigate...cheating biatch went to the backseat with any customer who paid attention...;)
Did you go to LHHS?

12-10-2007, 02:17 AM
During the mid 60s my parents bought a mobile home on Site 6, sold it bought a condo, then a house. The old trailer is still there today.
I lived in Havasu with all Havasu kids every summer from 1969-1972(Class of 71 first year of the new high school) Still keep in touch with many of my ole pals from Havasu. My mother lives in Havasu full time while i'm there much more nowadays..
Waiting for a Havasu decent home to drop to below 200k, from what im seeing home values are dropping like flies!!!
What 8k+ homes listed on the MLS
Yes i plan on becoming a more AZ resident in the near future, I'll never grow up Havasu was and is da bomb!!!!!