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12-15-2007, 08:10 AM
So I go thru the jack in the box drive thru to get a couple tacos
the guy in front of me ends up in the turn lane in front of me out on the street. while we are waiting for the light to change, this as$ clown starts
throw'n his trash out the window, I setting there getting pissed, So I holler
out the widow WHAT THE FOC!!!!! about then the light changes to green
he turns left, I turn left, he going real slow, so I go to go around on the
right, he rolls down his window and says Why don't you mind your own
business before you get hurt, I say , I am minding my business I live here!!!
and I'm sick of you foc'er throw'n trash everywhere, bout then he pulls a 9
out of his console and points it a me. I hit the brakes, and he takes off.
I start follow'n and dial 911, I start tell'n the operater what happened
and where i'm at and she keeps tell'n me to shut up, she then tells me not to follow him, I say if I don't he's gonna pitch the gun, she continues to cut in the middle of everthing I say and tell me I don't see why you a re so upset
and quit follow ing him. I say I can't cause I'm involved in mutual combat
involv'n fire arms!!! she tells me to quit hollering, and I say just get the cops
she says if I don't do what she says, she 's not going to help.
all the time this is going on we're in a high speed chase. all of a sudden
as$ clown locks up his brakes and starts coming at me in reverse.
we're back'n up about 50 and he finally stops gets out pulls out his gun
points it at me and says , quit follow'n me or your dead.
all this time cars are wizz,n past, not one person stopped, he gets back in the car and takes off, he's doing 100 mph thru the neighbor hood, running
lights and stop signs. I just let him go, I realized I didn't even have my gun
and he was gonna crash in to someone if I kept chas'n him.
never heard a word back from the jokes at 911, do they have to be pms'n
in order to come to work or what!!!

Parker Dreamin
12-15-2007, 08:19 AM
hope you got his plate number, I am sure the LE will be on top of it.

12-15-2007, 08:20 AM
At least you didn't get shot. From now on don't leave home without your steel.

Wet Dream
12-15-2007, 08:32 AM
hope you got his plate number, I am sure the LE will be on top of it.
You're kidding, right? Do you live in Utopia? They didn't come during the ordeal, and you think they're going to waste time investigating after the fact? Thats funny.

12-15-2007, 08:38 AM
I hope you've learned your lesson not to buy tacos from Jack In The box anymore.:D

12-15-2007, 08:46 AM
I hope you've learned your lesson not to buy tacos from Jack In The box anymore.:D
two tacos for 99 cents, are you kidding

12-15-2007, 08:47 AM
two tacos for 99 cents, are you kidding
You can't beat it with a stick.

12-15-2007, 08:50 AM
The cops aren't going to do a thing, after all, he's got a gun!

12-15-2007, 09:03 AM
You should have mentioned you were from Texas and your name was Horn.....And you need some cover fire cause you're going in..........

12-15-2007, 09:06 AM
People like that have a unique ability to end up dead. No sense in going to prison for shooting a cockroach. Take down the info and let the cops deal with it.

ULTRA26 # 1
12-15-2007, 09:11 AM
You're lucky someone wasn't hurt during the chase. Chasing a guy who just pointed a gun at you?:confused: Next time get a license number and call the police.

Havasu Carrera
12-15-2007, 09:27 AM
You really think if you get the Lic # the police will give a fock????? Its not like this guy with the 9 driving 100 mph down a city street filled with children did anything bad like sayyy uhhhh dropped some trash on the ground. If he got cought red handed dropping trash out the window and a officer saw it they would not throw his ass in jail for a year!! SHOOT BACK or forget it.:mad:

Wet Dream
12-15-2007, 09:32 AM
You really think if you get the Lic # the police will give a fock????? Its not like this guy with the 9 driving 100 mph down a city street filled with children did anything bad like sayyy uhhhh dropped some trash on the ground. If he got cought red handed dropping trash out the window and a officer saw it they would not throw his ass in jail for a year!! SHOOT BACK or forget it.:mad:
Where the hell did you get any idea the streets were loaded with children? Wow.

12-15-2007, 09:40 AM
......and he finally stops gets out pulls out his gun
points it at me and says , quit follow'n me or your dead.
At which point you floor it and run him over.....I think he was bluffing with the gun, your car trumps his gun on a bluff play like that. ;)
RTJas :D

12-15-2007, 09:55 AM
I can't believe there weren't any cops there getting tacos. :D

12-15-2007, 10:05 AM
Man that's a shitty situation. seems like 911 blows... and all cops are really doing lately is finding any excuse to tase somebody for a speeding ticket. :idea:
I can't believe the guy pulled a gun on you for calling him out for littering? wtf is this place coming to!!

12-15-2007, 10:09 AM
Man that's a shitty situation. seems like 911 blows... and all cops are really doing lately is finding any excuse to tase somebody for a speeding ticket. :idea:
I can't believe the guy pulled a gun on you for calling him out for littering? wtf is this place coming to!!
That right there is sufficient reason to take this moron out. Run over him, wreck him, shoot him if possible.......This loose cannon WILL kill someone soon....Pulling a fire arm over littering?........Follow up with the PD, press charges for brandishing a weapon, push it, get this scumbag off the street, and more importantly, all fire arms away from him, forever...........MP

12-15-2007, 10:12 AM
Glad no one was hurt. Should have called the local donut shop to get the LE. :D

12-15-2007, 10:27 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: That f'n pisses me off, what a bunch of worthless focs. Meanwhile last week i had a cop follow me up my driveway at 9:30pm on a thursday and read me the riot act for not having a headlight on my f'n bicycle, and i was riding it on the sidewalk for foc's sake.

Double A
12-15-2007, 10:39 AM
Where did all this happen?

12-15-2007, 10:41 AM
I can't really see blaming LE for not responding when it appears they were never notified. I think the blame goes to the 911 dispach. Around here 911 reacts very well but a call to the local LE dispach can get better results.

12-15-2007, 10:42 AM
First, thanks for standing up for the littering thing - more need to do that.
Second, YOU put yourself in a bad position after the speeds increased...Sometimes the bad guy will get away.
Third, IMHO you need to file a complaint with the operator's agency regarding her handling of the assault with a deadly weapon crime IN PROGRESS! It may not make things better, but it may improve her helpfulness to others..
Lastly, If this incident happened as you said, and any witnesses can be found, prosecution is a possibility. W/O wits, no way.

12-15-2007, 10:53 AM
I would file a complaint on the dispatcher. Refusing to help may not be outside the realm of their responsibility, but i would want a supervisor to at least listen to the tape...

12-15-2007, 10:59 AM
Lastly, If this incident happened as you said, and any witnesses can be found, prosecution is a possibility. W/O wits, no way.
True.....This scumbag may never have to answer for last night, But, with a license number and a discription of the truck and driver, maybe LE can bust him for conceled weapons violation, loaded weapon in a vehicle, felon in possession???........It is endless...How long before he does the drive by and kills innocent bystanders...this assclown needs to be taken down............MP

My Man's Sportin' Wood
12-15-2007, 11:01 AM
First, thanks for standing up for the littering thing - more need to do that.
Second, YOU put yourself in a bad position after the speeds increased...Sometimes the bad guy will get away.
Third, IMHO you need to file a complaint with the operator's agency regarding her handling of the assault with a deadly weapon crime IN PROGRESS! It may not make things better, but it may improve her helpfulness to others..
Lastly, If this incident happened as you said, and any witnesses can be found, prosecution is a possibility. W/O wits, no way.
I agree! Thanks for saying something to the scumbag. I would also file a complaint on the dispatcher. I can understand her telling you to back off, but she also should have notified the police and asked for his plate number. She has now put other peoples lives at risk because this guy is still on the street, doing as he pleases because he gets to carry a (probably) loaded gun around while the rest of us don't.
I'm very thankful you did not get hurt, and I hope you don't fail to do the right thing in a future situation because of this.

12-15-2007, 11:29 AM
This is all too common. I would have done the same thing. This shit pisses me off! Glad you are OK. I would file a report and follow up. Hopefully you got a plate.
Funny coincidence--last night some neighborhood kids (four teen boys) had their dad's Mercedes out and stopped in front of my house and threw their McD's bags in the street. I went looking for them to return the stuff to the parents and hopefully get the kids in some heat. I have seen the car but can't remember which house it is. I'll drive around again today. I'm sure the parents would not appreciate them doing this.

12-15-2007, 11:36 AM
The way I see it, it's your fault the cops didn't come. You should have been buying donuts instead of tacos. ;)

Big Warlock
12-15-2007, 11:43 AM
I can't believe there weren't any cops there getting tacos. :D
Donut shop you nut!!!:D

12-15-2007, 11:44 AM
Go into NorthWest command on West Chyenne and file a report, let Command and IA (internal affairs) know of the situation and let them both know that you are going to be in contact with the other entity so they just don't file this.
As for you driving around town without your firearm, what the heck are you thinking? :D

12-15-2007, 11:50 AM
This is exactly why I enjoy living in a state where most everybody carries a gun in their car and everybody knows it. People don't just randomly pull guns on people because they know the other guys gun is probably going to be bigger!
Conceal and Carry permits are easier to get then a drivers license here.

12-15-2007, 11:57 AM
The way I see it, it was definitely your fault. I mean what the hell were you thinkin'!? If only you'd told them that the guy just did an armed robbery on the donut shop....:D :D :D

12-15-2007, 12:19 PM
I would stake out that Jack in the Box until the asshole showed back up, and then I'd kick his focking monkey ass. :mad:

12-15-2007, 12:36 PM
I want to know why this guy didn't help.....
RTJas :D

12-15-2007, 01:45 PM
I would stake out that Jack in the Box until the asshole showed back up, and then I'd kick his focking monkey ass. :mad:Somehow, I just can't picture you kicking some gun toting scumbags monkey ass in a Jack In The Box parking lot.

12-15-2007, 03:54 PM
well, after think'n it over today, I figured it out,
he was allready pissed, after all he just went thru the drive thru
and they probley foc'd his order up.
only in Vegas!!!!

12-15-2007, 04:12 PM
Bravo to you for saying something...I despise people that litter,:mad: it will get me in trouble some day.:rolleyes:

12-15-2007, 11:23 PM
well, after think'n it over today, I figured it out,
he was allready pissed, after all he just went thru the drive thru
and they probley foc'd his order up.
only in Vegas!!!!
Maybe he was a cop...:jawdrop: :confused::sqeyes:

12-16-2007, 12:56 AM
First, thanks for standing up for the littering thing - more need to do that.
Second, YOU put yourself in a bad position after the speeds increased...Sometimes the bad guy will get away.
Third, IMHO you need to file a complaint with the operator's agency regarding her handling of the assault with a deadly weapon crime IN PROGRESS! It may not make things better, but it may improve her helpfulness to others..
Lastly, If this incident happened as you said, and any witnesses can be found, prosecution is a possibility. W/O wits, no way.
l.A. Countyhas you brain washed, that was quick

12-16-2007, 06:56 AM
I would stake out that Jack in the Box until the asshole showed back up, and then I'd kick his focking monkey ass. :mad:
what are you do'n next week??

12-17-2007, 07:25 AM
If you read ***boat, you will see that the overwhelming consensus is that a 9mm does not have enough stopping power to make it a good defense weapon, a minimum of a .40 is required Therefore, you should have just walked through the barrage of bullets and kicked his ass. Then, you could have just gone to the doctor later to have those annoying bullets taken out. You wouldn't want to get an infection or anything and be sick over the holidays. :D

12-17-2007, 07:48 AM
Glad no one was hurt. Should have called the local donut shop to get the LE. :D
I thought 911 actually rings AT the donut shop.:)

12-17-2007, 08:12 AM
At which point you floor it and run him over.....I think he was bluffing with the gun, your car trumps his gun on a bluff play like that. ;)
RTJas :D
kinda like this