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11-05-2008, 07:56 AM
Here is Russias reaction
Russia Warns of New Missile Deployment
MOSCOW — In a wide-ranging attack on the United States as it elected a new president, the Russian leader Dmitri A. Medvedev warned on Wednesday that Moscow might deploy short-range missiles in the Baltic region to counter a perceived threat from a proposed American missile defense shield in eastern Europe.
Mr. Medvedev also proposed to extend the constitutional term of the presidency from four years to six — a move that could enable future Russian presidents to serve 12 years in two consecutive terms. His remarks, in his first state of the nation address since assuming the presidency in May, was delivered within hours of the election of Barack Obama and offered a chill glimpse into the potential issues and tensions confronting the new American leader when he takes office in January. His comments also seemed at odds with the broader groundswell of support for the American president-elect from many governments across the globe.
Let's see, that too about four hours.

11-05-2008, 10:25 AM
Here is Russias reaction
Russia Warns of New Missile Deployment
MOSCOW — In a wide-ranging attack on the United States as it elected a new president, the Russian leader Dmitri A. Medvedev warned on Wednesday that Moscow might deploy short-range missiles in the Baltic region to counter a perceived threat from a proposed American missile defense shield in eastern Europe.
Mr. Medvedev also proposed to extend the constitutional term of the presidency from four years to six — a move that could enable future Russian presidents to serve 12 years in two consecutive terms. His remarks, in his first state of the nation address since assuming the presidency in May, was delivered within hours of the election of Barack Obama and offered a chill glimpse into the potential issues and tensions confronting the new American leader when he takes office in January. His comments also seemed at odds with the broader groundswell of support for the American president-elect from many governments across the globe.
Let's see, that too about four hours.
All of enemy's will be posturing in the coming weeks becouse the know the lef is week and Pelosi and Reid have already propsed to draw down the military and cut the overall budget by 1/3rd.........Mark my words, we will be F****D! You people that put more lefty's in the House and Senate which has the lowest approval rating ever and now Obama......I don't think my prayers are enough........

11-05-2008, 12:05 PM
That was directed at bu$h not Obama. It's bu$h's baby, he's the one who's threatening to put a missile defense shield in Poland, let's see how he handles it.

11-05-2008, 12:08 PM
That was directed at bu$h not Obama. It's bu$h's baby, he's the one who's threatening to put a missile defense shield in Poland, let's see how he handles it.
Defense shield....not offense!

11-05-2008, 04:44 PM
That was directed at bu$h not Obama. It's bu$h's baby, he's the one who's threatening to put a missile defense shield in Poland, let's see how he handles it.
To protect countries that want Democracy. What is wrong with that? You a commie?

centerhill condor
11-05-2008, 06:27 PM
was when the Rooskie Pres blamed the US for the war in Georgia...that's rich.
Now, this really is directed at Obama 'cause we all know that Bush would send in B-2 bombers loaded with #3 buckshot.
I predict that Bush will consult and do what Obama wants....Bush could save time and money by calling Carter directly and reading the surrender fax directly.
This is not a test.
btw, take a look at Pravda's coverage of the Obama victory.

Blown 472
11-05-2008, 07:08 PM
was when the Rooskie Pres blamed the US for the war in Georgia...that's rich.
Now, this really is directed at Obama 'cause we all know that Bush would send in B-2 bombers loaded with #3 buckshot.
I predict that Bush will consult and do what Obama wants....Bush could save time and money by calling Carter directly and reading the surrender fax directly.
This is not a test.
btw, take a look at Pravda's coverage of the Obama victory.
Who is running Georgia? and where are they getting their weapons from???

centerhill condor
11-06-2008, 12:32 PM
you got yourself a little homework assignment there, tuffguy.
Good luck,

11-06-2008, 06:47 PM
To protect countries that want Democracy. What is wrong with that? You a commie?You have to go back to when Tommy Franks, who was head of NATO, told Russia we would not go into Prussia(Russia's sphere of influence-much like our hemisphere deal here). Now bu$h wants to abrogate that promise with his missile defense system. I don't blame Russia one bit. If America can claim the whole Western Hemisphere, why can't Russia have the little land it wants?
The Russian Bear might be a little weak right now, but it still has teeth. Better now to dialog with them and forget all this saber(missile)-rattling. Just makes things worse, which is bu$h's best accomplishment.

Blown 472
11-06-2008, 08:00 PM
you got yourself a little homework assignment there, tuffguy.
Good luck,
I do? I think I axed you a question, I know the answer to it.

centerhill condor
11-08-2008, 11:32 AM
I do? I think I axed you a question, I know the answer to it.
well, if you know the answer, why axe the question?

11-12-2008, 02:59 PM
And now Iran has fired off a long range missile close to the border with Iraq with the ability to reach Israel.......Does anyone not see that all these other countries set us up in stating they were pulling for Obama and now they are posturing with threats and strength because they know he is weak? Obama repeatedly postured against Israel and when he saw it was prudent to the election he came out in support......but in his book he wrote that when the political winds change that he will stand with the Muslim’s...........I will predict this will happen when we cower down from his inept ability to understand and stand strong against the growing threat....just like Clinton when we went to war with that powerhouse Somalia!:idea: :idea: :idea:
Now I know some of you Bush haters will say Bush, Bush, Bush......but take it from and ex-military who is still connected......this rhetoric has increased greatly since he won and it is not Bush....its weakness!

Blown 472
11-12-2008, 07:12 PM
And now Iran has fired off a long range missile close to the border with Iraq with the ability to reach Israel.......Does anyone not see that all these other countries set us up in stating they were pulling for Obama and now they are posturing with threats and strength because they know he is weak? Obama repeatedly postured against Israel and when he saw it was prudent to the election he came out in support......but in his book he wrote that when the political winds change that he will stand with the Muslim’s...........I will predict this will happen when we cower down from his inept ability to understand and stand strong against the growing threat....just like Clinton when we went to war with that powerhouse Somalia!:idea: :idea: :idea:
Now I know some of you Bush haters will say Bush, Bush, Bush......but take it from and ex-military who is still connected......this rhetoric has increased greatly since he won and it is not Bush....its weakness!
Lets hope he is man enough to cut israel off the gubment teet.

centerhill condor
11-14-2008, 10:36 AM
Lets hope he is man enough to cut israel off the gubment teet.
that would be something...good for Israel and US.