View Full Version : What should I do?

01-05-2003, 12:26 PM
I have to put in about another $1000 to get my engine turn-key. (460 Ford)
Based on the following information I am looking for advice whether to rebuild my pump, by a new pump, or buy a used Berk and rebuild?
I have a Panther Jet. It's making a low grinding noise and my pump gear oil is milky. I am assuming the rear shaft bearing/seal is cracked or worn allowing water in. If this is all that is wrong I think the kit is around $300.
However, I haven't found the tools I would need anywhere. If the shaft is warped more $$,and a slip ring for the bowl even more $$. I have opened the bowl and the impeller is in alright shape. The tolerance is really awful someone used liquid steel to repair nics on the inside of the bowl which chunks have since blow out.
Which begs the question which is more cost effective I really don't know what would be involved switching to a berkeley setup, but I can imagine it's not plug and play.
If I just run it this season with the pump in this is there anyway I could damage my engine?
I have put alot of TLC into this boat getting it back online after 6 years of sitting in somones driveway.
I am in the San Diego area any advice is greatly appreciated.
[ January 05, 2003, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: NeoBurn ]

01-05-2003, 12:47 PM
Acouple months back in ***boat they had a big write up about Panther and the guy who runs it.Find the article and call that guy,he sounds like the one to talk to.

01-05-2003, 01:03 PM
I, too, recommend contacting Panther for info on your pump. Cnaging to a Berkeley or similar pump will require considerable glass work to your hull. The cost of that alone would probably exceed the cost to overhaul your Panther.
How about shrinking that avatar to the "thumbnail" version. Kind of tough to read your post! Use this URL:

01-05-2003, 01:09 PM
Thanks oldsquirt. fixed it.

01-05-2003, 01:11 PM
The pump if I am correct seems to be fiberglassed in. To have it overhauled I am probably going to have to cut it out anyways.

01-05-2003, 01:18 PM
The Panther is an "insert" style like a Berkeley JE or JF. Those 2 bolted into a hull that had a specially shaped transom. I believe the panther was a similar install. Here's their website with contact info. PantherJet (http://www.pantherjet.com/)
P.S. Smaller avatar much better :D

01-15-2003, 10:31 AM
Oldsquirt thanks for the advice, I called Panther, he's going to walk me through the removal process on the phone. Around $35 bucks to send my jet up to Oregon and the rebuild is going to be from 400 to 1500 depending if I want the high performance upgrade or not. Figured I would post that incase someone else is having the same dilemma.
Anyone have the jetovator for a panther jet, was wondering if it's worth getting or not just to use for trim?
The jet isn't fiberglassed in just looks like it.

01-15-2003, 11:16 AM
I have a Panther in my boat. Its very easy to take out. The guy at Panther (trying to remember his name) is way cool. He will totally stay on the phone with you and talk you through things. Very nice people to do business with. Good luck and do us all a favor. Take pics of your progress and post them on here. I know that there isnt a ton of Panther owners but Im sure everyone would still be interested in seeing your progress. If I can help you out at all just PM me or something.

02-07-2003, 11:28 AM
Well after an all night ordeal. I finally got my pump out. I tell you it took me 6 hours on my 2 ton floor jack to break the seal free to get the jet out.
I recommend to anyone else that try's this be patient.
Here's the pics.

07-14-2003, 12:27 PM
Did you end up sending your pump to Oregon? If so, what work did you have done (performance upgrade or not)?

07-15-2003, 03:14 PM
Hey wineguy,
He's probably still countin the change in the "Boat Jar" :( Break out another thousand NEOBURN! You know you want the trick shiznitt. Dontcha! C'mon You really want the shiznit dontcha? :D he he he
Peace Man :cool: