View Full Version : Place vs. Jetovator

03-17-2003, 03:16 PM
I am doing some pump work and am contemplating buying a place diverter. Is the place that much better than a jetovator. I can't understand why people say the place is so much better. Im not spending that kind of money to not notice any difference.

Duane HTP
03-17-2003, 04:35 PM
There's all the world difference. For one, the Place does not leak everywhere like a jetavator. The ventured nozzle speeds up the velocity of the water, it moves farther up and down. It's just old technology vs. new technology.

03-17-2003, 06:28 PM
I told you to take mine and try it out whenever you want to,need to plan a hole day at my house and play while taking notes on slite changes to find out what works best.

03-17-2003, 06:56 PM
I cant use yours since my cables are different.

03-17-2003, 07:19 PM
Can someone post a picture of a 12JE pump with this place diverter, its the on made for the E pump. http://www.placediverter.com/media/diverter3.jpg
I want to see the cable routing for all 3 cables.

03-17-2003, 07:28 PM
I see lots and lots oh Jetters running the old Jetovator in AZ. They seem to work fine for a lake ski boat..... If you start getting into the performance seen or want to run a droop to help with the kidney slams, that's when you will hit the wall, oh yea, if your Jet-O-Vator breaks, I think the parts are more costly than the newer stuff. Other than that, have fun with what ya brung.....
Place Diverter is good stuff, and we have been hearing good things about the New Aggressor Diverter!

03-17-2003, 08:24 PM
YES you can stop being scared idea I have it all figued out you just have to use my cables run them over the transome,remember it would just be temporary and leave your cables in place where they are just to try it out.Do you remember the time you drove my boat and liked the way it felt at slow speeds,trust me I can rig it up,I definitly like the place way better than the jetavator after driving your boat as well as Don's.More are less when your putting the boat on the trailer the place to me just reacts quicker when correcting.yeah yeah I know just learn how to drive :p
[ March 17, 2003, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: matt1 ]

03-17-2003, 09:09 PM
I see lots and lots oh Jetters running the old Jetovator in AZ. They seem to work fine for a lake ski boat..... If you start getting into the performance seen or want to run a droop to help with the kidney slams, that's when you will hit the wall, oh yea, if your Jet-O-Vator breaks, I think the parts are more costly than the newer stuff. Other than that, have fun with what ya brung.....
Place Diverter is good stuff, and we have been hearing good things about the New Aggressor Diverter!
http://www.realjetboats.com I have to agree with ya Mike...I honestly did'nt see a big difference from my Jet-o-vator vs my new Place unit. But then again my Berk unit was in perfect operating condition.

Duane HTP
03-18-2003, 08:51 PM
"I want to see the cable routing for all 3 cables."
Look at
to see how the cables go.

03-19-2003, 03:26 AM
I've noticed that the jetovators seem to throw a taller roost than the Place. Even with a 8 degree wedge, I can't get my roost any higher than about 10 feet above the boat. My cuz has a jetovator that puts out a roost that is as tall as a hydro's!