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12-23-2005, 01:05 PM
:crossx: Post a picture of your Sled! :crossx:

12-23-2005, 02:07 PM
I'll be at the Power Tour

12-24-2005, 08:31 AM
:crossx: Post a picture of your Sled! :crossx:
Balls obviously doesn't know how to post pictures either. For the millionth time, can somebody give instructions on how to post pics?

12-24-2005, 09:17 AM
Here is Dogball's sled.
Watch for this sled next season, he'll be trailerin' some fools.

12-24-2005, 09:45 AM
Black headers rule!!:D Nice looking ride, Balls.
Hey Revndave....how long did it take you to get the snail tracks off your hat?? :)

12-24-2005, 09:59 AM
LGC,Balls. Here is a crash course.
Go to the HB home page, click on image center.Register over there, then click "browse". Once you find the photo you want to upload from your computer then click "submit". It may take a few moments depeding on you connection. Once you get it uploaded, click on the picture,that just makes the pictures larger so we will be able to see it once you post it. After that right click on the picture and scroll to properties.A window will pop up, you need to copy the address on that popup window. Take that address and paste it into your post here on the forums, then add the tags that will make the pics show up...just add before what you pasted, then after what you pasted.Remember the 2nd tag is a little differnt than the first, its got one of these /
example...what you copied from the properties page goes here
give it a shot in the test post forums.

12-24-2005, 10:02 AM
Thanks for helping me post pics of the Sled. One of these days I will figure it out.
Merry Christmas,
Balls :)

12-24-2005, 10:11 AM
no worries, one of the 3 pics you emailed me wasnt approriate for ***boat so i didnt post it, but thanks for the naked pics of your ol' lady.

12-24-2005, 10:13 AM
merry xmas.

12-24-2005, 10:38 AM
Look for these boats at the sick power tour.

12-24-2005, 10:49 AM
Balls, it could be the battle of the 19's, between you and Mrs. Sofa.
but you need to get around this low profile 19 first.
Ive got a bone to pick with this little 18, I think I can hang on the squeeze, it should be a good race. :)
the powertour is going to be sick.

12-24-2005, 10:50 AM

12-24-2005, 12:29 PM
Looks like the 2006 Power Tour will be layin down the law this year. Who else is comin out to play? :crossx:

12-24-2005, 12:32 PM
Here is a pic of mine and a few that might be with me...........
Both of these boats will be there unless they get an infection in there vag area.
This boat will be there but with a little something different in it!http://www2.***boat.com/image_center/data/500/2654DSC00157_00.JPG

12-24-2005, 12:44 PM
We cant forget our local Blythe shit talker and CS,s goog buddy Garhttp://www2.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/2780Blythe_012.jpg rett

12-24-2005, 01:02 PM
I'll be bringing this...
...but with this, and a few other small changes. :D

12-24-2005, 01:24 PM
http://www.***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10286&stc=1 I will bring my junk with the rest of the blythe Krew. Sorry dont have a full pic of my junk yet.

12-24-2005, 01:45 PM
here is a pic of ASSWOOPINS ridehttp://www.***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10287&stc=1

12-24-2005, 10:16 PM
Things are looking real good for 2006. Merry Christmas to all!!! :rollside: :rollside:

12-25-2005, 08:34 AM
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/2931my_boat.jpg i'll be on the tour... merry x mas..... late.... bigs

12-26-2005, 08:18 AM
Looks like all the usuall suspects on tour this year!

12-26-2005, 08:44 AM
That was rough

12-26-2005, 08:52 AM
Wonder if this cat will get his oil changed in time?http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/2930FC3_028.jpg

12-26-2005, 09:00 AM
This dude will be out. Boat might look somewhat taller this summer.http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/2930MAYHEM05_017.jpg

12-26-2005, 09:14 AM
That was rough
So was this. Took about 10 minutes too. :crossx:
CS thought he could make it around Elsinore twice before refueling that race tank.
Gonna try and make as many of those gig's as I can! :D

12-26-2005, 10:05 AM
check you out LGC posting pics and chit. :)
LOL Mike F. I forgot about that. Thanks for the tow, I still owe you one.

12-26-2005, 10:21 AM
let me see, you have an organizer - CS
a name - Power Tour
members - all that show up
object- racing
location - open to the public
hypothetical - racer 1 and 2 go out for a race. racer 1 causes 16 year old Susi Sunshine to hit the shore on her jet ski. Mr & Mrs Sunshine see it all happen and want restitution. racer 1 has no insurance and gets pissed. Mr & Mrs Sunshine catch wind that CS organized the Power Tour and a lawsuit ensues.
This is just food for thought for all you. I hope none of you ever have to run into an experience like that but it can happen, especially in this day and age.
If you think it can't happen, think again.
Be careful out there!

12-26-2005, 10:34 AM
Right but at the same time the exact same thing can happen in a car, are you not going to drive any more. In this day of age you could accidentally push a shopping cart over some idiots foot who walks in front of you are not going shopping any more. Shit happens, that doesn’t mean its not worth doing.
Plus I don’t think CS is necessarily the coordinator for this he just put out the idea and it snow balled from there. He didn’t come up w/ the location, name, who coming or not, any thing.
I do understand what your saying and do think people need to take more responsibilities for there actions, but in this case I don’t really think there is a coordinator
That is also something to consider when a location is being picked for all of you that voted!!!!

12-26-2005, 10:36 AM
Unofficial Power Tour 2006

12-26-2005, 10:37 AM
let me see, you have an organizer - CS
a name - Power Tour
members - all that show up
object- racing
location - open to the public
hypothetical - racer 1 and 2 go out for a race. racer 1 causes 16 year old Susi Sunshine to hit the shore on her jet ski. Mr & Mrs Sunshine see it all happen and want restitution. racer 1 has no insurance and gets pissed. Mr & Mrs Sunshine catch wind that CS organized the Power Tour and works for a boat performance company and a lawsuit ensues.
This is just food for thought for all you. I hope none of you ever have to run into an experience like that but it can happen, especially in this day and age.
If you think it can't happen, think again.
Be careful out there!
Who said the object was racing? That's your spin. I don't think CS can be considered the organizer, either. Everybody's just agreeing to a general consensus about showing up at certain places at certain times for good boating fun. That's the agenda. The only thing that's going to be specific, as far as I can see, is a place, date, and time. AFA liability, everyone's on their own. Besides, is what you're saying here that if a group of people plan to meet at a lake on a certain weekend, and something happens, the person who's idea it was can be held responsible? Pretty long reach to throw cold water on the So. Cal guys, Cas. Little jealous?

12-26-2005, 10:58 AM
why would I be jealous? I've been putting outings on for 5 years. I've looked into all this stuff in detail and have a little experience with it.
A car accident is different unless the driver had just come from a party where alcohol was present. The owner of the house can and will be named in a lawsuit. Whether or not they lose, it's still going to cost them a lot of time and money.
There was just a lawsuit about that exact situation. A 16 yo kid was driving 2 of his friends home from a party. The friends agged him on to see how fast his camaro was. At 90, he couldn't stop in time for a stop sign and broadsided another car killing 2 13 yo girls. The parents of the girls sued the driver of the car and the owner of the house. The driver was put in jail and the owners almost lost everything is a suit that they were ultimately found innocent.
As far as putting cold water on what people do in SoCal, what sense does that make? I'm not involved, it doesn't affect me other than the fact I'd hate to see anyone get hurt or worse.

12-26-2005, 11:07 AM
Who said the object was racing?
Balls, it could be the battle of the 19's, between you and Mrs. Sofa.
but you need to get around this low profile 19 first.
Ive got a bone to pick with this little 18, I think I can hang on the squeeze, it should be a good race.
the powertour is going to be sick.
If the above isn't about racing, then what is it?
The whole thing is, people need to be real aware of what can happen.

12-26-2005, 11:15 AM
This dude will be out. Boat might look somewhat taller this summer.http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/2930MAYHEM05_017.jpg
I heard that his wife had a baby girl?If so tell him i said congrats and we will see him later this summer.
P.S. tell him to get some sleep before we head to the river that way i dont have to wake him up at the bar! :)

12-26-2005, 11:37 AM
If the above isn't about racing, then what is it?
The whole thing is, people need to be real aware of what can happen.
So what your saying is that the people that you boat with never in any way shape of form line up next to one and other and get into the throttle? I find that hard to believe since most all here on these boards have chosen performance oriented boats I've seen dudes in Bayliners runnin side by side. There is no difference between calling a handfull of your boating buddies and planning a trip to the lake for a weekend or getting the word out here on the boards. As said before this deal is all about getting peps toghther for a weekend of boating at a specific place. Are people going to line up against each other for a little grudge racing? You Bet! Thats why most of here spend time and money on our sleds. If anybody choses to be an idiot on the water (and there is always 1 or 2) then they need to take responsibillity for their actions. No one here wants to see ANYBODY get hurt.

12-26-2005, 11:53 AM
So what your saying is that the people that you boat with never in any way shape of form line up next to one and other and get into the throttle? I find that hard to believe since most all here on these boards have chosen performance oriented boats I've seen dudes in Bayliners runnin side by side. There is no difference between calling a handfull of your boating buddies and planning a trip to the lake for a weekend or getting the word out here on the boards. As said before this deal is all about getting peps toghther for a weekend of boating at a specific place. Are people going to line up against each other for a little grudge racing? You Bet! Thats why most of here spend time and money on our sleds. If anybody choses to be an idiot on the water (and there is always 1 or 2) then they need to take responsibillity for their actions. No one here wants to see ANYBODY get hurt.
People know that our outings are not about racing. Racing is not advertised, promoted or endorsed at any of the outings and the same goes for Poker Runs. If someone says "Hey, I'm going to be at such and such lake at such and such time", that's totally different. Just like the whole deal at Camp Far West this coming weekend.

12-26-2005, 03:14 PM
Ok guys, I've decided to sell the boat and not attend any functions this year with my friends from the boards because I am afraid I might get sued and lose my house.................NOT. Before we know it this might be an invitation only event..........Better watch out. :yuk: :)

12-26-2005, 03:28 PM
I dont think the problem lies with the people that are wanting to go out and race their ride against their buddy.From what i have seen the problem lies with the people that show up in their 75 mph boats that want to do hat laps by ya and show how cool their roost is while they are jumping wakes out of control.When we had the sixth street deal last summer it would have been perfect if we could have gone out and ran but the idiots that were trying to show off wrecked the water for the guys that would have put on a show.It happends at most large get togethers,thats why they usually end up being just that get togethers.

12-26-2005, 04:04 PM
Sure sounds like cabin fever is rampant. Where is BBOJ????????
Knowing Cas as well as I do. All he is saying is 'be careful"!! The tree hugging, snowy owl loving scumsuckers would like nothing better than find a new cause to chase. Anybody is at jeopardy when we are out "playing" on the water.
I am one of the first willing to line up with somebody. Plus, I want to make it to one of the "Tour" get togethers.
We need to police ourselves. I have gotten out of control a couple of times and friends were not shy about letting me know.
Let's be safe and kick some ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-26-2005, 04:21 PM
Knowing Cas as well as I do. All he is saying is 'be careful"!!
just looked, yep, that's exactly what I said in my first post. I'll add to it by saying you all can make as much fun of it as you feel necessary but the fact still remains, someone's neck will be on the line. I hope that none of you have to experience a frivolous lawsuit because someone else screwed up.

12-26-2005, 04:31 PM
I dont think the problem lies with the people that are wanting to go out and race their ride against their buddy.From what i have seen the problem lies with the people that show up in their 75 mph boats that want to do hat laps by ya and show how cool their roost is while they are jumping wakes out of control.When we had the sixth street deal last summer it would have been perfect if we could have gone out and ran but the idiots that were trying to show off wrecked the water for the guys that would have put on a show.It happends at most large get togethers,thats why they usually end up being just that get togethers.
It's not only that, it's the people that are just there with their jetskis, tri hulls or whatever that have no idea about judging a boat or 2 coming at them at 100 mph.
People just need to be aware!

Squirtin Thunder
12-26-2005, 04:47 PM
It's not only that, it's the people that are just there with their jetskis, tri hulls or whatever that have no idea about judging a boat or 2 coming at them at 100 mph.
People just need to be aware!
These are all the reasons why they have been shooting for off weekends.
Those converted fishin boats (Tri-Hulls) better be able to get out of the way. J/K :cool:
And the camo duck boat. J/K :cool:

12-26-2005, 05:47 PM
The thing is no one is in charge and the house thing doesnt really apply because no one owns the river... well except the indians :idea: sue the indians hmmmm could be interesting :crossx:
I do appriciate the becareful though

12-26-2005, 06:00 PM
let me see, you have an organizer - CS
a name - Power Tour
members - all that show up
object- racing
location - open to the public
Cas, you got most of it right with the exception of the organizer and the objective.
First of all,since when am I the organizer? I started 2 threads,threw out a few ideas and thats it. We as a group agreed that WE would vote on EVERYTHING as group, so how does that make ME the organizer? Please elaborate.Take a look at the poll, there are 50 plus people making the calls, I am one of those 50 so dont try and pin the "organizer" deal on me Cas.
Next is our objective..Racing is not the objective. Why dont you attend one of the socal events and see what it is all about before you make comments like that. You would be surprised to find that there is little or no racing going on anymore.
Tell me Cas. Who was the "Organizer" of the 6th st. deal for Labor Day? Do you just pin the guy who started the thread even though he heard about it somewhere else?

12-26-2005, 06:43 PM
Cas, you need to check yourself, man. You could have said "be careful" in two words, but you didn't. You went on and actually created a scenario in your mind, just so you'd be right when you posted. You made it up. Twisted it around. Spun it to suit your needs of telling someone else what to do, or how to run their show. That's why I made the comments about throwing water on someone else's party, and being jealous.
You've made your point.
Then made it again.
Then made it again.
Enough is enough. We're all big boys and girls...some of us are actually over, like, 40! Even, like, 50, and have had our boats out more than once, even on a puiblic watrerway. With other people, no less! Just chill, man.

12-26-2005, 06:53 PM
Cas, you need to check yourself, man.
OH no you DIT INT!
You go sparky.
Enough is enough. We're all big boys and girls...some of us are actually over, like, 40! Even, like, 50, and have had our boats out more than once, even on a puiblic watrerway. With other people, no less! Just chill, man.
Damn Scott your OLD you got OLD balls!

12-26-2005, 07:06 PM
OH no you DIT INT!
You go sparky.
Damn Scott your OLD you got OLD balls!
Well, I could fall somewhere in that group...you never know, though! :D
Cas' concern is appreciated, but the "protective grandfather" routine gets old.
Now CAS is old! :p
Old balls. :rollside: You're funny DJ.

12-26-2005, 07:10 PM
I know im beating a dead horse, but I still would like to see a GIGANTIC ***boat bash with all hotrod jet and v-drive guys. I think it could be fun.We can call it "wanna be racers" challenge #1
this and the above quotes of you may be the ones that put you in the spotlight. I can darn near guarantee you that someone will point the finger your way if something happens. It may not be from the ones in the core group per se, but it can happen. You've said it's not about racing yet you're the one that has talked the most about it......go back and reread the threads as I just did.
All it takes is steel to say to someone, "hey, c'mon out to Yuba! This guy CS19 wants to get some races going." Real simple, nothing special, just someone trying to get someone else to go. Now guess what, you're it, the big honcho and the one with the target on his back.
You all can try to bust my balls all you want but what I've said isn't a stretch by any means. Again, it's not about the core group, it's all about "outsiders", the ones that heard from a friend from a friend.
Take it all the way you want, obviously at this point you're taking it as me bashing you guys. The other way to look at it would be to work out a different way to avoid sounding like you're starting up a group of people that's out there to go racing.

12-26-2005, 07:13 PM
Now CAS is old!
just more experienced in some areas :D

12-26-2005, 07:29 PM
You made your point, Steve.
You made your point, Steve.
You made your point, Steve.
You made your point, Steve.
You're right. There's always going to be some litigious asshole just waiting for an accident, and a biggfer asshole lawyer right behind them. You might as well not go out of your house. Sell your car. Don't invite anyone to your home. Don't ever give anyone a ride. Don't go to the supermarket, don't say anything like "Merry Christmas", or anything that might offend.
You made your point, Steve.
You made your point, Steve.
You made your point, Steve.
You made your point, Steve.
Funny thing is, by your posting all this, you've just given a lawsuit a lot of ammunition, and announced the idea to everyone on this internet site. Maybe you're planning on a little sabatage? Got a friend for a lawyer? Maybe you're going to set up a little accident, and show all those So. Cal guys who's the smart one? You're going to an awful lot of trouble to identify a liable party here, and lay out a scenario. :idea:

12-26-2005, 07:37 PM
there ya go again steel, you don't like what's being said so you go off on one of your little tangents verbally attacking.
C'mon Scott, head it up, get more involved like Chris is doing and quit being a follower.
Once you get yourself named in some bs ordeal then maybe you'll be able to figure it out.
btw, I was answering Chris' question which has nothing to do with you.

12-26-2005, 07:38 PM
WOW WOW WOW :argue:

12-26-2005, 07:42 PM
All this crashing and getting sued and running over jet skis makes me want to go get an old beater and put a big deer guard on the front and go do some seadoo killin.
Hey put me in charge if they sue me they can have half of what i got.Or all and the last time i checked half of nothing is NOTHING. :argue:
It works for the wetbacks around here who arent legal and have no licence or insurance or are even legal citizens.They are so lucky life is cheap for them. :mad:

12-26-2005, 07:44 PM
Cas, Thanks for all your great legal schmegal.

12-26-2005, 07:52 PM
there ya go again steel, you don't like what's being said so you go off on one of your little tangents verbally attacking.
C'mon Scott, head it up, get more involved like Chris is doing and quit being a follower.
Once you get yourself named in some bs ordeal then maybe you'll be able to figure it out.
btw, I was answering Chris' question which has nothing to do with you.
Hmmm. Didn't deny anything I said. :idea:
No attack, just a made up, exagerated scenario, like you've done since the beginning of this.
FYI...no one's heading anything up. You keep saying that. I'll get involved at the same level as everyone else...I'll participate in a gathering of mutual interest. We'll all show up when we show, might be some pre-planning on time and place, not unlike any other weekend when a bunch of guys, couples, families, get together for some boating. Nothing more. Nothing formal.
Also, there hasn't been a single suggestion by you from all your exhalted experience, just criticism.
I'm done here.
Oh, I'll edit to add...anyone want a piece of me and my Bahner, bring it! :crossx: It won't be the fastest, but I guaranteeeee it won't be the slowest! I'll race any takers, at any lake, at any time. That just goes without saying, but I thought I'd say it anyway. :D

12-26-2005, 07:56 PM
In all seriousness i can see where cas is coming from if everyone thinks about it there was a gathering that was not to long ago that had some horrible things happen at it and there were relations lost and friends lost.
BUTT you cant live inside the box cause your afraid of getting sued or something happening to ya,thats no way to live.If everyone thought this way there wouldnt be any gathering at all and the world would be a boring place.I think everyone that sighned up on this little ordeal is willing to accept there own responsibility(if i get in a wreck or someone runs into me im not gonna go after cs or anyone else but the party involved)and be liable for themselves.
I hope to see this deal take place cause really what they end up as is a big SHOW AND SHINE :crossx:

12-26-2005, 08:06 PM
All it takes is steel to say to someone, "hey, c'mon out to Yuba! This guy CS19 wants to get some races going." Real simple, nothing special, just someone trying to get someone else to go. Now guess what, you're it, the big honcho and the one with the target on his back.
you know, anyon can say anything they want about anything. you could replace cs19 with cas; people can say whatever they want, whenever they want.
all i'm seein' here is that he's sayin he wants to go to the river and run, and if someone else wants to do the same, then lets do it?? so what make's cs19 the "head organizer" of some "outing", or "group function" because he said he was going?
i don't see him organizing a campground, lodging facilities, catering, etc., or calling himself a company or association, and selling t-shirts, or marketing the co/assn for group discounts? not that there's anything wrong with that, but the role you and roostwear played in what you've organized in the past, and somebody saying "lets go to the river, run, race, whatever. i just don't see the correlation or connection between the two.
you're making it sound as if two or five people talk to each other and decide to go to the river, each one is responsible for the other's actions simply because they talked about going before they went; sorry, ain't buying. you also seem to believe that you are personally insulated from damages with respect to the "outings" you organize under your banner. how 'bout this for a hypothetical; jonny and his daughter suzy sunshine hear about your get together, and think it would be just swell to go. so he hooks boat up to pickup, and off they go. except, long story short, they get wrecked on the way and both die. uncle buck/aunt betty conclude this never would have happened if they weren't going to this "outing". do ya think your insulated?
you have people running helter skelter all over the delta, spinning out, close calls, hi speed, low speed. you have no idea how fast every one of those people are driving, nor how safe, because you have no organized agenda on the water, and there's no way you could watch them all, or do anything about it if you wanted to. if somebody get's hurt for any reason, either one of the campers, or someone else, do you really believe YOU are insulated? they would not have been there if YOU hadn't formed YOUR association, and put together your outing.
you seem to believe that because a race might happen on the river, that people will die or be seriously injured. there have been people killed or seriously injured on that river just about every year for a very long time without anyone being involved in a race. and they don't have to be going 100 or even 75 for bad things to happen. i'm sure nothing like that ever happens on the delta, but for you to think that you're insulated because you said -dont race-, i seriously doubt it.

12-26-2005, 08:07 PM
This thread is for the Power Tour Only. :crossx: The Larry H. Parker thread is another forum!

12-26-2005, 08:21 PM
they would not have been there if YOU hadn't formed YOUR association, and put together your outing.
exactly what I'm talking about and I am not "insulated". My ass is hanging out there in a big way, both literally and figuratively. I'm in the process of doing all I can to change that in a way I will be better protected.
Funny thing is, I'm not the only one that sees the writing on the wall here. I just hope nobody has to find out first hand.

12-26-2005, 08:22 PM
Were all in trouble i read in hot boat magazine that this was the fastest four seater south of needles and that all his buddies need to step it up.
And yes hot boat has a magazine!!!!!!!!!!

12-26-2005, 08:49 PM
What Cas is saying is true. When you have a group that resembles anything "organized" you are inviting trouble. It is creating liablility This is why the FC and other "events" are risky. If somebody were to get injured during one of the FC deals, there is a huge chance that anyone and everyone who was involved with it is going to be sued. It most likely will not be from one of the participants, rather an outsider that may have been affected by it. As V drivers trying to have gatherings, we have to be very careful how things are arranged. These events in the Power Tour sound like a blast but you guys should be discreet and cover your asses.

12-26-2005, 08:59 PM
Maybe we should have a vote to nominate a leader for the power tour, I nominate Cas :crossx: Just playing.
The thing is if one person does point the finger there are twenty others to say other wise.

12-26-2005, 09:11 PM
Thats all fine and dandy. Then it becomes an issue of paying an attorney to represent those that are named just to prove that they had no involvement. Spend thousands of dollars on an attorney instead of the boat!

12-26-2005, 09:15 PM
So I've head lots of "cover your asses" and issues but how about some solutions. Like we said from the get go this event was and still is being organized by us meaning every one. What would you like to see happen.
You gona bring some of your flatty guys out Tony??? Sure would like to see em get beat I mean run :rollside:

12-26-2005, 09:22 PM
Why dont we call it the "COVER YER ASSES TOUR '06" and agree that on the water yer on yer own :cry:

12-26-2005, 09:22 PM
The reason I am responding to this is becasue my wife is an attorney and she was reading this thread.
Go grab your River Rats 2 Video and take a look at the Flatty hardware and tell me if you really want those guys to show up and crap all over your parade!! :p :p

12-26-2005, 09:24 PM
The best thing to do is not label it or name it and go out and have fun. As soon as you name it, it becomes something.

12-26-2005, 09:29 PM
The reason I am responding to this is becasue my wife is an attorney and she was reading this thread.
Go grab your River Rats 2 Video and take a look at the Flatty hardware and tell me if you really want those guys to show up and crap all over your parade!! :p :p
I'll grab the video is it on DVD I dont own a tape player ne more. I hear you guys have some serious hardware but I have yet to see it run. This would be the time and the place. I personaly would love to see a good flatty showing as well as jets.
But if you want my opinion of your comment take a look at my quote and it sums it up prety well.

12-26-2005, 10:09 PM
Guru and Cas have brought up good points. Dont give this deal a name. just give it an idea and a location/time. The less clearly its defined on paper(or the internet) the less likely it is for someone to have grounds to get sued. Take away the name, the bs t-shirts, websites and promotion and all you've got is a few people who came to together on a message board and went on a group vacation.
now that being said...lets get it on because i aint organizing nuthin' and am ready to see some sick boats lay down long passes this summer!

12-26-2005, 10:44 PM
Cas, most of us tottally understand what you are saying,there were phone calls about ALL of what you stated long before you brought all this on.Which is why we went the route we did.Ive talked with Roostwear and Ive heard about what other "groups" are going through at the same time.Its ridiculous we have to sweat all this stuff, we just want to go have a little fun but thats life. :mad: :cry: :) I can tell you right now, something lame like this isnt going to stop us from having fun.
The whole idea was to not have anybodys name tied into the whole deal, like 6th st.The idea was to have the group (60 people as of now) vote on what they would like to see happen (name,location,date,etc.) and run it all summer long like that.
Im not about to be labeled the organizer on a public message board and just pray nothing happens. Im not stupid and I'm well aware of what can happen and to be honest, something probably will happen, it always does. Luckily we havent had anything bad happen but after seeing how carried away everyone is getting for next season .I realize the chances are good something will happen. Unfotunatly we always have atleast one accident or crash or a sunk boat or whatever at every event. They may not always make it on the net, but there is always some type of mishap.so far everyone has taken responsibility for their actions and its all good.How nobody got hurt at the one FB event where all the evening racing took place, I dont know. I still laugh when V-drive video gives me chit for not being out there racing, that was just stupid out there.
The amount of people in our area with hotrods in their garages is unreal right now,most all of us want to get togethor and hang out at the river and maybe make a few hotlaps. We were just trying to put something togethor for all of us since FB went away and CBBB is only once a year.It was OUR poor attempt to put something togethor without having to have someone's ass on the line,so much for that idea.
Im not taking responsibility for everyone's actions at the river this summer,nor am I organizing any events at the river.Does anybody have any ideas as to how we can go about this without someone having to put their ass on the line? Obviously my idea isnt working. :mad: Post your ideas, dont call me.

12-26-2005, 10:50 PM
Guru and Cas have brought up good points. Dont give this deal a name. just give it an idea and a location/time. The less clearly its defined on paper(or the internet) the less likely it is for someone to have grounds to get sued. Take away the name, the bs t-shirts, websites and promotion and all you've got is a few people who came to together on a message board and went on a group vacation.
now that being said...lets get it on because i aint organizing nuthin' and am ready to see some sick boats lay down long passes this summer!
well that was the whole idea....no schedule, no website, no t-shirts (busby still wants shirts) no promotions, no trophys,nobody's names, nothing, just show up, stay where you want and we'll see ya on the water in the morning.
the word "lawsuit" has been coming up on ***boat WAYYY too much lately.

12-26-2005, 11:08 PM
the word "lawsuit" has been coming up on ***boat WAYYY too much lately.
I say the new word should be HAT.
Or Beer!

12-26-2005, 11:23 PM
Where - Yuma
When - noon, April 1, 2006
What - Lunch cruise
How - walk, drive, boat - your choice and come at your own risk
The above is what I'm being told to do and I agree, this lawsuit bs is getting ridiculous.
Since the HB article, I've had lots of emails in regards to people wanting to create chapters in different states...kind of cool. The problem is just about every one of them spoke of racing and that just can't happen. The whole idea was to have family oriented gatherings and thus far, that's what they've been. In 5 years, the only racing we've seen is a little bench racing. There have been some gps runs at the bigger lakes but very few at the Tower Park deals.
Tower Park usually has a lunch run with a stop or 2 at a couple of sand bars. It really is a pretty mellow deal. Tony even made a comment about how low keyed it is a couple of years ago.

12-26-2005, 11:27 PM
What if someone gets food poisoning during lunch ?

12-26-2005, 11:33 PM
What if someone gets food poisoning during lunch ?
it was their choice to eat

12-26-2005, 11:44 PM
What if someone gets food poisoning during lunch ?
If they were drinking more beer they wouldnt have been hungry!
When-this summer
Where-At the river
What -get together hang out visit with everyone drink a few beers check out some peoples rides.
How-boats stupid how else.
Why-Cause its the f#ckin USA and we can if ya dont like it dont show.
I think that will work for a flyer.

12-27-2005, 12:06 AM
I never was and Im no way whatsoever involved in the organizing, but ill be there as a spectator. :) It will all work out just fine as long as everyone leaves their attitudes at home and everyone keeps their heads on straight.
According to the 60 votes Needles is the spot.Rumor has it the voting ends New Years Day..?

Squirtin Thunder
12-27-2005, 12:09 AM
When-this summer
Where-At the river
What -get together hang out visit with everyone drink a few beers check out some peoples rides.
How-boats stupid how else.
Why-Cause its the f#ckin USA and we can if ya dont like it dont show.

12-27-2005, 05:02 AM
I never was and Im no way whatsoever involved in the organizing, but ill be there as a spectator. :) It will all work out just fine as long as everyone leaves their attitudes at home and everyone keeps their heads on straight.
According to the 60 votes Needles is the spot.Rumor has it the voting ends New Years Day..?
Chris, You can count on the BRD boys. Thanks for the organization of a recreational boating get together.
PS: I would post some of our boat pics if I wasn't so retarded.

Tittie Chaser
12-27-2005, 07:07 AM

12-27-2005, 10:26 AM
The name should be "it" ie... When is "it"? or Where is "it"? The people who attend will only be known by "they" ie... When will "they" be there? or Where are "they" going to stay. Or we could just create the deep pockets: Call "it" the "LGCDEVIL, DOGBALL, CS19, STEELCOMP, DJD, SQUIRTIN, BIGSLEY, ETC...ETC...BRING YOUR SHIT SOMEWHERE AND BURN IT DOWN TOUR." Wait, I don't want my name to be first....

Squirtin Thunder
12-27-2005, 10:54 AM
no name
When-this summer
Where-At the river
What -get together hang out visit with everyone drink a few beers check out some peoples rides.
How-boats stupid how else.
Why-Cause its the f#ckin USA and we can if ya dont like it dont show.

12-27-2005, 05:12 PM
Where - Yuma
When - noon, April 1, 2006
What - Lunch cruise
How - walk, drive, boat - your choice and come at your own risk
The above is what I'm being told to do and I agree, this lawsuit bs is getting ridiculous.
Since the HB article, I've had lots of emails in regards to people wanting to create chapters in different states...kind of cool. The problem is just about every one of them spoke of racing and that just can't happen. The whole idea was to have family oriented gatherings and thus far, that's what they've been. In 5 years, the only racing we've seen is a little bench racing. There have been some gps runs at the bigger lakes but very few at the Tower Park deals.
Tower Park usually has a lunch run with a stop or 2 at a couple of sand bars. It really is a pretty mellow deal. Tony even made a comment about how low keyed it is a couple of years ago.
Just keepin it real not trying to cause BS.
The 1st year before it became an "event" most of us went out and did GPS runs right by the cove just to the right of the bridge. I can't think of a year except the 1st when I haven't had a race or two or three. Thats another thing that makes it fun for me. I saw quite a few other folks lining up last year as well. I'm all for you protecting yourself Cas, any Asshole can sue anyone for anything so why invite it. But to be truthfull alot of us run them pretty hard when we're out there............a few times yourself included :wink: So things need to change as far as you being open to liability, thats a good thing, but saying that no racing takes place or nothing but cruising is going on just isn't the case.

12-27-2005, 05:34 PM
I've made a couple of gps runs at Tower Park and 1 race against Jim at the first one. I went 59 mph and he went 60ish? :D
Since that first one, I haven't had a race. Hell, I had only run my boat a total of 6 or 7 hours between TP2 and TP4. Got in about 4 hrs at the last one.
If there has been racing with people even signing the agreement, guess what, TP5 was the last one I'll be doing.

12-27-2005, 06:34 PM
I've made a couple of gps runs at Tower Park and 1 race against Jim at the first one. I went 59 mph and he went 60ish? :D
Since that first one, I haven't had a race. Hell, I had only run my boat a total of 6 or 7 hours between TP2 and TP4. Got in about 4 hrs at the last one.
If there has been racing with people even signing the agreement, guess what, TP5 was the last one I'll be doing.
Hmmm :idea: very interesting, these people really need to be careful when running thier boats at such high speeds. :sqeyes: This sounds very dangerous!

12-27-2005, 06:48 PM
way too fast, we had to go out and get some goggles for the next outing

Nucking futs
12-27-2005, 07:00 PM
Just tell me when "WE" are going to the river.......Thats all I need to know !!!!

12-27-2005, 07:08 PM
Can we get back to featuring the sleds of the people who will attend the family vacation? Some how this thread got all jacked up.

12-27-2005, 07:28 PM
would you all like me to delete my posts? just pm me so as not to clog this thread up any more than it alreadyhas been.

12-27-2005, 07:29 PM
It is kind of funny how this event evolved from the Power Tour to the Slow Boat Family Vacation. :D

12-27-2005, 07:55 PM
Just tell me when "WE" are going to the river.......Thats all I need to know !!!!
How are "WE" coming on that TD? I know it's going to have some sick valve covers :)

Nucking futs
12-27-2005, 09:07 PM
How are "WE" coming on that TD? I know it's going to have some sick valve covers :)
The dragster is coming along, but the Valve covers will go on the cruiser.. :D Engine should be done middle of Jan for the cruiser and march for the TD... can't wait untill "WE" go to the river so "IT" can see the water and see how "They" run.

12-27-2005, 11:18 PM
http://img452.imageshack.us/img452/2039/dsc006715fl.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img474.imageshack.us/img474/5871/dsc006687ql.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/1792/dsc006720pn.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/7409/dsc006747iu.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Don Pisto
12-28-2005, 11:19 AM
Were all in trouble i read in hot boat magazine that this was the fastest four seater south of needles and that all his buddies need to step it up.
And yes hot boat has a magazine!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]
Bring it on Bart, I'll punish that thing!!! I will give you a good ol' fashion Bitch Slap!!!!! You might as well get used to seeing the back of my boat.
Adios, Via Con Dios Bendejo

12-28-2005, 11:41 AM
WOW :sqeyes:

12-28-2005, 09:06 PM
Dont think i can make it my mangina is sore . Porn and beer dont help any more.Think its lack of water and boats but could be wrong.http://***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10328&stc=1

12-28-2005, 09:14 PM
thats the biggest pic ive ever seen lmao

12-28-2005, 09:22 PM
Bring it on Bart, I'll punish that thing!!! I will give you a good ol' fashion Bitch Slap!!!!! You might as well get used to seeing the back of my boat.
Adios, Via Con Dios Bendejo
Man i am kinda turned on now.I look fwd to our meeting. :crossx:
After ya spank me in a boat race we will get down to the serious stuff,the drinking.Hey if we do this deal in Yuma we can go across the border one night huh.

12-28-2005, 09:47 PM
Man i am kinda turned on now.I look fwd to our meeting. :crossx:
After ya spank me in a boat race we will get down to the serious stuff,the drinking.Hey if we do this deal in Yuma we can go across the border one night huh.
Speak for yourself homes. SOme of us can't get back across without climbing the fence again.

12-28-2005, 10:07 PM
Hey if we do this deal in Yuma we can go across the border one night huh.
Wow, thats a great idea Mr. Bendejo. Ill be perfectly honest though, Id be a tiny bit nervous to go to mex with this crew, but im down to go..
Whats the closest border? Calexico?

12-28-2005, 10:35 PM
I think Algedones is the border town near yuma.Oh shit boyz this will be ah hoot.Man i can see it already we better get a pretty good mexican attorney right now.

12-28-2005, 10:39 PM
I Got 40 Bucks That Says Won't Throw On A [ink Thong And Ride A Donkey Down The Streets Singing A Rikki Martin Song Danny...

12-28-2005, 10:43 PM
Oh shi# here we go.
OK 40 bucks? Livin la vida loca.

12-28-2005, 11:07 PM
And A 22 Of Coors Light?

12-29-2005, 01:27 AM
http://***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10330&stc=1Good oll jackass.

Squirtin Thunder
12-29-2005, 01:37 AM
http://***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10330&stc=1Good oll jackcass.

12-29-2005, 07:35 AM
Speak for yourself homes. SOme of us can't get back across without climbing the fence again.
No problem. CS's old lady can drive. We'll make it back.

12-29-2005, 08:39 AM
Ill be surprised if she will be down for that again. She was just a little bent that night. :argue:
Is the pirate gonna come hang out? aargh
That one dude in that pic has got some chit on his lip, WTF is that?

12-29-2005, 09:38 AM
I think that was a bar related injury aquired a few days earlier.

12-29-2005, 09:52 AM
:rollside: :rollside:

Don Pisto
12-29-2005, 11:15 AM
Wonder if this cat will get his oil changed in time?http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/2930FC3_028.jpg
In addition to changing the oil before the first trip, I also need a new starter for my ride. Can anybody give me the part # out of Summit Racing for a bb454 chevy? Hopefully I can get these two hot items taken care of before the first trip!!!!

Don Pisto
12-29-2005, 11:22 AM
Man i am kinda turned on now.I look fwd to our meeting. :crossx:
After ya spank me in a boat race we will get down to the serious stuff,the drinking.Hey if we do this deal in Yuma we can go across the border one night huh.
Right on!!!!
See ya out there,

12-29-2005, 12:35 PM
Im outta here for the invite only powertour 1. headed to the river for a few days, then to glamis for a few.
Happy New year guys.

12-29-2005, 04:37 PM
That picture is priceless! I think I still had a concussion from the KO.

number 1 hondo
12-29-2005, 05:48 PM

12-30-2005, 12:19 AM
No problem. CS's old lady can drive. We'll make it back.
This is what happens when the front desk clerk (first week on the job) at the hotel starts handing out tokens by the handfull for the beer machine in the hotel.
Ya Nelson it's a 4x4 but you had to check to make sure didn't you... LOL

01-03-2006, 10:31 PM
Question is will the guy in the blue shirt have his shit in the drink before the PT??? Fat Lipps, John Deere Hats, Vince Neil Hair? The Cowboy Cadillac is Kickin!

01-03-2006, 10:47 PM
The guy in the blue shirt needs to start turning some serious wrenches in order to make the show.

01-04-2006, 05:54 PM
That guy in the blue will be turnning some serious wrenches this week and will be making the tour!!!

01-04-2006, 08:15 PM
Nice boat. Who bent your stainless tubing to the carbs? Did you have it polished? Really nice, im a big fan of stainless hard line. Dont see it on many boats.
Here is Dogball's sled.
Watch for this sled next season, he'll be trailerin' some fools.

01-05-2006, 01:18 PM
Thanks Brother,
The motor was built by Bill Scotten, I believe CJ carbs handled the stainless lines.

01-05-2006, 09:29 PM
You decide on a new scoop yet balls?
From what i hear shes gonna make some good power. :220v:

sofa king smooth
01-05-2006, 10:06 PM
It better! :)

01-05-2006, 10:44 PM
I think I am going to name her the Red Dragon!! Jus kidden!!
CS, I got the bad dog scoop that I am gonna run flat black should look ligit. I think after we bump the compression up to 8.5:1 and put that low profile hydrolic cam in this thing should really bark!
Mr. Balls

01-06-2006, 10:03 AM
:sleeping: :sleeping: I think I am going to name her the Red Dragon!! Jus kidden!!
CS, I got the bad dog scoop that I am gonna run flat black should look ligit. I think after we bump the compression up to 8.5:1 and put that low profile hydrolic cam in this thing should really bark!
Mr. Balls
:sleeping: :sleeping:

01-06-2006, 11:16 AM
I think I am going to name her the Red Dragon!! Jus kidden!!
CS, I got the bad dog scoop that I am gonna run flat black should look ligit. I think after we bump the compression up to 8.5:1 and put that low profile hydrolic cam in this thing should really bark!
Mr. Balls
Low profile cam = less wind resistance. Should be a runner.

01-07-2006, 12:07 PM
:sleeping: :sleeping:
:sleeping: :sleeping:
:cry: :cry: