View Full Version : 455olds fixed and no more problems

1973 Hondo
03-24-2003, 10:01 AM
No water in the oil and no fuel in the oil, JUST OIL IN THE OIL>>>>>>> wohooooooooooo, Im ready to rocknroll, spent all weekend fixing it.Thanks to all that had input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But i do have a name for her now. MILK SHAKE jawdrop :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
[ March 24, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: 1973 Hondo ]

03-24-2003, 05:23 PM
Mike, that's good news. Now go out and have some fun, but be careful. Watch those gauges and check the oil frequently. About that name, do you really want to take the chance.......

Wet Dream
03-24-2003, 06:31 PM
HONDO, was it the intake gaskets or what?? What did you end up using? I'm thinking of redoing mine just to be safe.

03-25-2003, 11:47 AM
So what did you put in that thing. I will be rebuilding mine in the next couple of weeks. Im most likely going with Mondellos complete oiling system. It has the 8qt pan, oil restrictors for mains, oil restricted cam bearings and high volume oil pump. Lynn says that will take care of everything.

1973 Hondo
03-25-2003, 01:03 PM
The main thing on the bottom end is a 10 qt dooley oil pan and hv pump and windage tray and pickup. And thats all on the bottom no restrictors, should not need any with that pan, and the boat will never see over 4500 to 5000 rpm anyway, rev limiter will make sure of that!!!!!