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View Full Version : Anyone guilty of roosting people on shore?

06-11-2002, 02:35 PM
Come on people, fess up!

06-11-2002, 03:00 PM
The shore, or rocks, but never people. I might as well just beach the boat, walk up and punch everyone in the face. At least I won't get a ticket for wreckless driving.
[This message has been edited by HBjet (edited June 11, 2002).]

06-11-2002, 03:11 PM
I know a guy that did (seriously it wasn't me). He was out at Blythe. He was in the boat with his friend and their wives were sitting in chairs on the shore. He thought it would be funny to roost them. They came in, spun the boat around and nailed it.
Blew the ladies right out of their chairs and they didn't think it was very funny. I'm not sure he learned anything from this though, because he still laughs when he tells the story. Last I heard they were seperated....
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverToysJas (edited June 11, 2002).]

06-11-2002, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by RiverToysJas:
I know a guy that did (seriously it wasn't me). He was out at Blythe. He was in the boat with his friend and their wives were sitting in chairs on the shore. He thought it would be funny to roost them. They came in, spun the boat around and nailed it.
Blew the ladies right out of their chairs and they didn't think it was very funny. I'm not sure he learned anything from this though, because he still laughs when he tells the story. Last I heard they were seperated....
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverToysJas (edited June 11, 2002).]
So how is 77charger doing?

06-11-2002, 03:36 PM
i had a gentlemen on a pwc pull up next to me while i was cruising and said "how about some wake?" unfortunatley i used poor judgementand nailed it w/diverter up.it wasnt pretty. he was real pissed and i dont think ill try that again

06-11-2002, 03:39 PM
I have this friend that I boat with and he likes me to have me run the jet up and then he runs his boat back and forth under the rainbow while his kids laugh hysterically.
It totally soaks his boat, interior and all.

06-11-2002, 03:45 PM
Got the bridge in Laughlin before the dam. Left big water spot on it but don't think I got any cars.

06-11-2002, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by boatlessd:
Got the bridge in Laughlin before the dam. Left big water spot on it but don't think I got any cars.
I've always wanted to do that!!!
Good guess HB, but it actually wasn't him (although he'd do it, no problem).
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

06-11-2002, 03:56 PM
Of course my boat is almost finished so I dont have any stories yet but I do have so pwc stories. I onces was spinning 360's on my yamaha with the trim all the way up and I failed to see the sherrif behind me. I looked up and it was too late! I soaked the shit out of him. He cussed me out but didnt write me a ticket. I always soak my friends near the bank. Oh and by the way let me tell you guys dont ever try to cross under a rooster when a boat is going about 45 with the tail all the way up on a pwc! It felt like a 12 gauge in the face and blew my ass completely off the ski. I always do it to get wet but I stay far enough back to fell a mild sprinlke! The shit is still fun though!

Chestah Cheetah
06-11-2002, 04:03 PM
Anyone remember our big Pyramid trip last season? Seems one of our fellow forum members decided to leave a little early, but not before trying to soak all of us on the beach. I noticed him turning the boat at idle and just by the look on his face I could tell he was about to do something bad so when the nozzle faced our direction I moved aside. We watched as he mistakenely proceeded to soak our neighbors on the beach including this little hottie on the bow of a boat talking on her cell phone, she got most of it. Thanks Pucker Sucker! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/biggrina.gif

06-11-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by 396_WAYS_TO_SPIT:
Of course my boat is almost finished so I dont have any stories yet but I do have so pwc stories. I onces was spinning 360's on my yamaha with the trim all the way up and I failed to see the sherrif behind me. I looked up and it was too late! I soaked the shit out of him. He cussed me out but didnt write me a ticket.
Thanks for sharing, but I have to say...
So you're the A-Hole that spins dougnuts in the middle of the river causing us to have to stop and wait because we don't know what direction you're going to come out or if you're aware there is traffic at all. I don't mean to be a dick, but total lack of disrespect and safety is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to PWCs. I really don't know why the Sherrif didn't write you up for wreckless operation. If you're straying boats while doing doughnuts that's about as unsafe as you can operate, there must be more to the story.
I'm sure you're a nice guy and thanks for sharing but it's things like that that give all PWCs a bad name.
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverToysJas (edited June 11, 2002).]

06-11-2002, 05:28 PM
I am soooooo guilty of this. In fact, I could be that guy in Blythe... but I'm not separated.
We had a camp spot up on the hill at Hidden Beaches, the first one up from the launch ramp. Dusty as all hell, and about 60 ft up from the shoreline. We would come it at about 10 mph, turn a 180 nice and smooth and divert up and drench our site all the way up the hill. Nice and misty, killed the dust. Everyone was out of the way of course.
Next, on the Blythe sandbar my wife was sitting in her chair, jokingly talking shit about getting roosted when we left, and with a wink she got a little burble, but not a full roost. Kind of a little swell up the back. Good for a chuckle. VERY mild. I would never roost an unsuspecting bystander, or give someone a full frontal.
Also as a side note, that was years ago, with the first boat, within months of purchase. I am a little smarter now, and gave the land swamping up in favor of Mr Mista spray machines and grassy campsites!

06-11-2002, 05:50 PM
I've knocked a couple of annoying lake licers of their pwc's. I hate it when they are running less than 50 feet off my ass end. Go swimming lice boy...
So, it feels like a 12 gauge,huh http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/evilgrin/evilgrin10.gif ?

06-11-2002, 05:55 PM
My stepson runs like hell when I aim the ROOSTER PRODUCER at him.
I have not been able to get him yet. The little shit is too fast.
Hey I think I just found a name for my boat

Wet Dream
06-11-2002, 06:05 PM
Well, just at Anna this last weekend, 2 incidents:
1st, a guy in a SeaDoo jetboat wanted to race ok I stab the throttle, leave him behind. He comes back, I'm cruising about 40 and he gives me thumbs up, I just raced him so I figure he wants to see the roost, up it goes, I hammer on it and he steers right under it. He peeled off after the shower. I think it was more than he expected.
2nd time, a big guy on a huge inflatable trampoline wants me to spray him (he's drunk) I make a pass and douse him completely. He wanted more, but I can't do that to someone. Once was enough.

06-11-2002, 10:41 PM
Ok rivertoys, first of all I am a very safe rider of my pwc so I dont consider myself an ASSHOLE. I only follow big ass boats because they are the only ones that have the wake so I can do supermans on my 3 seater pwc. Many boaters stop to watch me ride because I ride very well. Secondly I dont hang out in the middle of the lake because there is too many drunk assholes driving boats and I know they hate pwc's so I dont want to be a target. I see too many people getting hit by boats, so if I am near its only behind the big ones like cabin cruiser's with 3 foot wakes. And lastly, the sherrif inncident was a mistake maybe on my behalf or not I dont know. I think he snuck up behind me while I was riding and stopped. All I know is that I have adjuted my pwc's trim to throw a rooster. I can throw water about 30 yards out with my nozzle so that might be why I got him because he was not close. Anywayz, I totally feel where you are comming from bro about people on pwc's that cant drive I see them every weekend. Hell I even stay away from them assholes.

06-12-2002, 06:13 AM
Had one of my brother in laws sking behind the boat a few years ago, he's the kind of brother in law who thinks everything he does or thinks is better than what you can do. Makes it worse since we work at same place. So, he's sking behind the boat, all confident, and pumped when I lift the diverter lever to the top for a second....knocks him clear out of the boots and leaves a nice red circle on his face. Needless to say, he's cut across the wake quickly ever since, and I'll never let him pull me!

06-12-2002, 06:39 AM
This was a few years back on the Blythe sandbar late in the afternoon and a few of us were playing volleyball. My friend? Ed out dicking around swings by the beach and threw a roost that left the volleyball net on the rocks and all of us on our collective ass.

06-12-2002, 07:18 AM
Wierd, my girlfriend and I broke up just a little before I bought the jet boat. Maybe she knew she was going to get roosted eventually. It's the kind of thing that gets you in trouble at the time, but is funny as hell to laugh about later.

Licketty Split
06-12-2002, 11:43 AM
About seven years ago the big shit in Havasu was those water cannons made from PVC (now illegal in the channel) I was cruising thru and this Prick soaked me my friends AND MY ENGINE causing it to dye. I asked him kindly to stop while I tried to get my boat started. Whets he do? He hits us again and again.... So I get my boat started back it up to where he and his day camp was and gave him the roost of his life (knocked him right on his ass) when I looked over I saw police boat with two cops laughing there asses off I laughed when they went by me and sited them for disorderly conduct http://free.***boat.net/ubb/smile.gif
Another time we where anckered in a cove with some friends and family. Then with no notice a Bay liner (i.e. trashcan inner) decided it would be cool to swamp my parents deck boat, my old man got pissed and told me to go get them. So I went over to where they had stopped and roosted them. They must not have liked that too much because they decided to chase me (dumb thing to do) I just let them come in then roosted them on the way out, this happened about three times until the boat died when I passed them by I noticed a rather large stream coming from the bilge pump.
HEHE don’t **** with a Jet Boat http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/evilgrin/evilgrin06.gif

06-12-2002, 02:20 PM
my friend and I got tossed out of a bar on the lake once and he backed his jet boat up in the dock and just about blew the hinges off the door of this bar on the lake. He later got busted by the cops.

06-12-2002, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Heatseeker:
I've knocked a couple of annoying lake licers of their pwc's. I hate it when they are running less than 50 feet off my ass end. Go swimming lice boy...
So, it feels like a 12 gauge,huh http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/evilgrin/evilgrin10.gif ?
This kind of reminds me of once when I was riding my standup, just crusin going straight, minding my own bis, etc. These a-holes come over and cut in front of me and blasted the shit out of me which also knocked me off my ride. So, no big. I see them later floating downriver, engine off. I rolled up on em, spun around and burried the nose of my ski and tossed a couple gallons of water on their nice polised engine. The best part was they had a cool looking open Velocity stack on the carb too. Go swimm lake lice hater.
On a serious note and maybe Boatcop can elaborate, but splashing or roosting anyone is a 3k dollar fine. A Blythe cop told me it is considerd reckless driving.

06-12-2002, 02:51 PM
I rode with a friend who blasted a semi trailer and accidentally got the open window on the tractor.Another local hero washed the bridge full of traffic.

06-12-2002, 08:04 PM
Alright, I'm guilty. I will actually 'bait' PWC's into range.
Here in Utah we have a 'Proximity' Law, that states that you must be wakeless within 150 feet of any shoreline, marker or vessel. Since PWC's like to jump the wakes of slower moving boats, I will 'troll' along at about 30 with the nozzle down, then when they approach the wake and are 'commited' to the jump they just set up, I raise the nozzle, and stomp it to the floor, quite often nearly peeling them off of their little bote.
I see it this way, If I can hit them with my roost, they are within 150ft. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif
I am also guilty of using my jet as a giant squirtgun against other jetboat freinds of mine, all of the guys in my group like to play around a bit. When we are all just floating around, talking, drinking, hangin', when one of us goes to leave, they will almost always point the transom at the rest of us, and try to get us wet.
This one always works. Have the nozzle up, and the shifter in the middle, so the gate halfway covers the nozzle, Rev the engine, and bump the shifter so that it opens the gate (forward) It creates instant shot of water that can shoot over 100 feet. LIFT off of the gas, as soon as the gate goes open!!(now this takes practice, because there is a feel to this. you have to make SURE that the boat does not move) Similar to revving the engine in your car, and side stepping the clutch.
NEVER do this at point blank range!!!!!! you could seriously hurt someone. We usually just 'fake' each other out with this maneuver.
Try it on the open water though, it looks cool.

06-12-2002, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by H8Monday:
Alright, I'm guilty. I will actually 'bait' PWC's into range.
Here in Utah we have a 'Proximity' Law, that states that you must be wakeless within 150 feet of any shoreline, marker or vessel. Since PWC's like to jump the wakes of slower moving boats, I will 'troll' along at about 30 with the nozzle down, then when they approach the wake and are 'commited' to the jump they just set up, I raise the nozzle, and stomp it to the floor, quite often nearly peeling them off of their little bote.
I see it this way, If I can hit them with my roost, they are within 150ft. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif
I dare ya to squirt this one. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif
I don't know why I still stick up for PWCs. I don't even own one anymore. Too many good times on them I guess.

06-13-2002, 07:12 AM
Looks like a place diverter is next on my buy list. shit, the credit card is getting up there..... http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

06-13-2002, 10:35 AM
I'm a former PWC owner. Don't stand in the water behind the jet. Even at low power, the roost can kick up sand and shells off the bottom and scratch your feet.
Beached1, thanks for the pic. I'm squirting all over her right now.

06-13-2002, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by 78Eliminator:
Come on people, fess up!
I've never intentionally hit people on the beach but I have had two un-intentional occurances. 1. accidentally hit the hydraulics while pulling my brother inlaw on a kneeboard... blasted the poor guy straight out of the straps!
2. Once right after putting my boat in I didn't notice that my 5yr old had hit the up button and when I went to spin the boat around I came within inches of completely roosting on a whole dock full of tournament ski boaters.. needless to say now I always check the trim gauge BEFORE hitting it.

06-13-2002, 11:51 AM
I came within inches of completely roosting on a whole dock full of tournament ski boaters..
This is not a bad thing, I hate those guys that go out fill there boats till there about 300+ pounds heavier in the rear and make there wake like hitting a wall.

06-13-2002, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Hustler:
This is not a bad thing, I hate those guys that go out fill there boats till there about 300+ pounds heavier in the rear and make there wake like hitting a wall.
Yeah it was actually pretty funny at the time. I had to work real hard to hold back from laughing, all these pretty boys with their dad's boats trying to look cool in front of the girls when all of the sudden this huge wall of water broils up from the business end of my pump which is pointing straight at them. They all scattered in the opposite direction just as if I were spraying them with machine gun fire!
I acted real concerned and apologetic but I was laughing my head off on the inide!

06-13-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by HBjet:
So how is 77charger doing?
doin well but it wasnt me.LOL

06-13-2002, 06:31 PM
Last year in Bullhead my wife dumped a bunch of ice water on my buddy...He just smiled and said "I'll get even later"..an hour or so after that he dropped both our wives off at the house so they could make lunch..they were both sitting on the dock waiting to be picked up when he came upriver for them...His wife must of figured it out cause she took off running back to the house..all my wife could do was duck...she didn't get knocked off the dock but she was soaked head to toe...took it pretty well actually...

06-18-2002, 07:48 AM
Just caught this thread and i got to reminicen...the year was 1982, sr in HS, i went by the local 2001 disco in my SS chevelle, after chatting with my friend on the line , he rattled the infamous words.."Smoke em Up !!", it was pouring out...100 plus people under the awning nice and dry...well as i stood in it, the N50-15's caught a lot of water....the next day
my buddy informed me, i didnt miss any of them..LOL they were all drenched...I never like them Disco folks any way...
does this count??

Blown Sleek
06-18-2002, 12:12 PM
Hey Froggie!! I heard through the grape vine you have a rudder for a place set up? (it is on a Legend. On the note of roosting people?? Never till last weekend!! I roosted the chick I was with and some moreon who thought it was cool to mess with her! Now he can have the hooker! OOPS. B.T.W. if she begs she may go to op6c. NOT!