View Full Version : 455 olds question

07-02-2002, 01:14 PM
I just bought a Bojo boat, anyone ever heard of them?? well anyways I need some advice here. I have a 455 oldsmobile engine with a lot of Hardin Marine stuff on it. someone spent some money making it look pretty. The problem that I found when it ran rough is that the block is cracked. I am going to need a new block I really want to get this boat on the water, because thats where it belongs. My question is sould I scrap the whole idea of putting a 455 olds back in it, as I have ran into serious dificulty obtaining one. Or should i swap it out for a 454 where parts are a little more easier to find? What to do, what to do??????????????????????Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-02-2002, 02:10 PM
you wounls be a lot of money ahead if you replace it with a 454 i have used my boat 3 time rebuilt it 2 time and it shot again no more olds EVER NOT EVEN FOR FREE have had very bad luck with olds

mud duck
07-02-2002, 05:50 PM
There are several threads that have already dealt with this subject. You might want search for Olds, or 455, or engine swap, or something close within the Jet Tech or Gear Head forums.
I entertained the same idea a while back, but decided I would go to a Chevy based engine in my next boat. If you manage a 455 it can be a great, solid motor. Likewise, if you don't manage it, the 455 will fail, it has flaws.
Some possible sources of create 455 might be: http://www.remanufactured-engines.com/page22.htm http://www.enginefactory.com/ http://www.atk-engines.com/marine.html
And then there is Mondello's.... http://www.mondellotwister.com/
If you do go Chevy: http://www.ariasengine.com/century.htm http://racingengines.com/public/sales/wrldprd1.htm
There is loads of info out there on the web. Good luck.

mud duck
07-02-2002, 06:00 PM
Oh here is another good source of Chevy based engines.
You will never find an end to sources of Chevy parts. It is almost ridiculous how much is avilable. With Olds engines you just have to be a little smarter.

07-03-2002, 03:11 PM
I have a good 455 Olds block if you live in Calif give me a call.

07-04-2002, 03:09 AM
Where are you from? I have access to about 5 455 engines....

07-04-2002, 08:40 AM
It depends on how hard you run it, if it's in a day cruiser - it will be super reliable. If your running it hard, you will probably invest quite a bit of money getting the oiling system up to par. It would probably be better to upgrade to the 454 at this.

07-04-2002, 08:56 AM
As I said on Banderlog, if you go Olds, get Joe Mondello's Technical Reference manual. They also sell blocks but it won't be cheap. http://www.mondellotwister.com/CatTechAcc.htm

07-08-2002, 04:23 PM
I believe Bojo boats were made is Crowley, Texas. But at least for sure in TX>

Liberator TJ1984
07-09-2002, 04:49 AM
Darren , I Got a Bojo semi-flatbottom 16' w/175 Black Max Power 24" Lab Prop..It's a '79 model just sold it to my Brother! runs a solid 70 mph when it stays in the water! I gave SSTSleekcraft wrong info last night...It was actually made in BOWIE,TX..wherever the hell that is... I called about them before and came up emptyhanded..maybe you will have better luck ?? Overall good solid Boat...had the crap ran out of it...........

Jungle Boy
07-09-2002, 05:11 AM
Try looking at www.jetboatracing.com. (http://www.jetboatracing.com.) There is lots of Olds 455 stuff in the "for sale" thread. If not, buy a 502 crate motor and enjoy. I know lots of guys with these motors and they have never had any problems with them.