View Full Version : Aluminum River jetboats Cont.

Jungle Boy
10-14-2003, 08:51 AM
Just thought I'd start a new thread. I hope to keep some interest going here. Keep the questions coming.
Here's a photo of the the Billet Bowl that Eagle developed and sells. It WILL make 2/3 MPH on a boat that runs 100+ MPH, with the right impeller.

quiet riot
10-14-2003, 09:02 AM
jungle, thats some neat schnitZ. Glad to see eagle pushing the r&d front in all the aspects.

10-14-2003, 09:07 AM
Jungle Boy:
Just thought I'd start a new thread. I hope to keep some interest going here. Keep the questions coming.
Here's a photo of the the Billet Bowl that Eagle developed and sells. It WILL make 2/3 MPH on a boat that runs 100+ MPH, with the right impeller.
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/500/259BILLIT02-med.jpg That is BADASS!!

flat broke
10-14-2003, 10:55 AM

Jungle Boy
10-14-2003, 11:36 AM
Here's comes some photos from the World race this summer. Hope you like them.
This is Rob Chrunyk from Eagle Racing - Aired out at 115 MPH. He won this year.
Here's us coming out of a corner, over a small hump in the water.
Here's us in a drag race to first corner. We won!!
Doug Thompson chasing Rob C into the back channel.

Blown 472
10-14-2003, 11:40 AM
Does that yellow one have a wing on the nose??

10-14-2003, 11:45 AM
Blown 472:
Does that yellow one have a wing on the nose?? It looks like it does, I think i might have seen a diff. pic of that boat, and i think it had a wing on the nose in the other pic as well
btw, thats a bad ass pic of you drag racing to the first corner JB

Jungle Boy
10-14-2003, 11:51 AM
Here's some of the the 16' play boats. They are powered by a 240 hp Merc Sportjet and have a top speed of 63 mph.
This is the guy and boat that broke my ribs. Don't ride with him.

10-14-2003, 01:44 PM
SWEET :D those are so awsome to watch! i wish i could do that :cool: but not to many of those type of things going on here in utah! cry

10-14-2003, 02:48 PM
Jungle Boy:
Here's some of the the 16' play boats. They are powered by a 240 hp Merc Sportjet and have a top speed of 63 mph.
This is the guy and boat that broke my ribs. Don't ride with him.
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/521/259Graphic6-med.jpg Are these pictures real or did you photoshop them? eek! If they're real, how do they launch them things so high and are they doing it on purpose?

Jungle Boy
10-14-2003, 02:58 PM
For sure they are the real thing. We jump beaver dams to get launched like that and yes they are doing it on purpose. The rides are not normaly that extreme, but a film crew was making a video for promotional purposes. Click on the Eagle Racing icon and download the videos. No way you can photo shop the videos!! :D

10-14-2003, 03:26 PM
At last, some real talk!
JB, you have done the right thing and grabbed it by the horns...time for some learnin' folks :)
I've been out of it for too long to discuss the latest technology with any authority but right here you have several guys who are doing it now. Listen up.
Pump clearances - normal for the most part. The rocks that go through the unit move across the blades just as the water does (kind of :) ), to clearance a pump to allow them to fit between the blades and the housing would mean that the boat wouldn't move too far...
As for the issue of how they go as fast as they do, those pictures from JB tell it all, they fly...
Power to weight ratios are no less relevant here than anywhere else, bottom design plays a big part obviously. There is no magic just common sense and the fact that if you have an open mind then it will allow a person to look past the "norm" and understand that there are many ways to skin a cat.
Check out Scott pumps as well, they are another alternative to what we see on a daily basis. Don't forget that Eagle, Scott and any number of manufacturers of components and boats learned their lessons on the race course and design accordingly, they do not care what options are available now, they only care about how to be better.
Over to you JB and others, I am 100% certain this will make people question the options they already have and hopefully see that there are alternative - that work.
Oh BTW, that picture of the white boat up the bank, that would be a carbon copy of myself and Bruce Street (do you know him?) from a long tome ago - no injuries though.
Listen, participate and learn guys, you may just be the first on your block to hand out the ass kickings.. :D

Jungle Boy
10-14-2003, 07:20 PM
I've heard Bruce Streets name but do not know him. You're right about what you say about learning from other's ideas and R&D work. The same ole throught train and stuff creates tunnel vision (and I don't mean boats). Eagle has built boats with the Scott pump but they are generally a sprint style or work boat. They are the goods for sprint boats. I'm sure that after checking these boats out and driving/riding in one, there would be a few glass boats up for sale. I'm not bashing the glass boats by any means, but change is good too. With the World's race being held in Nor-Cal next year, it will be a great show case for this type of boating. Like Jesse said in the other post, they may not have the low cut look like some of the cool looking lake boats these guys have, but in my eye, nothing looks better than a aired out Eagle. The rush of running twisty rivers virus blasting up and down a lake dodging fools on jetskis and other idiots in boats can't be compared. Most of the guys here would LOVE it. I have yet to take out a lake boat friend and have them say they did not like it; well, except that one guy that wasn't holding on when I turned hard and he was thrown across the boat and hurt his back. But he's been back for a ride in the race boat (with belts on) and had a great time.
[ October 14, 2003, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Jungle Boy ]

10-14-2003, 07:27 PM
Cool pics, JB. I have a alm. egale degree hull that Gator Jet Boats bult and Randy and John are frinds of mine so I stop by ther shop from time to time just to B,S. Anyhow they told me they were going to start building the sport jets along with the tunnels and flat bottoms. They had some pictures of themselves and som folks from egale in the sport jets jumping bever dams and logs. I freeked. John went on to tell me they had orderd a boat and his tonnel was for sale over his ride in the sport hull. There were some guys from Canada that came to Missouri for our jet boat drags and so Randy and John and Randys' father, Frank went up north to see how it was done up ther. Well those three were sold. Im glad to see this post, just because ther arn't alot of shallow water jets on the bords. As far as these 16' jets here in MO I think it is going to change how some of us run the riveres here, Quick.
BTW J.B. do you know the guys at Egale?
I met them at the races here but can't rember ther names.

Jungle Boy
10-14-2003, 08:01 PM
Cool pics, JB. I have a alm. egale degree hull that Gator Jet Boats bult and Randy and John are frinds of mine so I stop by ther shop from time to time just to B,S. Anyhow they told me they were going to start building the sport jets along with the tunnels and flat bottoms. They had some pictures of themselves and som folks from egale in the sport jets jumping bever dams and logs. I freeked. John went on to tell me they had orderd a boat and his tonnel was for sale over his ride in the sport hull. There were some guys from Canada that came to Missouri for our jet boat drags and so Randy and John and Randys' father, Frank went up north to see how it was done up ther. Well those three were sold. Im glad to see this post, just because ther arn't alot of shallow water jets on the bords. As far as these 16' jets here in MO I think it is going to change how some of us run the riveres here, Quick.
BTW J.B. do you know the guys at Egale?
I met them at the races here but can't rember ther names. That's too funny, cause Doug and Rob from Eagle told me all about the guys that came up and went out for a run on the Upper Red Deer River. They had a good time, I hear. Rob and Jeremy are the guys that went down to your stomping grounds for a run. I guess your friends really freaked out on what they could run in them little boats and couldn't stop talking about it on the ride back to town. Happy boating and you'll have to go for a blast in the little boat when they get it.
By the way - I downloaded the video that they posted on Eagle site of the drag races from your area. Your river looks perfect for some great river boating. Nice paint on them boats down there too!
[ October 14, 2003, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Jungle Boy ]

10-15-2003, 08:36 PM
Man I can't wate to ride in one. Most of the boats here are john boats with big outbords and a lower pump unit. Some of us more horsepower hungry have inbord gators or shole runner boats. The guys who don't fish run steptec or tunnel Egales (my wife hasn't come around to a tunnel).
All the inbord sport jets are Bass Pro Trackers, Very heavy and only come with a 90 or 175 merc. Plus they are rivited boats, witch don't hold up.
The rivers here are mostly gravel and rock bottom so the 16'er should be the hot lick here. Randy is going to put in here at my house as the head water to the Gasconade is closer to me, and he wants to see parts of the river we dont take our V8 boats. I can't wate.
So you saw the drag boat races. They get moving in a short time. The paint is done by a guy in Union MO, and he does a super job if you get a chance go to gatorboatsjet.com. They have twenty or so boats there that can be enlarged. Mine is blue with yello bubbles. My nighbors is blue, yello, and lime green with a checkerd flag, very cool.
Hey thanks for answering.

Jungle Boy
10-17-2003, 06:50 AM
Quantos Questa?? (sp??)
RD Just got a note telling me they are now around 3500 Canadian or 2700 US. The price has come down now that they have made a bunch. Cheap speed for the guys that are looking for the last little bit without adding 50 HP to the engine.

10-18-2003, 11:36 PM
You beercan boat guys continue to be my inspiration ! but I won't be jumping beaverdams anytime soon eek! ....... my 240hp 350 cid Tahiti was gps'd at 63.7 this year after I worked on the pump , my top was 59.7 last year , and I think a new motor will be in by next year , 17 yrs is a long time to run a jet motor ! Keep up the good work JB !

Jungle Boy
10-19-2003, 04:30 AM
You beercan boat guys continue to be my inspiration ! but I won't be jumping beaverdams anytime soon eek! ....... my 240hp 350 cid Tahiti was gps'd at 63.7 this year after I worked on the pump , my top was 59.7 last year , and I think a new motor will be in by next year , 17 yrs is a long time to run a jet motor ! Keep up the good work JB ! 17 YEARS!! - I'd say that you got your money's worth out of the engine. That's good speed for the HP. A little more and you'll be clipping along good. Don't give up on jumping beaver damns yet!!
[ October 19, 2003, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: Jungle Boy ]

10-19-2003, 05:26 AM
The plan is 355 cid .... TRW flat top pistons, LT1 pink rods, forged crank , 64cc 2.02-1.60 heads, cam unknown at this time but I would like to get 400 ponys or close .... I already have most of the parts ...... but winter brings some chores that cannot be ignored ! FIREWOOD FIRST :D

10-19-2003, 08:33 AM
JB, I live in Yuba City and have watched the races the last few years on the Yuba and Feather rivers here in town.
You guys are fun to watch. The two boats that seemed the fastest were the BoiceJet boat and Mark Cromie's Kiwi boat. When those two guys were coming down the river, they were absolutely flying. eek!
I am sure the rest were way faster than my boat too, but they just did'nt look that fast watching from the beach. Saw one guy this year in a small green boat spin out making the turn from the Yuba to the Feather river. He never took his foot out of the gas and took right off like nothing ever happened. It was pretty cool to watch.
Looking forward to next years event.

Jungle Boy
10-19-2003, 09:38 AM
Mk, I heard that Justin Boice was real fast this past year in the US races. He runs a slightly modified Eagle hull with some of his changes on it. As for Cromie, he was running about 105 this year in Whitecourt, so he was well back in the top end pack. But he always runs consistant and has good equipment. A Canadian, Paddy Stratton had his Kiwi hull running 112/114 this year. It was very fast and looked like a bullet in the water. He ended up in second place overall, but could have finished first if he was not such a great sportsman. He borrowed Rob Chrunyk his back up engine for the last leg of the race and Rob went on to win. This next World race will be very interesting. If the US's Mike Zoller gets his new boat / engine dialed in, you'll see some 120 mph + runs out of his boat. He's running 1100 hp and had some pump problems this year. Rob's got some new ideas with a new hull and a back up engine that's a twin to the one he was running. The first race on new equipment is always a shakedown, so it should very good this coming up year. :cool: