View Full Version : New Project Pics- Bottom Of My Hull.

02-02-2003, 07:17 PM
Well the bodywork on the top of the hull is finished..
So we flipped her over to start working on the bottom.

I was real happy to see almost no hook in the bottom.
Whats left of the old skeg has got to go. looks like the previous owner started cutting it off with a hack saw but gave up.

02-02-2003, 07:21 PM
there is a bit of damage at the bow from when my boat decided to park itself on the rear bumper of Todd's truck. lol http://free.***boat.net/ubb/Avatars/Gearhead_Garage/Other_Equipment/bowdamage.JPG
the old school loader and shoe.
front view of intake.
MikeF and Todd trying doing something.

02-02-2003, 07:24 PM
cyclone what kind of hull is that?

02-02-2003, 07:25 PM
John- its a 19' Rogers Bonneville TR. know anythingn about it?

02-02-2003, 07:31 PM
Here's another shot of the bottom: http://free.***boat.net/ubb/Avatars/Gearhead_Garage/Other_Equipment/bottomstrakes.JPG
The side:
and the top:

02-02-2003, 07:35 PM
I've never seen a fin like that before on a jet. Is there any noticeable difference with it?
The knuclehead that took a hacksaw to it needs to be shot.

02-02-2003, 07:44 PM
I couldn't tell a difference because the skeg was broke off when i bought the boat. The few guys i've talked to that know the hull say that it will make it turn on a dime. Supposedly this boat used to run circle races and that's why the skeg was on there to begin with.

02-02-2003, 07:45 PM
In the old days when I circle raced 18' Rogers we had the turn fin much farther forward more like a flatbottom. I can't believe someone tried to cut it off like that. Are you going to put a new fin in the boat ?

02-02-2003, 07:47 PM
I haven't been able to find the right fin. I've looked all over the place and checked with MPD but have had no luck. Glenwood has a couple that are similar but they bolt onto the bottom of the boat. I'm just going to take it out because the boat turns fine without it anyway.

02-02-2003, 07:53 PM
I have a Ski Sanger tournament boat in addition to my jet, and the fins on it look similar. I think I've seen them in the Rex catalog if you decide to replace it.

02-02-2003, 07:55 PM
Cyclone, Rexone has a few old fins that are new / never used that might work out for you.
I have a bolt on that I'll pretty much give you if you want it.
Or you could have schiada96 make you one any way you want it.

02-02-2003, 08:00 PM
Superdave- Oldrigger gave me a bolt-on one that doesn't match the dimensions of the one that is on there now. The mounting surface is much shorter in length. I need a drop-through one. I'm still trying to find someone that raced this hull or knows something about it so that i dont go and glass-in a fin that isn't going to work right. I'm not even sure how tall or long the original fin is. I got your email about the fin and would love to have him build me one, i just need to find out what th right size is. Otherwise, i'll just remove the the existing fin and have Todd fill in the hole.

02-02-2003, 08:14 PM
Cyclone, my Bonneville has the same fin. I could measure it and snap some digis for you if it would help. It looks like it's in about the same posistion as yours. My hull has no hook in it either.
How long until you think yours is on the water? I'm hoping to get mine wet by June.

02-02-2003, 08:15 PM
George @ Clay Smith was big into roundy round racing jets. I don't know what hulls he ran but he has some big ass fins on there.
I don't think there is a real magic # for the fin. Anything is better then nothing. Like SK48 said, yours looks to be pretty far back. The farther forward it is is like a longer wheelbase in a car. Would be much less likely to swap ends gong fast with the fin moved up.
Here's Rexone's fin. fin (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=26451&item=2401363631)
It's a bolt on but you could recess it in the bottom pretty easy.

old rigger
02-02-2003, 08:22 PM
first, the fin's in the right spot. This was the final position that Roger ended with after years of R&D with the race boats, like SK48's. He found that putting the fin farther forward has the tendency to make the boat bow steer.
Second, that fin I gave you dosen't know the difference whether it's mounted in the hull drop thru style or bolted to the bottom. Mount it either way. Even though it's aluminum, and not a bronze one like you're taking out, it'll work bitchin. The boats turning ability with it, any jets and not just a Rogers, will be night and day difference.

old rigger
02-02-2003, 08:27 PM
George raced a Rogers of course!! In fact I think he was racing one when he got hurt. Cut open by the keel fin if I remember the story right.

02-02-2003, 08:52 PM
John- its a 19' Rogers Bonneville TR. know anythingn about it? I though so my buddy has the same hull it is a good boat. His has the fin also and it was used as a circle boat in its day. Looks like your doing a good job on the bottom.

02-02-2003, 09:44 PM
Cyclone, my Bonneville has the same fin. I could measure it and snap some digis for you if it would help.There you go! :D Very cool Heatseeker!
I'd still talk to George to find out how the hull likes to react in a race environment wink .
Just Do It :D !

02-02-2003, 11:32 PM
Looks good cyclone wink what did you use to fill in the top? I am doing the same thing.

02-03-2003, 08:41 AM
Heatseeker- if you can take some pics i'd really appreciate it. I'm shooting to have it back together in probably by the end of March.
Superdave- thanks for the link and advice.
Oldrigger- i really appreciate the fin, the reason i am apprehensive about installing it is the the mounting base is about 2-inches shorter than the original. I'd have to do some extra glasswork to install it. i was hoping to get a fin with the same base dimensions.
JohnwJM- Do you have any pics of your buddies Bonneville?
MikeF- Thanks for all your help and the hoist and engine stand!
396- Todd used this filler that is a mixture of resin, filler that i cant remember the name of and another ingredient that i dont recall. its his own custom mix of stuff.
My next question as to this whole skeg deal is that i'm really curious to try a new skeg but at the same time, i'm worried about busting it off when running at the river. i'm really careful when i'm boating but there has been times where i've floated across rockbars that would seem to easily take out the skeg. what do you guys think? how durable are these things?

flat broke
02-03-2003, 09:17 AM
First of all, keep the fin. I'm running one on the Spectra and as stated above, they make a huge difference in how the boat handles. You can confidently rail turns with no problem. When I was testing the turbo setup last year at Elsinore, I used the bouys that marked the chains for the old floating outhose as pylons and could come in at 45-50, turn as tight as I could, then pin the throttle halfway through the turn and she wouldn't give the slightest hint of wanting to spin.
As far as rockbars being hungry for fins, that may be true, but its nothing you can't compensate for. At the CBBB on the way down to the Sandbar, the run from the avi to needles was REALLY shallow. We ran the section under power and just made a lot of evasive manuvers. I did nick the fin at one point and thought it might be toast, but after inspection, you can hardly see where the fin made contact. I'd say keep the fin, and just remember that you have a couple extra inches hanging below the boat now.
Good luck and the boat looks like it's coming along really well.
Talk to you later,

old rigger
02-03-2003, 09:24 AM
My next question as to this whole skeg deal is that i'm really curious to try a new skeg but at the same time, i'm worried about busting it off when running at the river. i'm really careful when i'm boating but there has been times where i've floated across rockbars that would seem to easily take out the skeg. what do you guys think? how durable are these things? Don't buy a v-drive if you're worried about one little fin.
I've seen guys snap them off by pushing their boat off the beach. They forgot it was there and were trying to push off sideways instead of going straight back. It's not that big of deal to replace one so don't sweat it, but I'd bet you the kinda guy that will ever break one off. I've seen your stuff and it's obvious from the way you take care of things that this'll never be a problem.

02-03-2003, 09:27 AM
Flatbroke- got any new pics of your boat?
Oldrigger- thanks for the advice. You're right and it would be nice to put a fin on there. Hey how are projects coming along? I still have those magazines whenever you're ready to look at them.

02-03-2003, 10:37 AM
Heatseeker- if you can take some pics i'd really appreciate it. I'm shooting to have it back together in probably by the end of March.
Superdave- thanks for the link and advice.
Oldrigger- i really appreciate the fin, the reason i am apprehensive about installing it is the the mounting base is about 2-inches shorter than the original. I'd have to do some extra glasswork to install it. i was hoping to get a fin with the same base dimensions.
JohnwJM- Do you have any pics of your buddies Bonneville?
MikeF- Thanks for all your help and the hoist and engine stand!
396- Todd used this filler that is a mixture of resin, filler that i cant remember the name of and another ingredient that i dont recall. its his own custom mix of stuff.
My next question as to this whole skeg deal is that i'm really curious to try a new skeg but at the same time, i'm worried about busting it off when running at the river. i'm really careful when i'm boating but there has been times where i've floated across rockbars that would seem to easily take out the skeg. what do you guys think? how durable are these things? I do have a couple of shots but none of the bottom. If you want me to email them to you let me know.

02-03-2003, 10:45 AM
Mike, I'll snap some (crappy) digis and take some measurements today. I'll post them later on.

02-03-2003, 10:47 AM
John- I'd love to see any pics you have top, sides whatever. thanks!
Heatseeker- thanks alot. i need to get a good idea of the size and profile of the fin so your pics will help out a bunch.

02-03-2003, 04:36 PM
Mike, here are some snaps of my fin. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/Avatars/Forum_Graphic_Depot/tn_fin21.JPG
It hangs down 4 1/8" below the bottom. The trailing edge of the fin is 42" Foward of the transom. Sorry for the lousy pics.
[ February 03, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Heatseeker ]

02-03-2003, 04:39 PM
heatseeker- that looks identical to the one that Rex Marine sells. can you measure the length of it from front to back?

02-03-2003, 04:54 PM
Your boat definitely will turn better with the fin in place than with out. My brother has had two Rogers and both had the fin. You can obtain the fin you need at the original source where ROGER got them and that is at L and L Marine Distributing in Anaheim. Ask for Mark and he can get you one . If you have a bronze one he would have to special order it as the fin has to be ordered out of Washington State. Take the old one down with you when you go to L and L Marine. Their number is 714/777-5505. By the way I have been trying to get a hold of Todd as I want him to regel my Sanger Super Jet...can you please have him email me. Also I just checked both with Mark at L and L as well as Roger Weiman today on this fin issue so this info is hot off the press. Good Luck. Your boatlooks great keep up the good work!

02-03-2003, 07:43 PM
George at Clay Smith always circle raced jet boats that were called Honker Crafts. I think George actually had them built. George drove a Rogers 18' flat deck at the NJBA nationals and had the hardware set really loose, and spun out.
He ended up underneath the boat and was impaled on the turn fin. The rescue crew couldn't find him and a diver finally went under the boat and pulled him off. George was very fortunate if I remember correctly the fin actually went clear through his body.

02-03-2003, 07:50 PM
Mike, It measures about 6" front to back.
It also has a casting/part number on it, although I didn't write it down. If it would help, I'll crawl back under there tomorrow and get it for you.
BUSTI: Does Roger Weiman know how many of us are rebuilding his old boats right now? He can be proud that there are so many of them still around.

02-04-2003, 11:31 AM
Roger is such a modest man he really doesn't realize how popular his boats are. He never had a great plan to be a mass marketing guy and that is the reason he never really got big past his little custom shop in Bellflower. Interestingly enough Roger along with (Shuster the founder of Tahiti boats) is probably single handedly responsible for the creation of the modern jet boat industry as we have known it over the past 30 years. Their original experimenting utilizing the Berkley pump was the prototypicAl design that the industry copied. Roger learned his craft from his father who owned and operated Weiman Boars. When he retired Roger operated Rogers Custom Boats from the same location his father had operated from on Rose Avenue in Bellflower Ca.
In the 70's Roger's boats dominated the jet boat racing scene. The Cyclone and ultimately his Bonniville models I am sure won more circle races in the 70's than any other manufacture. According to Greg Shoemaker who was the Eliminator factory race driver back then...Eliminator got so tired of losing to Rogers that they engaged Ron Ehde to design and build the 19 foot Daytona to compete with the Rogers. The rest is history. The first 18 foot Advantage jet was the otiginal Rogers 18 foot bubble deck, he sold the the molds to Advantage. Roger is out of business now and has sold his molds to a guy who has not produced one boat and or let Roger have any access to the molds...even for a fee. Roger had to buy one of his own 21 footers for a ski boat USED from one of his old customers. He is very proud of his track record and like the rest of us he is now forced in to buying used and restoring vintage Rogers Custom Boats for himself! HE IS A LEGEND! :cool: :D :D :)
He is retired

old rigger
02-04-2003, 01:09 PM
I was lucky enough to work for Roger for 5-6 years before I went over to be GM at Advantage, and my dad was one of Schusters first employees. You hit the nail right on the head with your comments about Roger. I've made no secret of my feelings of him here on the boards in the past, simply put, one of the smartest boat guys ever.
The story of Roger and Schuster building the first V-bottom jet is a classic and would be a good one for Hot Boat to research and include in their mag someday. The 2 of them didn't have a clue as to how the thing would run or handle, all they knew was they had plenty of power with the big 427 Ford. I think it held records in the bracket class it ran in back then and it was a long time before they could make another one run as fast as that first one. They were just starting out on their learning curve. Roger was the driver of that boat while it was raced under the Tahiti banner.
When the boat was done being rigged, they screwed a couple of lawn chairs to the floor and took her down to Marine Stadium for a run. The place was fogged in but Schuster launched it anyway and they made a blast or two, not being able to see the end of the deck, but in the process, like you said, they started V-bottom jet boats.
Stevens and Carlson had already done flat bottom jets the year before with Berkely's drive, but it was the combo of the family ride of the Tahiti and the Berkely jet that started the boom. Not to mention all the guys that got their start working for Dick and went on to bigger and better things.
Rogers dads shop was on different chunk of land then where Roger had his shop. His dads was at 17918 Lakewood blvd, one lot away from Rogers at 9020 Rose. His dad had the big Quanson (sp?) hut that he opperated out of, and when Roger was a kid his dad sold English bikes and wood boats. Roger grew up down the street from my mom in the neighbor hood across from Mr Weimans shop, and she can still remember Roger terorizing the streets on his BSAs or Triumphs. I grew up in the same house as her and as a kid I'd go to Weimans and check out all the cool things he had laying around. Bare hulls, old motors, cans of kicked resin. It was a great place to hang out and go exploring. He even had a tiled in pool/tank that he ran out the boats in that we'd play in when no one was around. Filthy, oily water in it, but we didn't care. Howard Brown lived 6 doors from us too, and Schusters shop was so close, that my dad rode a bike to work everyday.
Do you have a Rogers? My first boat was a '71 Weiman outboard that I bought used in '75 when I was 19. I wish I still had it, rode great.
The last time I talked with Roger I couldn't believe the guy that bought his molds wouldn't be interested in working out a deal with him. Too bad, it'd be a good thing for both parties.
Advantage had already been building boats with some molds that Harry saved from being destroyed at a land fill, along with his Fiberglass Concepts and whatever deal he had going with Bahner. When he bought the 18 bubble from Roger, he also bought the flattie Dragstar, and if I remember, one of the deck/hull combos of the 20 bonniville.
You're right, he's a Legend.

02-04-2003, 02:33 PM
Heatseeker can you please get the part number for me? i need to special order the fin today from L&L Marine and there isn't enough of my old fin to match it up to the ones in their catalog

02-04-2003, 03:25 PM
The quansit hut(sp) you mentioned on Lakewood was the place I got my first Rogers. That was in 1966...it was an 18 foot Cyclone with a 115hp Evinrude outboard. Man like you I wish I still had it! I then moved on to a 20 foot Bonniville minicruiser with a 200hp Mercury outboard. If you have seen any of Roger's color one page brochures of the 20 footer outboard with a yellow hull trimed in orange and blue then you've seen my boat. Also I purchased one of the very first Dragstars painted the very same colors as my yellow 20 footer. I never got it wet and sold it to Harold Bruce and he in turn sold it to a guy in the midwest some place. My brother has had 3 Rogers as well all Bonivilles. after 3 Rogers. 1 Howard v-drive cruiser, 2 Sanger flatbottoms and 1 Litchfield flatbottom and 37 years later I just purchased my first jet boat! I desperately looked for a Rogers 19 Bonniville jet but couldn't find one to buy. I bought a primo 18.5 Sanger Super Jet. My sons currently have a 20.5 Eliminator v-drive sport cruiser. And despite all the boats I have had a long with 5 other boats my brother has owned over the years we belive there wasn't a better boat made than Rogers Custom Boats!! :D

old rigger
02-04-2003, 04:07 PM
Holy Smokes!
Sounds like you and your brother have had some very cool boats.
I agree about Rogers stuff. You just can't beat the one on one service you'd get from him. Truly custom built, one at a time, boats. Much like Scotten still does.
If you remember a dopey lookin' kid hanging around Mr Weimans hut, lookin' through the fence with a dumb look on his face when you bought your first boat there, that might have been me. Did you keep pics of all your boats? I hope so, and would love to see them. Post some if you can.
I remember one of the brochures for the 20 that Roger and his son Kelly were sitting in. I think that was the one. Maybe it was the 21, to many years and boats to remember. I kinda wish I'd kept a brochure from the shops I worked in and all the models. At one shop, I was the one driving most of the boats for the adds. That was kinda cool. Although that might have hurt sales.
I worked for him from 80 to 85, so if you were in the shop back then, maybe we met. I'm kinda thinking along the same lines about a 19 too. I don't know that I want another jet, but would love to have a Rogers. Did you ever see the 19 we did for his brother in law? We put in a delta pad and hung a merc off the transom. Very nice boat, but I don't think it ran the numbers that the 20 would. Those things would run 70-72 all day long with the 200 merc on it. Does that sound right or was that with the 220. Either way, great boat.
[ February 04, 2003, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: old rigger ]

02-04-2003, 10:29 PM
this is great history reading fellas...very interesting to say the least. thanks

02-04-2003, 10:46 PM
I will have to chime in here too. My experience with Rogers is on the NJBA side of things. My Father was a drag racer in the 70's and 80's, but all his friends were circle racers. Larry Edwards and Dean Reinhardt, two of his closest friends both raced Rogers. Dean had two. He had a second one laid up in the early 80's in a kind of gray blue, with blue, orange and grey. It was beautiful. I think Harry C. was racing a Rogers while his company was Fiberglass Concepts and doing mostly Air Conditioning ducts. All these fellas won races. No one could touch you in a Circle Race in a Rogers. I remember that someone had one turn so hard (driver error) that the boat didn't spin, but pitched the driver through the side of the boat. My Dad and I were there when George of Clay Smith sliced himself. He was cut horizontally, but not completely impaled. Circle Jet boat racing was the best. It was easy to see in that forum who knew what a bottom was supposed to be. Bad water conditions and a corner will weed out a lot of boats, but not a Rogers.
It is my dream to one day own a Rogers Bubble. In this world of expensive outdrives, 28' tunnel boats and quad whipple motors, the Rogers is the "Classic Muscle Car" of boating. I envy old rigger for being around Roger who clearly has forgoten more about boating than most of us will ever know.
Disco (Who's drooling and daring to dream)
[ February 04, 2003, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: disco_charger ]

02-04-2003, 11:53 PM
Hi guys,
My name is jay. I'm new here. I've had outboards, sterndrives, but never a jet. I was forced to sell my 21' commander sterndrive after a divorce. Knowing that my kids would still want to go to the river, I looked for something I could pay cash for. Since I was a teenager in the 70's, I had always liked the older jet boats. Most of the ones I found needed alot of work. Last summer I saw an ad for a 1970 Weiman 18' jet boat. I looked at the boat and I was amazed. Everything was done. It has a matching bimini top, matching upholstery, matching paint, braided lines, and matching engine block, with matching tow cover, and overhead jet ski rack on trailer.
I never heard of weiman but the boat looked cool so after hearing the engine run, I bought it.
I noticed that alot of you guys are familiar with this builder and boat. Any further info on my boat would be greatly appreciated.

02-05-2003, 09:51 AM
Mike the number on the side of the fin is 214-18.
I love the historical posts, like the ones above.
OR, you should STILL write a book!

02-05-2003, 10:18 AM
Mike the number on the side of the fin is 214-18.
I love the historical posts, like the ones above.
OR, you should STILL write a book! I agree, great reading from both of those two!
Cylcone, I understand using an old skool bronze fin to restore the boat like it was. But man, you could make a real nice s.s. one. Polish it up and it would work and look bitchin.
Your boat's looking great! Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see it when it's done.

02-05-2003, 11:27 AM
I ahve to break out the the old pics and learn how to post em up. The brochure with Roger and his son in the boat waving at the camera in a yellow 20 footer outboard is definitely my boat. It was the first outboard Roger made of the 20 footer. We took that picture at Golden Shores in Long Beach.

old rigger
02-05-2003, 02:21 PM
Disco C,
that's the type of stuff I like to hear about, your dads and his buddies stuff. They're the guys that knew these boats the best and have the great stories to tell.
I'm pretty sure Harry was racing a Bahner back then before he bought the Rogers molds. He and Bahner were very tight, best friends. Of course the Bahner's bottom was a Rogers. I don't remember which came first, Harry racing a Rogers hull that led to him buying the molds or him buying the molds then racing them under the Advantage name. Doesn't really matter.
One time I was at Clay Smith and George was adjusting the belt he has to wear 24 7. Like a big kidney belt. He lost all the muscle in his stomach when he was cut in that crash and that belt is what keeps his insides in place for him. Very nasty injury. Super ****in smart engine man.
Jay, if you have a Weiman hull, it was one of Rogers dads boats. A Rogers, is one of Rogers own deals, seperate from his dads. Roger worked for his Dad at Weimans but when he went off on his own, it started a whold new chapter in jet boats.
Weimans shop was across the street and over a little from the old Tahiti buildings that still stand today. That's where Competetive trailers is now. Weimans old place is a parking lot. Rogers building is still there too.

02-06-2003, 03:15 AM
Old Rigger,
Thanks for the information about Weiman boats.
You guys sure seem to have a lot of knowledge about jet boats and have fun on this site. I will need you in the future for tips on repainting my boat. Don't like the color.
Thanks again,
Jay 70weimans

02-06-2003, 07:35 AM
Rigger, you're correct. Harry was in a Bahner when he was racing Comp Jet. It was the same time my Father was in a Bahner. However, whatever was on the side of Harry's boat, it was a Rogers.
Rigger, do you remember Mert Littlefield's boat? He had a Rogers Bubbledeck. White, with yellow, orange and red trim. That boat ran 97 through the lights at Blue Water all the time with full interior, on pump gas. It was his play boat, and it's how my Dad gauged how fast his Bracket Boat was. He'd meet Mert at the river, and if he walked away from him, he'd race 95-100. It was how they found out the set up on my Dad's Bahner was correct, by running next to Mert. There's a sweet old Rogers. Just a really fast little play boat. Good times...
[ February 07, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: disco_charger ]

02-06-2003, 08:56 AM
lovin' the history lessons. thanks guys!
An update on my fin dillema: I went to L&L and they almost had me sold on a bolt on style fin when in walks Jim Wilkes. Jim convinced me on the merits of the drop-through style fin and then left the shop. Well L&L doesn't sell the drop through style anymore and so no i'm back to square 1. i'm going to call Jim today to see if he's got the drop through fins now that i know approximately what shape to trim it into.

hack job
02-06-2003, 09:06 AM
old rigger:
Disco C,
that's the type of stuff I like to hear about, your dads and his buddies stuff. They're the guys that knew these boats the best and have the great stories to tell.
I'm pretty sure Harry was racing a Bahner back then before he bought the Rogers molds. He and Bahner were very tight, best friends. Of course the Bahner's bottom was a Rogers. I don't remember which came first, Harry racing a Rogers hull that led to him buying the molds or him buying the molds then racing them under the Advantage name. Doesn't really matter.
One time I was at Clay Smith and George was adjusting the belt he has to wear 24 7. Like a big kidney belt. He lost all the muscle in his stomach when he was cut in that crash and that belt is what keeps his insides in place for him. Very nasty injury. Super ****in smart engine man.
Jay, if you have a Weiman hull, it was one of Rogers dads boats. A Rogers, is one of Rogers own deals, seperate from his dads. Roger worked for his Dad at Weimans but when he went off on his own, it started a whold new chapter in jet boats.
Weimans shop was across the street and over a little from the old Tahiti buildings that still stand today. That's where Competetive trailers is now. Weimans old place is a parking lot. Rogers building is still there too. george is one hell of a guy and has some killer knowledge in that head of his . i know that he still love to hear about boats and how they are running. my motor is a george cration and it is a runner. i heard the same story as disco and old rigger have heard about him and form what i can tell he still has to were that back brace type of thing. but he is still one hell of a man i my mind.
[ February 06, 2003, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: hack job ]

old rigger
02-06-2003, 10:17 AM
Man! You grew up rubbing elbows with the HEAVY hitters. Very cool!
No I never saw Merts boat and I never even met him until I was at Advantage. We built him one of the first partycats, an outboard if I remember right. Which I thought was kinda odd seeings how he runs down Blythe way. Super nice guy. In fact one of the nicer guys I met through Harry.
About Harrys comp jet stuff, he did as you said above, run the Rogers/Advantage 18 bubble too, but that was later on, after the bahner deal. His son Jeff, also ran the later set up a few years down the road. Always with the Glen Ward motors. Same engine builder for Harrys K boats too. Glen loved to assemble the motors in the fiberglass concepts building. Said the glass dust helped break in the rings!!!!! I think I heard the Glen passed away. Old time race guy with ties to the Howard cams twin motor dragster, and went back to dry lakes racing.
I remember at one of Harrys pig roasts, I got to ride in some friends of Merts CP. Fastest I've ever been in a boat. The thing was running one of Merts huffers. Killer, killer set up. If I wasn't so drunk at the time I probably wouldn't have got in the thing. I'm guessing, but you must have been to the famous pig deals too?
Jet boat heaven down there on the river and up at Wheeler inn too. Wheeler being dyed in the wool, to this day, Rogers territory.

02-06-2003, 10:53 AM
1971 18' Rogers Custom Boats Cyclone
Completely restored from top to bottom
New 455 cid Olds motor. Dyno'd at Westech Performance. Have dyno sheets
showing this motor making 455hp and 540 ft/lbs of torque
Bottom end of motor by Mondello Racing
10 quart oil pan, blueprinted oil pump with hardened drive rod
9.5:1 TRW pistons
Balanced and blue printed bottom end
Comp Cams camshaft and roller rockers
Polished Offenhauser tunnel ram
Holley 750cfm HP-Series Carburetors
MSD 6ALM marine ignition
Bassett OT twistie headers
Berkeley 12JB Split bowl pump with Stage III work by Jack McClure of Marine
Performance Design
Place Diverter
New interior, carpet and wiring and Autometer Phantom gauges
Almost new white and orange gel coat with very few blemishes
Referbished trailer with new welded crossmembers, new bunks, new wiring and
Mike Finnegan
Associate Editor, Mini Truckin' Magazine
(714) 939-2541

02-06-2003, 11:02 AM
uh that boat has been sold man. it was mine and now belongs to a friend of mine.

02-06-2003, 11:26 AM
that was pretty odd wasnt it
I'm loving all the history talk.
Anymore info you guys got on what hull splashed who's and vice versa? i'd love to know about it
Keep up the good work Cyclone.
You got another fin from Jim yet? keep us posted on the progress :D :D
cant wait till it gets a little warmer!
[ February 06, 2003, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Duke ]

02-07-2003, 04:31 AM
[ February 07, 2003, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: Freak ]

02-07-2003, 08:20 AM
Rigger, I'm sorry to hear about Glen Ward. I'm surprised my Dad and I didn't hear about it. Ward (and boy do I remember the old Ward and Christianson days) was always trying to get my Dad to step up to Blown Alcohol Jet and run it in the Bahner Tunnel.
My Father was over at Ward's garage (affectionately known as the blimp hanger) getting a cam for the Comp Jet Boat, that Glen thought might be just right. So we walk into the garage and Glen is assembling a Blown alky motor. At the time, the big trendy deal was clean rooms. Glen was smoking a cigar and assembling this motor in a garage where he kept his semi, down in Garden Grove. I asked him about the whole clean room and how dirty his assembly area was. Ward looked at me, tapped his ash into the lifter valley and said,"If this motor won't survive that, it doesn't deserve to live. Do you really think the air and fuel that go in this are perfectly clean?" Smart man. My Dad gets the cam from Glen and he doesn't remember who ground it, but it has a boat electric penciled on the side. That's it, no numbers, no model, just a boat. My Dad ran it without hesitation. He picked up three MPH and won his first points championship in CJ 470. Glen had to be one of the smartest motor builders I ever met.
As for Mert, I believe he ran down by Water Wheel and Red Rooster in Blythe. I think Harry used to have a trailer down there too. We were at the trailer a couple of times, but I don't remember a pig cookout. We were Water Wheel people, until they closed the park to camping. The few times my Dad used Mert's Rogers as a measuring stick we were at Water Wheel.
Rigger, you're going to laugh when you see how old I am. I was 9 or 10 when this was all going on, but these people were my hero's. :D

02-07-2003, 10:42 AM
The bottom work continues: Todd repaired the few cracks that were present and filled in the holes for the ghetto fabulous seat mounts that were bolted through the bottom of the boat:
grinding out the cracks in the old gel.
fillng the areas with fiberglass
filling in the gap between the intake and bottom
once the filler and resin dried, todd sanded down all the repaired areas until they were nice and smooth.
we'll now go over the rest of the hull with 80-grit paper to removed the shine from the original gel and then we'll be just about ready to spray. We are shooting the bottom over the weekend and i'll have pics on monday.

02-07-2003, 11:13 AM
What product do you use to fill the gap around the intake and cover up the holes that the bolts from the fuel cells take up?

02-07-2003, 11:19 AM
the filler is a mixture of cavasyl (spelling?) and resin. It works really well. We decided to keep the through bolts for the fuel tanks, but filled in the holes for the seat bolts.

Jake W
02-08-2003, 05:55 AM
Hey Mike the Rogers is looking good.What kind of shoe are ya running?Jake

02-08-2003, 06:57 AM
great reading a story like this one i could read them all day long. you guys are a vast area of great infomation for all us youngin's.
pat(slotracer) :D

02-08-2003, 08:15 AM
Mike, the boat is looking really good. You and Todd always have great looking boats. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one when it's done. Is it going to have a paperclip in the Bassett T valve too? :D I still have my wino tool kit.

old rigger
02-08-2003, 08:16 AM
Disco C,
great story about Ward. You made my morning, thanks.
Not being a Blythe guy, the only times I was down there was when it had something to do with Harry. Either flying there in his plane to work on one of the race boats or going to the pig deal. Every time I left the place I wondered what the hell we were doing still in Parker. Water was always nice down there. Very cool place. Harry, his money guy, Ray Camaro, and a bunch of their friends all had their places down there. I don't know the name of the area, but it sure was a nice part of the river.
Disco, I won't laugh at how young you are if you don't laugh at how old I am.

02-09-2003, 11:22 AM
Jake W- i'm tossing the old loader and shoe setup and McClure is making me new pieces. Not sure what they'll look like because i need to bring him the hull after its finished.
We sprayed the bottom yesterday and it looks great! If i hadn't lost my digital camera i would have posted pics of it today.

02-09-2003, 11:26 AM
Mike, I'd like to see you shoe and loader when Jack get's done with it. I'd like to compare it with what I've got.
You guys are really jamming on that thing! You'll be in the water before you know it!

02-09-2003, 11:28 AM
ya i'll post pics as much of the pump parts as possible, the shoe and loader should be no problem. Jack to one look at what came with the boat and told me to throw it in the trash because it was 25 year old technology. lol

02-13-2003, 09:04 PM
Cyclone, How about some pic's of the hull (bottom) w/ the new gel! How is it going? smile_sp