View Full Version : Lake Powell Ban

02-28-2003, 07:23 PM
Please take a minute to review, and if you choose, support the efforts of the Blue Ribbon coalition to allow access of PWC on Lake Powell. It only takes a minute.
I think we are all smart enough to realize that supporting the PWC crowd is vital to our future boating rights.

02-28-2003, 07:29 PM
Are you NUTS???? Support PWC's???? Pah-lease. Ban every one. 9 out of 10 drivers of PWC's should not be on the water! Support, uh, NO! Vital to our future boating??...are you taking drugs boy??? smile_sp
[ February 28, 2003, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: NashvilleBound ]

02-28-2003, 07:36 PM
Done deal, thanks for posting that, Craig!

02-28-2003, 07:38 PM
Are you NUTS???? Support PWC's???If environmentalists are successful in banning PWC, who do you think is their next target? Kayaks?
As much as we all hate em’ (but we all have them in our family :D :D :D ), it’s wise to support them in my opinion.
Look at the big picture wink

02-28-2003, 07:44 PM
That's how the nature lovers work, man. By taking one little bit at a time.....so you don't really notice....won't effect you......but eventually it does, when you lose your rights. But then it's too late....
Bluewater wants to take out all the dams, and get rid of all fuel powered pleasure craft....

02-28-2003, 07:48 PM
I am and it's definitely nothing personal. But everytime we go to, say, Pyramid...its a ZOO! cuz of PWC's. Yes I agree that letting them ban one part of a sport will get their foot in the door but I'm ok with this "part". With so many people in the west coast area now we should be concerned with what we are doing to the water. These are the biggest offenders too...of all the rules...like not knowing how to drive on and on. Shoot some dont even know how to speak english, but they go down to rent them for the day and we've all heard the stories about somebody getting hurt or a boat getting whacked. I stand by my opinion..and thats all it is..MY opinion.
[ February 28, 2003, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: NashvilleBound ]

02-28-2003, 07:57 PM
I sent in my email. I believe we all should respond. Nashville, even though I do not like PW, I support their use on the waterways. You should too. Yours and my boat are probably next. First the PWs then boats. Environmentalist have figured out it is easier to go after the smaller targets, especially the ones that do not hold public favor. It is always easier to divide and conquer than it is to take on the public as a whole.
They take one step at time. Time is on their side. First step PWs then Outboards (I'm not real fond of those people either :D ) then all boats, then all motorized devises. Don't think it can't happen.

02-28-2003, 10:55 PM
Well i sent email i agree pwc riders are bad but pwc's themselves are what has been targetted if you ride dirt bikes then think about glamis you know whats happened there we must stand firm on all these issues or we will find areselves living in a third world country with no rights. just my oppinion fixit frown

03-01-2003, 12:38 PM
Thnks for posting the link...also, like some mentioned not supporting this above, I don't think it fair to go after PWC's; we should be going after the drivers....

03-01-2003, 02:28 PM
Is there anything wrong with the Blue Ribbon Coillition? From what I read we should all be members and support this group or am I missing something? If we don't all join together to counter what the other side is doing we are going to be run over with a MAC truck. Shouldn't we all unite to support the research and whatever we need to stop them from taking public land?

03-01-2003, 03:09 PM
Are you NUTS???? Support PWC's???? Pah-lease. Ban every one. 9 out of 10 drivers of PWC's should not be on the water! Support, uh, NO! Vital to our future boating??...are you taking drugs boy??? smile_sp No, he isn't NUTS, BUT you're an idiot! I own both boats and jet skis, and I'm so tired of those of you that feel they are high and mighty with their custom boats! This issue isn't any different from any other one we've seen in the past... ie.. gun control etc.. I know there are a lot of PWC drivers/riders that are total idiots with reckless disregard for anyone else on the lake. HOWEVER, there are about just as many boat owners that fall into that same category. I just hope that individuals like you, are one day finally banned from your hobbies also, so I can just sit back, laugh and say I told you so... By the way, don't come to Tennessee, stay in Calif. and continue your support for stupid legislation in Calif!

03-01-2003, 05:57 PM
Lakes....Wow, You have no idea what you are saying. Idiot..pretty sharp tounge there slim. I am NEVER acting "High and mighty" when I am out boating. I have probably helped more people than you know. When we are in TN we NEVER have an problems with PWC's. Ever. Why, because its a differnt type of person out there. You need to come out here to CA and try Pyramid on a weekend...thats if you can even get launched before noon cuz of the crowds. They rent to anyone, they are very affordable so more people have them...its a zoo. Even tho you dont know me and insult me like that you can be our guest out here and we'll show you the CA ponds. Center Hill Lake would never have this problem on the busiest day.
Have a nice day, NB

03-01-2003, 08:03 PM
Lakes....Wow, You have no idea what you are saying. Idiot..pretty sharp tounge there slim. I am NEVER acting "High and mighty" when I am out boating. I have probably helped more people than you know. When we are in TN we NEVER have an problems with PWC's. Ever. Why, because its a differnt type of person out there. You need to come out here to CA and try Pyramid on a weekend...thats if you can even get launched before noon cuz of the crowds. They rent to anyone, they are very affordable so more people have them...its a zoo. Even tho you dont know me and insult me like that you can be our guest out here and we'll show you the CA ponds. Center Hill Lake would never have this problem on the busiest day.
Have a nice day, NB NB, you're correct, I don't know you and I do owe you an apology for calling you an idiot: I'm truly Sorry.. Now, as far as not knowing what it's like out there, I lived in California(Torrance) from the time I was 3 until I turned 34 and moved out to Tennessee 10 years ago. So, I do know exactly what it's like out there... As a matter of fact, I camped out many a night in a line of vehicles and boats awaiting to enter: Pyramid, Castaic, Perris, Silverwood, and many other surrounding lakes in the Southern Cal area, so I know first hand what you're talking about. However, it's attitudes like your own, that will eventually lead to the end of all watersports. YES, I know how damn stupid and dangerous most PWC operators are, but I also have been at Havasu, Mohave, Parker Strip etc, during any busy weekend and have witness many a drunk, stupid, and not to mention EXTREMELY dangerous boat operators, flying around like they own the place! So please don't preach to me about the 9 out of 10 PWC's operators! Bottom line, these left wing liberal assholes that are trying to outlaw PWC's will be going after the 2-stroke outboards next, and finally your and my boats too! PLEASE, wake up and see the forest for the tree's!

03-02-2003, 01:54 PM
Lakes: Ok, so we both started off on the extreme sidelines. Lets start over.... I completely agree this will be the first step into getting our sport on the endangered list. Maybe its cuz in the last 10 years that you have been gone I have been dealing with the major surge in population out here on the lakes. The backup at Pyramid was up to the freeway offramp last time I was there...how far would you say that is? 1 mile? I don't know exactly but it was a hellava line.
On the flip side of this you have brought up a very good point of all the fools driving drunk and recklessly in BOATS. I guess maybe I should go with the PWC support....hesitantly :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Maybe when we come out this summer we can bump, no pun intended, into each other on the lake...NB
[ March 02, 2003, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: NashvilleBound ]

03-02-2003, 04:53 PM
I can't support banning PWCs because the reason is wrong! If they were being banned because they were dangerous and too many people were dying I might support it (probably not though). The reason for the ban is pollution. I am not supporting pollution but the pollution item puts my boat in the crosshairs.
If you support THIS ban on PWCs you fully support a future ban on your boat from the same lake.

03-02-2003, 05:34 PM
If anyone thinks these wackos will stop trying to ban other types of watercraft after they sucessfully ban pwc`s you are dead wrong and dangerously close to being next on their hit list. These folks are not just after the jet skis they want to ban ALL internal combustion engine driven watercraft. I also encourage boaters to join these anti boat organizations, just a regular membership, no extra donations, and DONT tell em you are a boater, just so you can be advised of their plans. Its like this, keep your friends close...but keep your enemies CLOSER. that way you know their next move as they are planning it. Remember Hitler only wanted to get rid of a few Jews...

03-02-2003, 06:24 PM
I can't support banning PWCs because the reason is wrong! If they were being banned because they were dangerous and too many people were dying I might support it (probably not though). The reason for the ban is pollution. I am not supporting pollution but the pollution item puts my boat in the crosshairs.
If you support THIS ban on PWCs you fully support a future ban on your boat from the same lake. well said sent my email

03-02-2003, 08:06 PM
This is just what the tree huggers want! Divide and conquer!
Look, I'm just as annoyed by lake lice as the next boater, however I've always felt very protective of their right to be (short of reckless) stupid and annoying.
I feel like a turn of the century light skinned black man watching a dark skinned black getting lynched. Glad to be lighter, but nervous just the same.
PWCs are the canaries in our coal mine, and they're dropping like flies! Wake up guys!
Have I abused enough metaphors?
FR :p

03-02-2003, 08:19 PM
i can agree it is a divide and conquer and it works for the greenies.I myself dont care for pwcs due to the people who do not know how to drive them which is at least 7out of 10 imo!But dont mind people who are drivin them responsibly who seem to enjoy the water but just not on a boat but a pwc instead.Look what they have done to the 2 stroke motor next might be your hi performance boat motor!

03-02-2003, 08:20 PM
NB.... I'm glad we were able to end this on a positive note :D :D Before I ever owned skis, I used to hate them chasing my wake.... Don't get me wrong, I don't actually care that they're riding across my wake, as long as they're 50 yards or further back. After buying my two Yamaha's, I started to understand the "Urge" to cross the wakes, though I do allow plenty of room between me and the boat. Unfortunately, there will always be some assholes out there, whether in boats or skis, and we just need to do our collective best(As boaters)to try and educate the unsafe lice/boater's. As far as meeting up with you on the lake, I'm trying to get a transfer out of this hell-hole(Memphis) so I don't know where I'll actually be this coming Summer. I'm trying to transfer to Las Vegas, which will put me right back into the crowds of the River! Take care, and God Bless!

03-03-2003, 12:14 AM
I sent the email. They are after anything with and engine that makes smog & noise, we are in the same class as PWC's. PWC's are an easy target now because so many people hate them. Many boaters are former PWC owners, own a PWC as well as a boat, or have friends with PWC. In many ways we are in the same group as them.
The problem with PWC are the operators and how easily available they are to hop on and go. Most PWC accidents are caused by an operator that doesn't own it. Most PWC owner's make payments on their machines and are careful. It's usually a renter, a little kid riding his parents ski, or a buddy in group that says "hey, can I take that thing out for a spin". (how often does a boat owner get that question?) When I see one of these PWC acting like an idiot out there, I try to guess weather he owns that thing or not. PWC's are a dangerous machine that's just too easy to ride.
My 2 cents, happy boating! smile_sp

03-03-2003, 04:06 PM
NB.... I'm glad we were able to end this on a positive note :D :D Before I ever owned skis, I used to hate them chasing my wake.... Don't get me wrong, I don't actually care that they're riding across my wake, as long as they're 50 yards or further back. After buying my two Yamaha's, I started to understand the "Urge" to cross the wakes, though I do allow plenty of room between me and the boat. Unfortunately, there will always be some assholes out there, whether in boats or skis, and we just need to do our collective best(As boaters)to try and educate the unsafe lice/boater's. As far as meeting up with you on the lake, I'm trying to get a transfer out of this hell-hole(Memphis) so I don't know where I'll actually be this coming Summer. I'm trying to transfer to Las Vegas, which will put me right back into the crowds of the River! Take care, and God Bless! Well said. Thats what these forums are for...I think :rolleyes:
We went through Memphis last year, uh, nice place to visit?? I am sure there are nice parts aren't there?
We are in Murfreesboro just south of Nashville. We want to end up there permanately. SoCAl is just too crowded and way too many dumb rules. If it wasn't for that 'having to work' gig we would already be there.

beached 1
03-04-2003, 05:27 AM
I'm an IJSBA (International Jet Sports boating asociation) member. I've sent my letter in a while ago. Just wanted to say thanks to those of you who realize that banning them is not the answer. If we all could ban together, PWCers and boaters, for the purpose of voting out unfair legislation, our voices could be heard. I sure hope PWCers are around when the tree hugging, war protesting, gun control freaks try to ban my big block ford off of the water.

03-04-2003, 07:26 AM
Thanks for the link! I sent my email!

03-04-2003, 12:05 PM
The major point here is these douche bags want to drain Lake Powell and all other lakes. They want to ban all watercraft be it 2 stroke, 4stroke, PWC, whatever. Even though many of us hate PWC’s with a passion you need to realize its not the PWC you hate it’s the operator. We should be supporting things like mandatory licenses for all boaters or mandatory classes for renters, not the complete ban of these watercraft. The people that ride these things are just don’t know any better, the same goes for many boaters on our lakes today. I know we have all seen some crazy things around the launch ramp, usually I laugh but it’s really not funny when someone has no clue how to operate something as big and powerful as a boat. Its ok to be a first time boater but lets face it these things can get tricky to drive then you start adding things like, wind, alcohol etc and things can get ugly real fast. The Blue water group says they are banning PWC’s because of pollution but they aren’t yet banning Bass boats with 2 stroke outboards or the little Jet Ski Boats with 2 stroke Jet Ski engines. The fact is these people don’t care why these things are being banned they are using any reason they can find to start discouraging lake use. They want to ban PWC’s whether its for safety reasons or pollution, now there is talk of all 2 stroke motors.
Also, It’s ridiculous to say it’s ok to ban PWC’s because you don’t like them, I don’t Fish but I don’t want fisherman to be banned from lakes. Supporting all types of boating. Sorry for the soapbox but as C2 said earlier we have got to look at the big picture.

03-04-2003, 12:40 PM
personally this is why I do NOT want PWC's to be banned... first off let me say that I hate PWC's and 98% of the people that drive them burningm ...
however if PWC's start getting banned what do you think all the dumbasses that drive them around are gonna do? stop going to the lake? idea yeah right... they are gonna go out and buy one of those yamaha or sea-doo jet boats or a friggin bayliner from burts mega mall(can we just get that place shut down :mad: )... then we will have a bunch of dumbasses running in to us in 20 foot long boats instead of 7 foot long PWC's...
i swear what we really need to do is require boat driver licenses just like cars, and have a ranger check them at the boat ramp before launching... i have no problem getting a driver's license for a boat and having to go to driver's training... i dont know why the state hasnt thought of this yet. it would be another way to make more money

Bow Tie Omega
03-04-2003, 01:56 PM
Nashvillebound, First of all, your problems with PWC's have to do with your choice of lakes. Pyramid? I bet you go to Perris also. I am a Boater and a PWC'r. While there are quite a few boneheads out there on PWC's, there are just as many driving boats (hope your not one of them) There are two lakes in SoCal sononomous with PWC's, Pyramid and Perris. Easy acces from the LA Basin is the key reason. If you are taking your boat there, you are just asking for hours of frustration. Kind of like when you launch your boat from Katherine's Landing, you are just asking to get tagged by some drunk dumbass driving a party cat, hope you are not one of them either. Maybe it is time to choose a new lake. The point that C-2 was making is that the attempt to ban PWC's WILL lead to the eventual attempt to ban all boats on all fresh water recreation areas. We are stronger as one cohesive unit, and like it or not, the PWC'rs are a part of that unit. If you have a problem with PWC'rs, take it up with the local ranger, dont be ignorant and take out you frustrations by punishing them with legislation. Believe it or not, the PWC'rs are just a test to see if they (the tree huggers) have a chance with the hot boaters? (I wonder if Bayliners will be included) If the ranger does not do anything, get a jet and a place diverter...problem solved.

03-04-2003, 02:41 PM
The point of this thread is not to argue the whole PWC vs. BOAT issue. I think Nashville was just being a bit sarcastic in his initial response, like he said, we all have opinions and they are all equally important.
And not to beat a dying cat, but this kind of scenario was just played out here in So.Cal.. –
Diamond Valley Reservoir
Us performance boaters sat here (including myself to a large extent, I’ll admit it) on our tails and did nothing to lobby the MWD to allow recreational boating on the lake. Sure, SCMA (Southern California Marine Association) and RBOC (Recreational Boaters of Southern California which claims to represent in the interest of a gazillion California boaters) fired off letters in opposition to the MWD’s plans, which in my opinion was a weak effort.
But it was the BASS FISHERMAN, mainly James Thompson and the San Diego Bass Council that attended all the meetings, spoke out in opposition and otherwise raised enough hell to get the MWD to allow at least some boating opportunities on the lake. BASS FISHERMAN hate both performance boaters and PWC, but they had enough wisdom to realize there is a “big picture” and all recreational water users must stick together, period.
As beached1 has pointed out in the past, IJSBA and AWA have kick-ass government affairs/legislative action committees devoted to combating the efforts of tree huggers. The off-roaders also have a strong legislative committee.
Imagine the COMBINED efforts of ALL these types or organizations. You know…you scratch our back and we’ll scratch yours type deal. One helluva voice in the making, which is why I put the link up.
As boaters, it’s time we start a pro-active, instead of re-active campaign to preserve our recreational rights.
Alright, I’m done now… :D :D :D

03-04-2003, 03:29 PM
Is there anything wrong with the Blue Ribbon Coillition? From what I read we should all be members and support this group or am I missing something? If we don't all join together to counter what the other side is doing we are going to be run over with a MAC truck. Shouldn't we all unite to support the research and whatever we need to stop them from taking public land? I've been a member of the Blue Ribbon Coalition for several years now. Good group of people. Living in the Four Corners, I am very interested in public land issues. Southeastern Utah is a hotbed for enviromental groups. Blue Ribbon has been instrumental in fighting land closures and gaurantying future access for all users of lands and lakes.
They are also the people that helped get snowmobiles back into Yellowstone. Regardless how you feel on PWC, boats, bass fishermen, or whatever, I recomend that you join Blue Ribbon.
Here is their web site http://www.blueribbon.org