View Full Version : How long does it take?

08-14-2003, 03:31 PM
I was wondering if anybody could give me a good estimate on how long it takes to get from:
in Havasu
Sandbar to Laughlin?
Channel to Damn?
Channel to Steamboat?
keys to sandbar?
sandbar to damn?
cruising between 40 and 50mph

08-14-2003, 03:32 PM
Depends on how fast you are going. :D :D :D

08-14-2003, 03:34 PM
I was wondering if anybody could give me a good estimate on how long it takes to get from:
in Havasu
Sandbar to Laughlin?
Channel to Damn?
Channel to Steamboat?
keys to sandbar?
sandbar to damn?
cruising between 40 and 50mph sandbar to laughlin = 1.5hr good runnen
channel to dam 30 to 45 min
cannel to steam boat 15 min.

08-14-2003, 03:35 PM
From the Channel to Steamboat - 15 mins tops
From the Channel to Damn - 30 mins
From Sandbat to laughlin - a very long time
Not to sure with the Parker times. :confused:

08-14-2003, 03:37 PM
I take back my first post, I didn't see the 40 to 50 mph...my bad.

08-14-2003, 03:39 PM
No hater's here. I just figured you were being a smart a$$. wink

08-14-2003, 03:43 PM
well parker is what 8 miles long? so not very long for anyhwere there.
as for the longer runs the are subject to otherts factors. last week endf 120 degree heat dictated that i stop every 5-10 min utes of criusing to jump in the water and cool off- or else. just allow plenty of time to get where your going and keep the fuel level up and your stoked.

08-15-2003, 08:23 AM
Isn't Parker strip longer than 8 miles??
[ August 15, 2003, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: skeepwerkzaz ]

08-15-2003, 08:29 AM
Last time I read Parker was 17 miles dam to dam.I cruise from here to the sandbar at 35mph and it takes just less than two hours,including a couple stops to refill the river soda and go for a swim.It's 30 miles from Topock to here and 10 or so from Topock to sandbar.

08-15-2003, 08:52 AM
How is that trip because last weekend I went and made it about 45 mins from sand bar at 50mph. I would guess about 10 miles past topock and the bridge. Is there any water hazards up further?