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View Full Version : Testing at Lake Smellsinore Tomorrow

09-13-2002, 08:45 AM
HB Jet and I will be out early at Elsinore tomorrow to dial-in my boat. Anyone else going to be out?

09-13-2002, 08:58 AM
C, I'm supposed to go fishing tomorrow. I'll see if I can change that to Sunday.........Mike

09-13-2002, 09:02 AM
cool. you gonna bring the liberty?

09-13-2002, 09:17 AM
Yes!, What time are we planning on being there? Maybe a little earlier this time for some flatter water?

09-13-2002, 09:22 AM
I was thinking the same thing. I guess it depends on whether or not Randy oversleeps again! lol. I'd like to get there at like 7-730am for some glass.

09-13-2002, 09:29 AM
Email the directions to your house again, or I'll have HB meet me over here.
Have you put the carbs on the tunnel ram?

09-13-2002, 09:32 AM
If I can get out of work tomorrow I'll be there early am prop testing. The guy in the Ford dually doesn't let me leave my truck on the ramp on the weekends so if anybody wants to help me to launch I'd appreciate it. :)

09-13-2002, 09:36 AM
MikeF- I'll shoot you an email.
Shockwave--i'll give you a hand. I was hoping that if I got there early enough that I could park on the ramp to adjust the ride plate. I guess not.

09-13-2002, 09:44 AM
Mike (Cyclone) - if you get there early enough, Danny (the guy at the ramp) will let you leave your trailer on the far right or left side if you are doing a little tuning. But, not for too long. Just tell him what you are doing and ask him if you can leave it there. He is usually very cool before it gets crowded, but as soon as the sheeotheads and lakelice show up, he might offer to kick you in the ass - he gets into ramp control mode. He likes it when people ask him before he has to say anything.

09-13-2002, 09:46 AM
Thanks Cyclone.
I was there on monday, virtually alone on the lake, and after running up and down the ramp twice (it was close to 100 degrees) I finally begged the guy to let me leave it on the ramp. He's strict.
Plus, I hate to tie my boat up to the dock.

09-13-2002, 09:48 AM
HolyMoly- you gonna come out and play with us?

09-13-2002, 09:48 AM
shockwave- maybe we can bribe him with a cold one?

09-13-2002, 09:48 AM
If I can get out of work tomorrow I'll be there early am prop testing. The guy in the Ford dually doesn't let me leave my truck on the ramp on the weekends so if anybody wants to help me to launch I'd appreciate it. :) i'll trade you the favor...i'll be doing solo test and tune with my daytona....purple graphics...

09-13-2002, 09:50 AM
mikef i emailed those directions to you.

09-13-2002, 09:54 AM
HolyMoly- you gonna come out and play with us?You guys are seeming to make it a habit of coming on the few days I don't get on Elsinore! Stop it!
My buddy is in a wake board contest at Canyon Lake on Saturday - I will be there to laugh at him...I mean cheer him on. The contests at Canyon Lake are not spectator friendly - so I won't be there long, but probably long enough that you guys will be on your way back.
What time are you planning on going home from Elsinore?

09-13-2002, 09:58 AM
Cyclone.........heard you bought a new boat? What kind, set up, pictures........?
Just Curious :cool:

09-13-2002, 10:08 AM
moly- it all depends on how good the boat runs and how long the water stays flat.
HD- i bought another Rogers, this one is a 19' bonneville TR. Its got a 477cid BBC, Berk 12JG pump, rail kit, ride plate, shoe, speed grate etc. I put the 750Hp's off of my old boat on and will be running it for the first time tomorrow with them.

09-13-2002, 10:27 AM
Hey, I only over slept because I was up drinking all night. That is not my fault!
Ok, so if we plan on being at the lake at 7am, that means I need to be at Cyclones at 6am? And that means I have to be up by 5:15am? Damn, I'm going to go to bed right now!
Is everyone going to the same ramp?

09-13-2002, 10:29 AM
i just figured if i told you 7am that you
'd run late and we'd get there by 8am. lol.

09-13-2002, 10:31 AM
i just figured if i told you 7am that you
'd run late and we'd get there by 8am. lol.Ok, I see how you are!
Well, I figure if I run at half throttle tomorrow, but tell you I was at full throttle, you will think your boat is fast. :D

09-13-2002, 11:15 AM
Is everyone going to the same ramp?
HBjetI'll be at Marina West. I thought early was like nine-ish...

09-13-2002, 11:28 AM
ya well my dad can beat up yer dad! lol
We'll be at Marina West too, Shockwave.

09-13-2002, 11:31 AM
cyclone, I guess you got your parts made.

09-13-2002, 11:43 AM
superdave- actually no i didn't, i just ghetto fabbed up the parts so that i could run the boat tomorrow. i'd still like to make some spiffy billet parts whenever you've got the time.

09-13-2002, 11:56 AM
superdave- actually no i didn't, i just ghetto fabbed up the parts so that i could run the boat tomorrow. i'd still like to make some spiffy billet parts whenever you've got the time.Just let me know when. I've been doing that kinda stuff lately
stuff from the other day (http://forums.v-driveboat.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=155)

Tom Foolery
09-13-2002, 12:01 PM
Ok, so if we plan on being at the lake at 7am, that means I need to be at Cyclones at 6am? And that means I have to be up by 5:15am? Damn, I'm going to go to bed right now!
HBjetWould that be the same 7 am we met at last time. I'm sure it was 7 am somewhere, just not at elsinore. :D

09-13-2002, 12:02 PM
lmfao! are you going Erik?

09-13-2002, 12:05 PM
superdave- i'll email you on monday to see when we i bring the boat over to you. I want you to look at some of the hardware that i want to change. The battery trays are built into the rail kit but there currently aren't any hold downs. The batteries aren't going any where far, but they tend to move around alot. The rest of the parts are just small brackets for the puke tank, fuel pressure regulator and scoop mount.

09-13-2002, 12:06 PM
Cyclone, I went away to fire it up and adj the carb a little to see if I could get that primary float bowl to work right (well....it's a little better). Once I get the carb level w/ the horizon, then all will be OK. I recieved the directions.
Flat Broke, I went to R.S. and found that diode for the run on problem. It's all fixed now! Thanx!
HB, Are you bringing your boat or are you the extra weight in Mike's (jk wink )? If you want to drop by the house we can carpool, or meet @ KP again?
Happy days are here again!...... :)

Tom Foolery
09-13-2002, 12:08 PM
lmfao! are you going Erik?I won't be out there tomorrow, my boat is back in its garage in bullhead. I might be out there early sunday to help my brother in law with some testing. We pulled the headers off my boat & are putting them on his 20' howard to see what kind of performance gain he can expect from headers. He wanted to see if its worth the money for headers. My season is done & I'm getting new headers next season so I'm letting him play with them. It should look pretty funny seeing OT Bassetts on a cruiser. :)

09-13-2002, 12:14 PM
you need to put up pics of that.

09-13-2002, 12:15 PM
Hey, last time at 7am I was waking up!
MikeF, I plan on taking the boat and I have no problem meeting you at the same place, but we can meet at Mike's (Cyclones) instead so I don't have to worry about meeting someone, and being late. Heck, I can always meet you guys at the ramp too. Let me know!

09-13-2002, 12:16 PM
mikeF talk to Randy and let me know what time you guys will be at my place. Just be sure its not before 7am. i need my beauty sleep. lol

09-13-2002, 12:18 PM
Let it be Cyclone's call. Mike what time @ your house? I still like early. The bumps from the last trip lengthened some of the cracks on the deck gelcoat! Mike

09-13-2002, 12:25 PM
if you guys get here at 7am we'll be in the water by 8am.

09-13-2002, 12:26 PM
OK! See you soon.....Bzzzzzz. Mike

09-13-2002, 02:16 PM
If I can get out of work tomorrow I'll be there early am prop testing. The guy in the Ford dually doesn't let me leave my truck on the ramp on the weekends so if anybody wants to help me to launch I'd appreciate it. :) Harry, why are you prop testing? you put some more power to that motor???????

09-13-2002, 03:39 PM
[QUOTE]Harry, why are you prop testing? you put some more power to that motor???????When I put in my 540 I gained ALOT more midrange torque and I cant keep my 25 Mirage planted. I've been running it all summer though. I'm going to test a 26 Hydromotive and I was going to try a 24 Bravo 1 but that fell through. Anybody have one to loan me for the day?

09-13-2002, 07:47 PM
I might come down and play - turns out the tourny at Canyon Lake does not start until 10 AM. Might bring the master craft and GPS if anyone needs some truth serum.

09-14-2002, 08:26 PM
HBjet a friend of mine said he meet you guys at the gas station by the lake today. He had a blown boat his name was Dave
[ September 14, 2002, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Johnwithjm ]

09-15-2002, 10:51 AM
Your Are Correct!
RevenDave! Very Cool Guy.
It was kinda funny, I was just going into the gasstation to grab something to drink and he pulls up "HBjet?" it was funny. Yeah, his boat looks fast, even though half the pump wasn't installed. He said he's going to be up in Needles next weekend, and so are we. So were gonna hook up there.

09-16-2002, 01:50 PM
[QUOTE]Harry, why are you prop testing? you put some more power to that motor???????When I put in my 540 I gained ALOT more midrange torque and I cant keep my 25 Mirage planted. I've been running it all summer though. I'm going to test a 26 Hydromotive and I was going to try a 24 Bravo 1 but that fell through. Anybody have one to loan me for the day?Harry, You can go to Quality Performance Marine and get what you need. They will let you prop test anything you need.
[ September 16, 2002, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: BoatFloating ]

09-17-2002, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE]...Harry, You can go to Quality Performance Marine and get what you need. They will let you prop test anything you need.I've borrowed props from Rob before. It's just hard for me to get over there when they're open.
Cyclone, MikeF, Holy Moly, HB Jet:
Nice to meet you guys. Seeing your bitchen boats made me sooo wish I still had my Placecraft. I know nobody likes Elsinore but it's a great place to get the boats wet and open them up for a few laps. I'm definately filling up the cooler next time!
gmnhra: Thanks for the ride in the Daytona. Making me re-think my next step in the boat ladder.

09-17-2002, 03:56 PM
it was nice meeting you too. thanks for the tow!

09-17-2002, 03:59 PM
it was nice meeting you too. thanks for the tow!Mike, you have a habit of meeting people for the first time, and then having them tow you.

09-17-2002, 04:04 PM
Now you know how he met Julie!
Hey, you stick with what works!

09-17-2002, 04:07 PM
that's my strategy. I PRETEND to have broken down and then I have them tow me so that i get an up close and personal look at their running gear. I then guage whether or not i'll beat them in a race. so far i haven't won yet. lol.

09-17-2002, 04:13 PM
...When I got back from my ride in the 25, all my radio station presets were screwed up, my windshield wipers were left on and all the change was gone from my ash tray! You wouldn't know anything about that, would you HBJet??? wink

09-18-2002, 08:19 AM
...When I got back from my ride in the 25, all my radio station presets were screwed up, my windshield wipers were left on and all the change was gone from my ash tray! You wouldn't know anything about that, would you HBJet??? wink I have no idea what you are talking about! I only took a few of your beers and some pop tarts.