View Full Version : Gotta Love Those Monsoon Storms

09-08-2003, 10:28 AM
Saturday our 8yro's first time on waterskis got cut short. We had a pretty good storm roll in over Bartlett Lake in a little less than an hour. It wasn't too bad getting back to the ramp but once we got in the no-wake zone we had a bunch of water coming over the bow. I kinda felt like Forest gump riding through that hurricane.
The wind was blowin' so hard, I had to shoot the boat onto the trailer at about 10mph with wheel cranked all the way to the left. Once I got to the trailer I threw her in reverse and didn't quite get the wheel cranked back in time and ended up sideways on the trailer. Oops. At least it didn't start raining pitchforks and hammerhandles until we were all loaded up and on our way home. All in all, it was still a good day.
The wind was blowin' my Moneyshot pretty good
Look at those clouds

09-08-2003, 11:09 AM
Looked like a pretty good one, at least ya made it back to the trailer. Those suck when you cant get some where safe. Hey at least it rained.
Cool shots of the Roost getion blown. Your 8 year old on skis was pretty cool I bet.

09-08-2003, 12:11 PM
i was thinking about you guys being ot there. glad everything turned out okay. wink

09-08-2003, 12:34 PM
Nice pics, glad you made it back ok.

roln 20s
09-08-2003, 12:42 PM
Here's my Saturday... I get confirmation from 3 hot ASU Freshmen ladies, which means there is no backing out now, so my buddy and I pick them up and head to Pleasant around noon. On our way there, it looks real bad over the lake, but we assured the hot ladies that it would blow over. So, we get to the stack storage (where we are lucky enough to store the boat) and tell the guy to put us in- he looks at us and says "there have been around 10-12 emergency calls in the past 20 minutes." My answer, "must be all the bayliner folks." While he gets another boat, we take off the cover just in time for a 10 minute down pour. Gotta love that. The ladies were soaking wet and loved the rain and were ready for the lake. So we are all standing in the stack covered up waiting for the rain to subside, we get ready to put the boat in, and it starts rainning again. A few minutes later, the rain stops and we get in. Comp Ski boat, low bow and huge white caps= NO FUN for me as a driver. We haul ass (meaning about 10mph) across the whole lake and get to Humbug. There are 4 boats tied up. So we join the party, the water is warmer than the air, meet tons (meaning like 10) of people, our ladies become everyone's sluts, and we just chill while the thunder and lightning is attempted to be drowned out by a guys boat stereo. My first thoughts: where is Slick and 29Nordic- hehe? By 5, when we were ready to leave, there were the typical amount of boats out there and the party had once again truely began.
Moral of the story, you missed an enjoyable and fun filled Saturday at Pleasant.
oh yeah, something you pleasant boaters could do without- remember the HUGE blue thong lady from the Phx ***boat Pleasant outting? She was out in FULL force-grosser than normal.
Roln 20s

09-08-2003, 01:27 PM
that sounds way too scary for me. maybe it was the jello shooters but i dont remember that big blue thong lady? how did i miss that?
we are going out this saturday. i have a new hat!!(teeheehee) i think it is pretty coolio!

09-08-2003, 01:45 PM
It wasn't a big deal, just a pain in the ass to drive the boat onto the trailer.

09-08-2003, 01:50 PM
sounds like your saturdays went better than mine... here's a quick rundown of my day... got up, made breakfast, started packing my stuff up for the week-long powell trip. got the boat hooked up and ready. made 6.5 lbs of shredded beef for machaca dinner to share with the houseboat group. by 5pm everything was done and the rain had stopped, so i took a towell out to wipe down the truck. like a dumbass i slipped off the doorsill where i was standing and landed on my left wrist, snap crackle pop and now i'm scheduled for surgery on wednesday. yup, that beats a trip to powell any day! :rolleyes: :mad:

09-08-2003, 01:56 PM
That sucks. Need some Vicadin? Have painkillers, will deliver.

09-08-2003, 02:12 PM
slick, thanks for the thought! it's not bad as long as i don't flail around too much. hurt like a mf'r when i did it though. glad that part is over.

roln 20s
09-08-2003, 02:18 PM
sounds like your saturdays went better than mine... here's a quick rundown of my day... got up, made breakfast, started packing my stuff up for the week-long powell trip. got the boat hooked up and ready. made 6.5 lbs of shredded beef for machaca dinner to share with the houseboat group. by 5pm everything was done and the rain had stopped, so i took a towell out to wipe down the truck. like a dumbass i slipped off the doorsill where i was standing and landed on my left wrist, snap crackle pop and now i'm scheduled for surgery on wednesday. yup, that beats a trip to powell any day! Brian thats horrible. Sorry to hear that. Was it the right hand? If so and you still want to hit the lake, I'd be happy to throttle the Magic...I'm telling you, the ride in the bow is real nice :D Hopefully it gets better soon. Thats a real bummer, Powell is awesome.
Roln 20s

09-08-2003, 02:33 PM
At least you still have one hand to wipe your butt with :D
Here's a couple more from Saturday
[ September 08, 2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Slick ]

09-08-2003, 09:38 PM
As one whom recently just got over a wrist injury I gotta ask.. It sucks typing with one hand doesn't it?
RD yeah, especially when you're a lefty and that's the hand in the cast!