View Full Version : Jim Cole Shot

09-11-2002, 12:19 PM
I was next store to Cole Boats today and I saw the police all over his shop. I asked what was going on and I was told that someone shot Jim Cole......What next.....The boating business is getting out of control.. They also said he is doing okay

burning cole
09-11-2002, 12:41 PM
Why would someone shot him? Hopefully it will be in the papers. Thank God he is OK.

09-11-2002, 12:58 PM
I know some people that have delt with Jim.In their opinion (not mine because I dont know him) the guy is not easy to get along with as far as buisness goes.

09-11-2002, 01:15 PM
I know some people that have delt with Jim.In their opinion (not mine because I dont know him) the guy is not easy to get along with as far as buisness goes.I have heard the samething, but that doesn't justify this shit. I know you weren't suggeting that. I would sure like to know what the reason for this is. I hope it isn't an angry boater out there giving boaters a bad name.

09-11-2002, 02:02 PM
No, I dont think anyone needs to be shoot.....well atleast not Jim. I have met him and he is a nice guy. Who knows why. It might have been some crazy guy buying a boat. My buddies experience is this.
My buddy orders a boat from Jim. He gives jim his jetski as colateral to start building the boat. Jim gives him 30 days to come up with the money or the boat and the ski is his. My buddy comes up with the cash on day 31...Jim gives him the boat and says he is keepin the ski because he was a day late. After a few weeks of bullshit, Jim gives the ski back.
I think if some crazy trigger happy guy was presented with a situation like this one..he wouldnt hesitate to retaliate.

09-11-2002, 02:24 PM
30 days is 30 days.....isn't it?

09-11-2002, 02:33 PM
thats what Im talkin about...30 days is 30 days but when you buy a boat from cole and have him build a blower motor for it...and he still charges you to paint his name on it. Wouldnt you think he would give back a 3k ski?? I dont know about you but in my business I am giving back thousands of dollars a day just to keep a good name. It all comes back 10 fold in the long run. I guess if you are dealing like the IRS then 30 days is 30 days and business is business. I guarantee you anyone that deals in this way is not very succesful

09-11-2002, 02:37 PM
I hear ya. I've also heard that Jim is a little stubborn is his business dealings, but that is no reason for a shooting. Stupid people should not breed :p

09-11-2002, 03:17 PM
First off, my prayers to Jim and his family.
It just happens that my companies owner is friends with Jim. The incident this morning went as follows:
Jim walked in the shop to find his crew tied up during a robbery. Someone in that POS group shot him(in the arm) and proceeded to rough him up and then took off.
Jim is out of surgery and is expected to fully recover. :D
This SHIT needs to stop! :mad:

09-11-2002, 05:27 PM
I am sick of"I heard"stories.My exp.with Jim
Cole has always been very positive,he made buying a boat 3000 miles away possible by following
up on any question I had and delivering what I
paid for.Also on a resto.project of a older Cole
Jim went out of his way to help with hard to find

friend of family
09-11-2002, 05:37 PM
the family has asked me to ask u ppl not to talk about this anymore thank you

09-11-2002, 05:53 PM
friend of family:
the family has asked me to ask u ppl not to talk about this anymore thank yousorry but this is a public forum and people will talk about it...Thankfully he wasn't hurt too bad...Hopefully the cops got good descriptions and apprehend the scumbags in a timely manner!!

09-11-2002, 05:56 PM
[QBsorry but this is a public forum and people will talk about it...[/QB]Thank you!
I thought it strange that the family wouldn't want well wishes and prayers anyway.

friend of family
09-11-2002, 06:21 PM
I'm just doing what the family asked of me thank you 4 respecting there wishes( I never said anything about not praying 4 him )

09-11-2002, 07:17 PM
Why in the world would the family not want us to talk about it?
In fact with you coming into this forum and telling us they don't want it discussed in a public place I would draw the conclusion that either the family, or Jim Cole himself, has something to hide. Now what could that be? Anybody have an idea?
Nothing agaisnt tha man personally but thats the way this is being presented by "A friend of the family"

friend of family
09-11-2002, 08:22 PM
Why in the world would the family not want us to talk about it?
In fact with you coming into this forum and telling us they don't want it discussed in a public place I would draw the conclusion that either the family, or Jim Cole himself, has something to hide. Now what could that be? Anybody have an idea?
Nothing agaisnt tha man personally but thats the

09-11-2002, 08:29 PM
friend of family:
Why in the world would the family not want us to talk about it?
In fact with you coming into this forum and telling us they don't want it discussed in a public place I would draw the conclusion that either the family, or Jim Cole himself, has something to hide. Now what could that be? Anybody have an idea?
Nothing agaisnt tha man personally but thats the
way this is being presented by "A friend of the family"I'M SORRY YOU FEEL THAT WAY I WAS JUST ASKED TO DO THIS BY THE SON THAT IS MY BESTFRIEND SO PLEASE RESPECT HIS WISHESI sent you an email.... please reply friend of family
[ September 11, 2002, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: Charley ]

09-11-2002, 08:32 PM
Hey Charley, did you send some extra punctuation in that email? Looks like someone could use it if you could spare any.
Jordy :D

09-12-2002, 12:03 AM
friend of family
[QBI'M SORRY YOU FEEL THAT WAY I WAS JUST ASKED TO DO THIS BY THE SON THAT IS MY BESTFRIEND SO PLEASE RESPECT HIS WISHES[/QB]If his son had the cajones to post his wishes himself I could respect him for that and would be happy to oblige. Since he doesn't posses the intestinal fortitude I decline.

09-12-2002, 12:27 AM
another thing, if he wanted to justify that he is who he says he is wouldn't he refer to Jim's son by his first name?? I mean thay are best friends!

09-12-2002, 12:30 AM
Jim, It sounds like you or someone from your family is monitoring these boards. I'm glad your o.k. and wish you a speedy recovery. Hurry up and get back to work building one of the best damn boats on the water. No matter what happened, there is a lot of support for you here.

09-12-2002, 05:10 PM
Grew up a few blocks away from Cole Boats and went to Chatsworth High. This is why I moved to AZ. Way too much SHIT going on there. Chatsworth used to be one of the safest spots in So Cal. Move East guys!!

09-12-2002, 05:16 PM
This thread is 10 times mellower than the other one... No One getting killed over here..
OOfatso :D

09-13-2002, 03:48 PM
I think I better duck! I'm a few blocks away for Cole.... frown

09-20-2002, 09:42 PM
i heard that my father was being talked about on this message board so i thought it would be a good time to let every one know that jim is ok. beside the silver dollar hole in his arm. he also has an external fixator taking place of the hummerous bone. its not a pretty site to see. i know because i have to pack it with ioraform and rebandage it everyday. I can tell you all the cole boats wont be closed very long and we plan to make it bigger and better than it ever was. for those of you giving friend of family a hard time, you own him an appology because i told him to tell you guys not to give out any info on the matter. all you people saying bad things about also own an appology to jim cole personally. hes just a hard working man that loves his family. yeah he doesnt sugar coat his boats deals but he is very straight foreward with his customers and treats them as well as they treat him. you company owners know what im talking about. theres some real grinders out there looking to get a world class boat for next to nothing. as for the people that shot my dad, you better watch it cause we are close to than you think. you ass holes are in for a rude awakening. also I thank you people for you prayers. this just made me realize how many people love him to death and who his true friends are. id like to say alot more but i cant offer much info. i just want every one to know that ill keep posting when i can and things are going to work just fine...... sincerely coles youngest

09-20-2002, 10:13 PM
i read through some of the messeges you guys posted and i want to set the record straight. Jim has nothing to hide and as far as being successfull goes id say he is the most successfull considering his boats hold the most world records in the quarter mile out of any other company out there. he is also still the original owner of the company. i dont think any one can say that besides nordic and maybe one other. hey 396 z ..who the hell are you to talk about me like that. I would have posted earlier but i had no access to a computer. i can tell you know that i know that i have more balls than you could ever have. as for intestinal fortitude,, i have enough of that to rip off your neck and shit down your throat (what a prick). hey charley that is my best friend, my name is Joey. you just wish you had friends as good as him. I dont normally talk shit but ive had a really rough time dealling with this and im pissed to see scum like you talking out of your ass. :mad:

09-20-2002, 10:18 PM
o yeah charle... if you cant spell they you must really be a idiot.....and your pic looks like you like to suck cock......I dont mean to be an asshole but im livid to see what people type here

09-20-2002, 10:23 PM
Good to hear that your dad is ok and will recover.
And whenever you want to step up to the plate let me know and I'll personally send you directions to my doorstep.

09-20-2002, 10:25 PM
directions please

09-20-2002, 10:30 PM
You have a PM, See you soon.

09-21-2002, 12:11 PM
I understand that you may not have had access to a computer but your friend came off like a real numnut! and as far as the comment 396 made it probably was not the samrtest comment but kick back and take your ridilin. and as far as tryin to rip people necks off and kick ass i would be more than willing to step in line for that because what you have shown me in your 4 posts is that you have absolutely no class. so if you want my address pm me or if we could make it easier i will meet you at 396 z's house, and if you want to try to piss on charley just a word of advice don't mention his boat or i am sure he would rip your neck off and sh*t down your neck. I wish your dad a speedy recovery and respect him very much for the well respected and award winning company he has established but he sure did not teach you class!

09-22-2002, 07:35 PM
[ September 23, 2002, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: coleskid ]

09-29-2002, 08:33 PM
I heard that jim has a body guard with him 24-7 and that advantage boat co is finishing the boats he had left to finish,and cole boats will no longer be. Shop closed...

Kim Hanson
09-29-2002, 09:11 PM
Stay on the porch and relax then " BITCH"..HELLO, I go by the name of KIM! Just in case you will like to talk more? Till then may your Ass suck your thong up your ass and you can't shit for a week!....( . )( . )........ :p :o
[ September 29, 2002, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Kim Hanson ]

09-30-2002, 05:45 AM
o yeah charle... if you cant spell they you must really be a idiot.....and your pic looks like you like to suck cock......I dont mean to be an asshole but im livid to see what people type hereI'm just now seeing this....... Yo numnuts....wtf? you got balls coming on here tossin dirt....If you read all my posts carefully you will see I have had, and shown great interest in protecting your "father"(still not sure you are who you say you are) If you really are Jim's kid trust me when I tell you your very tasteless posts do alot more to drag the Cole name down than any of us could.... by the way.... what pic of me are you talking about that makes me look "GAY"??? the one with me and my 2 year old kid in it or the one of me kissing my wifes pregnant belly? what a f-ing dumbass

09-30-2002, 08:51 AM
Orioginally posted by Charley:
[b]I'm just now seeing this....... Yo numnuts....wtf? you got balls coming on here tossin dirt... what a f-ing dumbassAnd, apparently, a coward.
notice that I edited my post

09-30-2002, 11:42 AM
This just gets better, WTF!

09-30-2002, 11:54 AM
OK who has the popcorn? and if anyone is going to the snackbar could you be so kind as to grab me a Jumbo soda :D I think I'm going to need it
[ September 30, 2002, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: Hustler ]

09-30-2002, 11:56 AM
Just a question. Who calls his father by their first name? I think grade 3 english should be mandatory for anyone to posts on this site.My 10 year old spells better then (ColesKid).

09-30-2002, 12:40 PM
I heard that jim has a body guard with him 24-7 and that advantage boat co is finishing the boats he had left to finish,and cole boats will no longer be. Shop closed...Is this statement true? does anybodyhaveany info?

09-30-2002, 02:06 PM
I heard that jim has a body guard with him 24-7 and that advantage boat co is finishing the boats he had left to finish,and cole boats will no longer be. Shop closed...Is this statement true? does anybodyhaveany info?I just drove by the Cole shop today at lunch and it's still gated up. It's been like that since the day of the shooting. I hope he doesn't close up. I know he was in the process of adding a new 30-33 cat to his line up, and I'd really like to see that happen.

09-30-2002, 06:51 PM
I spoke to a buddy of Jim's today and he confirmed Jim Cole is hanging it up..... I also confirmed Jim has a son probably in his late 20's, I honestly hoped he was alot younger, and would have apologized for my behavior, but at that age I'm not apologizing for JACK-SHIT.

09-30-2002, 07:04 PM
The Cole family has a problem and no one else can help! I have an idea.....
RTJas :D
(Just trying to keep it light in here! Of course I wish Jim the best in his recovery.)
[ September 30, 2002, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: RiverToysJas ]

09-30-2002, 07:22 PM
That was great, great idea. eek! :cool: :rolleyes:

09-30-2002, 09:12 PM
MirRoc-- I got the info sunday from a source that is close to Jim's family, plus some info I can't tell you.

burning cole
10-01-2002, 10:50 AM
If this is the case and the shop is really closing and not just moving, are the boats that he was building, and not finished, going to be up for sale or go to Eliminator to be finished. I would love to get my hands on one of the unfinished ones, and try to do it myself. Just a blank hull. That would be great if someone new for sure.

future boater
10-01-2002, 11:42 AM
what knid of mess did this guy get himself into? hope he is able to pull through it. one thing sounds for sure if these people wanted him dead he would be. good luck jim.
[ October 01, 2002, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: future boater ]

10-01-2002, 03:13 PM
Good luck to you. I hope you decide to continue crafting incredible boats.

07-09-2006, 10:59 PM
Hey coleskid,
I know this is way after the fact, but I hope your dad is doing okay these days. Unfortunately Cole Boats did not reopen as you had mentioned. I own my second Cole, a 250S and love it. I just wish I would have a go to guy when I have questions or concerns for my boat. A regatta would also be nice. I am trying to set one up but have limited resources as far as Cole owners are concerned. Anyway, respond when you can.
StratisFear (Nick Stratis)

07-09-2006, 11:15 PM
Wow, nothing like bringing back a 4 year old thread. LOL So, what was the outcome of the shooting. Obviously more going on than a robbery. Who the **** robs a boat shop????? Sounds like some bad business deal or some shit to me. I started reading this thread and was ready start watching the news for the story when I realized it was from 2002. LMAO

07-09-2006, 11:29 PM
No kidding, I thought DAMN AGAIN.....
then I realized I was the thread starter

07-10-2006, 04:30 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Didnt realize this was OLD news.
Wow, nothing like bringing back a 4 year old thread. LOL So, what was the outcome of the shooting. Obviously more going on than a robbery. Who the **** robs a boat shop????? Sounds like some bad business deal or some shit to me. I started reading this thread and was ready start watching the news for the story when I realized it was from 2002. LMAO

07-10-2006, 11:36 PM
So, wah, what happend to the whole cole boats thingamathing episode? I too read the date after a few pages.

07-11-2006, 12:30 AM
So, wah, what happend to the whole cole boats thingamathing episode? I too read the date after a few pages.
no one is talking everyone is scared :rolleyes:

07-11-2006, 03:22 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Didnt realize this was OLD news.
Same here

07-13-2006, 09:45 AM
i talked to Jim the other day, and he is doing well. He is enjoying retired life. It is unfortunate how it all ended. I miss that shop. It was my first job and I loved every minute of it. As for Jim's "hard ass" attitude, he is kind of like that Uncle you had that was a total dick to you as a kid, then when you grow up a little you realize he is a great guy. He was always great to me and my family. I have met a couple of his kids at the shop and they mean the world to Jim. As much as he loved the business, he would give it all up for them. It is too bad how his family was represented in this thread. Although, if my Dad were shot for no good reason, I bet that I would be pretty pissed off as well.(still not justifiable though)

07-13-2006, 10:01 AM
Thx for the reply Kilr

07-13-2006, 10:27 AM
Did they ever catch the person or persons that shot him? Did they ever find out why he was shot?

07-13-2006, 08:38 PM
I didn't even ask him. As far as I see it, if he felt it was my business, he would tell me. I am just glad he is OK.

07-14-2006, 06:20 AM
Was curious is all.
I didn't even ask him. As far as I see it, if he felt it was my business, he would tell me. I am just glad he is OK.

07-14-2006, 10:42 AM
Was curious is all.
I understand. I am curious as well. I hope some day he fills me in on all the details.

Trailer Park Casanova
07-14-2006, 11:31 AM
I used to live just around the corner from Cole and still have that home as a rental to beautiful young, Canadian nurses :http://www.riverratlife.com/forum/s...highlight=house
Great Boats with their value often judged soley by condition, other than year or model, and that's a good statement toward any motor product.
Mr Cole always had lots of drama around him, and kinda faded away after he was shot by what we heard was a large calib handgun.
Got all kinds of storys of what happened to him,, the storys have grown so many legs in the re-telling, no clue of the fact from the fiction.
The area is very common to gun violence:
The Tryst bar around the corner was robbed, both the owner of the bar, and the suspect unloading 15 shot clips on one another in a running gun battle..
The owner Tommy, managed to shoot the robber in the neck, shoulder, and one grazing shot.
The CIA nurses mentioned in the link above notified the LAPD when the suspects came into Holy Cross for treatment from his gunshot wounds.
The cops responded and hooked them up.
A bullet hole from that incident still is visible just inches above the flush handle (vac bkr) on the urinal in the men restroom, another just below the window of the building directly across the alley from the back entrance.
I think the restaurant is now called Taste of Manilla or something close.
Across the street that same week, an idiot walked into the Cowboy Pallace Saloon and unloaded a 15 shot clip missing everyone, including the TPC.
The Mobil station around the corner still has a plac on the outside gas pump with some memorial words about a customer fatally shot on that spot while pumping gas.
The former Popeyes 2 blocks away had a guy fatally shot in front of it while using the pay phone.
A home invasion robbery on Owensmouth St., just about 5 blocks away left the father of three dead from a gunshot wound.
All in about the same time frame.
Damfino the true Cole story though.
The neighborhood violence seemed to arrive when the band Bones Thugs and Harmony and their families, and unemployed family friends, and unemployed hangers on,, moved into the area in to a compound style home a few blocks from the Cole family business.
Then the violence suddenly vanished when Bones Thugs and Harmony and their huge unemployed onterage who all resided at the compound moved out.

plaster dave
07-14-2006, 12:50 PM
I used to live just around the corner from Cole and still have that home as a rental to beautiful young, Canadian nurses :http://www.riverratlife.com/forum/s...highlight=house
Great Boats with their value judged soley by condition, not year or model, and that's a good statement toward any motor product.
Mr Cole always had lots of drama around him, and kinda faded away after he was shot by what we heard was a large calib handgun.
Got all kinds of storys of what happened to him,, the storys have grown so many legs in the re-telling, no clue of the fact from the fiction.
The area is very common to gun violence:
The Tryst bar around the corner was robbed the same week, both the owner of the bar, and the suspect unloading 15 shot clips on one another.
The owner Tommy, managed to shoot the robber in the neck, shoulder, and one grazing shot.
The CIA nurses mentioned in the link above notified the LAPD when the suspects came into Holy Cross for treatment from his gunshot wounds.
The cops responded and hooked them up.
The rounds Tommy used were hot federal re-loads from my shop BTW. No duds ever from the TPC's reloads.
Normally he kept the gun unloaded in his office drawyer, until I gave him a handfull of XTP's.
A bullet hole from that incident still is visible just inches above the flush handle (vac bkr) on the urinal in the men restroom.
I think the restaurant is now called Taste of Manilla or something close.
Across the street that same week, an idiot walked into the Cowboy Pallace saloon and unloaded a 15 shot clip missing everyone, including the TPC.
The Mobil station around the corner has a plac on the out side gas pump with some memorial words about a customer shot on that spot while pumping gas.
The former Popeyes 2 blocks away had a guy shot in front of it while using the pay phone.
All in about the same time frame.
Damfino the true Cole story though.
The neighborhood violence seemed to arrive when the band Bones Thugs and Harmony moved into the area in to a huge compound style home about 3 blocks from the Cole family business. Then the violence suddenly vanished when Bones thugs and Harmony and their huge onterage moved out.
Ok if that is what you believe happened. The only thing that those "bone thugs" did was beat up their neighbor for complaining about the partys they were having. FYI I am not friends with nor did I get along with them. How about Los Toros getting robbed like 16 or 17 years ago and the owner shot and killed one of the robbers. If you are close to a freeway then there will be crime.
Chatsworth has always had problems with drug trafficing,and biker gangs. But all in all Chatsworth is a old style neighborhood do to the counrty living and horse property. Plus who doesn't like porn. :boxed:

07-14-2006, 01:19 PM
yeah... WTF.... I want to know the whole story... is Cole boats closed now??? how did it end.... this is like being the last one to see a movie....
blah blah blah..... I read it all now..... seems weird reading about the past.....

07-14-2006, 01:26 PM
is Cole boats closed now???

07-18-2006, 06:21 AM
i talked to Jim the other day, and he is doing well. He is enjoying retired life.
That's good to hear that Jim is doing well. I heard a rummer about 4 months ago the Jim was killed last year. I heard this from a old drag racer that ran Cole's boats and lives in the north valley. I did a search on the internet and couldn't find anything so I figured it not to be true.

07-18-2006, 12:38 PM
Then the violence suddenly vanished when Bones Thugs and Harmony and their huge unemployed onterage who all resided at the compound moved out.
Hip Hop is the downfall of the Black Race. I don't see any hope.