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10-15-2003, 01:27 PM
I posted this on the BOATCOP.COM website but have not gotten a reply so I assume Alan is very busy. Maybe he will see these here and answer them for me. Anybody else know the answers? Thanks
Mon Oct 13 19:55:14 2003
I was wondering if you could recommend/tell me about some of these that are on the market for consumers. I think it would be a good idea to carry one on the boat just to have and check yourself prior to driving your boat. I understand about the best way to avoid this is to not consume any alcohol but I am talking about the situation where you have a couple of beers and just want to make sure you are not excessive prior to driving. I think it could be a pretty good idea to have just for my own peace of mind.
Flare Gun
Mon Oct 13 19:49:13 2003
A friend of mine just bought a new Cobalt 21 foot boat. I told him all the things I thought he needed to be CC approved. He ended up with a flare gun and I asked him why. He told me the sales guy at West Marine indicated he needed that in order to be CC compliant. I think he got some bad info...Can you clear this up for me? He does not intend to use the boat out in the ocean...basically, Mohave, Havasu and Parker. Thanks in advance and for doing such good public service for all of us over at ***boat.net

10-15-2003, 01:42 PM
I have used on occassion a alcohol detector here at work...Its very simple and easy.
Its called BreathScan made by WNCK Inc. in Houston Tx. No web address or anything else on the packet.
It tests for .08% or above. It is a small plastic tube with small granuals inside. You breathe into it and wait a minute to see if if discolors...if so it means you're over .08%
Hope this helps you a little.

10-15-2003, 01:48 PM
I have used on occassion a alcohol detector here at work...Its very simple and easy.
Its called BreathScan made by WNCK Inc. in Houston Tx. No web address or anything else on the packet.
It tests for .08% or above. It is a small plastic tube with small granuals inside. You breathe into it and wait a minute to see if if discolors...if so it means you're over .08%
Hope this helps you a little. Thanks Ziggy....I am looking for something to carry on the boat, parties, car etc. I think it might be kind of funny to have one of the breathalyzers around at a party :) Just to see how smashed people really are.

10-15-2003, 01:50 PM
Three Days Only has one.. He might be able to help you out..
also .. A judge had one installed on my old roommates car.. You had to blow before the car would start.. I have had to pick him up many times..
[ October 15, 2003, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: jackpunx ]

10-15-2003, 01:55 PM
I have used on occassion a alcohol detector here at work...Its very simple and easy.
Its called BreathScan made by WNCK Inc. in Houston Tx. No web address or anything else on the packet.
It tests for .08% or above. It is a small plastic tube with small granuals inside. You breathe into it and wait a minute to see if if discolors...if so it means you're over .08%
Hope this helps you a little. Thanks Ziggy....I am looking for something to carry on the boat, parties, car etc. I think it might be kind of funny to have one of the breathalyzers around at a party :) Just to see how smashed people really are. This little tester is only as big as maybe 1/2 of a ball point pen...easily carried on the boat. True, it won't give you an actual reading just indicates if over a particular level.
What a great party toy you have in mind there
:D :D sure it would be worth dozens of jolly laughs.
BTW--we love our new 23LX :)

Dr. Eagle
10-15-2003, 02:01 PM
Here is a link to the California Department of Boating and Waterways ABC's for Boaters. This is the required equipment chapter. A flare gun is not a bad thing to have, I carry one and handheld flares and smoke flares too.
Cal Boat n water (http://www.dbw.ca.gov/Pubs/Abc/reqequip.pdf)
Just my .02

10-15-2003, 02:43 PM
After reading all the comments regarding LE really cracking down on the water (and I think it is a good thing)as it pertains to OUI's, I went to the Discovery Store and bought a AlecAlert device. I think it was $39.00. If I remember right, COSTCO also carried somethig similar last year during the holidays. Good idea.
I have used mine a number of times, and in fact, have used it as a guide while on the water. If I get close, I hand over the wheel to the wife (who doesn't drink beer), and let her drive. On land, I very seldom drive with anything more than one drink in me.
One thing I noticed is that I was able to drink more than I thought. The device registered at .08 after more beers than I anticipated. Once I stopped drinking, I tested a number of times after that and the readings were consistent with the first, so I think it is accurrate. I would like to blow into a LE gauge and then into mine to get a more accurate comparison.
Anything to be more safe and responsible is a good thing.
Regarding the flares, I think they are USCG Required.

Dr. Eagle
10-15-2003, 03:52 PM
Anything to be more safe and responsible is a good thing.Not "anything...."
If anything to be more safe and responsible is always good.. Then I expect to see everyone wearing life jackets on your boat at all times, and not the normal ski jackets. I'm talking the big ole maywest orangies that'll float ya right side up if knocked unconcsious.
My point is.... I think people have gone way freakin overboard on this alcohol thing. .08 is a joke in my opinion... But in case ya didn't know the law isn't .08 THE LAW IS .05
Anything over .05 and it's up to the officer on whether your impaired or not. Let me tell ya, you don't have to be impaired to be impaired if ya know what I'm saying..
RD Dang, I didn't know it had been changed to .05! That pretty much ensures if you have had anything to drink you are going down...

10-15-2003, 03:59 PM
Dr. Eagle:
Anything to be more safe and responsible is a good thing.Not "anything...."
If anything to be more safe and responsible is always good.. Then I expect to see everyone wearing life jackets on your boat at all times, and not the normal ski jackets. I'm talking the big ole maywest orangies that'll float ya right side up if knocked unconcsious.
My point is.... I think people have gone way freakin overboard on this alcohol thing. .08 is a joke in my opinion... But in case ya didn't know the law isn't .08 THE LAW IS .05
Anything over .05 and it's up to the officer on whether your impaired or not. Let me tell ya, you don't have to be impaired to be impaired if ya know what I'm saying..
RD Dang, I didn't know it had been changed to .05! That pretty much ensures if you have had anything to drink you are going down... Officers descretion to decide whether you're impaired or not at .05...judgement call in other words. Kinda a grey area if you ask me and the judges tend to lean towards law enforcement when all be told.
So I guess if you've had a few and under .08 just don't act like a teenager that just had his first drink of champagne :D or let you eyes do this> :rolleyes: or wear these> :cool: or do this> yuk
[ October 15, 2003, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Ziggy ]

10-15-2003, 04:03 PM
Anything to be more safe and responsible is a good thing.Not "anything...."
If anything to be more safe and responsible is always good.. Then I expect to see everyone wearing life jackets on your boat at all times, and not the normal ski jackets. I'm talking the big ole maywest orangies that'll float ya right side up if knocked unconcsious.
My point is.... I think people have gone way freakin overboard on this alcohol thing. .08 is a joke in my opinion... But in case ya didn't know the law isn't .08 THE LAW IS .05
Anything over .05 and it's up to the officer on whether your impaired or not. Let me tell ya, you don't have to be impaired to be impaired if ya know what I'm saying..
RD I almost added to my earlier post RD would not agree with my line of thinking, but when I was RD's age, I'd probably agree with him. Today, however, being a father and trying to set an example for my children, and to be a productive member of society, I make every attempt to do the "right thing", and if that means drinking less, then that's ok.
The difference, RD, about wearing life jackets (and anyone on my boat under 13 does wear them) is that not wearing a life jacket is not illegal if you are 13 or older. However, it is illegal to operate your boat under the influence. That is the difference.
Almost every accident at the river is caused by alcohol, one way or another, ask BoatCop.
In addition, while boating, I am very careful and cautious as are most other boaters. I do make every effort to be safe on the water, but I'm also reasonable. Safety is my main concern, 100% of the time. I have never been in a boating accident in over 25 years of boating and operating boats up to 75 feet.
While I appreciate your comments, I respectfully disagree with your premise. If it's illegal, I don't do it.

10-15-2003, 04:15 PM
Let me see if I've got this right.
When we arrest someone for OUI they go to court with their lawyers, and argue that our machine (which costs over $5,000, is seviced and calibrated regularly, and operated by a trained, certified professional) is inaccurate, and the results should be thrown out.
These same people want to use a $40 COSTCO device to tell them if they're impaired or not.
Anybody else see a problem with this?
What's wrong with a designated driver? If your wife, friend, cousin, brother in law, monkey (what ever happened to him anyway :confused: ) doesn't drink, why not let them drive from the beginning?
Sure, they're nice as party favors, but I wouldn't stake my life on one. If you're wondering if you've had too much to drink, you probably have.
And where the hell is the reasoning behind this statement?
On land, I very seldom drive with anything more than one drink in me.
So it's OK to get drunk and endanger everyone else on the water, but not while driving a car? It takes more skill and awareness to run a boat than to drive a car. No lanes, signals, licensing, training, and all that other stuff.
And for the record, we have not charged or arrested ANYONE who was below a .08% on the intoxilyzer, no matter what some will say. Unless there was also drugs in their system, or they were under 21.
As far as Flares, they're required on boats operating in coastal waters, off shore, or on the Great Lakes. They may be a nice thing to have, but most people out here would interpret tham as fireworks and not pay any attention to them.
There's been only one time that a flare alerted us to a boater in trouble. A guy was floating down through barefoot Alley (the area above Rock Island North of Holiday Harbor) and drifted on to the sand bar on the AZ side. He shot off a couple of flares and we did actually get calls on him. By the time we got to him the boat was high and dry.
He had two options. Secure the boat there, we'd give him a ride to his camp, and he could pick it up in the morning when the water came up. (Leaving the boat vulnerable to anyone who wanted or needed new boat equipment) Or spend the night with the boat. He chose the latter.

10-15-2003, 04:21 PM
I see your reasoning Alan. When possible I do use a DD and I do not drink as much as I used to. Usually I wait until I get off the water to pound them down these days. I don't need the problems associated with a OUI.
I of course thought that the flares were for off shore but thought I would check anyhow.
Is there a link that someone can post for all required equipment for a boat 23 feet or less using the Co River waterways....
Thanks again Alan....

10-15-2003, 04:28 PM
I have used on occassion a alcohol detector here at work...Its very simple and easy.
Its called BreathScan made by WNCK Inc. in Houston Tx. No web address or anything else on the packet.
It tests for .08% or above. It is a small plastic tube with small granuals inside. You breathe into it and wait a minute to see if if discolors...if so it means you're over .08%
Hope this helps you a little. Thanks Ziggy....I am looking for something to carry on the boat, parties, car etc. I think it might be kind of funny to have one of the breathalyzers around at a party :) Just to see how smashed people really are. This little tester is only as big as maybe 1/2 of a ball point pen...easily carried on the boat. True, it won't give you an actual reading just indicates if over a particular level.
What a great party toy you have in mind there
:D :D sure it would be worth dozens of jolly laughs.
BTW--we love our new 23LX :) I have really been considering buying a Top Cat and selling my 2300LX...No comparison on the boats but I have the pink slip on the Commander and for some reason don't want to spend the $105K that the TC is going to end up costing me....aaaaggggghhhhh! What engine package did you end up with Ziggy? The hull is a pretty quick hull as you probably know by now :)

Dr. Eagle
10-15-2003, 04:38 PM
Fortunately for me (well, really unfortunately for me) I don't have to worry about alcohol and operating a motor vehicle or vessel. I have to take nasty medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis and my liver won't agree to any more abuse. So a 502 or 502W (Wet) will not be in my future.
If I recall correctly it is within the discretion of the officer when over a certain level (.04 or 0.5...boatcop help!) and a done deal (off to the graybar hotel) when the driver of the car is over 0.8 is that what RD was talking about??? I don't remember the intoxication level being changed and I think the discretionary language has always been there in the law...right???
By the way Boatcop...damn nice job on that bug!

10-15-2003, 05:03 PM
The law presumes that a person above .08 is Impaired.
If they are below a .05% the law presumes the are NOT impaired.
If between .05% and .079% there is no presumption of impairment. BUT a person MAY be found guilty of Impaired operation if there is sufficient credible evidence of that impairment, ie. slurred speech, poor balance, poor coordination, etc. In other words a "cheap date".
Driving a motor vehicle or boat with any drugs or their metabolites in your system also constitutes driving while impaired. This comes to light when a person has a very low BAC and fails the FSTs. When this happens we bring in a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert) to evaluate the person to determine which drug(s) the person is on. A blood test confirms or refutes the presence of drugs.
Either way, I wouldn't feel comfortable, morally or legally, in putting someone I felt was impaired back behind the wheel. to go out and kill and maim.
We don't look at DUI or OUI arrests simply as numbers or statistics. We look at each one as an accident prevented.
Since we ARE still getting a significant number each year, we must be doing something wrong. Not enough people are getting the message. I joined this forum over 2 years ago for one express purpose. To hopefully educate some boaters and try and make the River (and boating in general) safer. I started my website for the same reason.
I'm not here to judge. Or threaten, or even warn. I'm just here to put out information and facts. What everyone does with that information is up to them. Everyone is reponsible for their own actions, and if the wrong choices are made, they have to deal with the consequences.
When an incident occurs to someone on this board, whether an accident, arrest, or even just a ticket, I have to shake my head and wonder how it could happen when I KNOW they know better.

Dr. Eagle
10-15-2003, 05:08 PM
The law presumes that a person above .08 is Impaired.
If they are below a .05% the law presumes the are NOT impaired.
If between .05% and .079% there is no presumption of impairment. BUT a person MAY be found guilty of Impaired operation if there is sufficient credible evidence of that impairment, ie. slurred speech, poor balance, poor coordination, etc. In other words a "cheap date".
Driving a motor vehicle or boat with any drugs or their metabolites in your system also constitutes driving while impaired. This comes to light when a person has a very low BAC and fails the FSTs. When this happens we bring in a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert) to evaluate the person to determine which drug(s) the person is on. A blood test confirms or refutes the presence of drugs.
Either way, I wouldn't feel comfortable, morally or legally, in putting someone I felt was impaired back behind the wheel. to go out and kill and maim.
We don't look at DUI or OUI arrests simply as numbers or statistics. We look at each one as an accident prevented.
Since we ARE still getting a significant number each year, we must be doing something wrong. Not enough people are getting the message. I joined this forum over 2 years ago for one express purpose. To hopefully educate some boaters and try and make the River (and boating in general) safer. I started my website for the same reason.
I'm not here to judge. Or threaten, or even warn. I'm just here to put out information and facts. What everyone does with that information is up to them. Everyone is reponsible for their own actions, and if the wrong choices are made, they have to deal with the consequences.
When an incident occurs to someone on this board, whether an accident, arrest, or even just a ticket, I have to shake my head and wonder how it could happen when I KNOW they know better. Thanks Boatcop that is more or less what I thought. I have seen some hair raising things out there (on the Sac/San Joaquin River Delta), waterskiers getting run over by boaters that were drunk, impaired people falling overboard and disappearing...it can be scary. I usually take the everyone else is or might be impaired attitude and just steer as much room between myself ane everyone else as possible. I have been lucky...so far!
[ October 15, 2003, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Dr. Eagle ]

10-15-2003, 05:31 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ziggy:
[qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by hd&bohave really been considering buying a Top Cat and selling my 2300LX...No comparison on the boats but I have the pink slip on the Commander and for some reason don't want to spend the $105K that the TC is going to end up costing me....aaaaggggghhhhh! What engine package did you end up with Ziggy? The hull is a pretty quick hull as you probably know by now :) Well this 23 is a big difference from the old sunstreaker as far as ride is concerned, very satisfied in that regard.
We outfitted it with the 6.2....I wanted to save on fuel a bit and the wife wanted to have a large enough deck to enjoy...the 496 requires a raised deck. Only have 7 or 8 hours on it so top speeds I haven't attempted yet but it does seem to me that I'll get a few more mph than the sunstreaker....and with the I/O I notice to maintain that speed will be much simpler and less work.
Whoa, a TopCat eh? Sweet but a real hit in the pocket. :o
[ October 15, 2003, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Ziggy ]

10-15-2003, 05:35 PM
The law presumes that a person above .08 is Impaired.
If they are below a .05% the law presumes the are NOT impaired.
If between .05% and .079% there is no presumption of impairment. BUT a person MAY be found guilty of Impaired operation if there is sufficient credible evidence of that impairment, ie. slurred speech, poor balance, poor coordination, etc. In other words a "cheap date".
So what I mentioned as far as acting like a teenager on his first drink of Champagne pretty much sums it up??? I'd throw the guy in the pokey if he acted that way too.
Alan, as always, thumbs up for all the hard work and details you provide for so many of us here :)

10-15-2003, 05:39 PM
Dr. Eagle:
[QUOTE]I usually take the everyone else is or might be impaired attitude and just steer as much room between myself ane everyone else as possible. I have been lucky...so far! Exactly what I do. If we all drove as if the guys around us are impaired then many incidents may never occur. You should see the extra mile I'll do just to go around a PWC :rolleyes: seems silly but I prefer to make it home at the end of the day with all family members accounted for and injury free.

10-15-2003, 05:47 PM
One thing I forgot to mention. Ziggy's "teenager" anology reminded me.
A person under 21 can be charged with DUI/OUI with ANY measurable alcohol in their system, under Arizona Liquor Law. (ARS 4-244.34, if anyone cares to look it up.)
.01% - GUILTY!
After all. If it's illegal for them to drink alcohol in the first place, why would it be legal for them to drive with it in their system?
[ October 15, 2003, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Boatcop ]

10-16-2003, 12:37 AM
Here you go HD......you can find it at www.smarthome.com (http://www.smarthome.com) and it's $49.99.

10-16-2003, 04:19 AM
A friend of mine bought one of these 'home' alcohol testers. Instead of helping, it seemed to have an adverse affect.....everyone was drinking more to see who could 'score' the highest BAC.

10-16-2003, 07:20 AM
Instead of helping, it seemed to have an adverse affect.....everyone was drinking more to see who could 'score' the highest BAC. Quite some time ago a bunch of bars in the Phoenix area had some of these testers, where for a quarter, you could find out approximately what your bac was... didn't last long as they turned into a meter for drinking contests. Several episodes of alcohol poisoning and they all disappeared. I never saw one used in a bar for any reason other than who could get the highest bac.

10-16-2003, 07:52 AM
I'm certain I'm in the minority but what is the big deal with drinking while out boating? When I am driving the boat, I don't drink any alcohol, period. It's that simple. I wait to do my drinking back at the house. Maybe that makes me a wimp but oh well.

Dr. Eagle
10-16-2003, 08:26 AM
I'm certain I'm in the minority but what is the big deal with drinking while out boating? When I am driving the boat, I don't drink any alcohol, period. It's that simple. I wait to do my drinking back at the house. Maybe that makes me a wimp but oh well. Hell, I don't know what the big deal is...I CAN'T drink due to medication that lowers my immune system. I really don't miss it at all. I like having a clear head behind the wheel, and I can watch for impaired drivers that much better.
And I could NEVER understand the dual standard. You can't have an open container in a car.
So why is it such a stretch that the driver should not be drinking on board? I suppose it might be difficult to enforce, who knows...
I do not favor an open container like law for the water however. I think it is OK for people to imbibe, but the driver should remain sober as a judge...just my .02

10-16-2003, 08:47 AM
I'm certain I'm in the minority but what is the big deal with drinking while out boating? When I am driving the boat, I don't drink any alcohol, period. It's that simple. I wait to do my drinking back at the house. Maybe that makes me a wimp but oh well. More people are with you on this than you may think, and that is by far the best choice you can make, land or water, period! Well said...

10-16-2003, 08:59 AM
Let me see if I've got this right.
What's wrong with a designated driver? If your wife, friend, cousin, brother in law, monkey (what ever happened to him anyway :confused: ) doesn't drink, why not let them drive from the beginning?
Alan, you always have good insight as to the laws of what one should or should not do. I've got to say that I'm a little preturbed that your verbaged referred to OP6 when we are clearly talking about individual actions. This is not a group thing, club thing or otherwise. I personally keep more than enough cold N/A riversodies in the cooler for myself. Not everyone tries to argue the validity of the current BAC level or the practice of enforcing it.
Thanks again for all your attention to these boards to be a reliable informative source.

10-16-2003, 09:11 AM
Let me see if I've got this right.
When we arrest someone for OUI they go to court with their lawyers, and argue that our machine (which costs over $5,000, is seviced and calibrated regularly, and operated by a trained, certified professional) is inaccurate, and the results should be thrown out.
These same people want to use a $40 COSTCO device to tell them if they're impaired or not.
Anybody else see a problem with this?
What's wrong with a designated driver? If your wife, friend, cousin, brother in law, monkey (what ever happened to him anyway :confused: ) doesn't drink, why not let them drive from the beginning?
Sure, they're nice as party favors, but I wouldn't stake my life on one. If you're wondering if you've had too much to drink, you probably have.
And where the hell is the reasoning behind this statement?
On land, I very seldom drive with anything more than one drink in me.
So it's OK to get drunk and endanger everyone else on the water, but not while driving a car? It takes more skill and awareness to run a boat than to drive a car. No lanes, signals, licensing, training, and all that other stuff.
And for the record, we have not charged or arrested ANYONE who was below a .08% on the intoxilyzer, no matter what some will say. Unless there was also drugs in their system, or they were under 21.
As far as Flares, they're required on boats operating in coastal waters, off shore, or on the Great Lakes. They may be a nice thing to have, but most people out here would interpret tham as fireworks and not pay any attention to them.
There's been only one time that a flare alerted us to a boater in trouble. A guy was floating down through barefoot Alley (the area above Rock Island North of Holiday Harbor) and drifted on to the sand bar on the AZ side. He shot off a couple of flares and we did actually get calls on him. By the time we got to him the boat was high and dry.
He had two options. Secure the boat there, we'd give him a ride to his camp, and he could pick it up in the morning when the water came up. (Leaving the boat vulnerable to anyone who wanted or needed new boat equipment) Or spend the night with the boat. He chose the latter. Hey Alan, don't jump down my throat on this. I like to go out and have a few beers while on the water, but to be more proactive and to be safer, I bought one of those testers. Just to make sure. Remember, the more you drink the more you think your superman. Now I can verify that I'm not. I'm only trying to be more responsible in my actions. that's all. I'm not questioning your abilities or those who calibrate it or those who operate it. I have a tremendous respect for LE, so don't go down that road with me. Right next door, in my office, is our LE Cheif, Sgt and a couple Dep's.
On land, I very seldom drive with anything more than one drink in me.
So it's OK to get drunk and endanger everyone else on the water, but not while driving a car? It takes more skill and awareness to run a boat than to drive a car. No lanes, signals, licensing, training, and all that other stuff.
I said I very seldom drive with anything more than 1 drink - if i"ve been drinking, I get a ride or go with a DD. If I'm out after work and some of us go for a beer, that's my limit - a beer. Unless you don't drink at all, you can't tell me you've never driven with a drink in you? On or off the water. I learned my lesson once 23 years ago, I certainly don't want it to happen again (crash with no injuries and no DUI - I was lucky). On the water, yea, I'm a little more relaxed, but I'm not one that at the end of the day has a bag full of silver slugs and one water bottle, more like the opposite. I've been very supportive of LE's efforts on the water in Havasu, and this w/e, I'll have a DD all w/e long.
I have always respected your comments and you know that, in fact, you even got me to change my mind on something a few months back. Even though I think you came on a little strong with me on this, I still luv ya! wink Thanks ...

10-16-2003, 10:52 AM
I've got to say that I'm a little preturbed that your verbaged referred to OP6 when we are clearly talking about individual actions. :confused: I don't wee where I mentioned OP6C. :confused:
Or any "group" for that matter. I, too, believe that it's an individual choice, albeit a bad one. The only way I'd come down on any group is if they encouraged it, as in
"The first Annual Drunk Boating Regatta". (No flames on this, I just now made it up.)
I'd just like to see friends looking out for one another, and discouraging the act, taking the keys, etc. like one might do in an a car.
I've heard of too many people that sit by, laugh and point, while someone staggers into their boat and drives away.

10-16-2003, 11:00 AM
The monkey has always been our official/unofficial mascot. That's why my collar got a little ruffled. In reading that again, it came off a little angrier than I meant to.
Anyway, I hope the same thing, Alan. I hope people would take the appropriate actions in taking keys away from someone who has had too much. Not just to save him from hurting himself or others, but let's face it, DUI/OUI can get very expensive from what I hear. That's what friends and good boaters are about. What's that saying we used to preach, be "RA" River aware.

10-16-2003, 11:41 AM
Dr. Eagle:
Hell, I don't know what the big deal is...I CAN'T drink due to medication that lowers my immune system. I really don't miss it at all. Hey Doc Eagle...
They got you on the Methotrexate? Nasty stuff. I hate it. Nothing worse than poisoning yourself once a week so you can feel better. I've been through a few rounds of it myself.
Nice to be able to function, though.

10-16-2003, 12:17 PM
I'd just like to see friends looking out for one another, and discouraging the act, taking the keys, etc. like one might do in an a car.
Done that before and boy were they pissed at me at that moment...next day they thanked me.

Dr. Eagle
10-16-2003, 12:41 PM
Dr. Eagle:
Hell, I don't know what the big deal is...I CAN'T drink due to medication that lowers my immune system. I really don't miss it at all. Hey Doc Eagle...
They got you on the Methotrexate? Nasty stuff. I hate it. Nothing worse than poisoning yourself once a week so you can feel better. I've been through a few rounds of it myself.
Nice to be able to function, though. Yep that is the stuff. Nasty...I have been trying to decrease my dose from the maximum of 8 pills once a week. I am down to 4 now and I am feeling pretty good. So I may keep going down on the meds. I hate taking the stuff, but I have had flare ups put me in the hospital, soooo I am glad it was available.
But the liver tests suck and they were showing some unusual stuff for a while, one of the reasons I started on my own dropping off of the medication. But you absolutely cannot drink while taking this stuff unless you are already in the que for a new liver...and I'm not going there!!!!!

10-16-2003, 03:37 PM
"The first Annual Drunk Boating Regatta". That sounds like a good time. When is that? :D :D :D
I think I'll just sit on the shore and watch the mayhem unfold. Good idea though BC. :D :D :D

10-16-2003, 07:36 PM
I'm not here to judge. Or threaten, or even warn. I'm just here to put out information and facts. What everyone does with that information is up to them. Everyone is reponsible for their own actions, and if the wrong choices are made, they have to deal with the consequences.
I can personally say that boatcop is very good with info and fair.I had an OUI last year by his crew and he was helpful in getting me extension info and related classes i need to take.

10-17-2003, 08:55 AM
I dont see what the problem is.
I consume the most beer in my group by far. I got the beer belly to prove it! :p When I got my boat, I did not quit drinking beer on the water. I just changed beer. I now drink O douls when I am on the water. When the boat is parked, the beer bong comes out. I have just as much fun, if not more now.
If you drink and drive, you are taking a gamble. Some people are gamblers. If you want to gamble, remeber, somtimes you loose.

10-17-2003, 03:14 PM
Quick note on those portable alcohol detectors:
Because we have a bar, we looked into getting one of those detectors for our customers, The problem is that if someone uses it, blows under the legal limit and then leaves and hurts someone, the bar (or whoever else gives it to them) is partially liable. My attorneys advice was to avoid these devices and leave the testing to the professionals.

10-20-2003, 08:11 PM
LOL (http://www.hotbuy4u.com/catalog.cfm?do=details&itemID=881)

10-22-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Boatcop
I'd just like to see friends looking out for one another
I've heard of too many people that sit by, laugh and point, while someone staggers into their boat and drives away.
We all have seen a group sit down at the RoadRunner, and about 1 inch down the cup drinkin a Road Raper they go bad,, but they're usually strangers, not much one can do when they jump in the Boat and head out.
I understand your point Alan, but I don't feel it's irresponsible to lightly drink while anchored,, then for a few hours drink Pepsi and sober up, then check yourself with a personal BAC tester before we head back to the launchramp.
I realize the French invented the BlowJob, Rock and Rollers invented Drug abuse,, doesn't mean boaters invented Alcohol abuse too.
If we don't have a desig driver we cool it for the last hour or two with water and soft drinks,, test,, when OK, then we head back.
In your opinion, we ain't that bad are we?? We aren't like the dumbshits with the Road Rapers at the Road Runner are we??