View Full Version : Mufflers on Anna

Cole 383
06-08-2003, 07:47 AM
Hey Guys,
Are they going to hand out tickets for no mufflers? I have some somewhere in the unknown parts pile but i can't find them. Or they may be out on the loaner program?
They won't bother you up here if you aren't out acting a fool.
857 and i are kicking around bringing the dragboats. Does anyone know if we could make a run or two without getting in a bunch of trouble? Or would it be a bunch of trouble to bring them for nothing. Any input will help us decide.
Thanks 383

06-08-2003, 08:00 AM
I think the bass tournament is something to consider .It sounds like alot of boats and the law will be working hard ... I'm gonna be a good boy myself .... :D .... I need an observer to ski ! wink

06-08-2003, 10:09 AM
I think our buddy 857 has bailed out on us. Since I was going to bring his hydro up, that leaves me free to tow one of yours.
Another thing to think about is the distance from the ramp. That little tank won't get you far. How far is it, guys? It would be nice to see a couple of passes. Since we missed St. Louis this weekend, that would be just what we need to tide us over till Augusta.
I can ride observer for you. I'd drag out my ski but I haven't been on it in 13 years and I don't know if these old bones can take it.
I'm also bring the Nikon, so I can probably get some good shots. Just got a new card with about 625 shots on it, so I'll be a snapping fool all weekend.

Cole 383
06-08-2003, 11:07 AM
857 hasn't bailed on us. Unless you know something i don't.
Here we go to bluestone to shake the jet down. Wish me luck. I'll give you a report later.
Later 383

06-08-2003, 01:21 PM
Hydro 066 I'm gonna hold ya to that ! My old bones are hurtin too but my bro wants to ski Anna .... and so do I ! :D

06-08-2003, 03:03 PM
As far as mufflers. Last year one of the guys had twin hair Dryers. He got a ticket for not having mufflers. I hope they will be a little less pricks this year since most of us were good last year...... :D

Cole 383
06-08-2003, 03:49 PM
Well ok,
The shakedown is over. Little jet did ok. After a few water leak fixes. It turned a little over 6000 rpm and handled great.
We even got a little run. Thought i was going to get a ticket but the guy didn't say much. He said i was going to fast in a no wake zone. Tim told him that was as slow as the boat would run and we were leaving anyway. The officer just drove off. Thay just hate us hot rod boaters.
Guess Anna looks good.
Later 383

06-08-2003, 05:53 PM
Hey 383, I sure enjoyed the ride in the jet today, it was just what I needed after being boatless for almost a month, not to mention sunless.I could have done without the swimming lesson though! That boat really moves out in a hurry! Hopfully I'll have my boat back together by thursday nightand will be ready to leave friday for Lake Anna. Shirkey, When are you leaving, and what route do you take? We look forward to meeting everyone! Tim :D

06-08-2003, 06:40 PM
Cole & Manic, we will be leaving Friday probably around 7:00AM. Five and half hour drive from Charleston across 64 and up 81. Gave up on trying to get the jet ready, not enough parts and time.There will be at least three of us towing from Charleston. Heard today that 857 is not going, tried to call a couple of times, but got no answer. Cole the truck pull off is right on top of Sandstone, probably 2-3 miles from Hinton exit. If I talk to Jim, I will get your number and call. Another place that maybe we could meet is the McDonalds in White Sulpher, they have a big truck parking lot.

Cole 383
06-08-2003, 07:37 PM
Hey Shirkey,
John said something about Jim not going but he hasn't told anybody he wasn't going. Did you hear it from him or someone else?
Jim you need to get us know what is going on, if you are not going. John is planning on coming up to get the hydro and i have the room reserved for you. I hope that this isn't true.
Later 383

06-08-2003, 08:32 PM
The fella with twin hair dryers "turbos" got a ticket because at an idle the boat plows a massive wake and really moves along...the water cop gave him a ticket for the wake...and said If I see you out here anymore...I'll then give you another ticket for no baffels...he was just showing some southern hospitality.

Wetter the Better
06-08-2003, 08:50 PM
That bass tourn is a friday night deal only,We was out today and the coast guard and county cops were out in force today thay watched with their Bushnells and followed me for a while but never got stopped nor did we provoke anything :D :D
Later All

06-09-2003, 05:41 AM
Cole my wife talked to a mutual friend yesterday, and he told her that Jim was not going.

06-09-2003, 09:11 AM
The only thing that they can do is write you a warning ticket.They dont have a gauge to tell you how loud you are running, but they can us it to check for other things