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08-12-2003, 04:51 PM
For most of the 12 years I've lived in Lake Havasu City, there have been numerous CHP officers (i've heard as many as 7) who live here and drive their Highway Patrol cars home every day from Needles(40 plus miles, 30 plus INSIDE ARIZONA)
Previous to learning this, I always thought state employees were required to be residents of their employer state. I also wonder by what authority and for what reason they are on duty as much as 50 road miles from California. As a trucker the sight of a CHP car nearly causes me siezures and I apparently didn't move far enough away to be rid of these guys. If I was a California taxpayer, I surely would want to know why my services were being spent elsewhere!

Trailer Park Casanova
08-12-2003, 05:07 PM
Don't hold me to it Don, but I remember a while back an initiative on the Calif ballot that let civil servants live where they wanted to.
Up until recently, Havasu had reasonable housing prices, and I was glad to see the CHP take advantage of it.
Their pay sucks, and they have a job where they argue with some deluxe assholes for a living.
I've had some bad dealings with them,, some unfair dealings with them,, but some pretty good dealings with them too.
[ August 12, 2003, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Trailer Park Casanova ]

08-12-2003, 05:15 PM
For most of the 12 years I've lived in Lake Havasu City, there have been numerous CHP officers (i've heard as many as 7) who live here and drive their Highway Patrol cars home every day from Needles(40 plus miles, 30 plus INSIDE ARIZONA)
Previous to learning this, I always thought state employees were required to be residents of their employer state. I also wonder by what authority and for what reason they are on duty as much as 50 road miles from California. As a trucker the sight of a CHP car nearly causes me siezures and I apparently didn't move far enough away to be rid of these guys. If I was a California taxpayer, I surely would want to know why my services were being spent elsewhere! Finally a post from AzDon that's not some socialist diatribe. But it only seems to make sense that you're ragging on California's handling of where CHP live.
Listen, if the sight "of a CHP car nearly causes (you) siezures" then I'd say it's worthwhile and I like it! They work hard enough - let them save some of their meager pay for hard and dangerous work by living in your state and using your state's resources! By the way, they are providing the citizens of your state a service since they're obviously making you and others nervous when they're seen in your rearview mirrors.
Magic not-feeling-all-that-warm-and-fuzzy-about-the-very-left-leaning-AzDon-no-matter-what-he-posts Mtn Dan

sam pioske
08-12-2003, 05:18 PM
Well maybe $60k isn't that much but consider my son-inlaw, can't take enough vacation time - 5 weeks, sick days, comp time,and its hard to keep wieght down "crispy cream" LOL, 90% retirement!! One of the reasons the state is BROKE

08-12-2003, 05:22 PM
As a public employee of any state, you can live wherever you want. Our local fire department has employees that commute from Tahoe to South OC. No requirement to be local. In the case of CHP's working in CA and living in LHC, it really doesn't matter to CA where they live. By living in AZ they receive tax breraks that are beneficial to them. Also, I think, and Boatcop may want to confirm this, but a CHP MAY be able to pull you over in AZ if the infractio is blatant. I know in California I was pulled over once by an off-duty "higher up" driving a B&W from a city in norther CA while I was on the 5 FWY in San Diego. WHile he didn't cite me, he said he could have. I confirmed this with our local PD. As an officer of the "state" they have jurisdiction anywhere w/in the state. Regarding AZ, I'm not sure...

08-12-2003, 05:33 PM
I consider CHP officers to be nothing more than revenue agent/terrorists! I just wondered how you guys from California feel about them commuting, apparently on duty, at the expense of the company (Cal taxpayers)

Trailer Park Casanova
08-12-2003, 05:35 PM
sam pioske:
Well maybe $60k isn't that much but consider my son-inlaw, can't take enough vacation time - 5 weeks, sick days, comp time,and its hard to keep wieght down "crispy cream" LOL, 90% retirement!! One of the reasons the state is BROKE Is that a lot of OT to hit 60K Sam, or a lot of promotions?
As I recall, the CHP make considerably less than say the LA Sheriffs or LAPD, who's pay isn't all that hot in todays economy.

Trailer Park Casanova
08-12-2003, 05:45 PM
I consider CHP officers to be nothing more than revenue agent/terrorists! I just wondered how you guys from California feel about them commuting, apparently on duty, at the expense of the company (Cal taxpayers) Well, what your solution??
[ August 12, 2003, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: Trailer Park Casanova ]

08-12-2003, 05:46 PM
I dont really care where a person lives and goes to work but for a state employee taking a state vehicle home and being 50 plus miles away is not right in my book.There should be a distance limit.They should be driving their own personal cars.

08-12-2003, 05:55 PM
I consider CHP officers to be nothing more than revenue agent/terrorists! I just wondered how you guys from California feel about them commuting, apparently on duty, at the expense of the company (Cal taxpayers) Can't join the team on this one buddy! CHP's put thier lives on the line every day of the year, on or off duty. They have an oath to protect and serve, no matter if they're working or not. I just realized this, but when I got home, I pulled out a t-shirt from my closet. It has the name of one of my friends on it. The shirt says "In Loving Memory" Sgt. John Doe (name withheld), Orange County Sheriff. and then the date.
This guy was killed in the line of duty - it could have been a CHP, or for that matter, any officer of the law. These guys are the bomb, and to put them in the same category as terrorists is unconscionable.
I work with these guys every day - in fact I had lunch with 3 of them today (Sheriff not CHP) and i gotta tell you they are the real deal. Sure, every demographic group has a few bad apples, but by and large, these guys are doing their job for relatively little pay, knowing that on the back end, retirement will be the results of a long and distinguished career. They all go to bed at night wondering if they'll have a shirt like the one I'm wearing with their name on it. God willing, none of them ever will.
PS: My friend was a boater and loved the river!

Trailer Park Casanova
08-12-2003, 05:57 PM
They usually do JRocket, but in this case the officers are " Field Deployed" and have no station to report to.
They're "on call", and free agents working from home.
They work for lousy wages anyway.

08-12-2003, 06:11 PM
California Officers MAY stop a vehicle in Arizona for a blatantly unsafe violation. They can't cite or take any further enforcement action, except to detain the violator until a local arrives. Same goes for us in California.
There are several CHP and SBCSO officers who live over here. Not only in Havasu, but in Parker also.
They used to be able to live in the village at Parker Dam. But since the BOR closed down the housing there, they were essentially out on the street. They couldn't live at any of the California side resorts, since they are vacation homes only, per the BLM lease/concession.
Where were they to go? There isn't sufficient housing in Big River.
As far as commuting on the State dime, much of the action out here is along the River. It's actually closer to drive to Havasu than it is to Needles. So living in Havasu is actually less of a commute than it would be to Needles.
The Officers don't officially check on duty until they're in their district, so although the have a company car, the commute is on their own time.
The reasons for take-home cars, is that they (like us) are essentially on 24 hour recall status for accidents and other incidents. I'm sure you would rather they have the ability to respond as swiftly as possible and be able to move slower traffic out of the way, instead of putting along at 55-60 in their own cars.
some of you gripe about them living in Arizona, while at the same time trying to figure out how to rip off your own state by registering your boats, cars, etc. over here to get out of paying higher registration fees and luxury taxes.
Kinda hypocritical isn't it? :confused:
[ August 12, 2003, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Boatcop ]

08-12-2003, 06:18 PM
Trailer Park Casanova:
They usually do JRocket, but in this case the officers are " Field Deployed" and have no station to report to.
They're "on call", and free agents working from home.
They work for lousy wages anyway. No station to report too? Sounds wrong too me but oh well.The idea of driving that far in a state vehicle and wear and tear of the car doesnt seem right too me.They should have to live closer or drive their personal cars.50 miles is alittle out of hand.

NorCal Gameshow
08-12-2003, 06:22 PM
some of you gripe about them living in Arizona, while at the same time trying to figure out how to rip off your own state by registering your boats, cars, etc. over here to get out of paying higher registration fees and luxury taxes.
Kinda hypocritical isn't it? :confused: lmao, human nature = hypocritical :D

08-12-2003, 06:38 PM
As I recall the CHP officers are allowed to live within a 50 mile drive of their station. So this seems legit to me, even if they cross a state line to get home from work. If a guy lived too close to his "beat" it may suck to always see the a-holes you give tickets to all day, when you weren't working.

08-12-2003, 06:56 PM
I am just jealous they get to live in LHC. :D Well, maybe not when it is 115*, but the rest of the time, anyway!

08-12-2003, 07:02 PM
If a guy lived too close to his "beat" it may suck to always see the a-holes you give tickets to all day, when you weren't working. Actually it's preferable to live within your beat. (South Central notwithstanding)
That's the concept of Community Policing. Becoming part of the community and working to improve it. I know that it's impractical in some areas, but living where you work fosters trust and friendship between citizens and police.
With people living elsewhere, it gives the public the impression that all you're doing is coming into their neighborhood to harrass them and then going home. Sort of like, "you come in here and tell us what to do, but feel you're too good to live with us."
In some areas the city acquires property, either through delinquent taxes or other means, and fixes them up. The police officers can rent them at under market prices to encourage them to live in the community. It's good for the community and good for the officers and their families.
Hmmm. Using that logic, I think my Department should get me a house right on the River. :D

08-12-2003, 07:07 PM
I live, work and reside in Arizona. My vehicles are registered here also. Who am I scamming? I see no hipocrisy here! I didn't mention a SBCO deputy that I know lives here because he leaves his job and patrol cruiser in Needles as the CHP should. It's 10 miles to the bridge and 40 more to Havasu twice a day for 7 guys. That's a fair amount of money! As for my characterization of CHP as a "revenue terrorist" agency, this is how they unapologetically present themselves to people who drive trucks professionally! Yeah, there's cops who end up with memorial markers after succumbing to occupational hazards. A lot of truck drivers are killed on duty also. Where are their memorials? I'll call the police if I need their kind of assistance and I'll expect them to do the job they're paid to do, otherwise I think some of their busybody, second-guessing ways are just plain annoying and not "cool" as the DARE officers would like my kids to believe!

08-12-2003, 07:14 PM
Well Don,
What are you doing that is so bad to make you want to have a 'seizure' at the mere sight of a CHP officer.
Maybe we are attacking your observation from the wrong angle.

08-12-2003, 07:27 PM
If a guy lived too close to his "beat" it may suck to always see the a-holes you give tickets to all day, when you weren't working. Actually it's preferable to live within your beat. (South Central notwithstanding)
That's the concept of Community Policing. Becoming part of the community and working to improve it. I know that it's impractical in some areas, but living where you work fosters trust and friendship between citizens and police.
With people living elsewhere, it gives the public the impression that all you're doing is coming into their neighborhood to harrass them and then going home. Sort of like, "you come in here and tell us what to do, but feel you're too good to live with us."
In some areas the city acquires property, either through delinquent taxes or other means, and fixes them up. The police officers can rent them at under market prices to encourage them to live in the community. It's good for the community and good for the officers and their families.
Hmmm. Using that logic, I think my Department should get me a house right on the River. :D
pig_flyi As usual, BC comes to the rescue on this one. Thanks Alan. BTW, based upon YOUR advice given on this board, I will not be a hipocrite and register my vehicle in AZ. Thanks. And thanks for (always) calling it the way you see it. Keep up the good work!

08-12-2003, 07:45 PM
You know I lothe coming down on AZdon side in anything but the commercial cops that he meets are a breed apart from your average CHP. I have several big rigs and if you are EVER pulled over by a commercial cop you WILL get a ticket. They are supposed to have "probable cause" to pull your rig over so half the time they fake it. "oh i pulled you over because i couldnt see your CA numbers but oh my there they are, well lets look this rig over while were here". Ever since they started charging big fines for fixits My drivers have come in with tickets for those horribly unsafe things like the highbeam indicater in the dash out. Exhaust stack with a turnout 10'6'' high not 11' and my personal favorite no CA numbers on my dooley pulling my racecar trailer, according to the cop racing for money makes it a business not a hobby so you gotta have all the same paperwork as a big rig. Thank God the Judges throw this crap out but it blows a whole day to do it. The regular chippies have always been great to deal with but a few of the commercials are pure assholes!

08-12-2003, 07:46 PM
Take home car
24 hour a day on call, sometimes up to two weeks
Resident Officer, just like the one that was killed in lancaster.
It saves the state lots of money time and patrol on the beat more often. Makes sense to me....

08-12-2003, 07:49 PM
They are the only exception, they need no, thats RIGHT. NO, Probable cause, they can stop any commercial vehicle for no reason. Makes sense 100,000 pound vehicle rolling down the road.

08-12-2003, 08:20 PM
The Commercial Vehicle Code is mostly Federal, due to interstate commerce. Other agencies, besides Highway Patrol have CVE qualified Officers. We have 3 in our Department.
The Officers undergo an additional 80 hours of instruction and training to get the Federal Certification, and with it, can stop and inspect commercial vehicles at will.
Where's the PC at the weigh stations? There is none. It costs about a million dollars a mile to build an interstate highway. The Feds have a vested interest in making sure that vehicles are within the weight that the roads were designed for.
They also have a responsibility in making sure that those 100,000 lb behemoths have things like brakes and tires in good condition. Or that the driver has sufficient rest, and isn't driving 24 hours straight, hopped up on truckstop coffee, or worse.
Just like the liquor control board can go into a bar and inspect for license violations whenever they want, a commercial OTR vehicle can also be stopped and inspected to make sure they are complying with the provisions of their license and vehicle certification.
The Department of weights and measures can walk into the local Safeway whenever they want, to make sure the scales are accurate, and we aren't being overcharged for that pound of gwapes.(sic-it's an old duck joke).
The Coast Guard also does it to commercial vessels. They can (and do) come to Havasu or Laughlin and inspect vessels like the Dixie Queen, the casino shuttle boats, or the Gorge jet-tour boats, for compliance with safety and licensing requirements.
All without probable cause.
It's all part of the privilege of having the license to conduct business. And anyone who's in that business knew it going in.

08-12-2003, 08:27 PM
I live, work and reside in Arizona. My vehicles are registered here also. Who am I scamming? I see no hipocrisy here! I didn't mention a SBCO deputy that I know lives here because he leaves his job and patrol cruiser in Needles as the CHP should. It's 10 miles to the bridge and 40 more to Havasu twice a day for 7 guys. That's a fair amount of money! As for my characterization of CHP as a "revenue terrorist" agency, this is how they unapologetically present themselves to people who drive trucks professionally! Yeah, there's cops who end up with memorial markers after succumbing to occupational hazards. A lot of truck drivers are killed on duty also. Where are their memorials? I'll call the police if I need their kind of assistance and I'll expect them to do the job they're paid to do, otherwise I think some of their busybody, second-guessing ways are just plain annoying and not "cool" as the DARE officers would like my kids to believe! This is an issue I agree with AzDon about. When the head cop of the CHP {Spike whatshisname] refers to all truckers as "A bunch of Clowns" well I get a little upset. Where the **** does he get off calling us a bunch of CLOWNS??? That M.F. can kiss my ass. As a public official that is payed by MY tax dollars he has no business calling anyone "clowns" **** him and anyone who looks like him!!!!!!! burningm :mad: burningm

08-12-2003, 08:35 PM
They are the only exception, they need no, thats RIGHT. NO, Probable cause, they can stop any commercial vehicle for no reason. Makes sense 100,000 pound vehicle rolling down the road. Where the **** do you get your info??? 100,000 lbs???? Thats 20,000 pounds over weight....Get you facts straight before spouting off. And unless you have personal dealing with the commerical officers in the field....butt out!!! You do NOT know what you are talking about.

08-12-2003, 08:39 PM
I'll refer this thread to my brother in law who is a CHP officer. He works the Barstow to Vegas stretch. Hummmmmmm, maybe all you going to the river pulling boats might want to start checking the rear view mirror more often. I love what I do for a living. But there are always people like Azdon that have to question everything that an officer does. Who cares if they take their cars home. Is it hurting you?
And if your taxes are paying my pay check, how about a raise?
[ August 12, 2003, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: UtlGoa ]

08-12-2003, 08:46 PM
I consider CHP officers to be nothing more than revenue agent/terrorists! I just wondered how you guys from California feel about them commuting, apparently on duty, at the expense of the company (Cal taxpayers) That's it, I've had it with your bile. **** YOU you ****ing piece of shit. Next time you or your family are in trouble call Bill Clinton maybe he or Hillary will come rescue your worthless ass. Calling a law enforcement officer a "terrorist" shows just what a scum bag you really are.
My apologies to others for swearing (I try not to do it online) but this effen guy is a waste of a human life.

08-12-2003, 08:48 PM
Alan....I'd like to take issue with your "80 Hours" of commerical training. I was pulled over for a random inspection and the inspecting officer didn't know what a "Type 30" airbrake was. It made a big difference since the type 30 brakepot allows 2" of legal rod travel and this "officer" was going to cite me for having 1.5" of rod travel. That one half inch would have cost me $275.00 [in 1982] in fines for his ignorance. If I would have fought it, it would have cost me a couple of days off and the expense of getting to that courthouse. 80 hours isn't enough if they don't know what it is they are inspecting.

08-12-2003, 09:03 PM
Where the **** do you get your info??? 100,000 lbs???? Thats 20,000 pounds over weight....Get you facts straight before spouting off. And unless you have personal dealing with the commerical officers in the field....butt out!!! You do NOT know what you are talking about.
Your right that is 20,000 over weight, butt I wont butt out. But trucks do it all the time, just because you or your company doesnt, doesnt mean that many others dont....

08-12-2003, 09:15 PM
hey any of you guys want a bran muffin? :confused:

NorCal Gameshow
08-12-2003, 09:17 PM
hey any of you guys want a bran muffin? :confused: no thanks,it would put me over 80,000 lbs

08-12-2003, 09:18 PM
NorCal Gameshow:
hey any of you guys want a bran muffin? :confused: no thanks,it would put me over 80,000 lbs not for long according to Tom :D

08-12-2003, 09:55 PM
you guys dont have any thing to worry about if your doing nothing wrong! idea

08-12-2003, 09:56 PM
you guys dont have any thing to worry about if your doing nothing wrong! idea http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/riverduty/vwp?.dir=/Yahoo!+Photo+Album&.dnm=307bored_radiology.jpg&.view=t

08-12-2003, 10:00 PM
Well I do know what im talking about. Grandfather Drove for 40 years x-country, my Mother was head of the Commercial div. for the DMV and an instructor, Retired and drove for 3 years x-country. I do have just a little bit of knowledge...

NorCal Gameshow
08-12-2003, 10:05 PM
:D :D :D

08-12-2003, 10:07 PM
Riodog....I agree with about 99.9% of what you have to say, esp. the part about the fixit tickets are now BIG dollar tickets because its all about the bucks and safety has little or nothing to do with it. I still have a real problem with that head CHP "officer" calling us a bunch of clowns...He needs to resign now. I could add to your 80 pages of rant, I probablly have another 80 pgs. to add to it. And to the guys who have never been in a big rig...K.M.A. you don't know what its like to be there. :mad:

08-12-2003, 10:22 PM
Well I do know what im talking about. Grandfather Drove for 40 years x-country, my Mother was head of the Commercial div. for the DMV and an instructor, Retired and drove for 3 years x-country. I do have just a little bit of knowledge... Sorry Kilrtoy, a little bit of knowlege is sometimes worse than no knowlege at all. Have you ever been at the wheel of a Pete, KW or a Freightliner? Ever rolled a Class 7 or 8 vehicle across Highway Patrol Scales? Ever driven over the Siskiyous or the Sierras in the dead of winter? Ever chain down a load in the pouring rain? Unless you have done any of the above on a regular basis you don't know what its like. With all due respect to your grandfather and mother you'll need to be there just so you know what its like.

08-12-2003, 10:30 PM
That is right I only know of the stories they tell. Yes it is a hard job. Families suffer from long bouts of absense. Harse driving conditions drivers go through. bullshit they go through and yes calif. is the strictest when it comes to commercial enforcement. I do appreciate what you guys do. With out you guys prices would be alot higher and alot of things would not excist in certain places.
I also agree with you about ole- spike, HE IS THE CLOWN, He is a moron. I dont think he ever listens to some of the shit that spews from his mouth.

08-12-2003, 10:40 PM
Kilrtoy, Ok, I think we see eye to eye now. I'm glad we got that cleared up. It is a tough job but after 31 years on the road as an owner operator I still love it and could not imagine doing anything else, Spike Whatshisname excluded.

08-12-2003, 10:42 PM
Interesting, my friend just got back from 2 east coast runs hauling auto transports and has a lot of the same problems. He was held for 3 and a half days in Kansas City MO for log book violation. He was written a ticket for over weight and a ticket for over length when his ramp was hanging out by three inches. He was charged a fee just to go through New Mexico either way. A big complaint of his was the officers attitude. But I couldnt help to notice that each violation was a violation, no matter how pissed off he was. From my business I can say that some of the regulations on the trucks i.e. log book and tire tread depths are safety items that I have seen go tragically wrong when ignored. 40,000+ pounds makes a hell of a mess when the driver falls asleep or the vehicle doesnt get its maintenance causing it to loose control. Unfortunatly these guys cause the ones who dont foul up to live under even more restrictions to make a living. The police dont make those rules by the way, I believe the legislatures do. If there is something an officer has done there are ways to handle the complaints with thier agency.
[ August 12, 2003, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: Kurtis500 ]

08-12-2003, 10:57 PM
Saftey items...yes, I agree but when an officer writes a ticket with a $150.00 fine attached for a cracked side reflector thats just a little over the top. The "crack" BTW was so obscure you had to look at it at just the right angle to see it. As said before "its not about saftey, its about money" If it were about saftey the law would allow 3 to 5 days to correct or face fines. They don't. "Pay the lady at the window" :mad:

08-12-2003, 11:05 PM
If it were about saftey the law would allow 3 to 5 days to correct or face fines.?? If it were unsafe I would think allowing it to be unsafe for 3-5 days makes no sense. But I think your talking about the reflector and not a 'major' safety violation..?
BTW, what is the reasoning behind a fine for a cracked reflector?

08-12-2003, 11:11 PM
There is no doubt about that,
That is why the CHP is the most hated LEA in the state, they would arrest their own mother if she ever crossed their path.
True story:
Up 395 the CHP office up there had a rule you stop, you write and it was in writing. So the Governor was driving (CHAUFFER) and they were speeding. CHP officer gave them a ticket. He also handed the Gov. a letter written showning such said statement. Well we all know the out come. The captain or commander who authored the letter, suddenly was transfered and the stop and write policy was changed.

08-12-2003, 11:31 PM
BTW, what is the reasoning behind a fine for a cracked reflector? The "cracked" reflector was found during a routine inspection at the N.B. Fremont truck inspection facility. The inspector could not find any other violation and they just had to find something. The citation was a "notice to appear" and not a fixit ticket. In the same jurisdiction I personally saw a case where a fellow who drove for Werner was cited for incomplete logbook. He failed to make one line in his book, his fine? $1280.00 He wasn't out of hours, he wasn't behind in his log and because he was a co-driver he had just taken over from his partner 2 hours prior to being checked. He just failed to make a single line in his logbook. I was cited at a "reststop inspection" and cited for no log book [I didn't need one as I was within a 100 mi. radius of my terminal, among other factors] My fine? $1160.00, went to court and beat the ticket. What a waste of a day. :mad:

08-13-2003, 05:26 AM
I know that trucking violations are big fines. My Brother-in-law was hit for a $1,000 fine for being over weight. (The certified scale at the terminal) was off. He corrected the problem on the spot. (Something about adjusting the 5th wheel???)
I know absolutely zilch about commercial vehicle inspection, and wouldn't know a false log book from a Batman comic book. My feeling on it, is that most of those truckers on the road have been doing their jobs longer than I've been doing mine.
As long as they keep it between the lines, and reasonably near the speed limit, then I don't bother with them.
Although with the new NAFTA laws, and Mexican trucks working the border states, Stepped up inspections are crucial to the safety of the motoring public.

08-13-2003, 05:36 AM
Well I do know what im talking about. Grandfather Drove for 40 years x-country, my Mother was head of the Commercial div. for the DMV and an instructor, Retired and drove for 3 years x-country. I do have just a little bit of knowledge... Sorry Kilrtoy, a little bit of knowlege is sometimes worse than no knowlege at all. Have you ever been at the wheel of a Pete, KW or a Freightliner? Ever rolled a Class 7 or 8 vehicle across Highway Patrol Scales? Ever driven over the Siskiyous or the Sierras in the dead of winter? Ever chain down a load in the pouring rain? Unless you have done any of the above on a regular basis you don't know what its like. With all due respect to your grandfather and mother you'll need to be there just so you know what its like. That is your job. You do what you have to. If you cant do it within the confines of the law, then you better expect to pay some fines along the way.
I dont really know the business but I do perform a lot of accident reconstruction so I see who is at fault most of the time.

Blown 472
08-13-2003, 06:14 AM
For most of the 12 years I've lived in Lake Havasu City, there have been numerous CHP officers (i've heard as many as 7) who live here and drive their Highway Patrol cars home every day from Needles(40 plus miles, 30 plus INSIDE ARIZONA)
Previous to learning this, I always thought state employees were required to be residents of their employer state. I also wonder by what authority and for what reason they are on duty as much as 50 road miles from California. As a trucker the sight of a CHP car nearly causes me siezures and I apparently didn't move far enough away to be rid of these guys. If I was a California taxpayer, I surely would want to know why my services were being spent elsewhere! http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/77/039_42498.jpg

08-13-2003, 06:47 AM
Look, the CHP stops everyone in this state, not just truckers. And since this state is in such piss-poor financial condition we all can expect to pay more than our fair share via citations too. The state agencies are out to generate revenue to keep themselves and their people funded that's a part of life here in CA and in other states.
If you don't like it, here's what you can do:
1. VOTE for fiscally responsible state leadership
2. Don't violate laws
3. Pray that you don't get stopped
4. Whine about your tickets and fines here in the Hot Boat Forum
Personally, I don't give a shit about your truckin' fines. You violate the laws you pay the price. If you're getting treated unfairly, join the club - it happens to people everywhere everyday.
When you mother truckers call LEO "terrorists" that's when I say F-U. I hope your truck breaks down in the desert instead of losing a wheel and killing some guy and his family driving their boat to the river.

bear down
08-13-2003, 07:48 AM
As I recall the CHP officers are allowed to live within a 50 mile drive of their station. So this seems legit to me, even if they cross a state line to get home from work. If a guy lived too close to his "beat" it may suck to always see the a-holes you give tickets to all day, when you weren't working. My brother is a LAPD Motor officer and is able to take his bike home with him. The only restriction is that he can only take his bike within county limits that he works in which is LA. He lives in Claremont which is still LA County. He is very strict about following dept. policies and follows all the rules but he does know of other officers that don't follow the rules.

08-13-2003, 07:51 AM
Look, the CHP stops everyone in this state, not just truckers. And since this state is in such piss-poor financial condition we all can expect to pay more than our fair share via citations too. The state agencies are out to generate revenue to keep themselves and their people funded that's a part of life here in CA and in other states.
If you don't like it, here's what you can do:
1. VOTE for fiscally responsible state leadership
2. Don't violate laws
3. Pray that you don't get stopped
4. Whine about your tickets and fines here in the Hot Boat Forum
Personally, I don't give a shit about your truckin' fines. You violate the laws you pay the price. If you're getting treated unfairly, join the club - it happens to people everywhere everyday.
When you mother truckers call LEO "terrorists" that's when I say F-U. I hope your truck breaks down in the desert instead of losing a wheel and killing some guy and his family driving their boat to the river. I think #2 is the sure fire method for AzDon not to worry. Bottom line, mind your business and take care of yourself and dont worry who is taking home vehicles. You live in LHC man, enjoy the lake and have some fun.

08-13-2003, 08:45 AM
Look, the CHP stops everyone in this state, not just truckers. And since this state is in such piss-poor financial condition we all can expect to pay more than our fair share via citations too. The state agencies are out to generate revenue to keep themselves and their people funded that's a part of life here in CA and in other states.
If you don't like it, here's what you can do:
1. VOTE for fiscally responsible state leadership
2. Don't violate laws
3. Pray that you don't get stopped
4. Whine about your tickets and fines here in the Hot Boat Forum
Personally, I don't give a shit about your truckin' fines. You violate the laws you pay the price. If you're getting treated unfairly, join the club - it happens to people everywhere everyday.
When you mother truckers call LEO "terrorists" that's when I say F-U. I hope your truck breaks down in the desert instead of losing a wheel and killing some guy and his family driving their boat to the river. Your right, I don't ****in' like it but when the CHP stops you, you aren't faced with thousands of dollars in fines for minor and sometimes stupid infractions. How much whining would you do if you had just got inspected and the cop found a cracked reflector on your boat trailer and you were now ordered to pay $150.00? One line in a log book was worse than a DUI according to the court. WOW, what a criminal he was. I'm not whining about the fines just posting to make people aware of the unjust level of punishment and the real issue regarding these citations...Its all about the money, not saftey.

08-13-2003, 09:05 AM
Where the **** do you get your info??? 100,000 lbs???? Thats 20,000 pounds over weight....Get you facts straight before spouting off. And unless you have personal dealing with the commerical officers in the field....butt out!!! You do NOT know what you are talking about.
Your right that is 20,000 over weight, butt I wont butt out. But trucks do it all the time, just because you or your company doesnt, doesnt mean that many others dont.... In the hay business the trucks usually run 58-62 ton loads on a day to day basis. That's WAY overweight but they do it anyways.

08-13-2003, 09:08 AM
Step into the heavy equipment business and start moving around 145,000+lb. machines, then we'll talk about weight issues. Most DOT guys don't know enough about the equipment and 9+ axle trailers to stop them and make a beef, although there are some around Phoenix that are notoriously bad.

08-13-2003, 09:38 AM
Look, the CHP stops everyone in this state, not just truckers. And since this state is in such piss-poor financial condition we all can expect to pay more than our fair share via citations too. The state agencies are out to generate revenue to keep themselves and their people funded that's a part of life here in CA and in other states.
If you don't like it, here's what you can do:
1. VOTE for fiscally responsible state leadership
2. Don't violate laws
3. Pray that you don't get stopped
4. Whine about your tickets and fines here in the Hot Boat Forum
Personally, I don't give a shit about your truckin' fines. You violate the laws you pay the price. If you're getting treated unfairly, join the club - it happens to people everywhere everyday.
When you mother truckers call LEO "terrorists" that's when I say F-U. I hope your truck breaks down in the desert instead of losing a wheel and killing some guy and his family driving their boat to the river. Your right, I don't ****in' like it but when the CHP stops you, you aren't faced with thousands of dollars in fines for minor and sometimes stupid infractions. How much whining would you do if you had just got inspected and the cop found a cracked reflector on your boat trailer and you were now ordered to pay $150.00? One line in a log book was worse than a DUI according to the court. WOW, what a criminal he was. I'm not whining about the fines just posting to make people aware of the unjust level of punishment and the real issue regarding these citations...Its all about the money, not saftey. I'm sympathetic to your issues. I'm not sympathetic to lame ass socialists like AzDon who call LEO terrorists. I've seen what terrorists do and it ain't nothin' like a ticket or a fine.
Don, you're into income re-distributing via the Democrats' socialistic schemes, you should be HAPPY about paying fines to the police.
Please drive your truck to Cuba where they'd want someone like you. Gee, can't get there with your truck? Try! :D

08-13-2003, 10:52 AM
hey, i understand how frustrating it must be , being an " owner" of your own truck and dealing with the "cracked reflector bs" but what a bout the poor sob that's driving for the cheap ass company or owner that won't fix the rig properly!
keeps paying the fines to keep the rig in service!
million mile rigs you have to fight to keep on the road? theres a bunch of em out there, and you drivers know it! someone has to enforce this, i drove for such a company, when i was pulled over i started pointing shit out!!, cause that was the ONLY way this rig was gunna get fixed!, if it had not been, i woulda killed myself or worse yet a family of four heading to the river!! agian i agree some of the petty shit has to be regulated better, but for the most part if your written up for a violation there's a reason. you wouldn't take your boat to the river with a frayed steering cable? why drive your truck with a loose steering box?

08-13-2003, 01:28 PM
So they take a friggin cruiser home, BFD. There are bigger things to worry about.
[ August 13, 2003, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: Havasu_Dreamin ]

08-13-2003, 06:36 PM
LE Agencies can not put a residency requirement on you ! However they can put a limited response time in and that is what we have. u are allowed a 45 minute response.
Take home programs have proved to be a plus for depts. because the officers drive the same car day in and day out. therefore they tend to take better care of the unit and keep it up better. it is their home for a 10-12 hour shift.
You get a quicker response time & more police presence by allowing take home programs.
we have take home car programs, but it is figured into your pay , just like a clothing allowance & cleaning. SO it ain't free. i'm driving a 95 pos with 135,000 miles on it and it ain't worth what they say it is !
i'd rather them give me the funds and let me purchase what i want to drive,that way i could drive it off duty also, pull my boat, take it anywhere i wanted !
police officers pay taxes also, just like everyone else, so i guess they contribute to their own salaries.self employed !
most people want a state trooper, or city pd or so unit parked in their neighbor hood, i know i do !

NorCal Gameshow
08-13-2003, 06:44 PM
my guess is that there are companies (or the bean counters in the company)that wouldn't care about safety if there wasn't a fine involved $$$$$...
[ August 13, 2003, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: NorCal Gameshow ]

08-13-2003, 07:14 PM
Those who post that the commercial cops are just interested in saftey and we shouldnt break the law, are really innocent in the way things are done. When the PUC regulated it was pretty much what you think of as long haulers. when CA took it over the critera changed to ANY vehicle used for a commercial purpose with a GVW in combination of over 10,000 lbs, Any vehicle pulling a trailer or hauling "property". This has resulted in fines to window washers and chimney sweeps toyotas! Just once I would like to see any of you take your personal pickup or car through the saME INSPECTION these trucks are subjected to. The first good one is dirty undercairrage thats $250.00. How many of you have washed the underside of your car dailey lately. Take off your brake backing plates cause if they cant be seen thats another fine. At night when you see those big rigs with a zillion lights on them, If ONE is out its another 185.00. There is no doubt that there are alot of shit trucks out there but a large number of them are pulled out of the weeds by farmers for harvest time. The fact is that only 8% of all truck auto fatalities are caused by mechanical failures.That guy in the Simon truck that made his political statement into the state capitol gives you an Idea of the frustration level that truckers have.For the most part they are disenfranchised politically because this chicken shit is supposed to be all about saftey and who could possibly be against saftey?

08-13-2003, 08:15 PM
Thor, I really wish you hadn't told us what you do. It's been my experience that whether you're LE or work for an insurance company or ?, you're only batting about 50% most of the time. There are so many veriables that can't be reproduced 'after the fact' that much of the time it merely comes down to speculation combined with YOUR own predjudices or biases multiplied by a percentage of whatever conclusion whoever is paying your fee wants you to come up with. Before you start hitting the ceiling, I'm not impuning your integrity however I do classify you in the same catagory with a 'shooting review board' on a dept whereas the 'chief' is anti-gun, anti use of force,(san jose ?), etc. NO offense taken brother. I have spent a lot of time and money on my education until I could not go anymore and feel that I am an expert on many levels. One of those levels being federal court. I received my PhD so I could afford the opportunity to testify on large federal cases if need be. I am not a shooting review board though. Actually, I am a little confused on what the term means. LMAO
I have turned down many cases where I had to tell our potential client the they do not have any help from us because there is no scientific certainty about the case. That being said, we insist on having a factual and/or scientific basis for all of our findings and opinions so they cannot be refuted in a court of law. I am proud to say that I am not a 'hired gun' so to speak, and am not chasing the mighty dollar. We opine about what is scientifically correct and that is it, nothing further.
Good points you made though. A lot of people get the feeling we are like the ambulance chasing lawyers, but we most definitely are not.