View Full Version : Sanger vs. Other Mfg's (installing Ride Plate n Shoe)

03-18-2006, 09:43 AM
I'm trying to learn more about making my boat perform better (and more about my boat), and help my buddy Tony out as well. This forum has been a GREAT place ! I've met some really great, and informed people here, and I'm hoping you guys can answer yet a few more questions for me.
The question is about intake housings. My intake is already machined flat so I can bolt on a shoe and ride plate (`76 Sanger Custom Sprint). Is this the way all Sanger's are, or just my model, or is it more likely my intake housing was machined by a previous owner ? Do most boats come with the "V" intake housing ? Was it maybe an option on my boat when it was ordered ? Was having a flat housing an option with other Mfg's ? Does the pump model have anything to do with it (his is a one piece bowl, and I have a two piece unti) ?
My buddy's boat (`76 19' Sunchaser) is 'V' shaped all the way front to back. Not mine though, the entire intake housing is flat front to back, with a step at the end for a ride plate. Tony would like to add a ride plate and maybe a shoe to his boat, and we started seaching threads last night. Many threads mentioned machining the intake to accept a shoe and plate. It looks as though he will have to do some of that work before he can add a shoe or plate. Is this the case with most, some, or few other boats ?
He also has some durabiluty concerns about his boat. We figure it's a heavy boat, but it goes well (800hp doesn't hurt :cool: ) . He doesn't know if he should put $$$ into that hull, or start looking for something else ?
I know it's lot of questions, and your input is always appreciated !

flat broke
03-18-2006, 09:24 PM
I'm not a Sanger guru so take this with a grain of salt, but here's what I know.
Sanger had some intakes done in the factory that were machined for a ride plate, but not for a shoe. If you wanted to add a shoe to this setup, ideally you would pull the intake out of the boat have it machined to accept a shoe and the rideplate would fit into the rear of the shoe. Do some searches for pictures of shoes and rideplates on this forum and you'll find some good examples.
As for the other intake that doesn't have the macine work for the ride plate done, it would require the same amount of work with the exception being that you'd also have to fabricate the cradle or turnbuckles to support the plate at the rear.
In terms of how your Sanger is made.... Thats a loaded question. Everyone has their preferences and even some of the best builders have probably let one or two bastard layups slip out the doors at some point; either due to bad materials or someone being asleep at the wheel. Folks that have sangers tend to like em, but then again, most folks don't really talk crap about stuff they own. If your buddy's boat is a full stringer deal, there aren't any cracks in the glass, and it seems structurally sound, it's probably fine. There are other makes of hull that will go faster with the same HP, but thats not the end all be all of what makes a boat a keeper. If he's happy with it, and its in good shape, its no bigger hole to throw money into than the rest of our boats.

03-19-2006, 12:05 AM
Do some searches for pictures of shoes and rideplates on this forum and you'll find some good examples.
...........but thats not the end all be all of what makes a boat a keeper. If he's happy with it, and its in good shape, its no bigger hole to throw money into than the rest of our boats.
I've found out more just today, got some PM's and a phone call or two and have learned a lot. Bottom line is youe 100% right on ! If he's happy with it then that's all that matters. There's ALWAYS going to be someone faster no matter where you are. But if your happy, that's the bottom line. His biggest concern was the hull. If the boat couldn't handle it then he'd cut bait now. It appears as though his hull design doesn;t really need a ride plate or shoe (his is a pretty deep 'V'), so he's going to work on getting his pump dialed in. THANKS for the reply !!!!