View Full Version : Finally

03-18-2006, 02:56 PM
Taking forever, but almost ready to flip it back over, then repeat on the inside.
This is the side that was damaged. The other side received the same treatment although it never actually came apart.
Priming and speedcoating as soon as weather permits, then flipping it over.
Lotsa layers of glass here. This along with some tricks that Old Rigger turned me onto, it should never have problems again. It'll be way stronger than the factory made it.
Also took the opportunity to clean up the motor. It needed it pretty badly.

03-18-2006, 03:52 PM
Nice job, Dan. Glad ya kept it?
Heres my current fiberglass project...

03-18-2006, 05:45 PM
I assume that the tips are where you need the new holes? What have you got going on there? I remember you saying you were going back to logs, but why all the holes?
Yes, glad to be keeping the boat. Right now, it's just what I need. I have to be able to seat 4 full size and the little guy makes 5 + an ice chest. Someday I'll have the blown tunnel boat or similar, but for now this one fits the bill just fine. (And it's 100% paid for).

old rigger
03-18-2006, 06:01 PM
Looks good. Still got the itchies from the glass?
How many degrees are you running on that plate? Jus wonderin'.

03-18-2006, 06:39 PM
Looking good!
Except that motor looked like a ford!?!
Haha, just kidding! It don't matter what you run as long as you run it hard!
More pics when you can, nice to see something coming together.

03-18-2006, 06:42 PM
Yupper, still itching like crazy. On a good note, I get to do the inside.
Believe it or not.......I've gone through 4 yards of mat and 2 gallons of resin on this little repair and I'm not even done yet. Granted a lot of it was just filler for the 1/4" of hook I had, but a lot of it went to strengthening too. I've got another gallon of resin a 2 yards of mat for the inside.
There's 4.5 degrees of up wedge on the snoot and the rideplate is at 4.5 degrees. I played around with the setup quite a bit. More wedge, less wedge, rideplate anywhere from 1 degree to 5.5 degrees. This is the best setup by far.
However..........I fixed a lot of hook again. Whether or not it being another strake or two out from center made any difference or not, we'll see when I get it back on the water again.
I think all the up wedging and up rideplate angle has been masking a problem all these years. When I fixed the center section last year, it helped alot with the handling. It didn't really translate to any big speed increase, but it drove like a whole different boat. I just took a bunch more hook out of it while fixing this problem so hopefully it'll be even better.
Even if it doesn't pick up any speed again, I really appreciate the better handling and just knowing that it's nice n solid.
Thanks for your help Rich. I'll snap some photos when I go after the inside. I think those tips you gave me are really gonna help out.

bottom feeder
03-18-2006, 06:59 PM
Looking great if you keep up at like you have for the last five years you will have a new boat with all the bottom mods you have been doing. Agin looks great hope to put a face with the name someday.

03-18-2006, 07:11 PM
Looking great if you keep up at like you have for the last five years you will have a new boat with all the bottom mods you have been doing. Agin looks great hope to put a face with the name someday.
Just think............if it were aluminum, I could just bang it out with a hammer!

03-18-2006, 07:59 PM
Taking forever, but almost ready to flip it back over, then repeat on the inside.
This is the side that was damaged. The other side received the same treatment although it never actually came apart.
Priming and speedcoating as soon as weather permits, then flipping it over.
Lotsa layers of glass here. This along with some tricks that Old Rigger turned me onto, it should never have problems again. It'll be way stronger than the factory made it.
Also took the opportunity to clean up the motor. It needed it pretty badly.
Look's like you've been busy Dan.Keep it up it's almost that time again.

old rigger
03-19-2006, 08:44 AM
I was only asking about the plate because it looked like, at least to my 50 year old eyes lol, to be a lot more than 4.5 degrees. Must just be the way the picture was taken.
It'll be intersesting to see how much you can take out of the plate when you hit the water. I'm guessing that with a blueprinted bottom she might get pretty loose the way it's set up now.
You know years ago my friend from work was racing outboards, he was sponserd to a degree by OMC, and he really knew/knows his stuff when it came to blueprinting bottoms. You wouldn't believe the great lengths that he and the other racers went to, to gain a slight edge. I remember the hours he put into the outer edge of each chine. They were filled and sanded to a very sharp, almost razor sharp, edge. Less drag he said. Made sense to me, but I've never gone to those extremes. Never had anything that fast to make much of a difference. :)

03-19-2006, 09:23 AM
Good job! I'm always amazed at how much time and effort you put into your boat.
If I had your ambition I would have 1 of the nicest boats around.
I'm getting inspired to get off my but and go work on my boat.

b's sanger
03-19-2006, 09:32 AM
Taking forever, but almost ready to flip it back over, then repeat on the inside.
This is the side that was damaged. The other side received the same treatment although it never actually came apart.
Priming and speedcoating as soon as weather permits, then flipping it over.
Lotsa layers of glass here. This along with some tricks that Old Rigger turned me onto, it should never have problems again. It'll be way stronger than the factory made it.
Also took the opportunity to clean up the motor. It needed it pretty badly.
Looks good. Bringing back some itchy memories. Sonds like you will be ready to go fairly soon. Good Luck B

03-20-2006, 05:49 PM
I was only asking about the plate because it looked like, at least to my 50 year old eyes lol, to be a lot more than 4.5 degrees. Must just be the way the picture was taken.
It'll be intersesting to see how much you can take out of the plate when you hit the water. I'm guessing that with a blueprinted bottom she might get pretty loose the way it's set up now.
Surprisingly enough after I blueprinted the middle section last year, I went out and started all my setup stuff from scratch. The thinking was that without the hook the boat would ride more bow up without all the adjustment. It didn't work out that way though. After extensive setup changes, I ended up right where I started out prior to the blueprinting.
Maybe the area that I did this winter was still holding me back???????? Won't know til I start the setup routine all over again.
Good job! I'm always amazed at how much time and effort you put into your boat.
If I had your ambition I would have 1 of the nicest boats around.
I'm getting inspired to get off my but and go work on my boat.
Last year was ambition. This year was out of pure necessity due to the bottom delamination problems from last year.
Couldn't afford to pay someone else. I also have this thing where I like to try doing things myself just for the experience, and to say I can do it. :hammerhea
Thanks anyway.

03-20-2006, 05:58 PM
I assume that the tips are where you need the new holes? What have you got going on there? I remember you saying you were going back to logs, but why all the holes?
Yes, glad to be keeping the boat. Right now, it's just what I need. I have to be able to seat 4 full size and the little guy makes 5 + an ice chest. Someday I'll have the blown tunnel boat or similar, but for now this one fits the bill just fine. (And it's 100% paid for).
Previous owner of the boat had a BBC in it with center riser manifolds. The old holes are the emty ones in the pics. The tips are in the new, correct place for the logs.. Was running OT headers last season and had those nice aluminum discs covering the old holes. Any tips for doing resin work on a vertical surface?

El Prosecutor
03-20-2006, 06:20 PM
Squirtcha, my wife thinks I am obsessed with my boat. I tell her stories about you to make me not seem so bad. I ran across your page the other day that showed your initial restoration project and told your story abou the $4k motor rebuild that blew after 45 minutes out. I think I would have killed the builder and/or given up on the boat! I gotta hand it to ya, you are a committed jetter - and have a great boat to go with the attitude. The stories and the sweat make it all the greater -good luck on your latest project, and I am sure that you will make it work. You are the man!!

03-20-2006, 06:31 PM
LOOKIN GOOD from one Dan to another. Hope to get a ride this summer on one of my AZ trips.

03-20-2006, 07:43 PM
Dan, the bottom looks great. I will be doing mine starting next week. I hope I get a lil better handling out of mine like you did. I dont think that it will be too bad. The problem is that Im doing so many changes that I wont know what exactly what worked. Hopefully one of them will work;)

03-21-2006, 04:45 AM
Squirtcha, my wife thinks I am obsessed with my boat. I tell her stories about you to make me not seem so bad.
That's funny...... I'm so pleased that I could be your sacraficial jetboater!
It's definitely my favorite hobby. I've had lots of different hobbies over the years. Some I still do, others not. I don't see myself getting out of the boating thing for quite a few years. I love messing around with stuff, and there's plenty to mess around with on these things.
Get mama driving if you can. My girlfriend loves to drive. She's not afraid of the gas and has made some mid 70's passes. This year we'll find a good day with an open lake, and have her make a couple nitrous passes. When she's an active particpant, she says things like.................are you going to finish the boat this weekend? and.............How much is there left to do? and........When's our first river trip this year?
Dan, the bottom looks great. I will be doing mine starting next week. I hope I get a lil better handling out of mine like you did.
I was amazed at how much better mine handled. I never saw any pictures of yours Michael. Don't know if yours was as bad as mine. I don't think you could go wrong blueprinting the Kachina's bottom though. Just about every one I've seen was pretty messed up. Repairable..............but messed up.