View Full Version : Am I that out of line?

03-19-2006, 06:20 PM
I am asking my fellow jetboaters, am I out of line on this thread?
Sandbar thread. (http://www.***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109089)

03-19-2006, 06:30 PM
not at all.

03-19-2006, 06:31 PM
I feel ya Danno. Dont let the yuppies attack you, keep on truckin'!

03-19-2006, 06:37 PM
I wouldn't let go at half that speed but then again what do I know. She seemed very stable for a 300K boat with nobody briefly steering or paying attention at 100+mph. :rolleyes:

03-19-2006, 06:46 PM
Not really, but why bother? Nothing said there will change anything.

03-19-2006, 06:49 PM
I'm all for airing it out, go fast, hell yea! Show some respect, don't do it around any one you could get to close to. That is the quickest way to give us all (performance boaters) a black eye.

03-19-2006, 06:57 PM
Nope, you seemed reasonable and in-bounds to me. As said elsewhere tho, won't alter anything.

03-19-2006, 07:00 PM
I am with ya dan...
I also had to add my .02 but I am sure it will go unnoticed..

Ralph Brunt
03-19-2006, 07:14 PM
no way i would get in that boat going that fast with out a life vest that guy if a fukking jack ars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just my .02 ralph

Squirtin Thunder
03-19-2006, 07:19 PM
For those of you who know Dan, I believe he cut his boating teeth on the Parker ski-race scene? When he bought the Skater, he had (World Champion Offshore Racer) John Tomlinson fly out to show him the quirks of driving it.
Am I jealous of Dan? Sure, but not because of the boat. The guy has probably forgotten more about driving a boat than I will ever know.
OK...maybe I am jealous of the boat just a little.
So I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express lastnight, ............................. :yuk:

03-19-2006, 07:20 PM
A skater at 120mph is safer than Dan's boat at 5mph. HH said it so it must be true :rolleyes: And I guess it's ok to do 120 on the pacific coast highway if you own a Ferrari Enzo too.

03-19-2006, 07:46 PM
Dan, you said it right. He gives an impression of what he did, then comes off on you saying you dont know the facts when you call him on it being unsafe. He is just trying to make himself look cool, and you honestly told him he was being stupid. What he did was unsafe, period. That is one of the biggest reasons I do not visit Havasu. I trust myself, I dont trust idiots like that.

03-19-2006, 07:52 PM
I trust myself, I dont trust idiots like that.
Exactly why we stay home on the big weekends and New Years commonly known as amatuer night.

03-19-2006, 07:58 PM
If you have not been in a very big boat.....at very big speeds...the feeling is one that can lead you to being overly confident.....very few poker runners wear pfd's and they are going very fast..The feeling of speed is very very different.....I have been in a Nortech going over 130 mph many times.....the feeling is equivalent to riding in a cadillac at 60 mph smooth,comfortable....reassuring...Im not defending what others do,cause I really dont care......but its a very different environment

03-19-2006, 08:03 PM
JBB- It's a false sense of security. I've driven boats faster than his and larger than his and you are correct about the sensation of speed being numbed. But there too many "what ifs?" to play that game IMO. Why not just take an extra moment and put on the vest or at the very least hook up the lanyard so your boat doesn't mow down anyone in the vicinity if something happens to you?

03-19-2006, 08:09 PM
JBB- It's a false sense of security. I've driven boats faster than his and larger than his and you are correct about the sensation of speed being numbed. But there too many "what ifs?" to play that game IMO. Why not just take an extra moment and put on the vest or at the very least hook up the lanyard so your boat doesn't mow down anyone in the vicinity if something happens to you?
I agree bad things happen fast at higher speeds.....and most I have been around do use the lanyards....and I been to alot of Poker Runs.....and any incidents I have witnessed,the offending party usually hurts themselves and their occupants...never seen a runaway boat......and Im not disputing it could happen... It can...

03-19-2006, 08:18 PM
Dan, I agree with ya, but whats this got to do with JET BOATS????? Do you have a 120MPH jet that you can drive with no hands and without safety gear?

Havasu Hangin'
03-19-2006, 08:19 PM
I don't have a problem with safety.
I don't have a problem with expressing opinions.
I do have a problem with making safety assumptions based on a 37 second video on the internet.
I also have a problem with "sounds like someone has the dough for a fast boat and not the commons sense for driving it" assumption based on a 37 second video on the internet.
That's almost as dumb as me making an assumption that all jet boat owners are idiots that will soon be taken out of the gene pool because they own a boat that loses steering with engine failure.

03-19-2006, 08:26 PM
I don't have a problem with safety.
I don't have a problem with expressing opinions.
I do have a problem with making safety assumptions based on a 37 second video on the internet.
I also have a problem with "sounds like someone has the dough for a fast boat and not the commons sense for driving it" assumption based on a 37 second video on the internet.
That's almost as dumb as me making an assumption that all jet boat owners are idiots that will soon be taken out of the gene pool because they own a boat that loses steering with engine failure.

03-19-2006, 08:28 PM
That's almost as dumb as me making an assumption that all jet boat owners are idiots that will soon be taken out of the gene pool because they own a boat that loses steering with engine failure.
Jeff......dont be a hater..... :p

03-19-2006, 08:30 PM
no you werent offbase at all. and there is no way that that boat is as safe going 120 than another boat at 5.. what if some dumbass pulls out infront of him or he needs to stop? that boat will take alot longer to lose momentum than a "dinghy" going 5.. this is the problem with havasu.. people dont think about consequences, then they get called on it and get all butthurt and do the whole "well i stayed at a holiday inn last night" thing. but im no saint, i rarely wear a vest unless i know im going to go fast or of course if the captain of the vessel requires it. but yeah, you arent in the wrong at all.

03-19-2006, 08:36 PM
I am asking my fellow jetboaters, am I out of line on this thread?
Sandbar thread. (http://www.***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109089)
I don't think so. That's just the tip of the 'attitude' iceberg. I expounded on the subject a little more, and I'm sure I'll read the hate and discontent that follows from the 'Sandbar'. Just my opinions, but I've seen things change for the worse over the last 40 years of going to the River. RR

03-19-2006, 08:37 PM
That thread reminds me of something I think billy b (or some body) said about haulin ass anywhere. When your goin that fast , anyone can pop out of anywhere and then you have a scene. Saftey should also be considered because there are people out there with absolutley no common sense and how many times has that "idiot" jumped out in front of you guys at any speed. I guess the "big" boat comes with the "little" man syndrome and "get the **** outta my way " attitude.

03-19-2006, 08:41 PM
Stop posting till you find her........

Havasu Hangin'
03-19-2006, 08:46 PM
there is no way that that boat is as safe going 120 than another boat at 5..
Two words..."teak surfing". How many people died last year from co2 vs a Skater?
A lose nut on the steering wheel will kill at any speeds- even 5MPH.

03-19-2006, 08:51 PM
I don't have a problem with safety.
I don't have a problem with expressing opinions.
I do have a problem with making safety assumptions based on a 37 second video on the internet.
I also have a problem with "sounds like someone has the dough for a fast boat and not the commons sense for driving it" assumption based on a 37 second video on the internet.
That's almost as dumb as me making an assumption that all jet boat owners are idiots that will soon be taken out of the gene pool because they own a boat that loses steering with engine failure.
lemme see here....a guy drives boat 120 mph on a public lake without a vest or lanyard on...i'm no genius but there seems to be a lack of common sense there. oh and he's carrying passengers too at the same time. nice. :rolleyes:

03-19-2006, 08:52 PM
http://www.lovetoparty.co.nz/images/Popcorn%20Bags%20Large%20Pic.jpg LOL

03-19-2006, 08:59 PM
No Dan you are not out of line. There are quite a few "No Brains No Headaches" boaters on Havasu these days. Chances are this dude went to Havasu once bought a PENIS boat for his second and there you have it. I remember when you could run an 18 footer on that lake. Now there's 18" rollers.

03-19-2006, 09:09 PM
PENIS boat
hehehe... Gotta make up for it somewhere!

03-19-2006, 09:14 PM
I remember when you could run an 18 footer on that lake. Now there's 18" rollers.
Feel free to thank the sideways hat wearing, shorts off the ass, pierced up punks in the rollbar wakeboard boats for the rollers. Driving around with 400 gallons of water in their ballast bags.

03-19-2006, 09:14 PM
I offered my never-to-be-humble opinion. You were OK in my book, Dan.
Havasu Hangin, it's not the video that's the problem, it's the narration that came afterwards.
You guys in those big boats need to remember one thing...when you're going 120, 130, or whatever, imagine the energy that you have stored there. That's a lot of mass, and when something does happen at that speed in 5 or 6 tons, you're in for a lot worse ride than a guy that might get pitched out of his little ***boat.
I think it's just too easy these days for some guy with enough money or credit to plop down a few $hun K and go easy over 100 in a BIG boat, and think he's in a Caddy doin 60, with his friends aboard, drinkin cocktails and havin a good time. Wasn't long ago that was SERIOUS racing level performance, and the danger and responsibility hasn't changed with the availability. I sense a serious lack of respect for these high-dollar boats and the potential they have for total disaster. I say that only in response to the attitude and comments I hear on a regular basis from owners of boats like wer're talking about. The thread in the sandbar is a perfect example.

03-19-2006, 09:20 PM
Feel free to thank the sideways hat wearing, shorts off the ass, pierced up punks in the rollbar wakeboard boats for the rollers. Driving around with 400 gallons of water in their ballast bags.
On the east coast, we call them wiggers.... Sound familiar?

03-19-2006, 09:21 PM
Feel free to thank the sideways hat wearing, shorts off the ass, pierced up punks in the rollbar wakeboard boats for the rollers. Driving around with 400 gallons of water in their ballast bags.
Exactly!!! One of their Dads owns the boat and the other 8 passengers on board are all 1st time river rats. Same for the big sleds too.

Havasu Hangin'
03-19-2006, 09:45 PM
I offered my never-to-be-humble opinion. You were OK in my book, Dan.
Havasu Hangin, it's not the video that's the problem, it's the narration that came afterwards.
You guys in those big boats need to remember one thing...when you're going 120, 130, or whatever, imagine the energy that you have stored there. That's a lot of mass, and when something does happen at that speed in 5 or 6 tons, you're in for a lot worse ride than a guy that might get pitched out of his little ***boat.
I think it's just too easy these days for some guy with enough money or credit to plop down a few $hun K and go easy over 100 in a BIG boat, and think he's in a Caddy doin 60, with his friends aboard, drinkin cocktails and havin a good time. Wasn't long ago that was SERIOUS racing level performance, and the danger and responsibility hasn't changed with the availability. I sense a serious lack of respect for these high-dollar boats and the potential they have for total disaster. I say that only in response to the attitude and comments I hear on a regular basis from owners of boats like wer're talking about. The thread in the sandbar is a perfect example.
Things have not changed over the years. When I was young, it was the same thing with 18' jets- people were dying on a regular basis because any idiot with money could go buy a 60MPH boat, get toasted, and run someone over.
Respect is earned, and it doesn't matter what size boat you have, or how fast you are going in it- people die all the time at 50MPH.
My issue is with the "big boat vs small boat" mob mentality- these forums wreak of it, and IMHO, it's one of the things that keeps this board on an elementary school level, instead of where it should be.

03-19-2006, 09:46 PM
So I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express lastnight, ............................. :yuk:
LMAO!!! Thanks for breaking up the tension!

03-19-2006, 10:05 PM
If god says it , it must be true. Right.

03-19-2006, 10:10 PM
Things have not changed over the years. When I was young, it was the same thing with 18' jets- people were dying on a regular basis because any idiot with money could go buy a 60MPH boat, get toasted, and run someone over.
Respect is earned, and it doesn't matter what size boat you have, or how fast you are going in it- people die all the time at 50MPH.
My issue is with the "big boat vs small boat" mob mentality- these forums wreak of it, and IMHO, it's one of the things that keeps this board on an elementary school level, instead of where it should be.
So if I'm following your line or reasoning, it should be okay for seasoned semi-truck drivers to go 120mph on the highway and thats ok because people die at 55mph simply because the don't know what they are doing. I.e., higher speeds don't make it more dangerous. Sounds like RD arguing that professional drunks should be allowed to drink and drive since they are experienced at at. :rolleyes:
And in looking back through the Kruzing post, Dan didn't say anything about the size of the boat, his comments would have applied to a seadoo going 120mph. It was you guys that started the small boat bashing.

03-19-2006, 10:19 PM
Havasu Hangin' is right. Anything could happen at any speed. He's not sweatin it because he knows if anything were to happen to him all of us would have his back. We would tell all the noobs how cool he was. :cool:

b's sanger
03-19-2006, 11:06 PM
I don't have a problem with safety.
I don't have a problem with expressing opinions.
I do have a problem with making safety assumptions based on a 37 second video on the internet.
I also have a problem with "sounds like someone has the dough for a fast boat and not the commons sense for driving it" assumption based on a 37 second video on the internet.
That's almost as dumb as me making an assumption that all jet boat owners are idiots that will soon be taken out of the gene pool because they own a boat that loses steering with engine failure.
Well I guess we should have watched twice the video 74 seconds and thought it was twice as unsafe!!!!

03-19-2006, 11:19 PM
That's almost as dumb as me making an assumption that all jet boat owners are idiots that will soon be taken out of the gene pool because they own a boat that loses steering with engine failure.
yes id have to say that would be one dumb ass remark. especially since almost any watercraft loses steering with engine failure. a ruder may help somewhat, but it takes thrust to turn a vessel enough to avoid a dangerous situation.

03-19-2006, 11:22 PM
Well I guess we should have watched twice the video 74 seconds and thought it was twice as unsafe!!!!
don't confuse the issue! I'm still trying to figure out how it's safer going 100 in a little boat than doing 100 in a big boat? better brakes?

03-19-2006, 11:34 PM
oh yea, to answer your question Dan, nope, it didn't look like you were out of line at all. There were quite a few pretty dumb things posted on that thread though. Hell, I even found myself agreeing with steel on a few points.

03-19-2006, 11:37 PM
one afternoon on the farm the chicken heard a voice in the far. it was the horse yelling for help as he was stuck in the middle of the lake. the chicken ran to the lake only to see the horse barely keeping his head above water. "i need help" yells the horse. the chicken explains to the horse that the farmer has gone to town, but he will do what he can. the chicken then gets into the farmers new 28' power boat and speeds to the horse. throwing him a rope , the chicken pulls the horse to safety and out of the water. the horse was very thankful and told the chicken that he hopes he can repay him someday. well a few days later the same chicken was wading on the shoreline when suddenly he found himself in deep water. yelling for help, the horse arrives and see's his friend is in trouble. the horse then walks into the water standing over the chicken and tells him to grab ahold of his penis. the horse pulls his friend to safety.
Moral of the story? ---- if your hung like a horse, you dont need a big boat to pick up chicks!

03-19-2006, 11:39 PM
"My issue is with the "big boat vs small boat" mentality...anyone <who> can afford one has way to much at risk to do stupid things on the water."
'bout sums up that mentality, big or small.
This guy could afford one (http://www.wcpo.com/news/2003/local/10/16/boat.html)

03-19-2006, 11:43 PM
"My issue is with the "big boat vs small boat" mentality...anyone <who> can afford one has way to much at risk to do stupid things on the water."
'bout sums up that mentality, big or small.
This guy could afford one (http://www.wcpo.com/news/2003/local/10/16/boat.html)
makes you wonder what happened to "temporary insanity 1" doesnt it?

03-19-2006, 11:59 PM
I don't think you were out of line at all...
Taking your hands off the wheel and looking backward...thats just asking for it.
I won't play the what if game.... But I will say this: I was in a 20 ft jet boat doing around 80 when we hit a beer can that was floating in the water...We didn't see it and we were both looking. It left a 2 ft gash that went thru the bottom of the boat, just to the side of the keel and made the boat pull very hard to the right. How did we know it wa s a beer can? part of it was still stuck in the hull.

03-20-2006, 05:29 AM
I remember as a kid a Fisher's when Rick Roeloff's new 19' Daytona was getting pulled off the river. This may have been one of the first ones built and there was a huge hole in it. Everyone was speculating whether he hit a can or log, at the time no one knew and I don't remember what the final word was. It was of one of the fastest boats out there at the time and he was an experienced driver, too, but he didn't see it.
I forgot all about that. If I remember, he was alone in it. He probably wasn't doing 100. I'll have to ask my dad if he remembers what happened since I was about 5 or 6. Everyone was pretty bummed out about it. I used to love looking and listening to at all the boats that those guys had, back when a boat like that was the shiznit! My family certainly couldn't afford one.

03-20-2006, 06:01 AM
Two words..."teak surfing". How many people died last year from co2 vs a Skater?
A lose nut on the steering wheel will kill at any speeds- even 5MPH.
I love the mentality "other people do stupid stuff, why can't I?"

Shark In The Pond
03-20-2006, 06:29 AM
There is a old saying that comes to mind ...... Dress for the crash not the ride ! :crossx:

03-20-2006, 06:47 AM
especially since almost any watercraft loses steering with engine failure. a ruder may help somewhat, but it takes thrust to turn a vessel enough to avoid a dangerous situation.
Really??? My v-drive would steer with the engine off. My Spectre steers with the engines off. The Schiada had a rudder, the Spectre has lower units. Neither rely on thrust like a jetboat or jet ski to turn. Might want to rethink that statement, or step out of the world of jets for a while and learn how the other boats work. ;)

03-20-2006, 07:31 AM
I offered my never-to-be-humble opinion. You were OK in my book, Dan.
Havasu Hangin, it's not the video that's the problem, it's the narration that came afterwards.
You guys in those big boats need to remember one thing...when you're going 120, 130, or whatever, imagine the energy that you have stored there. That's a lot of mass, and when something does happen at that speed in 5 or 6 tons, you're in for a lot worse ride than a guy that might get pitched out of his little ***boat.
I think it's just too easy these days for some guy with enough money or credit to plop down a few $hun K and go easy over 100 in a BIG boat, and think he's in a Caddy doin 60, with his friends aboard, drinkin cocktails and havin a good time. Wasn't long ago that was SERIOUS racing level performance, and the danger and responsibility hasn't changed with the availability. I sense a serious lack of respect for these high-dollar boats and the potential they have for total disaster. I say that only in response to the attitude and comments I hear on a regular basis from owners of boats like wer're talking about. The thread in the sandbar is a perfect example.
Doing some math on this...
given a 6000lb boat doing 120 mph, this comes out to
2,888,525 Foot Lbs of energy...
A whole lot of destructive power.

03-20-2006, 11:12 AM
Really??? My v-drive would steer with the engine off. My Spectre steers with the engines off. The Schiada had a rudder, the Spectre has lower units. Neither rely on thrust like a jetboat or jet ski to turn. Might want to rethink that statement, or step out of the world of jets for a while and learn how the other boats work. ;)
no, no need to rethink my statement. maybe you should re-read the statement. i did say "almost any". also you may want to educate yourself on the term "thrust". any propultion system on our vessels use thrust, not just jet drives. as for your v-drive,Spectre,Schiada, and whatever else you may want to add, none of them will have complete menueverability without power. same as a jet. your v-drive releys soly on the rudder for turning. when a jet drive uses a rudder it too has that same ability to turn without the engine giving it thrust. outboards and lower units use their shaft housings as a rudder. "step out of the worls of jets"? funny you should say that. for one, i have driven and owned all types of boats with differant propultion systems. but i have found that were i do most of my boating (colorado river), that the jet drive system works the best. especially in my situation. i can adjust the ride of the boat with a touch of a button (hydrolic diverter). now i would rather not see this turn into a jet drive VS v-drive, or any other propultion system thread. my comment was only to show how rediculous it is to say that jet drives have no menueverability with engine failure. if you use a rudder, they will, to a certain extent. just as any other vessel would.

03-20-2006, 11:25 AM
no, no need to rethink my statement. maybe you should re-read the statement.
Really??? Hi Pot, yeah, it's Kettle. You don't even know what you said and now you're trying to change it up. Classic. :notam:
You just posted this:
none of them will have complete menueverability without power.
Which is entirely different than this:
especially since almost any watercraft loses steering with engine failure.
And then this:
only to show how rediculous it is to say that jet drives have no menueverability with engine failure. if you use a rudder, they will, to a certain extent. just as any other vessel would.
Jets don't have any maneuverability when they don't have any power, that's a given. But IF you have a rudder... blah, blah, blah... Perhaps you could start a poll and see who runs with a rudder and who doesn't.
Besides, if you have twin engines, the odds are good that you'll still have power out of one if you lose the other. Hell, I lost one side doing over 100 mph a while back and still had steering and control. But that's a whole new discussion and you're still busy trying to figure out how to dig yourself out of this hole and twist things around. :idea: :notam:

03-20-2006, 11:37 AM
Havasu Hangin' is right. Anything could happen at any speed. He's not sweatin it because he knows if anything were to happen to him all of us would have his back. We would tell all the noobs how cool he was. :cool:
Subtle... :rollside:

03-20-2006, 11:41 AM
Hey victor, I forgot to say thanks for that in depth lesson in thrust and how boats turn. I'm kind of new to this whole thing and might even get a boat one day. It's nice to know that, in the event that happens, that I'll be able to turn the boat myself and not have to rely on the boat turning genie or the fish to handle it for me. ;)

03-20-2006, 11:53 AM
apperantly your reading comprehension isnt all that high. or you just arent reading the entire posts. your taking sentences and quoting them out of context. in that aspect, yes they are differant. but they all hold true in the entire conversation. any vessel with a rudder will indeed have SOME ability to turn if the engine fails, but you are limited to its forward momentum. hense the "to a certain extent" comment. do you understand that term?
take a poll on how many use rudders with a jet drive? why? its common for most users to remove the rudder. but now this is a modified system. can you remove the rudder on your v-drive? no, that would make it undrivable. but now we are getting into a whole differant sittuation. especially when you add the multi engines into the conversation. were are you going with this? how many other variables would you like to add?

03-20-2006, 12:00 PM
apperantly your reading comprehension isnt all that high.
Perhaps you're right. Then again, you're point twisting ability is off the friggin' scale. Very comendable skill. ;)
or you just arent reading the entire posts. your taking sentences and quoting them out of context. in that aspect, yes they are differant. but they all hold true in the entire conversation. any vessel with a rudder will indeed have SOME ability to turn if the engine fails, but you are limited to its forward momentum. hense the "to a certain extent" comment. do you understand that term?
I thought steering was the issue here, or lack of it. Seems to me that if you're depending on forward momentum, at 120 the steering should be stellar. You just blew your whole point. Nice job. ;)
From your first post:
especially since almost any watercraft loses steering with engine failure. a ruder may help somewhat, but it takes thrust to turn a vessel enough to avoid a dangerous situation.
Wait, it needs thrust? ONLY IN A JET WITHOUT A RUDDER OR ON A JET SKI. That was my point. Then you bring momentum into things. I guess if you can't impress them with facts you may as well try and baffle them with bullshit, right? :D :D :D
take a poll on how many use rudders with a jet drive? why? its common for most users to remove the rudder.
Seems to me that's much more dangerous then. Especially in a single engine boat with no steering if the engine quits, capable of 70+ mph, even higher if you look on ebay. :notam:
how many other variables would you like to add?
You're the one who keeps changing things up to help your argument and you just screwed yourself to a certain extent, of course, with your momentum argument. You said one thing and that's what I questioned and now you've got it all twisted. I'm laughing my ass off over here though. Thanks for that. :D

03-20-2006, 12:06 PM

03-20-2006, 12:19 PM
glad i was able to give you a laugh... :cool:

03-20-2006, 12:22 PM
Awww. Vic...
Stirring up S**T with the natives...

b's sanger
03-20-2006, 12:28 PM
The bottom line is the endeavor was caught om video, there is no arguing what went on. I am not preaching, infact I have had my own close encounter with tragedy on the water. I am more than careful now and respect other boaters wherever they are. Whether you're on a seadoo or a big cat, I slow my little piece of crap down when I'm around others. Why take a chance, the alternative is unacceptable and likely avoidable. Your original response to this should have been. "Yep you guys are right, we should have had vests on, a laniard attatched and been in a bigger body of water."

03-20-2006, 01:39 PM
If I had a big boat like that, I would drive it at 100 MPH with my eyes closed, steering it with my big toe, while I guzzle beer, and talk on the cell phone. Those thing are obviously so safe that nothing can go wrong, and even if you crash at 100 mph, it would be like bumping into the dock at 5 MPH in a jet boat. There is nothing to argue about here, so go back to the sandbar and see if you can figure out who has the biggest fake boobs.

03-20-2006, 06:59 PM
If I had a big boat like that, I would drive it at 100 MPH with my eyes closed, steering it with my big toe, while I guzzle beer, and talk on the cell phone. Those thing are obviously so safe that nothing can go wrong, and even if you crash at 100 mph, it would be like bumping into the dock at 5 MPH in a jet boat. There is nothing to argue about here, so go back to the sandbar and see if you can figure out who has the biggest fake boobs.
Yea, what he said! LMAO Whats the big deal? Prop the cooler against the gas peddle while I look for my cd's. On to the sandbar!

03-21-2006, 07:39 AM
No, I don't think so.
Forget for a minute that the solid blur(s) going by in the video are boats.
Forget the lack of vests and running in a conjested area. How bad would it be if your buddy got pitched at that speed? No chance with no safety gear, might as well hit concrete.
I understand the "looking cool" process, that's why I added a wedge to the rooster tail right? What I don't understand is the complete feeling of security in that situation. Sort of like why older drivers buy bigger cars? How many 80lb. grandmas have a caprice or el dorado?
The what ifs are what keep me in line. What if they pull out, what if someone comes into my line pulling a tube,skier and they go down? Ever made a 90* turn at that speed? All but the driver will be swimming, assuming he has a death grip on the wheel.
I'm not trying to generalize how another boater operates their boat in all situations, just the ones that are on tape or I see first hand. How many videos have you seen where it starts out with a "great time at the lake, until"
My opinion, a poor choice to make that kind of run given the conditions.

03-21-2006, 07:53 AM
This thread just cracks me up. The funny thing with all the Monday morning quarterbacking in here is the lack of a point of reference. I've got a jetboat and it will run in the high 80 mph range and yes, when I'm running that fast I've got boat hands on the wheel because it's a handful to drive, where as my Spectre which has triple digit capability is rather docile at 80 mph. It's apples and oranges here and it's cracking me up. Keep it going though. Honestly, I'd rather be in the twin engine Skater at 120, when it's designed to run in the 200 mph range in big water, than in a single engine jetboat that originally was designed to run in the 50 mph range that's now running 90.
Which is more dangerous to you??? A boat that will still have steering if you lose an engine, or one that (and I was there when this pic was taken) has no rudder and a single engine where you're much more likely to hit someone or get thrown out if you lose an engine AND STEERING or hit a rogue roller??? BTW, thrown out of a boat with any kind of freeboard is a little harder than you think. But when the only point of reference you have is a low freeboard boat, I understand the confusion.
Nice life jackets. Running awfully close to another boat too. :notam:
Keep it rolling guys. I'm still laughing at the comments. :D

03-21-2006, 08:14 AM
I think Randy would be much better prepared to avoid anything in his path compared to this:
But hey, what do I know my biggest boat is only 26' long so I don't know for sure whether the big boats can steer themselves or not.

03-21-2006, 08:21 AM
I think Randy would be much better prepared to avoid anything in his path compared to this:
But hey, what do I know my biggest boat is only 26' long so I don't know for sure whether the big boats can steer themselves or not.
Exactly. Point of reference. A single engine 26' is a far cry from a 36' twin engine. And how do you know what's in the path at that point? It was quiet on Friday other than by the Canyon, and that part of the vid wasn't by the Canyon. Same thing Saturday. Once you got past the Channel, all the way up and around the island. Nothing. But all the MMQ's got all the info they needed from 30 seconds of video. Good stuff. :notam:
Oh, and I look back over my shoulder all the time when I'm driving to make sure everyone is ok and nobody is running up on me. Seems as though that's more responsible than doing the tunnel vision straight ahead thing. But what do I know? By the way, my boat will go straight all day long with no hands on the wheel. I can steer all I need to with the throttles if I want to go that route. Then again, it's not a jetboat that needs to be steered ALL the time, and yes I DO have that point of reference because I've done it. ;) :D

03-21-2006, 08:22 AM
My only question with the entire situation was why not wear a vest and lanyard?
Forget about the ability to steer for a moment. If someone cut that boat off at speed and he tried to make an evasive maneuver at 90 or 120 that boat would roll right over.
My point was that if something did go wrong and that boat rolled over, none of the occupants were wearing anything to keep them floating face up.
And nothing would stop that boat from running into someone else if it was rightside up and still under power.
Most all of us are guilty of driving fast in the vicinity of other boats. I dont condone what he did, but i wish he would take a few precautions if not for himself and his passengers,but for the rest of the folks on the lake. Shit i think every boat no matter how slow ought to have a kill switch and an owner that uses it.

03-21-2006, 08:26 AM
Hey Mike, why not step down from the holier than thou stance for a minute and think back. I'm pretty sure I've got a video of you and RD in your old red and white boat making some speed runs and I don't seem to recall vests or lanyards in that video either. Hmmm... it was already pointed out in the Sandbar thread that others have seen you hauling ass all over the Strip without jackets on you or your passengers. But nothing happened then right, so it makes it OK???? :notam:

03-21-2006, 09:35 AM
Hey Mike, why not step down from the holier than thou stance for a minute and think back. I'm pretty sure I've got a video of you and RD in your old red and white boat making some speed runs and I don't seem to recall vests or lanyards in that video either. Hmmm... it was already pointed out in the Sandbar thread that others have seen you hauling ass all over the Strip without jackets on you or your passengers. But nothing happened then right, so it makes it OK???? :notam:
that vid was made back when Mr. Pumps was still alive. Mike has been to the race track scince then. I'm not taking sides but when you go racing it does change the way you look at getting kicked out of a boat.

03-21-2006, 09:43 AM
Hey Mike, why not step down from the holier than thou stance for a minute and think back. I'm pretty sure I've got a video of you and RD in your old red and white boat making some speed runs and I don't seem to recall vests or lanyards in that video either. Hmmm... it was already pointed out in the Sandbar thread that others have seen you hauling ass all over the Strip without jackets on you or your passengers. But nothing happened then right, so it makes it OK???? :notam:
This entire discussion was never about me. It was about several folks watching a video on a public forum of someone beating their chest about how fast they went in a boat. An those of us that are actually concerned about what happens on the water and the future of this hobby, made it a point to say Hey man put a jacket and lanyard on. Is that so wrong?
Yes there was a time when I went fast in my boat with little regard to safety issues. Times change. I've watched the after effects of several accidents at low and high speeds and they have changed my mind.
These days on the rare occasions that I feel like making speed runs in my boat my only passenger (my wife) jumps into someone else's boat(you can ask HBJet, Hustler and the others that we boat with us if you don't believe me) and i suit up and do my thing. She's never been in my boat for a full pass. Even when i'm merely cruising the river i take 2 seconds to attach my lanyard to my shorts. Am i perfect? nope. But i make the effort to try and minimize the danger.
You are so quick to point out the faults in others just to deflect the attention away from the fact that many of these folks genuinely worry about the safety of others. You can keep on believing you or anyone else is safe at what you're doing. that's your perogative. But don't get butt hurt when others are trying to help.
I hope everyone reading both of these threads weeds through the negativity and just opens their eyes and tries to be a bit safer this summer.
It's not about how big your boat is, where you boat, or who you boat with. I have friends with all types and sizes of boats and I'm not biased.
It's about trying to just be a little safer out on the water. I've driven Fountains, MTI's, Nortech's and Rogers jet boats and the one thing I can honestly say from experience is that irregardless of what you read in the magazines, no boat is perfect and anything can happen out there.
Water moves. :)

03-21-2006, 09:53 AM
that vid was made back when Mr. Pumps was still alive.
Nope. It was after I was on the boards and the HTM crash was before I got here. I was at the river that weekend staying at Casa de Johnson. ;)
You are so quick to point out the faults in others just to deflect the attention away from the fact that many of these folks genuinely worry about the safety of others. You can keep on believing you or anyone else is safe at what you're doing. that's your perogative. But don't get butt hurt when others are trying to help.
There is a difference between helping and attacking, especially when that attack is based on something that they don't understand. If you'll look back Mike, you were the one who jumped up on your milk crate and started banging on your chest about the lanyard and vest issue. I merely pointed out, and wasn't the first one to do it, that you have your share of seat time in a boat that was running 90+ mph (and shot a video of one of those runs even) without a vest or lanyard. It was response to your attack/comments about the idiot in the big boat in the Sandbar thread. Just pointing out the irony is all.
A buck twenty with no vest, no lanyard and kill switch, and no hands on the wheel? Sounds like someone has the dough for a fast boat and not the commons sense for driving it. :rolleyes:
And yes, anything can happen at anytime on the water and when it's your time, it's your time. No safety equipment in the world will prevent that.
I still stand by my point that I'd rather go 120 in a Skater as it's more predictable and controllable than a jetboat is in open water at 90 in the event something happened.

03-21-2006, 09:56 AM
This thread just cracks me up. The funny thing with all the Monday morning quarterbacking in here is the lack of a point of reference. I've got a jetboat and it will run in the high 80 mph range and yes, when I'm running that fast I've got boat hands on the wheel because it's a handful to drive, where as my Spectre which has triple digit capability is rather docile at 80 mph. It's apples and oranges here and it's cracking me up. Keep it going though. Honestly, I'd rather be in the twin engine Skater at 120, when it's designed to run in the 200 mph range in big water, than in a single engine jetboat that originally was designed to run in the 50 mph range that's now running 90.
Which is more dangerous to you??? A boat that will still have steering if you lose an engine, or one that (and I was there when this pic was taken) has no rudder and a single engine where you're much more likely to hit someone or get thrown out if you lose an engine AND STEERING or hit a rogue roller??? BTW, thrown out of a boat with any kind of freeboard is a little harder than you think. But when the only point of reference you have is a low freeboard boat, I understand the confusion.
Nice life jackets. Running awfully close to another boat too. :notam:
Keep it rolling guys. I'm still laughing at the comments. :D
You sure love that photo don't you Jordy?
Were you there when it was taken? Where you on the boat that took the photo? Do you think that maybe, just maybe there was a lens on the camera which allowed the photographer to zoom in? Well, there was. You tell us to stop commenting on boats we don't own, but you can sure comment on a photo you didn't take, on a boat you have never been in.
Anyways, have fun with the eggbeater! Its sure a cool boat RatedX put together! Glad you were able to take it off his hands!!! :)

03-21-2006, 09:59 AM
I merely pointed out, and wasn't the first one to do it, that you have your share of seat time in a boat that was running 90+ mph (and shot a video of one of those runs even) without a vest or lanyard. It was response to your attack/comments about the idiot in the big boat in the Sandbar thread. Just pointing out the irony is all.
If your going to point it out then know what your talking about. That weekend was the first weekend Cyclone had that motor with that boat together. All very unknown territory at that time. Mike has learned plenty since then... we all have.

03-21-2006, 10:03 AM
I still stand by my point that I'd rather go 120 in a Skater as it's more predictable and controllable than a jetboat is in open water at 90 in the event something happened.
well I do agree with that. but if you for some reason should ever hit the water @ 120 with the saftey gear you were wearing it that vid clip you will most likly get killed. But I know you already know the risks.
You still been riding your new hoopty? I wanna get out your way sometime and check it out. Looks like some good stuff to get hurt on out your way too. :rollside: We should meet in Las V. and go check out that Bootleg canyon place before it gets to hot.

03-21-2006, 10:05 AM
You sure love that photo don't you Jordy?
I sure do. Espeically when you reply in the Sandbar, along with Cyclone, on how you and your passengers always wear vests. That one sure hits home doesn't it Randy?
Were you there when it was taken? Where you on the boat that took the photo? Do you think that maybe, just maybe there was a lens on the camera which allowed the photographer to zoom in? Well, there was. You tell us to stop commenting on boats we don't own, but you can sure comment on a photo you didn't take, on a boat you have never been in.
I do believe that was at RD's birthday and yes I was there. No I was never in your boat because I had my own boat at the time and was having fun with it. What does that prove???
Anyways, have fun with the eggbeater! Its sure a cool boat RatedX put together! Glad you were able to take it off his hands!!! :)
So that's what this is about huh? I bought a boat and didn't build it up from scratch? I got news for you Randy, I already did that with my yellow boat. Now I'm over it. Have no need to keep tinkering with little boats that I've outgrown. I've gotten 10 times the use out of the eggbeaters than I ever did with the jet and I don't have to run for the trailer when the water gets rough either. It serves my purpose much more than a little jetboat does anymore. Where I boat, the jet is impractical, be it Havasu, Pleasant or the ocean. To each their own. I haven't said one negative thing about your choice in boats as it apparently serves your purpose. Perhaps this whole thing really does boil down to jealousy huh? Pretty sad really. :notam:
Look where all the personal attacks have come from since that video was posted. Really quite comical. Thanks again for the laughs.
See you on the water. ;)

03-21-2006, 10:06 AM
Nope. It was after I was on the boards and the HTM crash was before I got here.
so then does that make you a noob? :D

03-21-2006, 10:09 AM
If your going to point it out then know what your talking about. That weekend was the first weekend Cyclone had that motor with that boat together. All very unknown territory at that time. Mike has learned plenty since then... we all have.
I do know what I am talking about because I was there. That was the weekend that the boat almost sank and spent a good portion of time in RD's garage with a few tubes of silicone because the transom adapter wasn't sealing properly.
That weekend was the first weekend Cyclone had that motor with that boat together. All very unknown territory at that time.
All the more reason to make high speed passes with RD in the passenger seat filming with no vests or lanyards. Thanks for proving my point on this one Randy. But it's ok because nothing happened. Guess I'm out of line here right??? :notam:

03-21-2006, 10:18 AM
I sure do. Espeically when you reply in the Sandbar, along with Cyclone, on how you and your passengers always wear vests. That one sure hits home doesn't it Randy?
I never said all my passanger wear vests?
I do believe that was at RD's birthday and yes I was there. No I was never in your boat because I had my own boat at the time and was having fun with it. What does that prove????
Nope, it was at the second CBBB, just south of the bridge.
So that's what this is about huh? I bought a boat and didn't build it up from scratch? I got news for you Randy, I already did that with my yellow boat. Now I'm over it. Have no need to keep tinkering with little boats that I've outgrown. I've gotten 10 times the use out of the eggbeaters than I ever did with the jet and I don't have to run for the trailer when the water gets rough either. It serves my purpose much more than a little jetboat does anymore. Where I boat, the jet is impractical, be it Havasu, Pleasant or the ocean. To each their own. I haven't said one negative thing about your choice in boats as it apparently serves your purpose. Perhaps this whole thing really does boil down to jealousy huh? Pretty sad really. :notam:
Struck a nerve huh? Just jabbin at you Jordy.... take it sometime will ya! I think you still upset about the license plate Cyclone and I put on your truck that night at RD's..... let it go bud!

03-21-2006, 10:18 AM
I'll stand by what i said. a buck twenty with no vest and no lanyards=no common sense.
Be it in his case, my case or anyone else's that doing it. It makes no sense and yes you've seen me speed in the past without the right gear. key word=the past.
Fock it. If you guys feel safe that's all that matters. :rolleyes:
play on players.

03-21-2006, 10:25 AM
Nope, it was at the second CBBB, just south of the bridge.
OK, my bad. I do remember a very similar pic coming from the lower rockpile, I mean sandbar in Parker. My bad.
Struck a nerve huh? Just jabbin at you Jordy.... take it sometime will ya! I think you still upset about the license plate Cyclone and I put on your truck that night at RD's..... let it go bud!
Nope. Didn't strike any nerves. It's the internet and I've yet to give a shit about what anyone thought of me in person, much less on here. I don't take it seriously.
The license plate was funny though. I think RD fished it out of the canal and still has it on the front of the Navi. :D
Fock it. If you guys feel safe that's all that matters. :rolleyes:
play on players.
Exactly. It's nobody elses' decision to make. I'm more apt to put my lifeline on before jumping back in the yellow boat than I am in the Spectre. Different types of speed and different types of risk associated, even running identical speed. ;)

03-21-2006, 10:31 AM
I do know what I am talking about because I was there. That was the weekend that the boat almost sank and spent a good portion of time in RD's garage with a few tubes of silicone because the transom adapter wasn't sealing properly.:
Good portion meaning 2 hours on saturday? I guess you can round it how ever you see fit for your argument. And it wasn't the transom adapter, it was the seal for the hand hole cover which we fixed. We thought it was the adapter since that is usually the place water leaks.
All the more reason to make high speed passes with RD in the passenger seat filming with no vests or lanyards. Thanks for proving my point on this one Randy. But it's ok because nothing happened. Guess I'm out of line here right??? :notam:
I can't speak for RD or Cyclone, but I believe both of them felt very comfortable. I can speak for what a 19 Rogers TR feels like. Can you? Its probably the most stable V I have ever been in over 100mph. Glued is the word of the feeling you have.
HBjet :rollside:

03-21-2006, 10:36 AM
Good portion meaning 2 hours on saturday? I guess you can round it how ever you see fit for your argument. And it wasn't the transom adapter, it was the seal for the hand hole cover which we fixed. We thought it was the adapter since that is usually the place water leaks.
Who cares??? I was just pointing out that yes, I was out there, and I believe it was more than 2 hours. But I could really care f'king less because that's not the point. :D
I can't speak for RD or Cyclone, but I believe both of them felt very comfortable. I can speak for what a 19 Rogers TR feels like. Can you? Its probably the most stable V I have ever been in over 100mph. Glued is the word of the feeling you have.
Wow, so it's stable and that negates any need for vests or lanyards? Wasn't that the point of this thread???
Oh, and Randy, have you ever been in a 36' Skater? I have and let me tell you, at 100 mph with the tachs sitting on 4,000 rpm, behind the canopies, it's just floating and incredibly stable, especially when it's a flat deck with an extra 8" added to the tunnel, width wise. Glued is the word of the feeling you have. :D
Oh, and I'm done with this thread now. The more you post, the more you're proving my point Randy. Thanks for the help.
Other than that, no sense in trying to interject logic into a subject that people have no grasp of. May as well save wear and tear on my keyboard. :D

03-21-2006, 10:42 AM
OK, my bad. I do remember a very similar pic coming from the lower rockpile, I mean sandbar in Parker. My bad.;)
I think I know what your talking about, but that was when my boat ran 75 on a good day with no one in it.
Nope. Didn't strike any nerves. It's the internet and I've yet to give a shit about what anyone thought of me in person, much less on here. I don't take it seriously.
Good, me neither!
The license plate was funny though. I think RD fished it out of the canal and still has it on the front of the Navi. :D
Good... we have kept the tradition alive on our end... its harder and harder to find those plates now...
Exactly. It's nobody elses' decision to make. I'm more apt to put my lifeline on before jumping back in the yellow boat than I am in the Spectre. Different types of speed and different types of risk associated, even running identical speed. ;)
Not trying to start something, do you think there is some false sense of security with the larger faster boats that glide and run smooth at 120+? Just like putting on a lifeline and or helmet, you think you can push the limits even further in a smaller boat... just curious!

03-21-2006, 10:49 AM
Not trying to start something, do you think there is some false sense of security with the larger faster boats that glide and run smooth at 120+?
Are you really going to try and act like you don't see a difference between doing 120 in a 36' Skater in a 2' chop across Havasu versus trying to do the same thing in a 19' jet??? It has nothing to do with a sense of security as you have to know the boat and what the boat will do and in what conditions that will happen in. If you were to get a 19' jet up to 120 in 2' of chop, don't you think that the 36' Skater running the same speed in the same water is going to be inherently safer and far more predictable as that's what it was designed to do???

03-21-2006, 10:51 AM
phuck. here i sit after being rained out of work for the day and your all going to stop with this classic style ***boat "debate"?hmmmm.
so what kinda liscence plate was it that got put on the truck?
who's boat is faster,hb's or jordy's?
who's got a deal on an lL- xl jacket with current certs(standard or offshore)?

03-21-2006, 11:02 AM
I think Randy would be much better prepared to avoid anything in his path compared to this:
But hey, what do I know my biggest boat is only 26' long so I don't know for sure whether the big boats can steer themselves or not.
I can see so many other boats in the background, who could pull out infront of me? Why do I need brakes if there's nobody in front of me? Why don't you post a pic of the start of that video, that clearly shows a very empty and wide lake!
One question for you, how do you adjust the trim tabs or level out the TWO drives if you don't take your hand off the wheel? You should probably call Skater and tell them it's not safe to operate a boat like that. Actually you should call every twin engine manufacturer.
I'm not sure how you can see if I was wearring a lanyard or not? Can you see my right leg or my shorts? You guys are amazing!!! You can see sheit in that video that I can't.

03-21-2006, 11:11 AM
Are you really going to try and act like you don't see a difference between doing 120 in a 36' Skater in a 2' chop across Havasu versus trying to do the same thing in a 19' jet??? It has nothing to do with a sense of security as you have to know the boat and what the boat will do and in what conditions that will happen in. If you were to get a 19' jet up to 120 in 2' of chop, don't you think that the 36' Skater running the same speed in the same water is going to be inherently safer and far more predictable as that's what it was designed to do???
I think you missed the question. Read it again and start over. I wasn't trying to compare speed and water condition with different boats. I was asking the question of false sense of security with a larger more stable boat at high speeds and if you think if can be present? Like when your in a smaller boat and put on a helmet, lifeline and such, I could see where you would have a false sense of security while wearing all of that safety gear.
So, again, do you think its present in larger more stable boats at those high speeds?

03-21-2006, 11:16 AM
I think you missed my answer. :notam:

Tom Brown
03-21-2006, 11:41 AM
Jbb was way out of line in that thread.

03-21-2006, 11:55 AM
One question for you, how do you adjust the trim tabs or level out the TWO drives if you don't take your hand off the wheel? You should probably call Skater and tell them it's not safe to operate a boat like that. Actually you should call every twin engine manufacturer.
Well my 21' Eliminator Potato Chip has one of these, can't see why they couldn't put two on the wheel just as easily.

03-21-2006, 11:58 AM
Well my 21' Eliminator Potato Chip has one of these, can't see why they couldn't put two on the wheel just as easily.
pink .....lol :p

03-21-2006, 11:59 AM
Jbb was way out of line in that thread.
What else is new... :220v:

03-21-2006, 12:00 PM
I think I missed my morning shit...
This thread has helped greatly. :D :D :D

03-21-2006, 12:01 PM
pink .....lol :p
And teal, I lightened the colors just for you in the picture. I figured it would make you wish you still had your old boat :)

03-21-2006, 12:04 PM
And teal, I lightened the colors just for you in the picture. I figured it would make you wish you still had your old boat :)
As a matter of fact...I do wish I had it back..... :cool:

03-21-2006, 12:06 PM
Well my 21' Eliminator Potato Chip has one of these, can't see why they couldn't put two on the wheel just as easily.
Well, I have a switch on my throttles that works both drives together, but one pump always works faster than the other. So, you need 4 switches, 2 for drives and 2 for the tabs.
Skater hasn't been doing this for very long, so maybe they'll figure it out someday... ;)

03-21-2006, 12:13 PM
Damn, and you guys do all your own work, build all your own engines, and you didn't know that it takes 4 switches????? :p
Man, and I'm just the dumb "rich guy who can afford a boat like this and not the common sense to drive it"!! Maybe someday I'll "get a clue" and "be more responsible".... :yuk:

03-21-2006, 12:19 PM
boy am i glad i have an 18 footer that won't go very fast. :cool:

03-21-2006, 12:21 PM
Man I'm just the dumb rich guy. Maybe someday I'll "get a clue" and "be more responsible".... :yuk:
Kroozin....dont be a hater... :)

03-21-2006, 12:21 PM
Dead on brotha... things happen fast at 120 MPH. And unless you have been unfortunate enough to experience it, then you tend to feel safer than you should. Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt...

03-21-2006, 12:25 PM
Damn, and you guys do all your own work, build all your own engines, and you didn't know that it takes 4 switches????? :p
Man, and I'm just the dumb "rich guy who can afford a boat like this and not the common sense to drive it"!! Maybe someday I'll "get a clue" and "be more responsible".... :yuk:
Don't forget the switch for the ballast tank as well. It sounds like you need a throttleman and a navigator to give you a hand rather than just having them sitting around drinking beer and taking videos while you do all of the work ;)

03-21-2006, 12:30 PM
Kroozin....dont be a hater... :)
I hear ya....
I was just quoting what was said about me.

03-21-2006, 12:31 PM
I think you missed my answer. :notam:
Sure did since you didn't answer the question. Just typed your version of what you think I wanted to say and then answered that. No biggie, just not worth it I guess.
Maybe someone else can answer that has a large boat.
For the record, I like Kroozins boat. Its a nice setup and runs hard. Its amazing how a paint job can change a boat too... If it was all white, I wonder if everyone would notice it or like it so much. I sure people would, but the paint certainly sells the boat!!!
HBjet :rollside:

03-21-2006, 12:32 PM
Dead on brotha... things happen fast at 120 MPH. And unless you have been unfortunate enough to experience it, then you tend to feel safer than you should. Its all fun and games till someone gets hurt...
They happen even faster at 175mph.
You act like I don't know shit? I appreciate all the safety advise, really I do..... It just shows you care.... :)

Tom Brown
03-21-2006, 12:33 PM
Damn, and you guys do all your own work, build all your own engines, and you didn't know that it takes 4 switches????? :p
Some of them don't know a boat with a rudder can steer without power, either. :D

03-21-2006, 12:37 PM
Some of them don't know a boat with a rudder can steer without power, either. :D
Always Jabbin.....Brown..... :p
you're not from here...is you..?

03-21-2006, 12:47 PM
I don't think it is you that brought this negative posting about.

03-21-2006, 12:54 PM
we need more positive positivity...up up with people!... :)

03-21-2006, 02:08 PM
Im not going to get into drama in here. Iget into enough in other threads :p I can vouch for kroozin, when he was runnin his boat where we could view nobody was near him. I was on that lake friday,sat, and sunday and there werent alot of boats out there. All of the boats were in the channel and left at various times.

03-21-2006, 02:31 PM
Sure did since you didn't answer the question. Just typed your version of what you think I wanted to say and then answered that. No biggie, just not worth it I guess.
I quoted what you said and answered the question that was answered as you phrased the question. Not my fault I didn't type what you wanted to hear, or that you didn't understand what I typed. :notam:

Havasu Hangin'
03-21-2006, 02:37 PM
You know...I was in a little fishing boat once that beat the crap out of me at 30MPH. You never knew which way the thing was gonna land. I had a vest on because if the thing kicked me out, I didn't want to drown.
Last summer, I was on a cruise ship going the same speed. For some reason, I felt more secure, and didn't wear a vest.
You potato chip people are talking apples to oranges, based on those RC boats you drive that lose steering when the motor shuts off.

Tom Brown
03-21-2006, 02:52 PM
You know...I was in a little fishing boat once that beat the crap out of me at 30MPH...
Last summer, I was on a cruise ship going the same speed....
I thought you were going to say that you laughed as the cruise ship's wake swamped a little fishing boat.

Havasu Hangin'
03-21-2006, 03:04 PM
I thought you were going to say that you laughed as the cruise ship's wake swamped a little fishing boat.
I would never do that.
(unless it was a jetboat)

Squirtin Thunder
03-21-2006, 03:09 PM
You know...I was in a little fishing boat once that beat the crap out of me at 30MPH. You never knew which way the thing was gonna land. I had a vest on because if the thing kicked me out, I didn't want to drown.
Last summer, I was on a cruise ship going the same speed. For some reason, I felt more secure, and didn't wear a vest.
You potato chip people are talking apples to oranges, based on those RC boats you drive that lose steering when the motor shuts off.
Dammit now I am read to race you Dam to Dam !!!! :cool:

Havasu Hangin'
03-21-2006, 03:17 PM
Dammit now I am read to race you Dam to Dam !!!! :cool:
How about in 3'-4' whitecaps?
Since my boat is so similar to a jetboat, we will both be just as safe, right?

Squirtin Thunder
03-21-2006, 03:25 PM
How about in 3'-4' whitecaps?
Since my boat is so similar to a jetboat, we will both be just as safe, right?
I am game if you are ???

03-21-2006, 03:27 PM
Dammit now I am read to race you Dam to Dam !!!! :cool:
don't ya have to stick around on sunday to race? :rolleyes:

Havasu Hangin'
03-21-2006, 03:57 PM
don't ya have to stick around on sunday to race? :rolleyes:
You guys are actual racers?
You better give my unsafe, slow little pleasure boat a headstart then.

03-21-2006, 04:09 PM
You guys are actual racers?
You better give my unsafe, slow little pleasure boat a headstart then.
sorry pal but you have a proppller so it's looking like the jets will get at least a 15min head start.

Havasu Hangin'
03-21-2006, 04:25 PM
sorry pal but you have a proppller so it's looking like the jets will get at least a 15min head start.
I have two propellers, so that means I'm twice as slow. :cry:
You guys are much braver than I am. In 3'-4' whitecaps, I'd hate to see a potato chip get dipped!

03-21-2006, 04:32 PM
I don’t care if you are out of line as long as your not out of beer. :D

Tom Brown
03-21-2006, 04:35 PM
I am game if you are ???
You have to admit HH, these guys have balls of steel. :cool:
... unless, of course, you actually want to race in sloppy conditions. In that case, they will disappear faster than artichoke dip on ripple chip night.

03-21-2006, 04:50 PM
This thread has been officially hi-jacked

Tom Brown
03-21-2006, 04:51 PM
This thread has been officially hi-jacked:Biggrin:
I didn't see anything. http://www.havasubarney.com/forums/html/emoticons/unsure.gif

Havasu Hangin'
03-21-2006, 04:55 PM
... unless, of course, you actually want to race in sloppy conditions. In that case, they will disappear faster than artichoke dip on ripple chip night.
If they want to race in those sloppy conditions...I remember when I was a kid, and my mom packed my lunch for school. I hated when I opened my bag of potato chips, only to find a bunch of crumbs.

Cat Skinner
03-21-2006, 08:56 PM
Dan I thought you were on the money. I thought the exact same thing when I watched the vid.
My issue is with the "big boat vs small boat" mob mentality- these forums wreak of it, and IMHO, it's one of the things that keeps this board on an elementary school level, instead of where it should be.
Jeez I thought the problem was threads asking if my turds are pretty and other mindless post whoring.
Heres an idea: Make all treads relate to BOATING and shitcan everything else except maybe breast related threads :p

03-22-2006, 06:23 AM
Dan I thought you were on the money. I thought the exact same thing when I watched the vid.
Jezz I thought the problem was threads asking if my turds are pretty and other mindless post whoring.
Heres an idea: Make all treads relate to BOATING and shitcan everything else except maybe breast related threads :p
Don't forget the bikini threads...

03-22-2006, 06:52 AM
If they want to race in those sloppy conditions...I remember when I was a kid, and my mom packed my lunch for school. I hated when I opened my bag of potato chips, only to find a bunch of crumbs.
When did that happen yesterday?

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 07:13 AM
When did that happen yesterday?
More unsafe boating! (http://www.highperformancecars.com/hhangin/kroozin_the_gorge.wmv)

03-22-2006, 07:42 AM

03-22-2006, 07:43 AM
Looks like you need to work on your penmanship.
Next time you go boating, tell your mom to put the peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the bottom, then the Twinkie, and put the chips on top. That way the chips won't get broken, and no tears will be shed.

03-22-2006, 07:44 AM
Looks like that guy bumped into the dock going 5 MPH.

03-22-2006, 07:47 AM
More unsafe boating! (http://www.highperformancecars.com/hhangin/kroozin_the_gorge.wmv)
Must have had a red bull at lunch. Boosts concentration, energy and focus. that graph is funny.
Why is this thred still going? I have had my little boat out at Havi and there is a ton of room for speed passes. As far as driving with your knee, we all have done it in our cars while talking on the phone and eating so get off the guy. It is his boat and the way he drives is on him. Luckily, if he does hit someone, he has insurance, a luxury many of us little guys are not offered. Just my opinion and basically, to each his own.

03-22-2006, 09:00 AM
what I find interesting is how people get bent out of shape when the safety/liability/speed thing comes up. I just hope that nothing happens to any of you guys when doing speed runs! As most of you already know, bad things happen a whole lot quicker the faster you go.
Be safe out there everyone!

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 10:33 AM
As most of you already know, bad things happen a whole lot quicker the faster you go.
Be safe out there everyone!
I have video of a jetboat sinking while idling...anyone wanna see it?

03-22-2006, 10:34 AM
Looks like that guy bumped into the dock going 5 MPH.
Apparently someone didn't appreciate the picture of the upside down Skater?
The only reason I posted it is to show that all boats can be flipped, no matter how big they are.
No need to be getting all defensive and pull the picture down.................
I know they're (the bigger boats) built to run at speed even in the rough, but shit still happens...........even to the big boats.
Not being self-riotous. Just pointing out a fact.

03-22-2006, 11:02 AM
Wasn't the Titanic supposed to be unsinkable ?

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 11:06 AM
The only reason I posted it is to show that all boats can be flipped, no matter how big they are.
No need to be getting all defensive and pull the picture down.................
I know they're (the bigger boats) built to run at speed even in the rough, but shit still happens...........even to the big boats.
Not being self-riotous. Just pointing out a fact.
Yes...and small boats can sink at 5MPH. Does that mean all you jet guys need to wear your vests at 5MPH?
I'm sorry, I am using logic in the jet boat section- my bad.

03-22-2006, 11:22 AM
"I'm sorry, I am using logic in the jet boat section- my bad."
Ya. That and it's not about unsafe big boat drivers... jeez! It's whoever put that dam telephone pole in the water. Now that's unsafe. :)

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 11:30 AM
Ya. That and it's not about unsafe big boat drivers... jeez! It's whoever put that dam telephone pole in the water. Now that's unsafe. :)
Then there was the time I saw a jetboat run about 20' up the shore in Needles...the guy got hurt pretty bad, and was drunk out of his mind.
Or how about the time some jetboat idiot ran over my ski line while I had a skier in the water, and the orange flag out.
By your logic, all jetboat owners are drunk idiots that don't know how to drive.
Comon, LVjetboy...even you're not that stupid.

03-22-2006, 12:25 PM
HH, got a question for you. In your opinion do you think:
1) There are more idiot jetboat (small boat) drivers?
2) There are more idiot Big Boat drivers?
3) There are idiot drivers reguardless of the boat size, make, speed?

Liberator TJ1984
03-22-2006, 12:33 PM
The way I see it ....anyone who owns a boat is an Idiot :p
You never get back the money you put into them :rolleyes:

Tom Brown
03-22-2006, 12:33 PM
Would I be out of line to suggest that this thread has begun to suck ass?

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 12:38 PM
HH, got a question for you. In your opinion do you think:
1) There are more idiot jetboat (small boat) drivers?
2) There are more idiot Big Boat drivers?
3) There are idiot drivers reguardless of the boat size, make, speed?
I think there is a pool of idiot drivers, and it just depends on what size boat they can afford.
I put Bayliners/Sea Doos in a different category. Since they take less skill to drive and/or maintain, and cost of entry is lower, there are more rookie drivers owning them.
Hence, there is a higher percentage of idiot drivers in that category.
Just my (non-expert) observations based on 25+ years of boating.

03-22-2006, 12:39 PM
Where is the sinking boat video?

03-22-2006, 01:15 PM
By your logic, all jetboat owners are drunk idiots that don't know how to drive. Comon, LVjetboy...even you're not that stupid.
Logic? What logic? You know how we are over here. :D

03-22-2006, 01:18 PM
Logic? What logic? You know how we are over here. :D
Too bad that's not a no wake zone buoy. :notam: :rolleyes: :D

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 01:26 PM
Too bad that's not a no wake zone buoy. :notam: :rolleyes: :D
Center marker, no wake buoy...those jet guys don't even know the difference! What a bunch of drunk idiot, unsafe, potatochipcraft-driving mo-fo's!
PS- You know, I wonder if he could run over that buoy and not even touch the tunnel? :idea:

03-22-2006, 01:28 PM
Too bad that's not a no wake zone buoy. :notam: :rolleyes: :D
Sorry, couldn't read it going by too fast. :D

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 01:37 PM
For thos of you jet guys who don't know what a real prop boat looks like...

03-22-2006, 01:38 PM
what I find interesting is how people get bent out of shape when the safety/liability/speed thing comes up. I just hope that nothing happens to any of you guys when doing speed runs! As most of you already know, bad things happen a whole lot quicker the faster you go.
Be safe out there everyone!
If you were referring to me, I wasn't bent over what was said rather how it was said. No need for me to go back and pull out quotes, no harm no foul. At the end of the day, we're all boaters and should stick together. There's room for all of us, and we can ALL be safer.
Have a safe and fun summer.
(and really, no bad intent was meant by the "chip" comment) :)

03-22-2006, 01:38 PM
Center marker, no wake buoy...those jet guys don't even know the difference! What a bunch of drunk idiot, unsafe, potatochipcraft-driving mo-fo's!
Hey HH. I was smiling when I posted above, in case you missed that. The buoy thing was a joke. Oh ya, and I own a SeaRay not a Bayliner so I'm really safe. :)

03-22-2006, 01:39 PM
Nice boat.... What ever happened with the sinking boat video?

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 01:40 PM
Hey HH. I was smiling when I posted above, in case you missed that. The buoy thing was a joke. Oh ya, and I own a SeaRay not a Bayliner so I'm really safe. :)
I know...my sarcasm doesn't translate well to text, either.

03-22-2006, 01:41 PM
PS- You know, I wonder if he could run over that buoy and not even touch the tunnel? :idea:
Hmmm... that might be worth trying next time. :D :D
Sorry, couldn't read it going by too fast. :D
Yeah, and I made that comment already up in the Public Enemy #1 thread up in the Sandbar. Then RD and Bubbles got photoshopped in too, like anyone would slow down for him. :D :D
p.s. Anyone here due for a new avatar???
:D :D

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 01:46 PM
Nice boat.... What ever happened with the sinking boat video?
It's on my home comuter. I'm outside Home Depot right now, trying to get some work for today. :cry:

03-22-2006, 01:58 PM
It's on my home comuter. I'm outside Home Depot right now, trying to get some work for today. :cry:
Cool, I wouldn't mind checkin it out for the hell of it. As far as all that other business, I don't really see what all the uproar is about.... The graph friggin cracked me up. :cool: :rollside:

03-22-2006, 02:05 PM
I still thin jetboats are safer.

03-22-2006, 02:05 PM
If you were referring to me, I wasn't bent over what was said rather how it was said. No need for me to go back and pull out quotes, no harm no foul. At the end of the day, we're all boaters and should stick together. There's room for all of us, and we can ALL be safer.
Have a safe and fun summer.
(and really, no bad intent was meant by the "chip" comment) :)
Not referring to you specifically, just a general observation although HH appears to have his panties in a bunch :D :rolleyes:
I didn't even watch the video that you all are talking about.
I suppose you're going to argue the point that bad things can happen faster at higher speeds? As far as the jet boat sinking at idle....if you're referring to Fleetimus' boat at Camp Far West on New Year's Day 2 years ago, yes it happened. I also can pretty much gaurantee that had he been running at a high rate of speed, he could've been seriously hurt or worse.
Since you brought that up, it's a perfect example of a parts failure that caused a bad situation. It can happen to any boat at any time.

03-22-2006, 02:11 PM
Here's a link to see the video of it sinking and of it's rising
they are the Condor vids
Apparently the driveline broke in such a way that it cracked the pump housing very badly.

03-22-2006, 02:19 PM
Here's a link to see the video of it sinking and of it's rising
they are the Condor vids
Apparently the driveline broke in such a way that it cracked the pump housing very badly.
Oh yeah, I seen those awhile back. I was wondering if it was that boat or another one. That was on a New Year's Day if I'm not mistaken.... Crazy stuff.

03-22-2006, 02:36 PM
ha ha (http://www.highperformancecars.com/hhangin/kroozin_the_gorge.wmv)
Hey Jordy, your date sitting next to you has some big azz tits. LMAO :)

03-22-2006, 02:44 PM
ha ha (http://www.highperformancecars.com/hhangin/kroozin_the_gorge.wmv)
Hey Jordy, your date sitting next to you has some big azz tits. LMAO :)
nah, that's not me in the first part of the video. That was shot on Friday. ;)

03-22-2006, 02:46 PM
I still thin jetboats are safer.
R U sure....????

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 02:50 PM
I suppose you're going to argue the point that bad things can happen faster at higher speeds? As far as the jet boat sinking at idle....if you're referring to Fleetimus' boat at Camp Far West on New Year's Day 2 years ago, yes it happened. I also can pretty much gaurantee that had he been running at a high rate of speed, he could've been seriously hurt or worse.
Since you brought that up, it's a perfect example of a parts failure that caused a bad situation. It can happen to any boat at any time.
Nobody was hurt when that Skater rolled over, either (driver error).
My point is, some boats are safer than others at different speeds. People can die in a jetboat at 0MPH, a fishing boat at 30MPH, or a 50' Nor-Tech at 230MPH.
Just as many people feel their 18' jetboat is in it's "safety zone" at 30MPH, a 200MPH+ 36' Skater is in it's safety zone at 120MPH. KROOZIN has had mechanical failure at over 150MPH with no ill effect.
Some people on this thread are trying to compare apples to oranges, based on their own boats...which just doesn't make sense.

Tom Brown
03-22-2006, 02:59 PM
.... that prop boat lost steering and thrust at the same time. I guess victorfb was right. :idea:

03-22-2006, 03:10 PM
.... that prop boat lost steering and thrust at the same time. I guess victorfb was right. :idea:
Well technically it's still thrusting.....

03-22-2006, 03:12 PM
Well technically it's still thrusting.....
And it's got a rudder, so I'm guessing at that point it will still steer better than a jetboat with no rudder and no power. :D :D :D

03-22-2006, 03:19 PM
talk about a wake ruining someone's day:

03-22-2006, 04:45 PM
That video was fricking sweet. Those guys cracked me up at the end.... "you alright? We're up the right way, brother. "
Seemed like they'd done that before maybe?

03-22-2006, 05:05 PM
This punk looks familiar:

03-22-2006, 05:30 PM
This punk looks familiar:
Great. That's what I'm talking about. A total disregard for other boats. There were hundreds of them out there and you could have very possibly hit every one of them if you lost both engines and drives and the skegs fell off taking out all the steering rams and bigfoot jumped out in front of you and pushed the boat into the crowd after both throttles stuck. Maniac. :D

03-22-2006, 05:33 PM
Great. That's what I'm talking about. A total disregard for other boats. There were hundreds of them out there and you could have very possibly hit every one of them if you lost both engines and drives and the skegs fell off taking out all the steering rams and bigfoot jumped out in front of you and pushed the boat into the crowd after both throttles stuck. Maniac. :D
I'd hate to see the damage this guy could have created....... :p
That there be 202mph's

03-22-2006, 05:35 PM
Great. That's what I'm talking about. A total disregard for other boats. There were hundreds of them out there and you could have very possibly hit every one of them if you lost both engines and drives and the skegs fell off taking out all the steering rams and bigfoot jumped out in front of you and pushed the boat into the crowd after both throttles stuck. Maniac. :D
make that thousands.... :rollside:

03-22-2006, 05:40 PM
make that thousands.... :rollside:
hooligan. :D

03-22-2006, 06:04 PM
I first post this suggesting people be safe out on the water
As most of you already know, bad things happen a whole lot quicker the faster you go.
Be safe out there everyone!
and you come back with this
I have video of a jetboat sinking while idling...anyone wanna see it?
I then post this
I suppose you're going to argue the point that bad things can happen faster at higher speeds? As far as the jet boat sinking at idle....if you're referring to Fleetimus' boat at Camp Far West on New Year's Day 2 years ago, yes it happened. I also can pretty much gaurantee that had he been running at a high rate of speed, he could've been seriously hurt or worse.
Since you brought that up, it's a perfect example of a parts failure that caused a bad situation. It can happen to any boat at any time.
[QUOTE=Havasu Hangin']Nobody was hurt when that Skater rolled over, either (driver error).
and you come back with this
[QUOTE=Havasu Hangin']My point is, some boats are safer than others at different speeds. People can die in a jetboat at 0MPH, a fishing boat at 30MPH, or a 50' Nor-Tech at 230MPH.
Just as many people feel their 18' jetboat is in it's "safety zone" at 30MPH, a 200MPH+ 36' Skater is in it's safety zone at 120MPH. KROOZIN has had mechanical failure at over 150MPH with no ill effect.
Some people on this thread are trying to compare apples to oranges, based on their own boats...which just doesn't make sense.
You have a chip on your shoulder. I didn't say anything about Kroozin, I didn't specify anyone and I didn't even watch the video.
I don't give a crap what you're going to say but going 120 is a lot more dangerous vs idling. If you argue that point you're nuts.
I also know for a fact that if I'm idling around, I sure as hell can stop a lot faster if someone crosses my path. I also know that it's not going to hurt my boat much if there happens to be something floating just under the surface.
In any case, I'll end my participation in this thread by saying it again.
I hope everyone stays safe out there!

Havasu Hangin'
03-22-2006, 11:03 PM
You have a chip on your shoulder.
I may have a chip on my shoulder...
...but at least my boat isn't one!
(that was a joke, for all you scoring at home)

Tom Brown
03-22-2006, 11:22 PM
make that thousands.... :rollside:
Look at those trees. What is that.... Canada? :confused:

03-23-2006, 07:27 AM
I may have a chip on my shoulder...
...but at least my boat isn't one!
(that was a joke, for all you scoring at home)
Fooken grow up!

Havasu Hangin'
03-23-2006, 07:30 AM
Fooken grow up!

03-23-2006, 07:46 AM
Look at those trees. What is that.... Canada? :confused:
Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri

03-23-2006, 07:56 AM
Fooken grow up!
Popcorn, get your popcorn here!!!
Oops, wrong "fooken" one.
:D :D :D

03-23-2006, 08:19 AM
Popcorn, get your popcorn here!!!
Oops, wrong "fooken" one.
:D :D :D
I'll take the popcorn as I have been running low...
HH and a few others are a good laugh...

460 jus getn it
03-23-2006, 08:30 AM
Popcorn, get your popcorn here!!!
Oops, wrong "fooken" one.
:D :D :D
this is too fooken funny..............

03-23-2006, 08:30 AM
Out of line shit I am Jealous-----YOU ROCK.... :rollside:

03-23-2006, 08:41 AM
Havasu Hangin on Kroozins balls., and lookin like the fag that he is :yuk: :yuk:
Kroozin: You are a very classy individual with a bitchen boat. You have handled these attacks very well. IF HH would just STFU you would have had alot less criticizm :idea:
Jordy just when I think your spoon cant get any bigger you prove me wrong :idea: :cool:
Kroozin bitchen videos :cool:

03-23-2006, 08:49 AM
Jordy just when I think your spoon cant get any bigger you prove me wrong :idea: :cool:
Thank you, I think. That means alot coming from a stir expert such as yourself. :D

Havasu Hangin'
03-23-2006, 08:54 AM
Anyone wanna put 250 gallons of race gas in that lasts less than 2 days?
Kroozin: You are a very classy individual with a bitchen boat. You have handled these attacks very well.
Look...it's the President of the "Nutswinger's Club"!

460 jus getn it
03-23-2006, 09:08 AM
Anyone wanna put 250 gallons of race gas in that lasts less than 2 days?
Look...it's the President of the "Nutswinger's Club"!
http://www.highperformancecars.com/hhangin/gaydar.gifthat is one badass boat.................

03-23-2006, 09:22 AM
Kroozin: You have handled these attacks very well.
Kroozin bitchen videos :cool:
I learned my lesson the hard way. A while back, I attacked someone on this site, turns out I had boggus info, but handled it poorly. I apologized and hopefully it was received.
Dude.....UCLA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! :pj/k) :D :D

03-23-2006, 09:42 AM
Thank you, I think. That means alot coming from a stir expert such as yourself. :D
IM just worried a little about your association with Mr. Cock Blocker(hh) :yuk: :yuk: I will say I've enjoyed the laughs from these threads over the last couple of days :cool:

Havasu Hangin'
03-23-2006, 10:23 AM
Damn, I wish it wasn't so crowded last weekend...

460 jus getn it
03-23-2006, 10:31 AM
Damn, I wish it wasn't so crowded last weekend...
yep.....got to watch out for all those boats.................might make it unsafe to run the boat...............

03-23-2006, 11:02 AM
IM just worried a little about your association with Mr. Cock Blocker(hh) :yuk: :yuk: I will say I've enjoyed the laughs from these threads over the last couple of days :cool:
He's a good guy!
I've enjoyed them as well. :)

03-23-2006, 11:18 AM
He's a good guy!
I've enjoyed them as well. :)
IM glad you feel that way :cool: As a person away from Hot Boat IM sure he's a great guy :idea: As a moderator hes a ***** ****** *** ******. that uses his authority to help out his buddies. IM assuming he's probably about 5'5 220 lbs(napolean complex)

Havasu Hangin'
03-23-2006, 11:22 AM
As a moderator hes a ***** ****** *** ******.

03-23-2006, 11:24 AM
I think there is a pool of idiot drivers
Ok, I agree. So no matter the type of boat or power, no one has control over idiot drivers who operate them. Correct?
So, could one also then say... No matter how safe one hull is, or driver experience, accidents can happen with any type of boat, speed, and driver knowledge since no one has control over the water conditions they run on. Correct?
Granted, if you put an experienced driver in a proven hull that has a great safety record, verses a non-experienced driver in a proven hull that has a great safety record, your chances of an accident are minimized, but still present.

Havasu Hangin'
03-23-2006, 11:35 AM
Ok, I agree. So no matter the type of boat or power, no one has control over idiot drivers who operate them. Correct?
So, could one also then say... No matter how safe one hull is, or driver experience, accidents can happen with any type of boat, speed, and driver knowledge since no one has control over the water conditions they run on. Correct?
Granted, if you put an experienced driver in a proven hull that has a great safety record, verses a non-experienced driver in a proven hull that has a great safety record, your chances of an accident are minimized, but still present.
Absolutely...that's my point. You guys feel your boats are safe because you are experienced drivers, and at a certain speeds, with during certain water conditions, so you don't wear vests. the risks are minimized, right?
However, we have these same guys are talking Skater safety based on their own boats at those speeds, but no idea about his driving experience, hull capability, or water conditions (just a 37 second video).
Gotta love the internet! We sat there all day, and nobody came up and preached Lifelines. If you guys wanna do it, we're in the channel, and the boat is not hard to find...lol.

03-23-2006, 02:00 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: