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08-12-2003, 01:21 PM
Drunk Lake Patrol Arrested (Post #1)
TAHLEQUAH -- An on-duty Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper was charged Monday with operating a Department of Public Safety vessel and carrying a firearm while intoxicated on Fort Gibson Lake, records show.
He registered a blood-alcohol content of 0.14 after being detained from his Lake Patrol assignment Sunday at Paradise Cove in Cherokee County, First Assistant District Attorney Monte Strout said.
The legal limit for operating a vessel is 0.10, two-hundredths higher than the standard for driving an automobile, Strout said.
Dancer was detained and then released Sunday following an OHP administrative investigation.
Prosecutors filed misdemeanor counts Monday of operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol and possessing a firearm while under the influence of alcohol, records show.
The trooper, whose bail has been set at $5,000, is expected to surrender to the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, Strout said.
A 15-year member of the OHP, Dancer has been placed on paid administrative leave, OHP Lt. Brandon Kopepasah said.
I thought some of you that have been stopped by the patrol for alcohol might like to see this.
[ August 12, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: JETBOAT BRIAN ]

08-12-2003, 02:09 PM
Where are all the people crying foul now. LET HIM GO. He was driving safely..
Guess what life sucks to be him and he will get it worse than anyone else....

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 03:47 PM
What he did was wrong. He screwed up big time,unfortunately for him and his family he is going to lose his job. cry

08-12-2003, 03:48 PM
The trooper, whose bail has been set at $5,000, is expected to surrender to the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office. Hmmm. Seeing how the wife is a registered Cherokee, I wonder if she'll consider going back to the (forced) homeland. Looks like they have an openeing there. :D
Seriously. It's incidents like this that gives us all a black eye. I just hope the trooper gets some help. It's ptretty clear he has some problems.

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 03:52 PM
I agree he does need help.Hopefully his dept. has some kind of program to help him through this. cry

08-12-2003, 03:57 PM
I always knew the cops drank all the alcohol that they confiscated, but I guess I figured it was after hours. wink

08-12-2003, 04:23 PM
Yeah he needs help. Like relieving him of that ****in` check he`s still getting. New someone with UPS. They didn`t get a paycheck. If he hasn`t busted others that were borderline than I feel sorry for him. But he probably has sent alot of people to jail for DUI. **** him. I`m not putting a gun to his head and forcing him to be a cop. He took the oath. He took the taxpayers money. Now he can go take a dump in a stainless toilet. ****in` prick. :cool:

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 04:33 PM
He did screw up and their is probably nobody out there that knows that better than him. Should he be disciplined ? Absolutely. People make mistakes and believe it or not police officers make mistakes also. I believe the discipline should fit the crime. Is this a first offense or is this an ongoing problem,all facts should be considered before any discipline is handed down by his dept.

08-12-2003, 05:04 PM
Pal you gave him the power to arrest you for the same offense. You gave him the badge. Shouldn`t he be responsible with it. Again I am not telling him that he HAS to be a cop for a living. I`m not and don`t want to. I have friends that are. If they did this I`d say Duddley ****in` Do Right Can`t do no wrong! So what the **** are you doing shit wrong for. And he is still getting his check.
I have had DWI`s. Yeah little row boat, the next day I knew I did wrong. But guess what! No one gave a ****. Especially the cop(s) that busted me.

Tom Brown
08-12-2003, 05:10 PM
HOSS, it would be so nice if you would make an effort to get along with others. :)

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 05:29 PM
Im not saying you should give a ****.The difference is that he will probably lose his job, because he is a civil servant where many people work in the private sector wont lose their livelyhood.They will have to pay their fines and increased insurance premiums and get to go along their merry little way. GIVE HIM THE SAME CONSIDERATION !

Tom Brown
08-12-2003, 05:30 PM
little rowe boat:

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 05:36 PM
He's already got that. :D

08-12-2003, 05:39 PM
little rowe boat:
Im not saying you should give a ****.The difference is that he will probably lose his job, because he is a civil servant where many people work in the private sector wont lose their livelyhood.They will have to pay their fines and increased insurance premiums and get to go along their merry little way. GIVE HIM THE SAME CONSIDERATION ! I think its a little different,dont ya think? He's an officer of the law ON duty and got caught.He should lose his job and pay the fines and such.Actually its alot different,he positively should lose his job if convicted.I mean he was a cop on duty,should he just get a lisence suspension? Hell no!

Tom Brown
08-12-2003, 05:41 PM
...I mean he was a cop on duty,should he just get a lisence suspension?They should reduce his ammo allowance for a few weeks, too.

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 05:43 PM
Im sure circumstances will dictate his discipline.He will have to pay his fines and everything else also. Yes and Im sure there is a very good chance he will lose his job. cry

sorry dog
08-12-2003, 05:47 PM
I was thinking a bobby club myself

little rowe boat
08-12-2003, 05:48 PM
Yah then we will call him Barney Fife.

CA Stu
08-12-2003, 06:16 PM
Maybe he thought he was David Lee Roth and went into the donut shop and got "A dozen glazed donuts and a pint of anything...to go"
I reckon he shit in his own bed, he can sleep in it. It's called personal responsibility you bleeding hearts!
CA Stu

08-12-2003, 06:20 PM
Tom Brown:
...I mean he was a cop on duty,should he just get a lisence suspension?They should reduce his ammo allowance for a few weeks, too. Scarry to think he had a gun in the first place,not too mention he might have had to save a life or two that day!

08-12-2003, 06:30 PM
I would think that anyone in the private sector who was busted for OUI while driving a company vehicle would be fired. I don't think the former captain of the Valdez is still working for Exxon.

08-12-2003, 06:49 PM
I think we should all(DUI offenders) should get a chance to stomp on his dick! In gravel. :D

08-12-2003, 06:54 PM
You gotta be f'n kidden me. I've been worked by the long arm of the law. He needs to see how it feels to be a human being on the lake havin a nice day when HARVEY the cop fu@#s his day over. I know cops, they love there job and the perks. You sign up and your a cop all the time. If I showed up for work intoxicated I would be assed out, and the union hall will flag you. Whatever comes around goes around.

08-12-2003, 06:59 PM
How about this scenereo? You get on my aircraft that I am first officer on, I'm toasted but hey, you're in the back and don't know any better. I get caught flying drunk, should I lose my job. Your answer would definately be YES! Same standard applies here. I have a responsibility to my passengers, much like law enforcement has with citizens.
My .02

08-12-2003, 07:01 PM
little rowe boat:
Im sure circumstances will dictate his discipline.He will have to pay his fines and everything else also. Yes and Im sure there is a very good chance he will lose his job. cry On something like this, I would tend to believe that the Agency would almost HAVE to terminate him. This sounds like it may be a small town where word has probably already spread among the community about the "Cop on duty that was busted for OUI". Undoubtedly his credibility would be shot when he is called to testify, as an officer, in future alcohol related incidents. Either way it's a bad situation.

08-12-2003, 07:30 PM
Unfortunately, in this day and age, it's harder to terminate someone for something like this than you might think.
Back in the day, your Chief or Sheriff could call you in the office, demand your badge and send you packing. Not just for this, but for just about anything.
Since the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) classifies alcoholism as a "disease", and therefore subject to the ADA, the Department has to make "reasonable accommodations", to deal with an employee with such a "disability". They are required to provide treatment and rehabilitation, and can't just throw him to the wolves.
While all Certifying Boards (which grant our police powers) have rules that make drunk on duty an offense that calls for revocation or at least a suspension of Police Certification, the Agency may have to keep him on in some other non peace officer capacity (detention, evidence custodian, records clerk, etc.) after treatment. Even some Certifying boards will let them resume their police duties, after successful treatment, suspension, and suitable recommendations from their agency.
If there was a 2nd incident, then they could give him the boot for good.
Hey. We're human too. And make mistakes. He should be run through the Criminal Justice System just like anyone else. As far as any other problems he may have, hopefully he will get the necessary help and assistance to overcome them.
Even those we arrest for DUI or OUI are required to attend some sort of alcohol screening. We don't just lock them up, fine them and send them on their way. We give them the opportunity to change their behavior. And going through the screening shaves 9 days off of a mandatory 10 day sentence. Hopefully they will come away from it with a different attitude, and no longer drink and drive.
I do agree that his credibility in court would be shot. Not to mention the Department's liability if someone were hurt or killed in a subsequent incident.

08-12-2003, 07:48 PM
Hey. We're human too. And make mistakes. He should be run through the Criminal Justice System just like anyone else. As far as any other problems he may have, hopefully he will get the necessary help and assistance to overcome them.
Absolutely, I agree. I've known firemen that were charged with DUI and had their license suspended. Well, if you're a fireman who happens to drive the truck/engine then you are no longer able to perform your duties. I've never heard of one being terminated for it, but they did get demoted to a non-driving position. (Less pay)
Re-hab/counseling/treatment is always involved

08-12-2003, 08:03 PM
To be honest kilrtoy, the only thing I REALLY WANT, is just to have the law reversed back to what it was.. and what it still is in alot of other places (for example the place where this cop went to jail). .10 is the way to go. .08 is to damn straight..
Wont happen, the .08 was driven by the feds. If you want highway federal funds, lower your BAC. That is what caused that law, along with some other minor things.
Yes he is probably done and rightfully so he was wasted on duty.

08-12-2003, 08:08 PM
Yes he is probably done and rightfully so he was wasted on duty. "On-duty" is the thing that will hurt him. I'm not sure what would happen if a fireman were caught DUI on-duty, but I know it wouldn't be pretty

08-12-2003, 08:52 PM
Well hit in the testicles with a railroad spike.

08-13-2003, 06:42 AM
Those dang Okies GEEZ !!

08-13-2003, 03:14 PM
CA Stu:
I reckon he shit in his own bed, he can sleep in it. It's called personal responsibility you bleeding hearts!
CA Stu If I got caught boozin at my job I'd get the BIG BOOT immediatly.
No bleedin hearts have ever stuck up for me.
I'm inclined to think he'll get what he deserves, regardless of the standards.
Peace Man :cool:

08-13-2003, 06:01 PM
i wonder how many dui/dwi's he let slide in his career. how many he allowed to call a tow truck or some one to come get them ???
How many of you on these boards have been given a break when you should have took the ride ????
Is there anyone on here who can cast a stone ????