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View Full Version : Who should play Jessica Lynch?

04-03-2003, 06:02 AM
Hot topic on the radio this morning was the inevitable movie about Jessica Lynch. Some of the comments so far were Calista Flockhart and Meg Ryan. Some liked her playing herself ala Audie Murphy. My favorite was Susan Sarandon, but change the ending and let them keep her. Who do you think?
[ April 03, 2003, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: Seadog ]

04-03-2003, 06:07 AM
Good question. My opinion: none of the shit for brains in Hollywood qualify to portray her. It would be nice to see a soldier denounce the entertainment industry for their bullshit.

LeE ss13
04-03-2003, 06:40 AM
Brooke Burns !!!

04-03-2003, 07:03 AM
I think Meg Ryan did a movie like that where she went down and was blamed for the crash or something like that. Memory is fading...Alzheimer's is setting in...
Callista F*cknot - not believable to being rescued sinve she's so damn skinny the rescuers couldn't find her.
Susan Sarandon - way to old.
Seriously....Jennifer Garner!

04-03-2003, 09:05 AM
I kind of like Sarah Michelle Gellar for the role.

04-03-2003, 09:17 AM
Why would they make a movie about this? Oh, thats right, shes a "hero." I just love how this word is tossed around so easily these days. IMO, this does not qualify for hero status. She was captured, and survived, nothing more. A hero is...
1. Someone that dives on a grenade to save thier buddies.
2. A unit that cant follow directions, and makes a wrong turn in the desert, only to end up being captured.
-Dick "tired of hearing how everyone is a hero" Danger Out
[ April 03, 2003, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: DickDanger ]

04-03-2003, 11:12 AM
She took 3 rounds and kept shooting Iraqis till she ran out of bullets, sounds kinda Heroic to me.

Tom Brown
04-03-2003, 11:19 AM
How about that Fox news chick?

04-03-2003, 11:41 AM
Hero, maybe not, or at least with a small h. She was also stabbed it said in the news. I will say she is a damn good soldier for not giving up. :D I would really like to see the results of the investigation about how they were cut off from everyone else. :confused:

04-03-2003, 12:01 PM
She took 3 rounds and kept shooting Iraqis till she ran out of bullets, sounds kinda Heroic to me. No, thats called doing what you signed up to do. Being a soldier. Maybe we should just give her the Congressional Medal of Honor right now. Its like 9/11. I am a fireman, so my ass is qualified to make this statement. Were all of the firefighters that ran into the towers heros? Maybe, but not really in my opinion. There isnt a fireman alive that wouldnt have done that. It is our job, and what we have chosen to do. I am just sick of the media trying to turn everything into hero status. Shit, I was in Mogadishu, Somalia for Christmas and New Years 92-93, was bitten by a Cobra, and saved 2 kids lives....I must be a hero too!!!! I would agree with Spectra on this...good soldier? for sure. Hero...no. -DD Out
[ April 03, 2003, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: DickDanger ]

04-03-2003, 12:50 PM
Who's to say what a hero is then? Is it fighting to the end to possibly save your fellow soldiers? (Did she know they mates were already dead?) Is it running up the stairs of the twin towers when you suspect that they might collapse just so that one other person might be helped out? Is it diving belly first onto a grenade to save the lives of your platoon mates? I don't know...what she did was still pretty amazing, I think. From reports - 2 broken legs, broken arm, bullet wound(s) and still fought until she ran out of ammo. Not your ordinary 19 y.o. old.
P.S. I think all fireman are heros whether or not they do something heroic. Just the act of risking their lives to save others is pretty heroic to me.

04-03-2003, 01:48 PM
A hero is simply someone who does what is necessary when confronted by a life or death situation. A lot of hype is given this young woman because our nation is looking for a hero to represent our war effort. More than the actual heroics is that she represents all the brave troops that we have over there. So far she has all the attributes that Hollywood would like. She is young and cute, comes from a poor background, but enlisted to get her college education. Her group faced overwhelming odds, but she fought until she ran out of ammo, despite being wounded. She then endured torture and starvation until a daring rescue by Special Forces. Heroes are an every day occurance, but now and then, one will capture the imagination of the public. I, for one, will not begrudge Jessica her moment in the spotlight because I know she is merely representing all the young men and women who are at risk over there. My only hope is that she does not get caught up in the hype or that some journalist doesn't dig up some sordid little incident.

sorry dog
04-03-2003, 02:57 PM
I think Jenna Jameson should play the part. She does a good jail scene.

04-03-2003, 03:14 PM
sorry dog:
I think Jenna Jameson should play the part. She does a good jail scene. lol, I'm liking that idea!
Anyway I think it's pretty bad ass that she went through all of that and made it. She's a country girl all the way. That's why she plugged a few of those rag heads along the way. My buddies daughter (city girl) is in the air force and is having a hard time quilafing with firearms. Hell, that Jessica was most likly killing game at a young age. (and she's pretty hot too)
D.D. would you say those guys that went in and saved her ass are heros?? I would, but then again everyone over there is a hero to me. Yeah, it's their job but they stepped up on their own to do it. Just like you DD. No one asked you to be in the armed forces or fight fires. DD, your my hero brah! I'm not shitting ya bro, I mean it.
sd013 out! lol :D

04-03-2003, 03:23 PM
LMAO@Superdave!!! Well, at least I am SOMEONES hero!!! I agree that what she did was courageous in the face of death, but I have to ask: what were her options?
1. Lay down and die
2. Fight
Every human has the ability and the will to survive. When faced with your own mortality, what would the people on here do? If your answer is "cower and wait to die" you are probably suicidal anyways. Yep, she signed up to go to college, just like most of these people that join the armed forces do. They forget that their NUMBER 1 priority is to defend the constitution, and take orders from the Commander in Chief. I am simply saying that this does not qualify for heroics in my book. She did what she had to do, and it was either that, or die. Pretty simple. Its like Scott O'Grady back in '95, when he was shot down over Bosnia. I am glad that he made it home, and he showed exemplary skills as a soldier, but I would have been asking him "where the hell is my jet at?" He did what his training allowed him to do: survive and evade capture. Now, if he had dragged a wounded buddy all over hells creation, and they had been rescued, THEN he would be a hero in my book. -DD Out
I for one am glad that she returned safely, and she exemplifies everything that is good about the fighting spirit of the American soldier.
[ April 03, 2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: DickDanger ]

04-03-2003, 03:35 PM
Hey man, if my house is on fire I want ya to put it out ok. :rolleyes:
lol, I try not to piss of my cocktail waitress to ya know. :D
Really though, I just think it's pretty cool she had the skills to shoot a few of those ****ers.
Her mom and dad were on tv not to long ago. Damn, their pad don't look like it has indoor plumbing yet. No wonder she's a good fighter.
Oh, I'm still sticking with Jenna Jameson for her part. :D

Just Tool'n
04-03-2003, 04:19 PM
How about Reece Witherspoon!

04-03-2003, 05:01 PM
I have to agree that going with Jenna Jameson would be the bomb. She did a most excellent job in that staple that resides in all firehouses "Flashpoint". If you dont yet have this one, I suggest that you get it. LMAO....-Dick "I only watch porn for the acting" Danger Out

04-04-2003, 07:41 AM
Who'er excels in what we prize
Appears a hero in our eyes
Jonathan Swift
Jessica may be no better or less than any other soldier, but the story is one that will be told. The soldiers of all branches that did a great job, the brave Iraqi lawyer who got word to the troops, and the sub human villians. It all fits the pattern that captures the public and media. There will be many stories that come out of this conflict. I am glad about this one because it is a positive one.
How about Paltrow?

04-04-2003, 07:47 AM
Paltrow is about the only one that could look young enough...Jessica Lynch is 19 and looks like she's 14...all those actresses mentioned look too old to play Jessica Lynch IMO. :)

04-04-2003, 07:48 AM
sorry dog:
I think Jenna Jameson should play the part. She does a good jail scene. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

04-04-2003, 09:11 AM
Pretty simple. Its like Scott O'Grady back in '95, when he was shot down over Bosnia. I am glad that he made it home, and he showed exemplary skills as a soldier, but I would have been asking him "where the hell is my jet at?" He did what his training allowed him to do: survive and evade capture. Now, if he had dragged a wounded buddy all over hells creation, and they had been rescued, THEN he would be a hero in my book. -DD Out
Hey DD, you're the first person that I have run into that feels the same as me. Shit, he got shot down and hid under a tree for a few days. The guys in the CH-53s had way more on the ball than Scotty. They had to come in low, slow, and noisy to grab him.
[ April 04, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: rrrr ]

04-04-2003, 10:21 AM
Meaning no disrespect to the fighting soldiers around the globe, and keeping this reply to the main post, can't we change the ending from what it is to one where they are unsuccesful in rescuing "a female soldier?"
The ONLY reason i suggest this it to place JANE FONDA at the head of the list of (mortally wounded) actresses.

04-04-2003, 10:56 AM
Jennifer Love Hewitt. Petite, young, cute. Plus she's got some nice cans.... :D Color her hair lighter....CBS Movie of the Week !

04-04-2003, 11:00 AM
Good question. My opinion: none of the shit for brains in Hollywood qualify to portray her. It would be nice to see a soldier denounce the entertainment industry for their bullshit. aka'rrr'...Exactly!

04-04-2003, 01:24 PM
Jessica Lynch is 19 and looks like she's 14Just the way I like them...... :D