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View Full Version : Weekend crime update...

07-11-2003, 06:38 PM
O.J. part 2 is now going on in Bakersfield.Dude with domestic violence priors is under suspicion for whacking his wife,3 kids and even mother-in-law.When the police tried to find him for questioning he mysteriously showed up in North Carolina!!
In other news Kobe's situation is going from bad to shitty!He had to give DNA samples,which means they suspect him of a little more than getting"road head",if you know what I mean!!To make things worse this girl is a gravy trainer,an ex cheerleader and American Idol contestant.Looks like someone's lookin to get paid eh??

07-11-2003, 07:02 PM
O.J. part 2 is now going on in Bakersfield.Dude with domestic violence priors is under suspicion for whacking his wife,3 kids and even mother-in-law.When the police tried to find him for questioning he mysteriously showed up in North Carolina!!
In other news Kobe's situation is going from bad to shitty!He had to give DNA samples,which means they suspect him of a little more than getting"road head",if you know what I mean!!To make things worse this girl is a gravy trainer,an ex cheerleader and American Idol contestant.Looks like someone's lookin to get paid eh?? or Kobe figures he can get with anything since he's a rich ass celebrity basketball player...I'll wait until all the facts come out but i'm sick of celebrities getting away with shit that you and I would get hammered for...If Kobe did rape this girl then I hope he gets out and the father hunts his ass down and shoots him..Because thats what I would want to do.

07-11-2003, 07:27 PM
Greg you had some action down by you last night eek!

07-11-2003, 08:53 PM
Greg you had some action down by you last night eek! closer to 50th st west i think..some punk ass gang banger did a drive by last week and the cops tried to grab him yesterday...so he hid out in house..big man,, runs and hides...

Jungle Boy
07-11-2003, 09:02 PM
I have to admit that I would love to live in full time summer like you guys, but the crime would worry me to death. We have asian gangs that peddle their shit and cause hell here, but they just shoot each other it seems. Very rarely does an innocent by-stander get wacked. I don't envy the cops there. They risk their lives every shift. Does it make you want to take out the punks your selves?
As for rich "famous" pricks getting special treatment; that's just pure bullshit. They should get the same as every one else does, but they rarely do. That's too bad. yuk