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07-11-2002, 08:19 PM
The discussion about dogs deserves it's own thread, so here it is.
What kind of dog do you have, and what are it's best and worst qualities?
I'll start with my "Pepper". She's a 5 year old Red Bloodhound.
http://users.rraz.net/anelson/PEPPER1.JPG http://users.rraz.net/anelson/Pepper/HOUND2.JPG
I got her from the Arizona Prison system, where she was trained as a man-tracker to hunt down escapees.
I've had her now a little more than 2 years, and have converted her to a Search Hound, helping search for lost people in the desert.
I've also started training to have her "Marine Search" certified, so she can locate drowning victims. She loved riding in the boat from the first time I took her out, even though she'd never even seen one before. (Has her own Lifejacket too.)
She already has 1 save to her credit. Last Christmas a severely handicapped 31 year old man (development of a 2 year old) wandered away from his home out in the desert by Bouse. We were airlifted into his last known position, where the search team had found footprints.
I scented Pepper from his jacket, and she immediately picked up his trail, and led me for about 3 miles, where we found him, cold, hungry, but alive. The kid was overjoyed with the dog, and Pepper was strutting around like she'd just won the Westminster dog show.
Bad qualities? Since she has to be a "free thinker" she was never really obedience trained, so can get out of control somewhat. But when ever I put her harness on, she knows it's time to work, and obeys every command instantly.
Best Quality? She's 100% tax deductible. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
BoatCop (http://www.boatcop.com)
[This message has been edited by Boatcop (edited July 11, 2002).]

07-11-2002, 08:31 PM
Great topic BoatCop. Dogs are one of my favorite subjects...
This is MaggiePie and LiLMissHBjet taking a nap. Maggs is a BrusselsGriffen. They are a rare bread here in the U.S. If you seen the movie "As Good as it Gets" with Jack Nichelson, thats the same kinda dog I have. She even comes from the same bloodline as that dog. She was a bday present from a friend 3 yrs ago. I love her to pieces. I take her everywhere with me, including DogBeach, and the ParkBench Cafe where they have a menu for dogs to so your dog can eat lunch with you. She is very smart to. We taught her to do some pretty cool tricks.
I love all 7.4 lbs of her.
[This message has been edited by MissHBjet (edited July 11, 2002).]

07-11-2002, 08:32 PM
Sounds like a bad ass dog there Alan. It must give you a hell of a sense of pride knowing you dog saves lives. Thats just a little more than the average pet!
We have two dogs. One is a red and white siberian husky. The other is a german sheppard/siberian husky mix. Theres very little we don't like about em. The husky has had serious eye problems starting with cateracts (eye surgery #1) and then glacoma. This led to surgery #2 where they had to remove all internal structures and place synthetic balls in his eye balls. He's totally blind but you'd never know it (Unless you move the furniture or leave your shoes laying on the floor). He's an awesome dog with a perfect temperment (except the friggen hair sheading).
The other dog is the smartest dog I've ever seen and one hell of a security dog. He hears a fly fart! LOL. He also watches us and learns from what we do. For example he jumps up on doors, puts his mouth around the door knob, twists them and open doors. No training was every done in this respect.
Sorry to be long winded, but our dogs are a huge part of our lives. In many ways, there better than people! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

07-11-2002, 08:40 PM
black and white husky here.Wrst is that he is very hyper at times esp when someone is over
but he is very active does a good job pulling me around the neighborhood on a skateboard too.very playful

07-11-2002, 08:48 PM
Great Idea!!
I have a pug and a chocolate lab; lab's only 5 months old...
the pug is the best small dog you could own...In fact it's the only small dog i'd own...they act more like larger dogs..very friendly and like to check out people when they visit...I have never, ever seen a pug snap at someone, unlike other small dogs like poodles or chihuahas...
the lab is great but I still won't take her to the river with me...I trust her temperment but i just don't feel other people should have to deal with my dog while they are on vacation..
Previously I had 2 Alaskan malamutes, kind of stupid dogs but great temperments...Kids can pull on their ears and the dogs take it in stride...

07-11-2002, 09:04 PM
I have a Boxer, name Sierra, she's a Bitch. This morning i hear a shit load of birds chirping away at 6am. i was like WTF!! i went outside to see a blue jay in my dog's mouth, DEAD! no blood, Sierra probably smacked the bird while eating her dog food, then grabbed the bird with her mouth and gave it a shake, most likely snapped the birds neck!

07-11-2002, 09:07 PM
Don't F#@$K with the big dog http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by riverliver (edited July 11, 2002).]

07-11-2002, 09:12 PM
River Ready Jake!
Jake the Rottweiler is 120 pounds, a little over 4.5 y/o, and suffers from diabetes.
He's a great family dog and very protective. We have to give him shots twice a day and make sure he eats because of his condition but other than that, he's perfect.
http://members.aol.com/RottweilerDog (the poll is not working)
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverToysJas (edited July 11, 2002).]

07-11-2002, 09:14 PM
We have a Golden Retriever/lab mix.....ALSO A BITCH. I HAD a bitchen back yard..NIce grass, plants, redwood deck, Jacuzzi that had a nice cover, and now it's all SHIT. Well it's doesn't look that bad, but it does not look the way it did before we got the dog. She tears up everything she can get to and jumps on everyone she comes in contact with....Well, almost. The only person she lets along and listens to is my 3yr old girl...Almost all comands too....They are total chumbs. This is the only reason that Molly (the dog) is still around. Besides, pretty soon the backyard will be mostly concrete, pool, and palm trees.

07-11-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by riverliver:
Don't F#@$K with the big dog http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
Looks like a Scooby snack!

07-11-2002, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by ROZ:
I HAD a bitchen back yard..NIce grass, plants, redwood deck, Jacuzzi that had a nice cover, and now it's all SHIT.
Jake was like that when he was young. He eat everything in the backyard. He ate a hole the size of baseball THROUGH the wooden kitchen door in one night, he ate the telephone junction box, my old neighbor claims Jake ate his hammer, he ate the deck, he even ate a Kawasaki 650 motorcycle I had ( I mean it too, he took that thing apart and ate through nearly every piece)! He doesn't do any of that any more though.
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverToysJas (edited July 11, 2002).]

07-11-2002, 09:25 PM
Damn. sounds like the movie Hooch. I be loading something!
Originally posted by RiverToysJas:
Jake was like that when he was young. He eat everything in the backyard. He ate a hole the size of baseball THROUGH the wooden kitchen door in one night, he ate the telephone junction box, my old neighbor claims Jake ate his hammer, he ate the deck, he even ate a Kawasaki 650 motorcycle I had ( I mean it too, he took that thing apart and ate through nearly every piece)! He doesn't do any of that any more though.
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by RiverToysJas (edited July 11, 2002).]

07-11-2002, 09:33 PM
Great topic, Alan. My dad just adopted a young black & tan bloodhound. His name is Bubba. He's a real handful.
I just put my old girl to sleep a couple months ago. She was a Black & Tan Coonhound. Her name was Miss Amanda Jones. She had a litter of 12 pups with my Dad's Black & Tan, "Buck". Two of them went into training with MCSO search and rescue. Amanda, Buck, and their two sons Paco and Johnny Walker (Amanda was part Walker) all lived at my folks place on two acres and loved to get out and kick ass on the local coyote and javelina population.
As for myself, I now have a half Queesland Healer and half something-or-other, Baylee. He loves the river. The new pup is Satie. She's 100% Queensland and bitch by nature. We call her "Satan". She isn't quite the boat dog Baylee is, but she's young.

07-11-2002, 09:39 PM
Got a 5 year old Akita. Tamest dog I've owned yet is very protective. Our 2 1/2 year old daughter can take a snack out of his mouth without him even raising an eye.

07-11-2002, 09:55 PM

07-11-2002, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Slick:
Great topic, Alan. My dad just adopted a young black & tan bloodhound. His name is Bubba. He's a real handful.
I just put my old girl to sleep a couple months ago. She was a Black & Tan Coonhound. Her name was Miss Amanda Jones. She had a litter of 12 pups with my Dad's Black & Tan, "Buck". Two of them went into training with MCSO search and rescue. Amanda, Buck, and their two sons Paco and Johnny Walker (Amanda was part Walker) all lived at my folks place on two acres and loved to get out and kick ass on the local coyote and javelina population.
As for myself, I now have a half Queesland Healer and half something-or-other, Baylee. He loves the river. The new pup is Satie. She's 100% Queensland and bitch by nature. We call her "Satan". She isn't quite the boat dog Baylee is, but she's young.
Had half Queensland half Akita...Best do we ever had. She was locked inside by mistake once. She pulled down a bunch of toilet paper from the roll on the hanger in the master bath and took her dump right smack dab in the middle.

07-12-2002, 01:08 AM
A choc lab and a boxer. I got the choc lab from the pound when he was a pup. Ragin' Bull (the boxer) was given to me by one of my brothers. He claimed the dog was bad for him and did not expand on it from there. Anyhow, Bull is a great dog...big, very smart and gentle. I finally found out what the problem is. If you lay a beer down he will knock it over and drink it up. He won't do this to any other drink. He is a friggin' alcoholic! When the neighbors get together for one of our famous "bug light" parties Bull is crazy knocking over all the beers and slurping them up. Now I understand why Bull and my brother made a bad pair and I have him in a 12 step program....lol

Jungle Boy
07-12-2002, 03:55 AM
We have great Australian Shepard named Lucky. She is 5.5 years old and loves to be within 10 ft of you at all times. She's a good watch dog and is very home bound. Never been on chain at the house and stays very close. Excellent pooch and likes boat rides too.

07-12-2002, 04:00 AM
pic must be too big, red X will fix later
My boy MAX is a 6 pound yapper /pomeranian he loves to boat as long as we are there he is right with us. he has never tried to climb into anyone elses boat or splahed water and sand into a velocity stack, never scratched gelcoat, as you can see he is quite gental on the boat http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif
[This message has been edited by maxbowride (edited July 12, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by maxbowride (edited July 12, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by maxbowride (edited July 12, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by maxbowride (edited July 14, 2002).]

25 Eagle
07-12-2002, 05:53 AM
Where the hell did he get this idea from? http://www.cartogra.com/rs/DB2234EC-D52B-11D4-B428-0090277A760E/screen

07-12-2002, 06:08 AM
5 year old rott named SADDIE, she's a dumb ass but whatever, a 2 year old german rott named PAIN weighs about 125 still to excited all the time, does whatever SADDIE tells him to it seams, and a neopolitan mastiff named PARKER (oh thats original) he was about 165 last time I checked, really bitchen dog, mellow but a little slobery. He eats weird stuff, you know small things like the phone, if his butt rings don't answer it, it's a trick - We adopted him from pet smart only ran us $150 usually over a grand so we thought it was a good deal. Well after the phone thing he had to have an emergency surgery which ran us $1,800 (not a good deal anymore), he got into it with saddie and that ran another $300 in stitches some for him, some for her. O'well

07-12-2002, 06:08 AM
I have 2 pit bulls, one girl and one boy. The girl is about 2 years old, and the boy is about 7. Regardless of all the bad publicity these dogs get, they are as sweet as could be, yet very protective. They are great guard dogs. Both are spoiled rotten, and love going in the boat. These dogs have a mind of their own. They are always entertaining to watch.

07-12-2002, 06:20 AM
Fred is a half German Sheppard/Basset Hound. I got him at the pound when he was six months old. He is loyal, very loveable and retarded. He ate my spa cover and a tree in my back yard. He drinks beer (prefers Coors Light). I know you'll find this hard to believe but he's 60 lbs and fully grown. The other one is my wifes long hair dauschund Hope. She is a former show dog, and Fred's constant companion.
[This message has been edited by disco_charger (edited July 12, 2002).]

07-12-2002, 06:24 AM
My wife and I Have 2 dogs.One is a sherpard/mastiff weighs 125 lbs her name is thumper.Cool with the kids all though they try to ride.Bad habit she has bad gas that can clear a room.Other dog BLK Lab 1 y/o loves to hunt.Her name is Shadow.She goes birdie every time the doves are in the back yard.And she's caught few sparrows on the fly.

07-12-2002, 07:08 AM
Was that KILLER dinner in that bowl or was that killer. http://home.columbus.rr.com/fillg/smilies/rofl.gif

07-12-2002, 07:13 AM
Here's mine, he's a 4yr old english bulldog that I picked up about 2 years ago from the National Bulldog Rescue network. He is just a blast as his personality is so laid back. Kids love him and all he exists to do is eat and sleep. http://free.***boat.net/gallery/Reader_Rides/Jet_Boats/Bitter_Bitter_Beer.JPG [/img]
http://free.***boat.net/gallery/Reader_Rides/Jet_Boats/Jake_from_front_-_cute1.JPG [/img]

Livin Large 27Hallett
07-12-2002, 07:26 AM
Oh come on now, What are the best river dogs?
Labs of course. I have two female labs, Mom and Daughter that just love to go out for a swim named J.D. and Rausha..

07-12-2002, 07:32 AM
German Shorthair Pointer named Buddy...two years old. Great hunting dog and he's good at it too...This dog will run until his legs fall off...

07-12-2002, 07:44 AM
We raised black labs my whole life, but Audrey and I now own a border collie named "Izzy" who is the consumate river dog. The dog is so smart, a change in voice is all it takes for discipline. I have not spanked her in 2 years (3 year old). She knows how to get on the boat in deep water by herself without scratching the gelcoat (uses the pump, then the swimstep, then the grab handle) and chills on the sundeck. Plus, she digs her life jacket (Thanks Haskal) and swims around until she decides to float, then just floats for a while.
Good topic Alan. I used to own a Plothound/Bluetick cross named "Hooters" that came from a family of bear dogs. Good dog. Loud, but good. She was trained by me right away on racoons, which got a lovely coat of paintball upon treeing!

07-12-2002, 08:55 AM
We've got a 2 1/2 yr old Choc Lab named Harry Ass Truman, he came pre named as a wedding gift from my old man (sick sense of humor). We had a tough go with him at first but I swear he has turned out to be the best dog I've ever owned. We have a 16 month old son that has completely bonded with the dog, I've never seen anything like it, Harry follows him around and watches my son like a hawk and they even take naps together.
Now for the bad part. Harry has an addiction to tennis balls, this dog is the most intense and focused ball dog alive i think. One night when he was about a year old we had finished playing ball and i set the ball on the edge of the boat in the back yard just like always, well that night my wife and i went to dinner and had a late night. We got home and let the dog in for the night business as usual... well the next morning i went to put him out and feed him when i discovered he had jumped on the boat after the ball, tore thru the cover and found some very soft vinyl that was meant for chewing, the bastard ate the corners off every seat in the boat, but i was looking for a reason to reupholster anyway.
sorry for the long rant.

07-12-2002, 09:24 AM
Great Topic! We have 20+ acres so lots of room for 3 BIG dogs. We have 2 German Shepherds that are complete water dogs and the oldest one (shes 8) kneeboards with my daughter. She also knows to fetch the stern line when we anchor the boats and bring it up for us to tie. And if the little ones get too far out in the water, (lifejackets of course) she pulls them back in to shore. Pretty comical. Her pup (3 months) is learning NOT to retrieve the ski's & wakeboards when thrown out out of the boat. The other one is a Queensland / Austrailian Shepherd that keeps the neighbors cattle in line and only goes IN the water when he absolutely has too.
They are like family and very very protective. They have saved many a campsite/boat being burlarized at nite.

07-12-2002, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by 25 Eagle:
Where the hell did he get this idea from? http://www.cartogra.com/rs/DB2234EC-D52B-11D4-B428-0090277A760E/screen
Here's the same pic of mine and some others....

Chestah Cheetah
07-12-2002, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by hd&boatrider:
If you lay a beer down he will knock it over and drink it up. He won't do this to any other drink. He is a friggin' alcoholic! When the neighbors get together for one of our famous "bug light" parties Bull is crazy knocking over all the beers and slurping them up. Now I understand why Bull and my brother made a bad pair and I have him in a 12 step program....lol
The guy I had purchased my boat from had this bulldog that was similar. He'd pick up empty beer cans and shake as much beer out them as he could into his mouth. The owner told me a story of when they first moved into the industrial park his business was located in: The dog ran down the parking lot, into somebody elses shop, found a 12 pack of Coors Light and dragged it back to him.........I need to get a dog.

07-12-2002, 09:52 AM
Oh yeah?, Well my dog is faster than your dog! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif Retired Greyhound, raced for three years (considered a long time for race dogs), Tattoos inside her ears (racing ID #'s). 79lbs, not an ounce of body fat to be found, pure ripped muscle. Laziest damn dog on the earth, and wouldn't harm a fly though.
I guess if I can't have the fastest boat on the board, I guess I have to have the fastest dog. http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

07-12-2002, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by picklefork1:
and a neopolitan mastiff named PARKER (oh thats original) he was about 165 last time I checked
Oh Sh!t ! I don't even flinch at a pit, but "Parker" scares the sh!t out of me! Eff'n huge, and no joke about the slobbering.
[This message has been edited by 1quickjet (edited July 12, 2002).]

Chestah Cheetah
07-12-2002, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by 1quickjet:
Oh Sh!t ! I don't even flinch at a pit, but "Parker" scares the sh!t out of me! Eff'n huge, and no joke about the slobbering.
I've seen this animal and let me tell you, it's not a dog - this thing is a friggin' pony.

Desert Rat
07-12-2002, 10:34 AM
LABs!!! I have had husky's, a Chow, Weimeruner's and now the newest addition to our family, Java a very smart chocolate lab. This by far the smartest dog I have ever owned. He is still a pup (8 mo) and will chew a raw hide a day! I hear they grow out of that, boy I sure hope so! He will fetch and swim till he drops. I have to tell the kids to let him rest or he will run himself into the ground. http://members.aol.com/r8derfan47/images/9.jpg
[This message has been edited by Desert Rat (edited July 12, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Desert Rat (edited July 12, 2002).]

07-12-2002, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Desert Rat:
He will fetch and swim till he drops. I have to tell the kids to let him rest or he will run himself into the ground.
Yes you are right, and what you may not know is that it could end up costing you $$$$. These dogs go 110% when they play. My cousin's choc. lab tore both of his ACL's on separate occasions in his hind legs. About $800 a peice later........and he is good to go, but the doc. told my cousin to take it easy with him. Cool Dog!

07-12-2002, 10:44 AM
Rotti's are the best, mine is imported from Germany he is one-year-old weights 135lb and is a great dog. Best of all when we are in the channel I get lots of room around my boat, for some reason no one parks right next to us, an I took a bath last week so it can't be me.

07-12-2002, 11:07 AM
I am a serious dog lover. Had dogs all my life. We currently have two akitas. We will probably breed them. Aside from being a dog lover I also recognize their is a time and place for everything! Dogs at the river in a boat? Someone in another posting talked about getting sick in the channel. They mentioned that they new many other people who got sick the same day. Well I hate to be the one to inform everyone that it is highly likely that dog fecal matter finding its way into the water that is presenting the increased risk of picking up a bacterial infection. Of all the people I have seen with their dogs at the river I have yet to see someone scooping dog crap into a baggy and properly disposing of it. Moral of the story is leave the dogs at home. They are more than likely happier there! Your time at the river will also be less stressful!

Miss RacingRascal
07-12-2002, 12:02 PM
Great topic! I love my dog ... Rascal. He's a bit of a spaz (just over a year old now). He's half Australian Shephard & half Border Collie - you think he'd be really smart - well he is when he wants to be - but he needs to be trained - badly! Andy threatens to give him away at least once a week! NEVER! We haven't worked up the courage yet to take him to the river - we have to hold out for a bigger boat now. Rascal wants nothing to do with the current boat (too loud!) http://free.***boat.net/gallery/Hot_Boat_Happenings/Club_Meets_and_Gatherings/rascal.JPG
I'm also a proud mama of an honrey guinea pig. We call him Stinky because he looks like a skunk. He's a mean fart (bites) with a bossy tempermeant. But he'll beg for treats for days ... and he squeeks really loud (we can hear him in the other room!) He's the boss of the house.
[This message has been edited by Miss RacingRascal (edited July 12, 2002).]

07-12-2002, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by diggler:
Here's the same pic of mine and some others....
Dude, that picture with the budweiser is funny. Like he is saying "Hell no, where are the silvers?"

07-12-2002, 12:08 PM
I'll agree and disagree with ya there. If you take your dogs, clean up after em. Nothing worse than stepping in dog shit or getting sick like you said.
However, we take our dogs all the time and we love having em with us and they would much rather be with us out there as well. It like going to disneyland for them.
Just be responsible about it.
Originally posted by sillywilly:
I am a serious dog lover. Had dogs all my life. We currently have two akitas. We will probably breed them. Aside from being a dog lover I also recognize their is a time and place for everything! Dogs at the river in a boat? Someone in another posting talked about getting sick in the channel. They mentioned that they new many other people who got sick the same day. Well I hate to be the one to inform everyone that it is highly likely that dog fecal matter finding its way into the water that is presenting the increased risk of picking up a bacterial infection. Of all the people I have seen with their dogs at the river I have yet to see someone scooping dog crap into a baggy and properly disposing of it. Moral of the story is leave the dogs at home. They are more than likely happier there! Your time at the river will also be less stressful!

07-12-2002, 12:30 PM
Gotta agree with Rivercrazy..be responsible with your pets or DONT take them. There is nothing worse than pets running loose thru your campsite etc or worse yet, jumping up on your boat, shaking water all over and just being obnoxious!

07-12-2002, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by 78Eliminator:
Dude, that picture with the budweiser is funny. Like he is saying "Hell no, where are the silvers?"
It's the "BITTER BEER" face! ha ha! When I took the picture, it just turned out right!
Here's another one that's funny where he looks like an old woman...

07-12-2002, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by diggler:
Here's another one that's funny where he looks like an old woman...
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I've saved both those pics on my computer. You're killin' me.
[This message has been edited by 78Eliminator (edited July 12, 2002).]

07-12-2002, 12:46 PM
Two 110 pound Rodesian Ridgebacks. These are the best dogs I have ever owned. They are mellow and obedient. The male spends the day sleeping in a kiddie pool. Ridgebacks were originally breed to hunt lions in Africa. I say BS. These dogs are afraid of their own Shadow. Brother and Sister from the same liter. They have only been apart for 2 hours in 9 years. That was enough for the male to begin vomiting uncontrollably until they were back together then it stopped as quick as it started. The Vet said that if I loose on the other will most likely die shortly after regardless of the health. He said that was the worse case of separtation anxiety he had ever seen in a dog and it was only for a brief time.
Prior to these, a 220 pound St. Benard named Jake. That is a shit load of work.

07-12-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Instigator28:
[B]Two 110 pound Rodesian Ridgebacks. These are the best dogs I have ever owned. They are mellow and obedient. The male spends the day sleeping in a kiddie pool. Ridgebacks were originally breed to hunt lions in Africa. I say BS. These dogs are afraid of their own Shadow. Brother and Sister from the same liter. They have only been apart for 2 hours in 9 years. That was enough for the male to begin vomiting uncontrollably until they were back together then it stopped as quick as it started. The Vet said that if I loose on the other will most likely die shortly after regardless of the health. He said that was the worse case of separtation anxiety he had ever seen in a dog and it was only for a brief time.
Had 2 German Shepherds when I was a kid and they were brother & sister from the same litter also. One got hit by a car and died, the other died a week later. Just starved herself. Dogs are sooooooooo loyal.

07-12-2002, 01:09 PM
I guess I got lucky with my Rotti, Kaylie is 6 years old very smart, doesnt do a damn thing wrong and very well mannered! I just wish she would leave the skin on my hands when I feed her bones. OUCH THAT HURTS!

07-12-2002, 01:34 PM
The ROD's have 4 Dogs. Yes that's right 4 crazy huh? 3 are Pit Bull mix one is whatever jumped over the fence mix. All 4 are spoiled rotten by the 24ROD MOM.

07-12-2002, 01:55 PM
Anyone know of a reputable breeder in SoCal that offers up purebred European Rotties??? Let me know. Thanks...-DD Out

07-12-2002, 04:07 PM
Chocolate Labs RULE!!! My fetchaholic freak is named Tyson. He was going to be Brew, but when he was a pup he loved to chew on my Boxer's ears, hence the name change. Kinda funny and sad at the same time to see an 8 week old furball make an 85 lb. boxer cry.

25 Eagle
07-12-2002, 04:09 PM
Can someone help me find my dog? T and A all over the boards and a dog lying on his back gets X'ed out. What's up with that? That's really GAY!

07-12-2002, 04:19 PM
25 Eagle, the problem lies with the server where your pic is stored. It cannot even be accessed directly at this time. Hot Boat did not censor your post if that is what you are thinking.

07-12-2002, 04:31 PM
Sorry but if you think a few dogs are polluting the channel, you are overlooking the mulitude of pissers. On any given weekend, not to mention big weekends, stop to count the number of people standing waist deep, holding the ol beer and or t-shirt above the water line, and guess what they are doing. We have a sheltie we take with us, very well behaved and WE PICK UP AFTER OUR DOG. As every dog owner should. and I have yet to see a dog go take a dump waist deep in water. The channel really needs more current to "flush" if you will. and I would never fish there. eeewwwww.

07-12-2002, 04:56 PM
This is my baby girl Neva.

07-12-2002, 05:16 PM
I cant seem to get the picture to work http://free.***boat.net/ubb/frown.gif where do you post your pics on the web so they appeer here?

07-12-2002, 05:58 PM
Well, at least one out of the 2 in the pic look sober, RD!!!! -DD Out

Miss RacingRascal
07-12-2002, 06:30 PM
Boy, that Neva sure is one sexy bitch!

07-12-2002, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Miss RacingRascal:
Boy, that Neva sure is one sexy bitch!
I agree and I usually don't like bitches with short hair either! http://free.***boat.net/ubb/wink.gif
RTJas http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

07-12-2002, 07:02 PM
Hey Jason, Wrotweilers are for pussies. LOL

07-12-2002, 10:29 PM
Welcome to my farm, currently at 4 horses, 3 dogs, 5 cats, fish, chickens and whatever else pops up. This is down from our 12 horses, 5 dogs, and 7 cats at one time!
Currently have a Basenji, a Schipperke and an Australian mix.
In the recent past, more Schipperke's, an English Mastiff, Queensland Healers, Sheltie and many years ago pits.
Those Rhodesian Ridgebacks are bad ass. Before we got our Mastiff we were trying to get either a Tosa Ken or Tosa Inu, even a Bull Mastiff...but nobody would sell us one. Those dogs are incredible, make mince meat out of any breed. I didn't come upon a Ridgeback until later and was impressed. You must have your hands full!
how many other people have a "horse bite" in their gel coat? http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif http://free.***boat.net/ubb/biggrin.gif

07-13-2002, 08:24 AM
We have a 10 year old Queensland Healer thats a retired frizbe dogs (Gizmo ) She rules the house & yard . Hunny's a 4 year Auzie Shep. mix who thinks shes just 1 of the kids . We'll have all the local kids here running around & the dog will be in the middle of the pack playing hide & seek ( she cheats too )

07-13-2002, 09:33 AM
Miniture Schnauzers, Shane 12, Molly 4, Bandit 5 and Pepper 2, great little dogs full of energy we enjoy them very much.

07-13-2002, 01:02 PM
We have a 6 month old lab pit mix his name is Cody, he hasn't been on the boat yet but soon will, my wife found him as a 4 or 5 week old pup trying to get his fat ass up on the curb, he just couldn't get his back legs up , so she thought he'd get hit by a car so she brought him home . He's a good dog but we'll see how he is on the boat , i fear for my gel coat..... oh well!!

07-13-2002, 01:53 PM
Hey C2 u have me beat we have 7 horses but 3 are boarders and we have 3 dogs 1 quensland 1 australian shepard and 1 quensland australian mix.No cats though i cant stand them.

07-18-2002, 03:50 AM
Max is great on the water! He is "RA", more so than our friends :(
I must be stupid if I cant post a picture or a link :confused:
[ July 18, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: maxbowride ]

07-18-2002, 05:31 AM
Is this Max ?

07-18-2002, 06:21 AM
The real Rex Rathburn...
[ July 18, 2002, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: RexRathburn ]

07-18-2002, 07:51 AM
Two dogs here.Bedico is a black lab.He's about 8 years old and is the most happy go lucky dog you'll ever meet.He's ALL about having fun.
Sara is a Rhodesian Ridgeback.She's about 4.She is all about control.She is very athletic and intelligent.When I am at home they follow me like shadows.Thwy lay where I lay ,they sleep where I sleep.You gotta luv puppies.

Mrs. Dimarco Kid
07-18-2002, 10:41 AM
Excellent Topic! Mr. D. Kid and I have 4 dogs. We have two Labradors, Butler, yellow, 6 year old male, and Molly, black, 6 mos old female. We also have two Great Danes. Hank, is a 3 year old mantle Dane, and Chief is a 7 year old Fawn Dane. They are all wonderful dogs and each has their own personality that needs to be catered too. My Labs are excellent water dogs and will swim all day long, but have you ever seen a Great Dane swim? My Hank will and it is the funniest damn thing to watch! Hank is also an expert frog hunter! Each one is so much fun!! :)

Havasu Heat
07-18-2002, 01:17 PM
Hey guys:
Read most of your posts. You all have some very
interesting,wonderful pets. I hate to rain on the
parade, but we just lost our 12 yr. shep/lab to
stomach cancer and had to have her put down last
Tuesday. She was a wonderful dog and companion, and
we miss her a lot. So I'm saying, take care of
and cherish what they give to you. You just never
know when or what can happen real quick.
Take care and safe and happy boating..
Havasu Heat(Jerry)

07-18-2002, 02:43 PM
2 great dogs here, got them both from a no-kill animal shelter as puppies. They have turned out to be the 2 best dogs I have ever owned.
I wonder if this (http://www.stupidvideos.com/?VideoID=444) guy loves dogs. eek!

07-18-2002, 03:27 PM
I HAD a bitchen back yard..NIce grass, plants, redwood deck, Jacuzzi that had a nice cover, and now it's all SHIT. Well it's doesn't look that bad, but it does not look the way it did before we got the dog. She tears up everything she can get to and jumps on everyone she comes in contact with....LOL, thats the absolute truth!! Our yard was very nice, lush and tropical. Shortly after we got the dogs, they had their way with things and now, six years later, it looks like a nuclear wasteland...
But, I still love the dogs more than the yard...

07-18-2002, 03:35 PM
Is this Max ?
:D Thank you, thats my boy :)

07-18-2002, 05:39 PM
[ July 18, 2002, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: StealBlueZ ]

Mrs. Dimarco Kid
07-19-2002, 02:47 AM
But, I still love the dogs more than the yard...[/QB][/QUOTE]
I haven't lost anything in my back yard...BUT I've been through 2 couches, one reclining love seat, many towels, blankets, and pillows. I've lost books, magazines, movies, CD's, bra and panties, shorts, jeans, jackets, pictures, even formica counter tops! The list could go on and on and on...but no matter what they destroy next, I still love them more than whatever they've got their teeth on....those things are just material things and can be replaced....eventually! For me, it is all part of having this little guy snuggle up at your feet while watching a movie, jumping with excitement when I come home after a hard day at work, loving me no matter what......someone mentioned losing their dog recently to stomach cancer and I just wanted to pass my thoughts along to him and his family. I love what he said about cherishing our loved ones...because really that is what its all about! As Mr. D. Kid likes to say,

07-20-2002, 12:36 AM
Currently have a Basenji, a Schipperke and an Australian mix.
In the recent past, more Schipperke's, Queensland Healers
Schipper's??? We used to have some as well. My sister used to show them when she was younger. Had two champions. They're cool. I just won't have a dog that I can't leave off the leash. That's why I have Queenslands.

The Raven
07-20-2002, 05:59 AM
I have TWO " Black " Great danes. Zeus and Xena
Both are 3 years old and constant sorce of Entertainment. I love the looks my wife and I get when we bring them to the Marina, and the Dumb questions never END!! As Anyone with a giant breed dog Knows.
Zeus is now 182 pounds, 42" around the chest, 35 inches at the shoulder.
Xena [aka Z-bitch] is 33" 130 pounds.
Hope the photo comes thru. file:///C:/WINDOWS/Desktop/Photo's/DOGS/Z%20%26%20X1.jpg

07-20-2002, 10:14 PM
We have a Black Lab/Chesapeake cross who weighs 165 lbs, all muscle. He has a tendecy to scare people with his 'purr' when they try to pet him. (He really loves being petted too) He acts dumb but he really isn't. He was a stray that someone dropped off out in the country that the kids had found and 'he just followed them home' (As if 'come here doggie' didn't have anything to do with it!) Anyways, the 'free doggie' cost us over a thousand dollars with in the first year because he tore the ACL's in both hind legs. Doing great now though. (3 years later) Wouldn't trade him for anything. We also have a 2 yr old gray kitty name Baby. Her and Buddy are best friends. They even snuggle together. (She rules the roost!)

07-21-2002, 08:08 AM
i have a black great dane puppy named scooby doo and a pit bull named bowser

07-21-2002, 09:23 AM
Very cool topic. I have enjoyed reading about everyone's pooch. I love dogs and have had many. Nothin beats a good dog for a pet and friendship. I couldn't find any good ones of some of my favorites but here's one of my current. A yellow lab, Barney. Most laid back dog I've ever had. Great with kids. He watches over them, follows my 4 year old wherever he goes around the neighborhood. Never barks at home unless I'm away according to my wife. He used to be great for retrieving like on Quail hunting trips when he was young, but now the only thing he'll chase after these days is a bucket of KFC's orginal recipe.
Some of the best dogs I've ever had:
Sorry I can't find any good pics of em
Smartest- Golden Retreiver (Jamie was the best I ever had)
Dumbest- English Bulldog (All Spud did was fart and f**k basketballs)
Meanest- Belgian Malonoise (Loey. Trained in Holland and in a local PD K-9 program. Bad Ass.)
Oh and I hate cats. :)
[ July 21, 2002, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: beached1 ]

07-21-2002, 09:26 AM
Double post. sorry
[ July 21, 2002, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: beached1 ]

07-22-2002, 06:06 AM
I've got two black great danes. Thumper and kiah
Worst habbit - Playing in the house - they will knock furniture over.Maybe a little to good of watch dogs.I have one part of the fence that you can see through and they scare the hell out of the neigbors.
Best habbit - They look real intimidating. But after you get to now them they'er more like scooby doo!
They're a little on the smaller side for danes.
Kiah is the puppy 9 months old weighing in at 95 lbs
Thumper is 2 yrs old weighing in at 125lbs
Kiah is the smarter of the two.But also very stubborn.She will get into everything.I have a garbage can full of food no matter what I do she figures out how to get it open.same with the back door if its unlocked she's in.
Both dogs are scared of the boat.They won't even come in the garage.They just kinda look around the corner to see what I'm doing.As soon as I move or they hear anything c-ya they're gone.
By the way Great thread!

07-22-2002, 07:59 AM
30 lbs of muscle, 2 pounds of heart,maybe a pound of brain....good with the kids, plays fetch all day!...."Sparky" is the name and his name suits him!

07-22-2002, 08:26 AM
Dumbest- English Bulldog (All Spud did was fart and f**k basketballs)Sounds alot like my dog only thing is he is to lazy to try and f__k a basket ball :D
His days kinda go like this....eat-fart-shit-sleep-fart-sleep-fart-eat-fart-shit-sleep-fart.
Thats pretty much my dogs life

HTM Lady
07-22-2002, 01:39 PM
6.1 pound Min Pinicher Doberman. He is chocalate and thinks he is a full grown dobi. Named Bailey
Likes to eat,sleep, play with his toys and boat.

07-22-2002, 04:13 PM
I have a half Weimeriener (sp?) and half Lab. Abused before I got her. I take her running 4 times a week and she runs like the wind.
Of all the fuss they make about the fastest man alive, most of our dogs could outrun him with ease. I find that a little entertaining.