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View Full Version : Teeth Grinding?

Wet Dream
03-14-2003, 11:08 PM
This is way off the boating thing, but has anyone else out there tried one of these Doctors Nightguard things? I'm trying to fit mine now. Its gonna take some getting used to but I have to try something. I don't think I grinding them that much, but its more of a clenching thing and has gotten to the point that my whole head hurts in the morning from all the force. I gotta try something, its becomming painful.

03-14-2003, 11:13 PM
I had that problem for a while. Then I started drinking more and it went away.

03-14-2003, 11:15 PM
Get a real night gaurd. They cost $500 (DAMN!!!) but well worth it.
My headaches have disappeared and I feel much better. Funny thing is after a while it's like Linus' security blanket, you have to have it to sleep.

03-14-2003, 11:34 PM
Funny this thread should come up now. :)
My girlfriend has worn a nightguard for years for tooth grinding, but was just fitted two weeks ago with a different kind of thing to fix her bite -- it sort of clamps onto the front of her teeth (and she says it is not uncomfortable -- in fact, it can be worn even when not sleeping to fix certain bite alignment problems.) It is also to prevent grinding -- the dentist told her that it is the current technology (sorry to bag on nightguards, but he also told her that that's old technology, and not even being taught in dental schools today.) Anyway, if you're grinding and having headaches, you should see a reputable dentist. I'm definitely not one, but I do know (second-hand) that putting excessive pressure on your teeth can do worse things than just wear down your teeth, give you headaches, and drive your sleeping partner crazy! :) (Example: receding gums.)
Good luck!

03-15-2003, 02:01 PM
I was grinding my teeth at night so bad and I'd wake up with the worst head aches and jaw aches! I tried the "Doctors Nightguard" and threw it away the first night.
Funny thing, I sold my buisness, went to work for somebody and the grinding disappeared.

03-17-2003, 08:10 AM
Didn't work for me. It was tough to fall asleep with that thing in my mouth. Plus, I still grinded and woke up headaches periodically. In the morning when I would go to take it out, it wasn't easy to remove, almost as if it was press fit into my mouth from all the pressure I put on it during the night. Good Luck