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View Full Version : Thrust Letter: A personality indicator

08-25-2003, 09:16 PM
Researchers have discovered that the letter in your first name (called the Thrust Letter) can accurately reveal your personality, so, try it out...
A: You're all action. You don't stop til you get what you want. You're more passionate and adventurous than you appear, and you have lots of energy.
B: You're a lover of all things beautiful, but especially beautiful gifts. You equate gift-giving with affection and appreciation. You also have a sentimenal side, which makes it hard for you to throw away your kids' artwork.
C: You're creative and curious, with a love of learning. You also have a rare gift for self-control, which makes it easier for you to make sacrifices when you have to, like giving up goodies to lose weight.
D: You're discriminating and determined, preferring the slow road to success. You prefer a stable job to get-rich-quick schemes. But privately, you crave new ideas and new people around you.
E: You're a great talker. You love to share ideas and will even take the other side of an argument to stir up a fiery debate.
F: You're very friendly and always have a smile on your face. For you, life is more fun with other people than being solo. You're most likely to play ringleader for group gatherings.
G: You're a hard-working go-getter, fastidious and a perfectionist. It's hard for you to let go and have fun before the work is done. Others look to you to figure out how to make their lives more efficient.
H: The higher the better for you when it comes to thinking up goals to reach. But you have a lucky star hanging over you, so you tend to get what you strive for.
I: You enjoy pampering yourself, especially after a job well done. You need to feel loved, appreciated and looked up to. You also like learning from your mate.
J: You're blessed with tons of physical energy. You also have a strong sense of justice and fair play. At heart, you're a roamer and need to set out on your own every so often, even if it means just taking a walk in the woods by yourself.
K: You have strong willpower and value your privacy. Others perceive you as someone who's not easily shaken up by stress. So you're more likely to be chosen for management positions.
L: Romance is very important to you. In fact, some may say you're in love with being in love. You need to be wined and dined and your partner must be intellectually stimulating.
M: You enjoy mothering others, since it makes them feel special. You're also a whiz at multi-tasking and seem to always be doing at least three things at once.
N: You are not what you appear. You seem unassuming and shy, but those who know you discover you have a deep-thinking, analytical mind. You like things to be just so and will always make sure your outfit ans makeup are perfect.
O: Family is everything to you. You get everyone to tell you their deepest secrets and your loved ones know you'll do anything to help a family member in need.
P: You strive for harmony at all costs. You're the family mediator, the office negotiator, the peace-keeper among friends.
Q: You require constant activity. Your energy attracts people, although they may have a hard time keeping up with you. You also like to befriend people from other cultures since you can learn so much from them.
R: You're a no-nonsense, action-oriented person who uses reason and logic to get what you want. You make a great mediator because you can see all sides of the argument from an intellectual point of view.
S: For you, it's business before pleasure. But you're also romantically idealistic. Once you make a commitment, you stick like glue.
T: You need to see things before you believe in them. You have an investigative mind. You prefer traditional roles in marriage, with the guy in charge.
U: Everything has to be the ultimate for you. You have a generous heart and give all for your family and friends. Making sacrifices for those you love makes you happy.
V: You're a vivacious individual with varied tastes. You're unconventional and you need freedom and space. You're attracted to eccentric types and respond to danger, thrills and suspense. You also enjoy volunteering since you're community-minded.
W: You're willful and that drive helps you succeed at everything you do. For example, if you want to host a memorable party, you'll stay up late researching recipes to wow your guests.
X: You need excitement. You like almost anything new, people, places and clothes. You get bored easily, but your impulsiveness makes you fun to be around.
Y: You like to be the one making all the decisions. Most likely you're married to someone who is happy to hand you the reigns to create the kind of wonderful like you envision for you family.
Z: You go through life with a zest that makes others envious. YOu also have a knack for being in the right
stern rail

08-25-2003, 09:17 PM
Co-rrect! Then again they are all positive and vague. How could they be wrong... :D
[ August 25, 2003, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: Mandelon ]

08-25-2003, 09:18 PM
On the boards:
F: You're very friendly and always have a smile on your face. For you, life is more fun with other people than being solo. You're most likely to play ringleader for group gatherings.
Off the boards:
K: You have strong willpower and value your privacy. Others perceive you as someone who's not easily shaken up by stress. So you're more likely to be chosen for management positions.
engine dividers

08-25-2003, 09:18 PM
RIGHT ON......

08-26-2003, 11:19 AM
Mine is right on as well....well as far as the employment part. "K"

Caribbean Jet
08-26-2003, 12:27 PM
My first Letter is D and is true but vague. Now for my wife hers starts with C and is not totally true especially in the will power arena.LOL
Eat drink and be marry.

08-26-2003, 02:34 PM
"Once you make a commitment you stick like glue"
I realize nothing is wrong with me as I expected.
THAT'S why it's always been so hard for me to pry my ass off a barstool and go home.
ILOVEIT! I'll explain the real "ROOT" of my problem tonight and see if it flies! :D :D :D
Peace Man :cool: