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View Full Version : Is California doomed? Fed Appeals Court Blocks Recall Election!

09-15-2003, 09:49 AM
Court puts off Calif. recall election
Federal appeals court gives parties 7 days to appeal order
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 — A federal appeals court issued an order Monday blocking the state of California from holding a recall election as scheduled on Oct. 7 because of concerns that the state’s punch-card ballots unfairly penalize minorities, but gave interested parties seven days to appeal the decision.
Where was the ACLU (who took this issue to court at the last election?! I'll tell you where - they didn't say $hit and why is that? Because the fockers knew that Gray Davis would win! Now their boy is going down they don't want the election to happen and they had to take their appeal (they lost the first time) to the liberal judges who just killed the election for now.
I hate to be negative but the sound you hear is the huge toilet flushing this state down the drain (watch out - it might pull the US down with it).

09-15-2003, 10:10 AM
Was it the 9th court? IS that not the same court that stated saying "One nation, Under God" was unconstitutional?

09-15-2003, 10:20 AM
The voters will cannot be infringed on. That will probably be the reason that the surpreme will hear the case and intercede on the peoples side. They correctly did in the Florida case. Isn't it odd that in such a short time California has replaced Florida as the laughing stock of the country.

09-15-2003, 10:22 AM
Was it the 9th court? IS that not the same court that stated saying "One nation, Under God" was unconstitutional? Same ****ing assholes. I feel sorry for you people out there.....

Dave C
09-15-2003, 10:36 AM
This is such a politically motived decision by the 9th circus again.
So if someone "Might" be disenfranchised by the punchcard ballots then they disenfranchise the rest of us by not allowing us to vote on 10/7.
This is nonsense.

09-15-2003, 10:37 AM
It's thing's like this, that make me glad I left the state!

09-15-2003, 10:38 AM
Jesus! Granted we are Californuts, but we are not Floridiots! Of all the dimpled chads, that Gay Davis is a slippery SOB. Bring on the appeal!

Dave C
09-15-2003, 10:43 AM
How come its always the liberals always trying to manipulate or stop the people from voting? or then sue to try to overturn the results of an election if they don't like those results.
What ever happened to the will of the people?

09-15-2003, 10:47 AM
Here's the thing: The election is postponed until March; The illegals start getting their Drivers Licenses in January- so by the time the election rolls around they will all be registerd to vote!!!!

09-15-2003, 10:53 AM
Who is complaining the WHITE people, in this state the illegals have taken over. Who is the minorities

09-15-2003, 11:11 AM
What a f**king joke! Just anotehre xample of someone not getting there way so they sue over it. What kind of example does that set? And yes, if the friggin cards are bad should we not re-vote last November electiosn with the new machines to get an accurate count?
You hear that sucking sound? It's your hard earned money leaving your pockets to get us out of this mess when Davis stays in office or BustYOURTAXESmante get elected if the re-call does actually happen!

09-15-2003, 11:22 AM
Who is complaining the WHITE people, in this state the illegals have taken over. Who is the minoritiesThis has nothing to do with race. It's about something way more important: MONEY.
CITIZENS pay, ILLEGALS take.....
Mexico just happens to be where most of the illegals are coming from.
Kinda like Canada, they don't want Americans coming over their border taking advantage of their programs because we don't pay for it. It's not fair, and it's not right.

09-15-2003, 11:48 AM
the stateÂ’s punch-card ballots unfairly penalize minorities I'm sick & tired of F'ing minorities that want to vote & can't speak or read English! If you donÂ’t want to fit in go back where you came from! How many other friggen countries would allow any other language in an election? Why the FU*K can't we get a national language initiative on a friggen ballot? Why can't those who want to come here & live learn to read the way many of our relatives did, they had to?
You can bet your ASS that no other country would let YOU vote if you couldn't read or speak the language! Why can't we get a damn politician to support a bill on this? Are they all to friggen chicken that they might end their political careers by speaking their minds or that of the constituents they represent?
I'm sick of this burningm

09-15-2003, 11:55 AM
Just heard a local framing contractor is going to let all 80+ framers he has go, due to this shit.
His workers Comp. insurance went from 120K in 01 to 350K in 02 and 750K in 03, you just can't make a buck when the State ****'s you so hard.

Dave C
09-15-2003, 12:54 PM
The basis of the argument before the court is that some people, mostly in counties with large numbers of minorities, are too stupid to use punchcard ballots, so its not fair to them.
So explain to me how if someone is too stupid to use a punchcards, how the hell are they going to figure out a computer touch-screen system?

Blown 472
09-15-2003, 12:57 PM
It's thing's like this, that make me glad I left the state! True dat.

09-15-2003, 01:03 PM
So now you guys don't get to vote either? Geez. That sux. Top ten reasons for NO RECALL...
1) A recall will scare any replacement from making the "tough" decisions. (Billy boy Clinton)
2) :)

Dave C
09-15-2003, 01:58 PM
Note that the court delayed the election until March 2, which is the day of the regularly scheduled Democratic Primary. Coincidence?
I donÂ’t believe in coincidences.

09-15-2003, 02:56 PM
The 9th circus court jesters is the most overturned court in U.S. history at one point, I understand, these clowns had 11 of 12 decisions struck down.

Dave C
09-15-2003, 03:38 PM
Note. The three judges that made this decision on the 9th circus court of repeals, one was appointed by Carter (Dem) & 2 by Clinton (also dem)
All three are liberal activist judges.

09-15-2003, 03:41 PM
Dave C:
Note. The three judges that made this decision on the 9th circus court of repeals, one was appointed by Carter (Dem) & 2 by Clinton (also dem)
All three are liberal activist judges. And Bush cannot get his judges through the system because the focken liberals/Democrats have been filibustering (BSing non-stop) doing everything they can to avoid even voting on Bush's judicial appointees. A-holes like NY's Chuck Schumer are scumbag liberals who can't deal with the legal process so they yammer non-stop and avoid doing their jobs (sitting in hearings, reviewing appointees qualifications and voting). If the Republicans acted like this during Clinton's terms the Democrats would've been screaming treason!

Dave C
09-15-2003, 03:46 PM
For all you in other states saying that its our problem, keep in mind that this nonsense decision was made by the 9th circuit court which covers the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii & Alaska.
This means these liberal activist judges have tried to make this “law” in your state too.

09-15-2003, 04:14 PM
Who is complaining the WHITE people, in this state the illegals have taken over. Who is the minorities You know for once i can agree with you on something. :D 9th circus court of appeals sucks.

09-15-2003, 04:16 PM
In answer to the posts question. Yes, we may well be doomed. This clown is now nothing more than a rubber stamp to the most dysfunctional legislature I have ever had to see in my lifetime.
We now need to hit back really hard. We need to pass voter initives not only banning the car tax, but eliminating annual registration and making it only required one time with change of ownership. That would send a great message to those tax happy public micromanagers.....

09-15-2003, 04:19 PM
The 9th circus court jesters is the most overturned court in U.S. history at one point, I understand, these clowns had 11 of 12 decisions struck down. They have an 80% + turnover rate. No worries.

09-15-2003, 09:33 PM
The same voting system that elected Davis twice is the same system that's recalling him and somehow it's flawed now. This is liberal bullshit at it's finest and embarassing to the state of California. I just wonder how much worse it'll get before their is a major change, I am sick of the liberals and can't take it anymore. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-15-2003, 09:37 PM
Looks like the arrogant socialist are hard at work in Washington...check this out:
Coffee Tax (http://www.acninc.net/dynamicportalfiles/newsspotlight.asp?newsid=1225&selectionid=3)
So typical of these arrogant assholes - it is only 10 cents per cup - you can afford it - since you already pay $3 a cup.

09-15-2003, 10:23 PM
So let me get thie straight, the Recall is being postponed due to some counties still using the Punch Card system, wasn't that the same system that got Gray Davis Re-elected???!!! Why was that system good enough to get him to stay in office but is no good now?!!!
Or is this all just to get the Immigrant vote now that they will have more time to get the Drivers License, which as Gray has said is something the immigrant has a RIGHT to, A RIGHT TO!!!???? WTF???
I have ALWAYS been told that it was a Privilage and not a RIGHT to have a California DL?
But maybe the illegal immigrants that are already here will start driving better, like going the speed limit and not 10 mph below it, not take 15mins to make a left or right turn at an intersection, now they won't have to worry about "the Man" pulling them over.
Mike VG :mad:

09-15-2003, 11:49 PM
Dave C,
I'm from Nevada and I hope like hell Davis gets dumped big time! And not replaced by that short fat Monopoly card looking dude either.
Both you (and we) need new leadership, not same political elite catering to special interests now running our states. At least California had the guts to recall. Where us Nevadians bent over to nearly a billion $ tax increase...compliments of Kenny Gray Guinn...still no recall.
But our politicians were sneaky. They approved most of the budget first saving the most expensive education for last. Knowing they could play the "our poor children" card. It worked. The Nevada court sided with teachers union and soccer moms everywhere to disregard our consitution in favor of the biggest tax increase in history.
We have a lot in common.

09-15-2003, 11:54 PM
I have the answer to all this.
Politicians just suck.

09-16-2003, 01:01 AM
Dave C,
I'm from Nevada and I hope like hell Davis gets dumped big time! And not replaced by that short fat Monopoly card looking dude either....
LMAO :D eek! :D
Unfortunately its like a cancer. I'm sure in ten years it will be a problem in AZ and NV too. I can't believe that AZ elected a Dem :confused: It sounds like the NV gov is a Dem too??? I guess I should already know this since I am looking at houses their but never bothered to check into it.

09-16-2003, 05:33 AM
Fock Grey <sp> Davis and the rest of the liberal a$$holes who put us in this financial mess with their entitlement programs. Tax, tax, tax and give, give, give to every lazy $hit who doesn't want to work or breeds 8 kids by 7 fathers. We MUST vote this c0ck$ucker out of office one way or another. Then start on the rest of the $hithead$ the just want to give our hard earned and heavily taxed money away.

09-16-2003, 07:25 AM
I love how the liberals work, basically they are saying minorities are to stupid to use the punch card ballots. How come this isn't racisist?

Dave C
09-16-2003, 07:51 AM
Isn't that "its for the children" card great. ya, great for raising taxes. nonsense.
I heard this morning that the appeal will say that the vote should go forward and that any "undervotes" cast as a result of the damn punchcards must then be manually counted under California law.
So you see the liberal lie about "all the votes" not being counted is nonsense. California election law takes precendent and all the votes will be counted.

09-16-2003, 08:28 AM
Of course it's nonsense. It's just a cheesy attempt to delay until the march Dem primary when they believe they will have more Dems at the polls and have a better chance at beating the recall. They have been pursuing this same goal in all of their suits and delaying tactics since it first became clear that enough petitions would be collected.

09-16-2003, 08:49 AM
I love how the liberals work, basically they are saying minorities are to stupid to use the punch card ballots. How come this isn't racisist? Of course it is. However, lately the NAACP has not minded hurting their initial cause, if it suits the needs of their bosses in the DNC.
[ September 16, 2003, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: eliminatedsprinter ]

09-16-2003, 10:04 AM
I read some books put out by the John Burch Society 25 years ago. I thought this was a little on the strong side, yet I did see some reality to it. "They Dare Call It Conspiracy" which talked on the W.T.O.-Free Trade, Europe's plan to distroy our School System through Influnce of the Teachers Union, Fed Reserve, Tri Lateral Commission and so on.
Free Trade has given us a continued deficit trade since 1973. Its plan is to wipe out the middle class!
Our School system is distroyed, Yet educates more forign born than U.S. citizens. Perhaps this will be our revenge on them!
Our nation now ships our technology to other countrys for manufacture- With our knowledge of how to produced it.
Calif. now has a hispanic running for Govenor who belongs to a originazation which is for the return of the state to Mexico. Statment is we stoled it anyway!
Yet you see no demand to stop all this nonsence, so I guess we let our Kids deal with the problem when its too late!.
I still hope they will allow me to jump in my Chort and drive my Chebby into the New Baja's of: Texas, California & Arizona when the dust settles.
Illigal applies to U.S. Born only!.
This is all in poor taste and shows Im a Biggetted White Cracker for saying this anyway.
[ September 16, 2003, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: pops1 ]

09-16-2003, 11:39 AM
God I hope not. I am glad though that I have been studying Spanish for the last 5 years or so.
¿Comprende Español? Si Señor. Comè caca.

09-16-2003, 03:59 PM
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ("Circus Court") has flip-flopped to try and save face?
Full court to hear Calif. recall case - Appeals court will re-examine panelÂ’s delay of recall election
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16 — The federal appeals court that turned California politics upside down by postponing the state’s Oct. 7 gubernatorial recall election signaled Tuesday that it may be willing to reconsider.
IN AN UNUSUAL step, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals asked California election officials and recall proponents to file briefs by Wednesday afternoon on whether they want an 11-judge panel to reconsider MondayÂ’s ruling by a three-judge panel.
If the court decides to grant a new hearing, the 11 judges can uphold the original ruling to delay the election or overturn it and restore the Oct. 7 date. The losing party can then appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tuesday’s decision came a day after the three-judge panel ruled that as many as 40,000 votes may not get counted in the recall vote because six California counties still use punch-card ballots — the same system that sent the 2000 presidential race into chaos. In making its ruling, the panel leaned heavily on the Bush v. Gore case that effectively decided 2000 election.
The judges agreed with the American Civil Liberties Union that the recall could be decided during the regularly scheduled March 2 presidential primary. The counties, including the stateÂ’s most populous, Los Angeles, are under a separate court order to replace their outdated machines by the primary.
The recall will decide the fate of Gov. Gray Davis, who has been dogged by his handling of the stateÂ’s sagging economy and energy crisis. Several candidates are running on the recall ballot to replace Davis, including Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger and conservative state Sen. Tom McClintock.
CaliforniaÂ’s top election official released a statement saying he would accept the offer from the 9th Circuit to file briefs. He did not say what he will ask the court to do.
“I believe it is in everyone’s best interest that this case be heard swiftly and considered thoroughly so the court can resolve these legal issues with the finality that the voters expect and deserve,” Secretary of State Kevin Shelley said.
Thomas Hiltachk, a lawyer for a group backing the recall, said Tuesday’s move was “a positive indication that a large number of judges in the 9th Circuit are questioning whether the decision yesterday ought to be upheld.”
A spokesman for California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, who would be responsible for filing any appeal to the Supreme Court on behalf of the state of California, had no immediate comment.
The 9th Circuit is known to reconsider rulings made by its three-judge panels, but it is rare. Judges can decide on their own to have an 11-judge panel rehear the case, or one of the parties in the case can request a rehearing.
TuesdayÂ’s decision came as a surprise because the group that spearheaded the recall drive did not request another hearing and instead was expected to appeal directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.
A legal expert said TuesdayÂ’s move probably will keep the Supreme Court out of California politics for now.
“This probably means that the Supreme Court will not intervene until the appeals court says what it is going to do,” said Rory Little, a Hastings College of the Law professor who closely follows the appeals court. “It most likely delays any Supreme Court action until the court acts.”
The candidates struggled Tuesday to focus their campaigns in the shadow of uncertainty.
Gov. Gray Davis appeared with national Democrats as Schwarzenegger and McClintock sought the support of fellow Republican Peter Ueberroth, who dropped out of the campaign last week.
Bustamante, the only major Democrat vying to succeed Davis should voters recall the governor, made few references to the ruling as environmental groups reiterated their endorsement of him in San Francisco.
[ September 16, 2003, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: MagicMtnDan ]

09-16-2003, 04:04 PM
Here's something to think about...
Once certified, the recall election is required to take place within a certain timeframe which is how the October 7th date came to be.
Suppose the election doesn't take place until March. What are the chances that the Democrats/ACLU (same friggin' thing) file suit saying that the election is illegal because it did not meet the legal requirements in the California constitution in terms of when it was held?
Don't bet against this happening! Considering the litigious society we live in and the propensity of the Democrats to try and solve their problems via the judicial system (via ACLU, etc.), should tell us all that this will happen.
Stay tuned...this state, this election, is a long-term train wreck.

09-16-2003, 04:21 PM
Does the mexican drivers license in fact give them the abillity to vote? Hey guys, yes, yes it does. Ever heard of something called "Motor Voter". That thing that allows you to register to vote at the DMV? All you need to register to vote is a valid drivers license!! For the Illegals there will be nothing on the license that identifies them as non-citicens. The bill that was signed by Davis actually says that it will be up to the DMV to sort it all out!!! Holy Crap!!!

Dave C
09-16-2003, 04:29 PM
Even if the recall is held on 10/7 (or 3/2 for that matter) they will sue if the results are not to their liking.

09-16-2003, 04:44 PM
Here's something to think about...
Once certified, the recall election is required to take place within a certain timeframe which is how the October 7th date came to be.
Suppose the election doesn't take place until March. What are the chances that the Democrats/ACLU (same friggin' thing) file suit saying that the election is illegal because it did not meet the legal requirements in the California constitution in terms of when it was held?
Don't bet against this happening! Considering the litigious society we live in and the propensity of the Democrats to try and solve their problems via the judicial system (via ACLU, etc.), should tell us all that this will happen.
Stay tuned...this state, this election, is a long-term train wreck. This is exactly the sort of stunt the sleezeballs around Davis would pull. Professional liars like Torres and Mulholland (sp?) wouldn't bat an eyelash at pulling a sleazy stunt like this.

09-16-2003, 08:26 PM
i have never heard of a bunch of cry babys before we voted him in let him finish you guys dont give up on your parent because u r f....d up in the head?!!!!!!!!!

09-17-2003, 05:40 AM
i have never heard of a bunch of cry babys before we voted him in let him finish you guys dont give up on your parent because u r f....d up in the head?!!!!!!!!! Dumb ass. When you invest in a company and the CEO is doing a lousy job you toss the focker out the door. Same here.