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View Full Version : Is Barbara Boxer really that stupid?

03-20-2003, 02:58 PM
I was reading about the bill to prevent the Atic Wildlife refuge to be drilled for oil. Since most oil companies are not real interested in it right now, the subject is basically moot. Boxer, in support of her bill said that we could save more oil by forcing SUVs to get the same mileage as cars. Don't you have to have some knowledge of reality to become a politician?

03-20-2003, 03:05 PM
SUV's are already getting more and more like cars and that would just speed the process. The whole reason that people started buying SUV's to begin with was that they downsized cars so much to meet CAFE requirements that you no longer had room for kids/groceries/luggage in your car anymore. And the other choice was a gay minivan. If they downsize SUV's people will start buying trucks. I want to know how all of the evironmentalists fit their kids and stuff in their little high mileage cars, or maybe they are all gay or just to stupid to figure out how to have kids.

03-20-2003, 03:15 PM
I don't even have to read your post to answer your topic question:
The answer is YES! :D

beached 1
03-20-2003, 03:18 PM
I wonder what kind of vehicle hauls Boxers sorry ass around. I'm sure it's not a Honda Hybrid.

03-20-2003, 03:20 PM
Barbara Boxer is the biggest Communist Pinko Bitch. She was also a very big part of getting most of the desert closed to OHV use. I cannot believe she keeps getting re-elected.

03-20-2003, 03:26 PM
I'm gonna buy a 42' Skater with triples, big azz 3 axle trailer, and tow it behind my Excursion.
Thinking about naming it the "Arianna Huffington" or "Bitch Boxer".
:D :D :D :D

03-20-2003, 03:36 PM
Her and Feinstein. It’s like they’re from the planet Mars with some of the laws they introduce (a tree filled Mars at that!)
I too cringe every time I hear their names, or worse, find out they’ve been re-elected :mad: :mad: :mad:

03-20-2003, 03:53 PM
Don't forget that San Francisco Dipstick Pete Stark.
"If there were 3000lb. bombs falling in my city, I would consider that an act of terrorism." Whatta Putz. I feel sorry for you Californians, seems like you get more than your fair share of idiot politicians.

03-20-2003, 04:46 PM
Unfortunatly they are the only ones stupid enough to run and most of the people here are stupid enough to re-elect them. Fartney Stork is my representive, this is something I am NOT proud of. I don't know how he does it but he is always re-elected inspite of everyone I know does not vote for him. I keep hoping he gets term limited out but like a big pile of shit the smell never goes away. These people are so far to the Left they make Mao and Stalin look like conservatives. I keep hoping the voters will wake up and realize how much damage these Democrats have done to this great state. burningm

03-20-2003, 04:49 PM
Barbara Boxer is the biggest Communist Pinko Bitch. She was also a very big part of getting most of the desert closed to OHV use. I cannot believe she keeps getting re-elected. Unfortunitely its Kalifornia where any moron who is stupid gets elected b :mad: :mad: :mad: y tree huggin a holes who show up to vote.

03-20-2003, 04:54 PM
Trying living in Orange County your whole life. People down here have some serious attitude problems.

03-20-2003, 04:56 PM
Don't forget that San Francisco Dipstick Pete Stark.
"If there were 3000lb. bombs falling in my city, I would consider that an act of terrorism." Whatta Putz. I feel sorry for you Californians, seems like you get more than your fair share of idiot politicians. Did Pete Stark make those remarks when the bombs were dropping on Bosnia? I didn't think so. Its ok for Clinton to bomb the shit out of some podunk backwater country to take the heat off him when Monica was on her knees and using a cigar for a dildo. Then he had the gall to shake his finger at me and the whole country and declare "I did not have sex with that woman" Worthless liar and cheat but I guess if my wife looked like the sow pig_flyi he's married to I would look elsewhere too.

03-20-2003, 04:59 PM
California Government sucks ass. devil

03-20-2003, 05:18 PM
California Government sucks ass. devil I agree with that but the dumb asses still get elected WTF is wrong with the voters they must believe eveything they hear.4 more years of suffering here.All these calibans want you to do is stay at home(Have no fun) and pay more taxes for their F ups.Only in CA where prison guards and chp get big raises(because of campaign donations) while teachers and Fish and game get screwed for not contributing!! :mad: :mad:

River Ric
03-20-2003, 08:26 PM
Barbara Boxer is driven to work in a gas guzzalin Limo. All of these Vitocrat Politicians want to tell us what to drive and where to play. That's a bunch of crap. They will put this state back in the dark ages if we keep letting them have the power. A least we don't have to pay "triple" for our DMV registration. Thanks to those two nuts on KFI. You gotta love 2 guys that make a big enough stink on the radio to affect a vote in Sacramento. For those of us in CA., if we don't start standing up and giving some of this S--T back to these Liberls, we won't be able to use any of our waterways next. I also can't belive the crap all of these Lib politicians have been saying about the WAR!!!! The only reason that they can keep saying all of this crap is because of those brave men and woman over in Iraq, are taken the fight to Sadam and not letting it come here. I guess that is FREEDOM??? Please everyone say a prayer for all of our Militay over there that they all come safe. My younger brother is on the Enterprise. They are right in the middle of all of this.Just my 2 cents.
" Put a Cowboy in the White House "
yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk

03-20-2003, 09:00 PM
California Government sucks ass. devil I agree with that but the dumb asses still get elected WTF is wrong with the voters they must believe eveything they hear.4 more years of suffering here.All these calibans want you to do is stay at home(Have no fun) and pay more taxes for their F ups.Only in CA where prison guards and chp get big raises(because of campaign donations) while teachers and Fish and game get screwed for not contributing!! :mad: :mad: And the liberal f*ckers just keep voting them in!!! There are apparently no repercussions for their out an out lying!! Its sick. They don't win by much, but they win. It must be part of the liberal agenda, and acceptable for their ilk. burningm

Just Tool'n
03-20-2003, 10:45 PM
I sure hope that people here in calif wake up smell the shit that this state is in!
Both Boxer & Fienstien need to get there bitchy ass out of the senate, & make some real laws that dont hurt ever decent tax paying citizen here. We dont need any stinken new laws just enforce the one we allready have.

03-20-2003, 11:25 PM
Barbara Boxer is the biggest Communist Pinko Bitch. She was also a very big part of getting most of the desert closed to OHV use. I cannot believe she keeps getting re-elected. So if you're the opposite of her, that must make you a Nazi Blackshirt asshole.

03-21-2003, 05:58 AM
It would appear the answer is yes.

beer hunter
03-21-2003, 07:41 AM
Trying living in Orange County your whole life. People down here have some serious attitude problems. No shit, we haven't had decent senator sense Regan :confused: I think this state run by communist sometimes frown
[ March 21, 2003, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: beer hunter ]

03-21-2003, 08:50 AM
]..."If there were 3000lb. bombs falling in my city, I would consider that an act of terrorism." Whatta Putz. I feel sorry for you Californians, seems like you get more than your fair share of idiot politicians.[/b]
Thats because we have more than our fair share of dumb ass Celebrities, (read this as Martin Sheen, Cheryl Crowe, George Clooney, etc) to vote them into office!!!!

03-21-2003, 09:51 AM
I like the fact that the celebs are worried about an attack at the Oscars. I'm sure they are at the top of any terrorist's list, hmm how can we best demoralize America and disrupt their economy. I know, we can take out a bunch of hollywood celebs. Somehow I just can't follow this line of thought. They are just a bunch of egotistical, arrogant assholes that think they are more important than anyone else. I haven't gone to the movies in about 6 months and counting, heck I'm not even renting video tapes anymore. They aren't getting any of my money.

03-21-2003, 01:40 PM
Why would some of Osama's finest take out the Hollywood elite? Martin Sheen, Alex Baldwin, Mike Farrel, Sean Penn, Chixie Dicks, Barabra Streisand and all the self imposed royalty are his best friends. yuk

03-21-2003, 02:13 PM
As a native Los Angelino, I can safely say that our state is a one party dictatorship that is going downhill fast. The best I can hope for is that those of you in other states get politically active and don't let your states go the same route. That way when I retire there will still be some free states for me to move to.
Someone here said the opposite of Barbara Boxer was a Nazi. Wrong!! National Socialism was just a more extreme and brutal form of authoritarianism than the brand she is pushing for. The opposite of Barbara Boxer is a Libertarian, or for that matter, a Hot Boater.
When I graduated college out here I was a left winger, but after I got a family and started trying to enjoy my life a little, I quickly realized the stupidity and just plain evil of their eco-nazi, saftey-nazi, etc, ways. God help me, I'm still registerd as a dem, but I haven't voted for one in over a decade and I can't imagine ever allowing myself to be tricked into voting for one again....