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View Full Version : The California Legislature is Out to Screw Us (again)!!!

10-24-2003, 06:37 AM
The Liberals/Democrats Want to Take Away the PeopleÂ’s Right of Recall!
Since Arnold's and our historic victory on October 7th, a grave new threat to the democratic right of the people has emerged which requires our immediate attention.
Career politicians and liberal legal scholars are scrambling to change the California Constitution to make it harder for the people to recall an elected official. The cozy insiders donÂ’t like the people to rise up and overpower the political establishment and special interest groups.
They didn't get the message from the recall and they donÂ’t understand that the power to govern belongs to us; the people and we took it back in this recall election. The people don't belong to the government; the government belongs to the people.
Now we have to fight to protect our rights from those who seek to disenfranchise the people. And of course a Democrat Assemblyman is Leading Anti-Recall Effort - California Assemblyman Mark Ridley-Thomas (D)
Assemblyman Mark Ridley-Thomas led a strategy session at USC where participants plotted on how to make it harder for the public to use the recall provision that is in the California State Constitution.
Ridley-Thomas’ has proposed ACA 20 – a constitutional amendment to change the state’s constitution and make recalls almost obsolete. Additionally, under Ridley-Thomas’s legislation, the Lieutenant Governor would automatically replace the Governor in the event a recall effort is successful. Can you imagine that recalling Gray Davis would have automatically given us Cruz Bustamante? These people simply don’t like the people to be involved in their own democracy.
Karen Getman, formerly of the Fair Political Practices Commission – a branch of the Secretary of State’s office that is in charge of monitoring campaign financing – said in the Sacramento Bee that they would fight the recall because our elected leaders shouldn’t have to be, “looking over their shoulders in fear of attempts to recall them.”
Our elected officials should be accountable to the public and should know that if they fail, the people have the right to replace them with someone more competent and/or ethical.
With all of the focus now on Governor-Elect, Arnold Schwarzenegger, they are hoping that voters will fall asleep and assume that everything is ok. Then, when people arenÂ’t paying attention, they can rip the recall law to shreds so politicians can stay immune from public pressure.
[B]Fight This Anti-Recall Effort[/BOLD]
We should be proud of what we were able to accomplish with the successful recall of Gray Davis. It was a great example of democracy in action. The recall process was used and performed just as the great Hiram Johnson intended it to when he gave California this democratic tool back in 1911.
There are three things we need to do:
1) The State Legislature must hear from us and know that we will not back down. Contact your State Senator and State Assemblymember and register your strong opposition to ACA 20.
Send a letter to them. The address is always the same:
State Assemblymember/Senator XXXXXX
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Please also call your state legislator. To look up their phone number, CLICK HERE (http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html). You can comment on the bill – which is less effective than writing a unique email, letter, FAX or making a phone call to your legislator, by CLICKING HERE (http://www.assembly.ca.gov/acs/legcomment/legcomment.asp?bill_number=aca_20&author=ridley-thomas).
You can comment on the bill – which is less effective than writing a unique email, letter, FAX or making a phone call to your legislator. Use the Legislative District Map that you ordered to find out who your representatives are. If you did not yet order a map you can do so by CLICKING HERE (http://www.thecampaignstore.com/store/default.asp?parentid=113). Then send a letter to them.
2) Contact the Transition Team to Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and ask him to publicly repudiate this effort to weaken the recall law. If he speaks out now clearly, it may stop the liberals in their tracks. You can contact him via email at info@JoinArnold.com or writing to him at the following address:
Governor-Elect Arnold Schwarzenegger
Gubernatorial Transition Office
770 L Street, 8th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
3) There will be ads in newspapers alerting the public to this sneaky attempt to undermine the recall process. These ads will encourage individuals to join us in putting pressure on legislators to oppose any attempt to weaken the recall process.

Dr. Eagle
10-24-2003, 07:00 AM
We gotta fight this one...:mad: :mad: :mad
I have emailed both my State Senator and my Assemblyman. If those losers (democrats) do succeed in changing the law because they have hijacked the government, I see an initiative in the future. I hope the people of this state will wise up and VOTE OUT THESE SOCIALIST IDIOTS we have in our legislature next election.

Dave C
10-24-2003, 07:28 AM
What a bunch of BS. Your right they don't get it. If the people don't like the government it is our Constitutional right to change it.
You should hear all the liberals up here near SF. They can't believe that people recalled Davis and put in a big bad Republican. They are in shock. its kinda funny.
All the pointy-head ivory tower liberals just shrug it off and say that the people "made the wrong decision" or "don't know what their doing" or my favorite "Arny is just a popular movie star thats why they voted for him"
We should fight this...

Dr. Eagle
10-24-2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Dave C
What a bunch of BS. Your right they don't get it. If the people don't like the government it is our Constitutional right to change it.
You should hear all the liberals up here near SF. They can't believe that people recalled Davis and put in a big bad Republican. They are in shock. its kinda funny.
All the pointy-head ivory tower liberals just shrug it off and say that the people "made the wrong decision" or "don't know what their doing" or my favorite "Arny is just a popular movie star thats why they voted for him"
We should fight this...
You nailed it. I saw Michael Moore on Connan O'Brian last week. His take was that the people recalled Doofus because he was "acting more like a Republican than a Democrat". He REEEEEAAAALLLLYYYY doesn't get it! Talk about believing your own BS....:rolleyes: :rolleyes::mad: :mad: