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View Full Version : Homo makes it in the church

silver surfer
11-03-2003, 05:21 PM
I have to vent about the homosexual that is now a bishop in the
church. What the hell is up with that? Maybe he will be saying an opening prayer at the Havasu Gay Boat Bash this weekend.

11-03-2003, 05:23 PM
Lord help us........ now we really have to watch out for the kids. i just can't see that it is not right... :mad:

Stupid Fast
11-03-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by silver surfer
I have to vent about the homosexual that is now a bishop in the
church. What the hell is up with that? Maybe he will be saying an opening prayer at the Havasu Gay Boat Bash this weekend.
He is just the first that has been outed. I can't believe it happend though. I guess Queers have money too.

11-03-2003, 05:29 PM
Aren’t Homo’s against his faith
So how can he be a bishop and a fag

11-03-2003, 05:35 PM
that would make him a push-up and a fag. LOL!:D :eek!:

11-03-2003, 05:51 PM
Hasn’t this bin a problem
The bishop doing the boys quire
Now they let one in openly

silver surfer
11-03-2003, 05:54 PM
His "partner" was at the appointment and was introduced. I guess they only have oral, which isn't sex, right? No penetration=no sex.

11-03-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by silver surfer
His "partner" was at the appointment and was introduced. I guess they only have oral, which isn't sex, right? No penetration=no sex. If you go by the Clinton definition

11-04-2003, 07:14 AM
catholic church changes it's rules to fit current lifestyle-acceptance
kinda ironic, isn't it-?
in a sad way.......................

11-04-2003, 07:18 AM
Couldn't resist :D :D

Blown 472
11-04-2003, 07:37 AM
And you go to church why?

11-04-2003, 08:08 AM
Let them, The difference between them and us sexmaniacs, homo or hetero is that we are not afraid to admitt that we like the bitvhes.
I think that the church are full of hippocrates.
I have personally seen the wife of our local sundasschool priest, the bitch who told my adoptive brother that she did'nt like the colour of his skin, buy herself the biggest dildo i've ever seen.
She probably thought that she was safe far from home, but i saw her and i'm still laughing my ass into little pieces.
So homo or not, if he's a good and freindly dude that does no harm, i don't mind him being the bishop.
The viking.

11-04-2003, 08:09 AM
I went to a Catholic high school and they are dead set against homosexuals. There was one guy who came out and they "suggested" that he leave. I do not see the Catholic church expanding their view to accept them. When we were in school they said that homosexuals were bad because sex was "a gift from got for the purpose of pro-creation." They said that since two of the same sex can not have a child, it was wrong and should be viewed as a sin by the Catholic church. For a priest who is supposed to be a celabit (?sp) role model, it would definitely be a problem.

11-04-2003, 08:21 AM
Just another example in a long list of, "Let's change the law to avoid or lessen the crime." Society is doing this in every aspect of our lives. If you look back when you were younger and how respect for others and just downright courtesy for others was compared to now we are in a tailspin to this country disintegrating from within.
When I first heard the news about this Bishop I was totally pissed. I used to be an Episcopalian but have converted to Roman Catholic, I am now more glad than ever. I practice my religion but I don't preach it. I like the history of my (and all) religion but there is some of it I just don't believe.
Being in the military I don't like anyone pushing their religion and advertising it but I will die for your right to do that.
Just my .02. I will get off what could have been a tall soapbox.

11-04-2003, 08:29 AM
Hmm, They must of missed this part "A man shall not lay with another man, A woman shall not lay with another woman"

11-04-2003, 08:34 AM
It wasn't the Catholic church, it was the Episcopal church...

11-04-2003, 08:34 AM
I'm just happy to see this hasn't turned into another Hoss thread...:D

11-04-2003, 09:14 AM
The catholic church may wind up self destructing over its ancient concepts. They are one of the few churches that deny the clergy the right to have sex, but then they talk about how great a gift sex is. Their basic premise is that sex and child bearing is based in God's will and anything done to prevent the creation of a creature of God is wrong.
As for the allowing of openingly gay clergy, I may be in the minority, but I think that according to their teachings, homosexuality is a moral wrong. To allow a person that flaunts continually commiting a moral wrong to reach the upper levels of priesthood is a conflict of interest. The vast majority of the Episcopal is against his being inducted and have move to either separate from the church or to ignore his diocese.

Terrible Buddhist
11-04-2003, 09:27 AM
I will not now, nor probably ever understand how people who claim to believe in Christ, a person who preached understanding and acceptance...a person who washed a whores feet, who felt the poor and destitute would inherit the earth, can then turn around and be so judgemental of those who don't meet their standards.
I have been around here long enough to know we all have a few boards in our eyes to take out before we go after the splinters in other peoples...or did you all stop reading the bible after old testimate?
As a roman catholic who went to catholic highschool, we were taught a lot of things about our religion...but the number one lesson we are all supposed to learn is to treat each other as we would want to be treated...yet there is no group MORE judgmental than the religious...whether it be white christians not wanting to break bread with black people, or the taliban wanting to rid the world of the evil we reprisent, we all miss the basic tennant of ALL our religions...and quite frankly...its sad.
There are also other motives for just about all religious policies...ESPECIALLY in the RC church...the banishment of marriage was actually to prevent land ownership battles, no meat on fridays was to help out fisherman, and the no sex unless its open for procreation (and how many of us follow that one you sinners?) is just another way to ensure the numbers of catholics continues to rise despite the dire concequences on the enviroment and economy of some countries.
Personally I think we should focus more on the people who try to have sex with children against their will than worrying about what consenting adults do in their bedroom...oh and put all that porn away before you go to hell...think about your hippocracy before you become the judge and jury on moral issues, because there will always be someone more pious than you, just waiting to cast their judgement.