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11-15-2003, 10:13 AM
Did anyone else see that shit on TV Friday night about that we all have teflon in our blood from years of using home products that have teflon in them and from the fumes from teflon pans?
That's just what I wanted to hear.

11-15-2003, 10:16 AM
Ya And Just imagine The amount you are getting in a resturaunt.
Its not just the Grease Any more!

11-15-2003, 10:19 AM
it seems nothing is good anymore!! how long have we been using teflon now?......years!! :eek:
clown your avatar gives me the shakes:idea2:

6 Dollar Boat
11-15-2003, 10:44 AM
It seems teflon would help the blood flow, keeps it flowing though all my clogged arteries.:confused:

11-15-2003, 10:55 AM
Sounds like it's a significant danger to pet birds - the following is from: http://www.quakerville.net/qic/ptfe.asp
PTFE The greatest discovery in man's history or dreaded poison?
If you keep birds, don't walk away from your PTFE coated cookware while cooking.
(Useful information about a common household product brand name made with PTFE used to be available here but has been removed. All references made using this household product name brand were removed from this web site at the request of the trademark holder. )
Several times over the past few years I have read terrifying stories of people I know loosing their entire in house flock of birds because they were cooking and walked away from their chore later to find that their birds were dying suddenly and without explanation. Even though it has been widely thought that (product name I can't use anymore) which is made with PTFE was the cause there has been very little research on the subject and nowhere could I locate a "gathering" of the information.
Here are some facts, opinions and warnings on the subject in a manner that I hope won't be to "scientific" to understand yet "scientific" enough for you to believe the warnings and remember that YOU have to take some responsibility and be aware of the dangers and act accordingly. If you have birds in your home hopefully you will avoid these dangers.
Overheated PTFE coated non-stick surfaces can produce a condition called POLYMER FUME FEVER in humans.
Symptoms: flu-like illness with chest tightness and mild cough;
Signs: leucocytosis; normal chest x-ray;
Onset after exposure: 4-8 hours;
Heavy exposure to: pyrolysis products of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, trade names Fluon, (product name I can't use anymore), Halon);
Resolution: within 48 hours;
Comments: Polymer fume fever occurs when PTFE is heated above 300o C.
When PTFE is heated above 450o, the pyrolysis products are different and may cause acute lung injury if controls to enclose the fume have not been installed.
PTFE is the name of the product we are discussing. It is used in the manufacture of (product name I can't use anymore), Silverstone, T-Fal and other "non-stick" pots and pans. It seems as though, under normal conditions, these products are perfectly safe. It is when a pot or pan coated with these materials are left on the stove for a period of time where they are heated to over 400 degrees C. and left to dry that the life threatening problem occurs. When this happens particles are released into the air and become deadly to birds and in some cases possibly humans and other household pets.
There is a KNOWN and demonstrated life threatening risk to your birds when you are using PTFE coated pans in a dry and overheated state. If you use cooking utensils coated with this material you RISK loosing your birds. YOU even RISK becoming sick if you burn your pans.
Here are some conclusions that I have drawn from the research: I mainly used he links provided for the basis of my opinions stated below.
Jesus Vaca, a writer/researcher on this subject says, " (product name that I can't use even in a quote) (PTFE) itself is not dangerous, but its fumes are. It seems that pet birds can die from exposure to (product name I can't use anymore) fumes" http://crystal.biol.csufresno.edu:8080/projects/94.html He goes on to explain, "... cooking pans coated with (product name I can't use anymore) must be empty and heated to temperatures beyond the normal cooking range (about 400 degrees C). At this temperature, (product name I can't use anymore) particles become airborne and can cause a type of poisoning known as POLYMER FUME FEVER. In fact this type of poisoning is very hard to diagnose, and is hardly ever attributed to (product name I can't use anymore)..."
Don't walk away from your PTFE coated Silverstone, T-Fal, and others (whose names are stricken from this document) cookware while cooking. If you are cooking with coated cookware please devise a plan of reminding yourself when they are on the stove. Set a timer that goes off every 10 minutes or so to REMIND yourself that your PTFE pans are on the stove or have some other FAITHFUL reminder that your cookware are on the stove and your household is AT RISK. When you are finished cooking REMOVE the cookware or utensils from the stove surface just in case you forget to turn the burner off. When the pot or pan dries out and reaches temperatures above normal cooking temps, PTFE particles become airborne and can cause poisoning to not only your birds but to YOU and your family as well.
As some have experienced this tragedy personally, once the particles are released in the air and you figure out what's happening, IT'S TOO LATE!!!!! The fact is that PTFE has been acclaimed as "one of the most useful materials know to man" by the scientific and commercial communities. Guess what? They aren't about to do ANY negative PR on a product like that in our lifetime. It's going to be UP TO YOU to protect your birds and your family. DO SOMETHING NOW. Change your habits NOW!
Another thing to remember is that if you have nicked your non-stick surfaces you may be MORE apt to release particles even at lower temperatures than if you have pristine coated cookware, AND if you overheat your cookware your non-stick cookware WON'T anymore.

11-15-2003, 11:15 AM
I caught most of that story last nite...
What hit me was that lady scientist from India sitting there acting like nothing was wrong. "Derr iz no data to support this". Crap.
They pointed out that 2 of 8 women on the production line for the stuff had kids with birth defects. When asked if that was kinda high percentages, she tap danced around it better than my little avatar at the bottom of this page...
Reminds me of the tobacco company exec saying he heard lung cancer was caused by a 'virus'.
Yea- right....
Some scientist. Hope she gets the promotion for defending the company that she deserves....:mad: :burningm:

Wet Dream
11-15-2003, 04:47 PM
It's called TEFLON :wink:

11-15-2003, 11:52 PM
There was a warning on the pan to cook only on low or medium heat so as to not damage the pan. WTF I guess your health does not rate as high as the durability of the pan.
Their spokeswoman was side stepping bitch. But she was probally just doing what the boss said to do.
There was also a small part in there about toddlers possibly having high consentrations from the teflon in the StainMaster carpet treatment.
I guess the mighty buck weighs in above everything else.
:mad: :mad: :mad:

11-16-2003, 02:03 AM
I worked for a plastic molding company and we had LOTS of stored material in the shop, Boss showed me some powder in a barrel and said "Teflon, don't touch it" then told me this story .... a guy came to work one morning and was messing around with the Teflon powder spilled some and swept it up with his hands, when he went out for his cigarette break he didn't come back.... they found him on the stairs dead . He had gotten the powder on the cig and smoked it ! This was back when we just tore out asbestos and tossed it in the dumpster and you could still get creosote ..... I should be dead if all this stuff is so bad :eek:
Oh yeah ... I use cast iron pans only !

11-16-2003, 11:13 AM
Well I am sure it is not the best thing for you but if you don't swim in Teflon or eat 16 punds of nutrisweet a day or stand in front of a laser 22 hours a day you will probably die of natural causes or one of the other 10 million things that can kill you first.
My theory is that as science and technology advances we will find more things that can kill us. Hopefully that is balanced by finding more things to do a better way that is better for us.:D