View Full Version : Boycott these comiepinkobastards

Elk Chaser
11-29-2003, 04:57 PM
Mystic River, the new movie being released this Wednesday, stars Sean Penn and Tim Robbins, who spew hate speech against the President, assaulting his character for doing what he is attempting to do with the war on terror to protect Americans from further attack. These two liberal actors have sided with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden and against our own country, as demonstrated by Penn's going to Iraq prior to the war in protest of our pending attack to remove the terrorist regime of Saddam Hussein, saying that we have no right to attack innocent people and that it was the Bush administration that is starting this war.
Let us not forget 9/11/2001. I figure I have no way to let the liberals in Hollywood know that they are just actors and not representative of mainstream America, by myself. But each one of us can send this note to all of our friends who support our troops and the administration to suggest that they not go to this movie. Encourage all you know not to go to it. By doing this, these actors won't be able to get a job. Look what it did for Alec Baldwin's career! He's a washed up actor that watches his mouth these days.
We have two days until this movie starts. Let the boycott begin. Route this to every loyal patriotic person you know and stay away from this movie with these anti-American activists. These are two very outspoken hate ministers and we CAN make a difference.
God Bless America

Jungle Boy
11-29-2003, 05:09 PM
I agree with ya on that and I'm not even American. Make sure you read the book though. I just finished it and it's a great read for sure.

Elk Chaser
11-29-2003, 06:09 PM
OK, so there are no red blooded Americans here at Hot Boat or what.
A very supportive Canadian replied with his support (Thank You)
where are all the Americans that remember 911???

Jungle Boy
11-30-2003, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by Elk Chaser
OK, so there are no red blooded Americans here at Hot Boat or what.
A very supportive Canadian replied with his support (Thank You)
where are all the Americans that remember 911???
It don't take much for me to get down on so-called "movie stars". They are WAY over rated by them selves and actually think that most normal people want to hear their opinions, as they speak them from behind 12' high fences and private jets. Like THEY have their ear to the ground and know what the average person is thinking as they are trying to pay their bills and get their kids an education while trying squeeze in a holiday every now and then. The movie people push their agenda on us by making you what to believe that being a homo is more normal than being straight, that's gun ownership is wrong (they don't need guns as they have paid bodygaurds), and all the other shit they spew. While we are boycoting their ****ed up movies, boycot them rags they have; People, US, and the rest of the ones that I don't buy.

11-30-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Elk Chaser
Mystic River, the new movie being released this Wednesday, stars Sean Penn and Tim Robbins, who spew hate speech against the President, assaulting his character for doing what he is attempting to do with the war on terror to protect Americans from further attack. These two liberal actors have sided with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden and against our own country, as demonstrated by Penn's going to Iraq prior to the war in protest of our pending attack to remove the terrorist regime of Saddam Hussein, saying that we have no right to attack innocent people and that it was the Bush administration that is starting this war.
Let us not forget 9/11/2001. I figure I have no way to let the liberals in Hollywood know that they are just actors and not representative of mainstream America, by myself. But each one of us can send this note to all of our friends who support our troops and the administration to suggest that they not go to this movie. Encourage all you know not to go to it. By doing this, these actors won't be able to get a job. Look what it did for Alec Baldwin's career! He's a washed up actor that watches his mouth these days.
We have two days until this movie starts. Let the boycott begin. Route this to every loyal patriotic person you know and stay away from this movie with these anti-American activists. These are two very outspoken hate ministers and we CAN make a difference.
God Bless America
Get a life

Elk Chaser
11-30-2003, 08:12 AM
eat shit a hole

Forkin' Crazy
11-30-2003, 08:52 AM
I agree 100%. Amazing how many dumb asses that actually believe those actors over our gov. leaders. As long as we have a conservative as president, the libs in Hollywood are going to do there best as decrediting him.
I liked it when Rev Jessy Jackson offered to go to Afganistan to negotiate with the Terrorists. When should have hooked him up with a parachute and a C-130 and dropped his ass over there!!!
Speaking of Alec Baldwin, didn't he say he was leaving the US if Bush got elected? What is he still doing here?
Just like I boycotted Michael Moore's Bowling Columbine, although I can't remember seeing it advertised. It must have made it to the liberal big cities, though.
It doesn't stop there. there are many groups vocally protesting against Bush. check this out (http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/rockers_unite_against_bush.html).
What a buch of shit.......