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12-27-2003, 12:39 AM
Here's the story ...... It was getting late and the sun was gone my brother and I headed back to the marina on a Very dark evening about 45 mph , I heard a funny noise ahead and it took me a while but I told my bro "put yer head down" .... He said "what?" and about the time I pushed his head into the dash we hit the geese ..... they were flying up off the water at about chin height and I heard three very heavy impacts on the boat before we cleared the flock .......:eek: That was close !

Wet Dream
12-27-2003, 07:18 AM
Now thats a hell of a ride.

12-27-2003, 08:02 AM
nice graphic Moo.

12-27-2003, 12:42 PM
Goose Whacker!

fat rat
12-27-2003, 02:15 PM
Moo, are you still boating.............tell me it's not so!:eek!: :jawdrop: :D

12-27-2003, 02:26 PM
We were making our way back home from the Palms after the Tyson vs McNealy fight in a light rain. I was in back with a towel over my face (rain hurts even at 35mph) and my buddy was driving. It was too dark to try wearing sunglasses, so he had to squint. When we heard someone scream "OH SHIT!!!". Some jackass was out floating in their pontoon boat with no lights on, I pulled the towel off my face in time to see them click on all the lights they had. My buddy swerved just in time, I bet we missed by only 8-10 feet! :jawdrop:

12-27-2003, 02:51 PM
Kachina , this could get to be an interesting thread , I bet there are some freaky "niterides" storys . I haven't had a boatride for awhile now Rat .... you can relax ! thats why I'm drawing "toonups" ........ HehHeh ...the geese around here get no respect , till ya whack one at 45mph ! :D

12-27-2003, 04:26 PM
Not a night time story, but.
I had my boat down on the river at Charleston SC once,
and ran up on a few cormorants (sp?), They took off flying about a foot above the surface of the lake, and I turned to follow them,
slowly gaining on them..... I got to within about ten feet behind them,
and turned to avoid them, one turned exactly the way I had turned and disappeared under the nose of the boat. ??
Did I kill it? I don't think so, I suspect it dove beneath the surface to escape, I just hope the drive and prop didn't hit it.
Felt kind of guilty, but always thought it was kind of funny.

12-27-2003, 08:11 PM
Running three abreast up the river with a bass boat in the middle shooting a big rooster when the boat on the right decided to cut through the roost not realizing I was on the other side, hit broadside doing 40 plus. No one hurt but the impact tore the passenger seat out of the floor with the passenger in it.

12-27-2003, 09:43 PM
This IS a good thread.
Similar deal happened to me on Lake Norman. I had a few friends on the boat coming back downriver from up north, about 10pm one Saturday nite and noticed something big and dark on the water ahead- lights from the shoreline outlined it to an extent, so I changed course to the left and reduced power. At that point I realized it was a HOUSEBOAT floating in the middle of the channel! No lights! I hit it with the spotlight and started to circle it, holding my finger on the horn button. Sure enuf, after about the third circle (and I was getting ready to board that sucka and find out what the heck was going on) a guy stumbled from the cabin with nothing but a towel barely ;) around him and fired up the lights...
:D :D :D

12-28-2003, 03:27 PM
Headed up river at about 1:00 AM after a night at the annual reggatta about 20 years ago when we stopped to ask a pontoon boat if they needed help. They were sitting in the middle of the river working on the engine by flashlight, said no that they thought they had it fixed. Picked up the morning paper and they had been ran over by a barge tow, all killed. Less than 15 minutes after we had talked to them. Barge was coming up river as we had left the party. It takes approx. 1 mile to stop a tow after it is put in reverse. They did a demonstration a couple of years ago and aired it on the local news just before reggatta to show people the effects of a boat being ran over by a tow.