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View Full Version : Al Franken is a Lying Liar Who Tells Lies

01-09-2004, 03:48 PM
A warning to left-wing liberals who feed off of the garbage that comes out of wacko left-wing liberals' mouths - this Web site will provide FACTS that prove that your hero, Al Franken, is THE LIAR and his bile filled book, "Lying Liars and The Liars Who Tell Them," is a hate-filled pile of paper with distortions and LIES.
To quote the Web site, it's "an insightful, research-based challenge of Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them."
Click here to find out about Al Franken's lying lies and understand that HE is the lying liar who tells them (http://www.frankenlies.com/)
Al Franken SUCKS!

01-09-2004, 03:59 PM
And he was never very funny either.

01-09-2004, 04:08 PM
Do they got one of those for michael moore?:D

Forkin' Crazy
01-09-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by mirvin
Do they got one of those for michael moore?:D
Sorry, mirvin, I think Michael Moore won the moron-athon!:)

01-09-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Forkin' Crazy
Sorry, mirvin, I think Michael Moore won the moron-athon!:)
Gotta have a dream;)

01-09-2004, 07:00 PM
Facts to a liberal are like Kryptonite to Superman.

Dr. Eagle
01-09-2004, 07:07 PM
AL Franken = Douche Bag
He is no different than Michael Moore, and you are right...he was never very funny.
Ever notice how Liberals seem to be negative about everything? Never really FOR anything just AGAINST lots of things...

01-09-2004, 08:30 PM
Nerd, Nerd, Nerd,

Bow Tie Omega
01-09-2004, 09:09 PM
Dr Eagle, so you bash Arnold, you bash Bush and bash Franken????How does that work:confused:

Forkin' Crazy
01-09-2004, 09:46 PM
Does he drive on both sides of the street too?:eek:

Dr. Eagle
01-09-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Forkin' Crazy
Does he drive on both sides of the street too?:eek:
Hmmmmm. I think you may have misunderstood some of my prior posts. I don't bash Arnold. I do have difficulties with some of the compromising he probably has to do to get the job done...he is trying to dig us out of a financal hole dug over years of democratic control in the legislature, coupled with 5 years of a democratic governor.
I do bash bush but only because I feel he is spending too much money. Not "spending" on tax cuts like the liberal rhetoric, but on entitlement programs that are going to become difficult for the country to sustain. I have no problem with spending my tax dollars on defense, troops, aircraft, etc. I do feel George W is far and away better than any of the alternatives out there....
I am a died in the wool conservative, and I think government is too big. In fact I would consider myself a libertarian not a republican. Seems to be little different between the Dems and Republicans other than name calling these days.
Regardless, I am happy to stand in line and jump on the negative nellies of Moveon.org, Michael Moore, Al Franken, Alec Baldwin, and all of the other hollywood entertainment losers that confuse fame with wisdom. And no I don't walk on both sides of the street...perhaps you guys need to READ what I have said...

Dr. Eagle
01-09-2004, 10:53 PM
Well bowtie????????

Dr. Eagle
01-10-2004, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Eagle
Well bowtie????????
:confused: :confused:well????
Good stuff on that link. He mentions Ann Coulter in #8 who I think is a bit hardcore (I'll take her views over ANY of the left leaning goofs any day). I guess Al baby accuses her of hipocracy... wow... is that the pot calling the kettle black or what???

Bow Tie Omega
01-10-2004, 10:24 AM
Sorry Dr. Eagle, thanks for the clarification, I went to bed after my last post. I think that we can all agree that "Al Frankenstein" is an extreme leftist to put it mildly. I bet he will be voting for Mr. Dean. Then man who would continue with the Clinton policy, and sell all of our secrets to the CHina and North Korea and descimate our military even further. Anne Coulter is an extreme rightist, but not as extreme as Franken is left.

Dr. Eagle
01-10-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Bow Tie Omega
Sorry Dr. Eagle, thanks for the clarification, I went to bed after my last post. I think that we can all agree that "Al Frankenstein" is an extreme leftist to put it mildly. I bet he will be voting for Mr. Dean. Then man who would continue with the Clinton policy, and sell all of our secrets to the CHina and North Korea and descimate our military even further. Anne Coulter is an extreme rightist, but not as extreme as Franken is left.
Cool, I wanted you to know that I am not another one of those FLAMING LIBERALS. I tell you I have been working in San Francisco lately and that place might as well be filled with commies. When they had the recent mayoral election, you had a great choice....
Democrat whacko
or Whackier GREEN PARTY nutcase...
WTF is wrong with those people?
It is all about what the government is going to do for homeless, the environment....AHHHH!
Lets see, homeless....get a FRIGGIN job...(not all can of course) ...but the lefty agenda is all there is in SF. Maddening!!!

Dr. Eagle
01-10-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Bow Tie Omega
Anne Coulter is an extreme rightist, but not as extreme as Franken is left.
Passed over this one in my last response....
But you are spot on with this... She is a LOT more reasonable than Al Frankenstien....
And a HELLUVA lot better looking. In fact I think I'm in love....:eek: she is a hot little blonde....

01-12-2004, 12:00 PM
If you think Anne Coulter is hot you'd LOVE Laura Ingraham! Anyways, I was about to say that Al Franken needs to be kicked in the junk, but then I thought of something. Is it just me or does dude bear a strange resemblance to "Pat" from Saturday Night Live? I'm thinkin it wouldn't do any good to kick him in the junk because he HAS NO JUNK! He's probably asexual like some creature from Star Trek!