View Full Version : 460 Ford Starter Installation?

Ray Hamel
01-14-2004, 07:05 AM
I hope this is not a dumb question, but.......? Do starters bolt right in or do they need to be adjusted, shimed or whatever to some kind of clearance, spec's or ????? I was told this was required for installation but can't find any information on "how to".

hack job
01-14-2004, 08:36 AM
the only shim i know of is a metal plate that sits between your block and the bellhousing. if that is not there you will go thur. tons of starters. ( i have done this in the past). other than that that is the only shim on there;)

01-14-2004, 09:15 AM
on a chevy they sometimes include shims from where the machine the mounting surface. the shim is to take the place of the material they removed. Fords bolt up differently and shims are not required. Is your starter starting to give you problems? if so when you go to replace it get one with the solenoid on the starter (like a GM starter) they seem to give me less trouble than the remote solenoid starters.

Ray Hamel
01-15-2004, 02:05 AM
Thanks Hack and Omega for the reply.
My solenoid has gone out every season like clock work. I think it is because of the mounting location. However, when I had my engine out of the boat I decided to have the starter checked out and cleaned up just in case there was a problem with it (I was told that it was in OK shape). After I installed it and put the engine back in the boat. Now I get a thud about every 4th time I try starting the engine. Sounds like the gear is hitting the Flex Plate?????? The guy that worked on it said ".......you have to reshim the starter for alignment when you reinstall it." I had never heard this before, but then I am no mechanic.

01-15-2004, 10:01 AM
Where's you solenoid mounted that it gives you such grief? Vibration problem?

01-15-2004, 10:03 AM
Sorry Ray. I saw the avatar was the same as Squirtcha? and just replied based on that.
Anyway, where's the solenoid.

hack job
01-15-2004, 03:48 PM
i had a power master on mine and i put the slinoid against the block and it never gave me a prob.
( the powermaster was a piece of crap)
i run a motorcraft i got at auto zone for 45 bucks ;)

01-15-2004, 10:03 PM
the 460 ford does not use shims as far as i know. All 3 of the bbf's i have owned did not have them

Ray Hamel
01-17-2004, 05:41 AM
Thanks to all for the feed back:
The solenoid is mounted off the rear of the left head. The wiring looks original and doesn't allow it to be located elsewhere. Next spring (when the snow and cold are gone) I plan to rewire and mount to the stringer and closer to the starter. I think the heat and viberation are killing the solenoids. I also plan to put it in a water proof box in caste water is causing the problem. I'm not sure how they work, but I took the last failure apart and everything inside look shiny and new. No burned or shorted places, that I could see?????
As far as the shims are concerned. I think I was getting a story to cover up a poor "clean and inspection" job. It is an old starter and probably needs to be replaced. Any suggestions on what to replace it with????
Thanks again, I appreciate your help.