View Full Version : I just " GAVE NOTICE"

01-21-2004, 08:36 AM
I've been working as the Office Manager at The Refuge for over a year now and it's time I get back into real estate. It's been a great place to work and a remarkable community, but working for Havasu wages is just to hard to make ends meet.
The Boat is for sale and we are close to having to give up our home. That's just not the reason we moved here.
Anyway, I have been a Real estate Broker for over 20 years in Southern Calif. and currenly hold a Brokers Lic. in Arizona & Calif. So it's time to get back to work. If any of you are thinking of investing in Havasu I would love to work with you.
Like RD would say " I probably won't be on here as much because I have to get to work" or something like that.:rolleyes:
Right, I'll still be here.
With any luck, we might be able to keep our boat:)

01-21-2004, 09:38 AM
Good Luck in the real estate. It seems to be a good market to work right now after what I just paid a realtor about 5 months ago. :D

01-21-2004, 10:25 AM
Good luck with the new venture....make it work.....if you can live there and make money, that has got to be what most of us dream about.:D
Just wish I could convince my company to open up that disaster recovery datacenter there that I could head up...:D :D :D

little rowe boat
01-21-2004, 10:56 AM
My wife and I have been looking and talking to realtors in Havasu for about a year and a half now. I just spoke with a realtor last week,she sent me a list and some pics. of some properties. When I received them I looked at them and wondered if she sent them to the correct person.:confused: :confused:

01-21-2004, 11:00 AM
Michelle...we stopped by the Refuge Saturday and you weren't there...I guess that's why! Looked at lots but didn't commit and probably won't due to the fact that to build there it would cost us TWICE as much as building on another lot in LHC.
Anyway...best of luck and we'll prolly see you in the future as we get closer to looking at our next property.

01-21-2004, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it.
Essex502, Saturday was my one day off this week, I worked Sunday, sorry I missed you.
I'd love to work with you and little row boat to help you find a place here. I think you'll find I live in the real world and will work hard to find the best deal for your situation. Let me know when & how I can assist you.

01-21-2004, 12:14 PM
warlock.....i'll be looking toward the end of summer, probably in september-ish. will defienitly keep you in mind...i'm really not in any position right now...but i will be hopefully i'll be able to get something going by then.

01-21-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by CMABadseed
warlock.....i'll be looking toward the end of summer, probably in september-ish. will defienitly keep you in mind...i'm really not in any position right now...but i will be hopefully i'll be able to get something going by then.
Thanks CMA, and good luck:)

Rock-it man
01-21-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by warlock25
Thanks CMA, and good luck:)
Go for it !!!! I do a little Realestate stuff up here and make a few bucks from it !!!!! But down there its a gold mine from what ive seen on my last few trips there. Lets touch base when im there for the Heatwave and Eliminator Regatta.
CK your PM. !!!!!
God Luck ROCKIT MAN !!!!

01-21-2004, 01:29 PM
Thanks Rock it man,
I just check my PM (Check Yours)
Talk to you soon:)

01-21-2004, 01:39 PM
Good luck and hopefully it all works out for you:D

01-21-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by mbrown2
Good luck with the new venture....make it work.....if you can live there and make money, that has got to be what most of us dream about.:D
Just wish I could convince my company to open up that disaster recovery datacenter there that I could head up...:D :D :D
Well if you can, then I want in. I work in IT. Have been looking for a few years out there with no luck or very little pay.

01-21-2004, 03:08 PM
Good luck Michelle....
If I was in the market to buy or sell, I'd call, but I love the new house and am gonna sit tight for a few years, unless of course I can buy the lot next to me! I've talked with the owner but she doesn't want to sell - they want it for their retirement home.
Anyway, good luck , and tell John hi for me.

01-21-2004, 03:39 PM
Just wish I could convince my company to open up that disaster recovery datacenter there that I could head up...
Disaster Recovery Center? I thought that was where you went when you had a hangover!(Not that there's no demand for a place like that in Havazoo)MB2, I'm sure your company does not consider sitting in the DCB with a laptop and a beer "telecommuting"!

01-21-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by HighRoller
MB2, I'm sure your company does not consider sitting in the DCB with a laptop and a beer "telecommuting"!
LMAO.....probably not...That's funny...oh'well, if I can't get to Havasu, at least maybe someday closer....we purchased a building in Chandler with possibility to build more in same complex and I am moving some Tech Support folks out there starting this month......probably continue to grow there since space is a premium here and costs to do buz in Cali sux...

Sun burners
01-21-2004, 05:49 PM
Good luck Michelle....
If I was in the market to buy or sell, I'd call, but I love the new house and am gonna sit tight for a few years, unless of course I can buy the lot next to me! I've talked with the owner but she doesn't want to sell - they want it for their retirement home.
DITTO on both!

01-21-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by mbrown2
LMAO.....probably not...That's funny...oh'well, if I can't get to Havasu, at least maybe someday closer....we purchased a building in Chandler with possibility to build more in same complex and I am moving some Tech Support folks out there starting this month......probably continue to grow there since space is a premium here and costs to do buz in Cali sux...
Hey MB....You got any leads for people that are Ciso certified that may be looking for a job? I may (that is a may not 100%) be in the market in the next couple of months to hire someone. Email me if you know of anybody at tom@wcserve.com

01-21-2004, 11:28 PM
HD, I don't have anyone in mind off the top...plus, we are mainly a Nortel Shop, so I don't get exposed to a ton of Cisco exclusive folks here, but if and when you are interested, I can check with some of folks I get qualified staff from and possibly get you some leads:D

01-22-2004, 04:21 AM
Hey hd&b what level of a Cisco tech are you looking for and what is the gig? I'm CCNA, MCSE blah blah blah.
Mbrown I mess with some Nortel stuff also. I have a Passport 8600 that is sweet....

01-22-2004, 07:25 AM
Good luck Michele!! I'm sorry to hear things have been kinda rough. Hang in there. I hope you have great success at your new real estate busniess. Keep us updated....:)

01-22-2004, 07:46 AM
Michele, do you by any chance know how much the rent on the island in LHC is going for after you purchase one of the trailers there?? Victor and I are looking to possibly get ariver house somewhere this year. Not sure yet if LHC is the ticket may look on the river still. Bullhead or Needles area.

01-23-2004, 07:01 AM
Hey Michelle...I got a brochure form one of your gals (can't remember her name) on Saturday for a finance company out of Minnesota that does lot loans at 2 years - interest only rolling to a conventional 10 yr loan. Unfortunately, I think I left the brochure at the house in LHC and we won't be back until the 31st weekend. Can you tell me the company's name and local telephone number? Thanks!

01-30-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by BonnevilleBaby
Michele, do you by any chance know how much the rent on the island in LHC is going for after you purchase one of the trailers there?? Victor and I are looking to possibly get ariver house somewhere this year. Not sure yet if LHC is the ticket may look on the river still. Bullhead or Needles area.
Sorry I didn't get back here to see this, I had a minor set back from my last operation and just spent the week in the hospital. Bonnevillebaby, I'll check on the rents at the island parks and PM you with the info this weekend.
Essex502, the name of the company in MN is Eaglecrest but I think they will only loan on land at the Refuge. For anything else I would used Debbie at River Valley Mortgage;)
Thanks for all the support everyone. I'm still at the refuge until they find my replacement and I can get her trained. But I'm working out a business plan with an already established real estate agent and good friend, so I'll be ready to hit the ground running as soon as I can get out of the Refuge.
Looking forwards to working with all of you soon,

01-30-2004, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by mbrown2
we purchased a building in Chandler with possibility to build more in same complex and I am moving some Tech Support folks out there starting this month
Give me a call when you're in Chandler as it's not too terribly far from my casa and we'll hook up for some frosty adult beverages. :D

01-31-2004, 07:03 PM
THanks Michelle, I hope all is well with you and no more set backs. those really suck. We all want you to be nice and healthy by the time summer rolls in and the boats hit the water again:D

01-31-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by mbrown2
HD, I don't have anyone in mind off the top...plus, we are mainly a Nortel Shop, so I don't get exposed to a ton of Cisco exclusive folks here, but if and when you are interested, I can check with some of folks I get qualified staff from and possibly get you some leads:D
Just wondering what kind of busness do you have?