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View Full Version : Fiberglass insulation question

03-28-2006, 09:47 AM
Does anyone work with this stuff alot?? I had some water damage I spotted upstairs in my house, water was leaking from a fire extig. line in the attic with a pin hole leak.
anyway crawled around in the attic and I touched some of the insulation and now my hands (just my palms) are covered in red blotches that kinda itch :cry:
Does anyone work with this stuff, is this normal if you touch this stuff or am I dying and should head to the doctor???? If this sounds familiar to anyone please help

03-28-2006, 09:52 AM
I've had same thing and just gently wash them with soap and hot water. Seems to open up the pores and let it out.
Next time, wear gloves. And don't breath the shit either!

03-28-2006, 09:56 AM
well all the drama with the water through the celling was sunday morn. I haven't been up there since and washed hands and showered since and it's still bothering me this morning.... :mad:

03-28-2006, 10:26 AM
fiberglass is irritating to the skin but not deadly to the touch. However if you breathe enough of it..........

03-28-2006, 11:13 AM
If it doesn't go away with warm water and a gentle wash then use real cold water and wash very hard! It will sometimes get rid of it. I was always told to take a cold shower after working with it, I always wash real hard to get rid of it. Also make sure you put a fan on the problem area or you will end up with a mold problem. Pull the insulation out of the way so that it can dry under it.