View Full Version : HBJet: Quality vs Quantity

02-21-2004, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by HBJet
Don't you think it's a little narrow minded to think you can do as good as a professional with 30 years experience?
Sorry if you have a lower acceptable standard of quality then I do. I'm not knocking you for it, but you sure knock me for having a higher one then you.
Hey bud! Time to put the spotlight on you for a while. :D
As far as your first question, yes it is very narrow minded. Where did i say that? Let's not get off the subject and snowball it now k?
Now i have a lower acceptable standard of quality then you do??Hmm..why is that now? Do you mean parts or the type of labor used? If you mean parts, how do you know when you only have used berkeley?? Truth is you dont. MAYBE i dont either...but wouldnt be afraid to try. I just dont have the resources as you do bbeing in jetboatland. If you mean labor...well i look at it like this....labor for the most part was FREE so how can you beat it?? i'm sorry but $$$ matters to most people. If i was running 5500/70 i'd say i messed up somewhere,5500/ 87 isnt' to shabby....especially when your at what, 5700/92 with 30yrs experience. Maybe the towel racks are slowing me down?? :D
I find it hard to believe i'm the only one offering you a trade..figured your man would let you try SOMETHING else since with 30yrs you should know what works and what doesnt right? Alot of wall ornaments i'm sure. I know you've told me a hundred times why question but look at it this way...what does it hurt if you do?? Your never going to know any other way. Besides, the way i did it saved money and got the SAME IF NOT BETTER quality parts(except in the case of my w/r), arent you the least bit intested in that?

02-21-2004, 07:36 AM
Here we go again...so much for keeping the Drama BS off Just Jets....:p
Wheeeew, I need a drink.:D

Wet Dream
02-21-2004, 07:49 AM
Hey, at least there is a mention of "Berkeley" in there. ;)
Chet, I want pics of this towel rack.

02-21-2004, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by Wet Dream
Hey, at least there is a mention of "Berkeley" in there. ;)
I'll drink to that...heck I already am.
Not realy...:rolleyes:

02-21-2004, 07:58 AM
hey bench racers needs some biz, ship em over there :D
They can beat each other black and blue there and it'll give Kimmy something to do. lol.

Jet Hydro
02-21-2004, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by ChetCapoli
Besides, the way i did it saved money and got the SAME IF NOT BETTER quality parts(except in the case of my w/r), arent you the least bit intested in that?
post a picture of that W/R that you said you had taken out
Or we`ll just have to call BS on your claims!

02-21-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by ChetCapoli
As far as your first question, yes it is very narrow minded. Where did i say that?
You said HB pays to have his pump work done and is very narrow minded... I guess you think that because I take my pump builders advice?
As for quality, I wasn't talking about parts, I was talking about the knowledge of the person doing the assembly and labor on both your pump, and hull. I think that's great you went the route you did, but just because someone (me) decides, they would rather pay a professional to do the work then do it them selves, you get all pissy about that. You talk about all the labor dollars you saved, and thats great... there is still the saying though 'You get what you pay for"
The offer still stands, and you brought it up again. Send me your Aggressor and I will send you my Legend impeller. You brought it up first, and I have been asking and asking.... and now your back peddling. Are you going to trade or not?
When I first went to Jack, didn't just drop the pump off, and a blank check and say you do what you think is best. I asked about every mfg, and Aggressor was one of them. I was actually going to buy an Aggressor bowl, but when I heard about the conversion, and why he thinks they are a better piece when finished, even though he hates doing them, I decided to go that route. Another big factor of that was also the cost of the conversion verse buying new. It turned out I had a Legend alum. impeller and he cleaned that up verses buying something else that would also need cleaning, and cost more money. So, I don't know where you get this idea that I am made out of money, and just blindly drop my pump off without asking any questions...
before you talk about MPD anymore or their customers, call MPD and talk to Jack. You might learn something.

02-21-2004, 12:12 PM
Aggressor Bowl NEW
Converted Berkeley JC to JG

02-21-2004, 01:40 PM
Speed: 87.2@5500 GPS
Jet: 18’ Rallysport V, 1976
Pump: Aggressor B (5500 = 525 hp)
Engine: 522 cuin
Speed: 92@5600 GPS
Jet: 19’ Eliminator Liberty
Pump: Berk JC, Legend B (5600 = 514 hp)
Engine: 496 cuin
Why is Chet so slow? Gotta be those racks.

Jake W
02-21-2004, 02:07 PM
Gezz LV ouch.
HBjet dont make me break out the cleaned up Aggressor bowl pics.
Chet Jack likes what he likes thats all.Just like every builder.
MPD will and has worked all of my barts be it Berk, Aggressor ect.

02-21-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by LVjetboy
Speed: 92@5600 GPS
Jet: 19’ Eliminator Liberty
Pump: Berk JC, Legend B (5600 = 514 hp)
Engine: 468 cuin
Let's not forget, that 5600rpm was when I had a bad plug wire. Changed out the old set of MSD wires with a new set and what do you know, she's spining just over 5800rpm with a speed around 95mph. Oh, and that 92mph was before the hook was removed from the hull, and I believe Chet's big 87mph was after his extensive bottom blue print!
Jake, I know the cleaned up bowls look bitchin, but if you where to compare price and quality from a converted JG to a stock out of the box Aggressor (or any other mfg) the converted one will win every time in both areas. Better performance, lower cost. The only reason for that is because I already have the bowl. It wouldn't make sense to buy a JC, and then have it converted. That would cost more for sure.

02-21-2004, 05:02 PM

02-21-2004, 05:13 PM
you guys are just jealous you don't have a Panther with their STOCK stainless impeller :D
shut-up Jake :p

Jake W
02-21-2004, 05:16 PM
Woa HBjet do not get me wrong.I think the C conversion is great.That is a G bowl next to the aggressor I bought it for 250 bucks had to do some work to it then when I bought my gullwing I did not need 2 of every thing because I sold the tahiti at the same time and got rid of the Kachina project I had.So I sold it to Old squirt for 250 .
How I got my Aggressor bowl.I sent all of my jetovader stuff to CP Preformance for some credit towards a used G bowl they had.The diffrence was 187 bucks had it sent to LCK marine where my boat was getting Painted and getting a shoe and ride plate put on so Dan could put the cradel on it and so on.While it was there a guy wanted to buy it and said he would buy a new Aggressor bowl for it so I said sure .
So I only paid 187 for the Aggressor bowl to begine with and after MPD flowed it and put a stuffer in it fpr 240 it oly cost me 427 for it.So since it had all the work done on it I am going to run it on the Gullwing.
But I do have a C bowl that will get the conversion this summer go figure.
So all in all I just wanted to compare a flowed bowl to a flowed bowl.:D

02-21-2004, 05:33 PM
I didn't get you wrong, and those sound like some good deals for sure. I agree wanting to compare a flowed bowl to a flowed bowl. The reason I put up the stock Aggressor is because that's what Chet wanted me to do. Spend more then what my conversion would cost, and buy stock (newer technology he would say) but if I compared the two, a stock verses my converted, the converted will flow better, and it cost less. That's all. Just trying to point out to Chet that I was looking for the best deal without spending a lot of money. But like always, he's on this kick that I pull up to MPD in a Brinks armored truck dumping off cash left and right...

02-21-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by HBjet
The reason I put up the stock Aggressor is because that's what Chet wanted me to do.
What can you possibly do to that aggressor bowl to make it look any better than it does?? Better think of something HB.
but if I compared the two, a stock verses my converted, the converted will flow better, and it cost less.
Where are the flow NUMBERS that confirm this? Cost less? You paid $375 to have this conversion done WITHOUT having the inside done(SO IT LOOKS LIKE IN THE PIC REMEMBER) How much extra was that cleanup?(add it to the conversion now hb) THEN add a stuffer....GRAND TOTAL??
I come up with C bowl conversion ($375+$240) $615.00
Aggressor bowl new(includes stuffer) $572.00
Berkeley G bowl used $250(add flowwork and stuffer $240) $490.00???
I'm listening HB.

02-21-2004, 07:23 PM
All this talk about saving a dollar here a dollar there. Speed costs, period. Dude, crying about how much money another man spends on his ride is f'ing funny. HB's ride would hand you your ass so quickly, you would look stupid. Then again, after your ass was put on the trailer, you would have saved enough gas money to drag your ass back home and avoid all the embarassment. Lucky you installed those towel racks so you could wipe your pussy before that long ride home.:eek: :eek:

Jet Hydro
02-21-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Jet Hydro
post a picture of that W/R that you said you had taken out
Or we`ll just have to call BS on your claims!

HotRod Sprint
02-21-2004, 08:35 PM
I couldn't stand it any longer, I have to make a reply here. Chet, I have yet, even once to see you post a helpful or encouraging post to any one in this forum. I'm not rich, but God blessed me with many gifts and talents, of which I try to use to the fullest, to save as much money as possible working on my boat. So I know where you are coming from, trying to save a buck. However, I am still trying to learn as much as possible about pumps, I can take one apart, and put it back together, thats about it. If it needs work I am going to take it to a professional to get that work done. I am not jealous or envious of Randy, because he pays to have most of his work done, but it sure seems as if you are. I don't know what you or Randy do for a living, I don't know either one of your mechanical abilities. What I do know is Randy can afford to have work done by a professional, a professional that takes time out of his very busy work schedule to help people out with as much information as possible on another forum. A professional that you bash every time you get a chance. Randy, in between all the bashings, tries to help people out in this forum, whenever possible. You, you talk a big talk, you stir up mud, and when people call you out to prove what you're blowing hot air about, You run and hide, you never post pics, or numbers, or anything else to prove your point. I haven't met you, and to be honest would never care to. I have yet to meet Randy, but might get the chance this summer, and look forward to it.
This is a forum about boating, jet boating in particular. Where people come together to share common interests, ideas, and help each other out. It doesn't seem you do any of that, you just bash, and bash, and bash. So why don't you do this jet boating community a favor, and just go away.

02-21-2004, 08:42 PM
I really don't care about any of this, nor did I read it. I have had a few drinks and didn't feel like reading all of it, but I did notice one thing. Randy, I thought you did the 4.250 crank? wouldn't that make it a 496? Just curious if you are running a 496 or a 468? Not that it makes a big difference. Wow that was hard to type I am back to drinking. Have fun boys.

02-21-2004, 08:48 PM
Keep drinking bense.You need to let me know where i can meet up with you guys this summer.I think im going to the freeboard challenge event.Let me know.later

02-22-2004, 01:12 AM
Maybe Chet should be an accountant? The Ebenezer Scrooge of all jet boat upgrades. A trait not without merit when it comes to the biggest money sinkhole of them all.
Randy, I missed that. I now have 90 boats (including some v's) so updating is hit or miss.
Bense, you're right...I think Randy has the 4.25 so a 496 cuin. I fixed it.

02-22-2004, 01:18 AM
I came over here to see what was up with the Jet guys........:eek!: You guys have huge issues over here....:yuk:

02-22-2004, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Bense468
Randy, I thought you did the 4.250 crank? wouldn't that make it a 496?
Shit, I missed that too... you are correct, 496ci
Thanks you drunk fool...

02-22-2004, 02:29 AM
Mods don't have access to password info. Need to email webmaster for that.
edit>>>>> On second thought the balance of my post on this subject is not worth my time or effort. http://forum.djesi.ba/images/smilies/razbij.gif http://forum.djesi.ba/images/smilies/argue.gif
rexone, out.

02-22-2004, 02:55 AM
Forget the trull password posts.
I'm wondering, worrying about email complaints may be as trivial...at least a waste of your time...as those who take the time to pm complaints to you. Bunch of panty waists. Why not stand up to those with no guts to post but willing to complain by private pm? And who are those "most" you refer to who "allegedly" took the jet boat forum seriously at one time but now don't? Do you know the history of these forums? Are v-drive knutt posts more serious or worth reading? Give me a break.
More importantly, do we care?

02-22-2004, 03:18 AM
Copy your revised post and out.

02-22-2004, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by Wet Dream
**** you douche bag. Who's ****ing fault is that you're such a ****ing moron that you can't remember your own God Damn password faggot?
Originally posted by MAD-MarKist
Seems to me that your the FAGGOT !!Did I say something wrong to your MAN ??:cry: :cry: that you have to stick your pussy boy remarks in that has not 1 ****IN thing to do with you ,so go climb you old FAGGOT ass under that rock you came out of!!
oh yeah! and try next time to mind your on ****in business asshole!!(just like a bitch always in somebody elses business) **** OFF !!:yuk: :yuk:
Someone the other day was wondering why I don't frequent the jet forum much......

Wet Dream
02-22-2004, 07:15 AM
I hate stupid people. :rolleyes:

Wet Dream
02-22-2004, 07:22 AM
The thing that pisses me off is that you hijack someone elses thread whining like a little bitch about your pw. Who's fault is it that you lost your pw and why would you think a mod has access to it? And when you log in, there is a button the reads...
"Lost your password?". Its a simple task really, just click on it and it asks for your email address. It then sends your info to you. Whats so hard about that? There is also a button...Contact webmaster. That usually works wonders. Not usually immediately, but eventually you'll get it.

Liberator TJ1984
02-22-2004, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Rexone
Someone the other day was wondering why I don't frequent the jet forum much......
Mike , since MAD has a limited vocabulary.....pull the plug:yuk:

02-22-2004, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Jet Hydro
guess you have to call BS on it then. Like i mentioned before i cleaned it up best i could and put it back in and used it. Works fine but is not what it's hyped up to be IMO. It originally was .010...now it is closer to stock. That ring does not like sandy/muddy merky water. Sorry it's just my experience.

02-22-2004, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by HBjet
if you where to compare price and quality from a converted JG to a stock out of the box Aggressor (or any other mfg) the converted one will win every time in both areas. Better performance, lower cost. .
Again, numbers please HB. You pick on me for saying the same thing the other way around but as you say..."how do you know"???
Hotrodspenis, do your homework before you call me out k???? Funny, you dont know what i do and what boat i run? Are you living on another planet???(Newsflash...every other post ridiclules me about towel racks,vending,strakes...etc..etc... so what have you been reading???) My boat ran 87, yours?? I'm sorry i cant recall. Better yet, just quote where i BASH anyone except for HB and the donut clan?? Much less the language...i never use profanity like some of the morons in here use. Terrible.

Shark In The Pond
02-22-2004, 08:41 AM
I'm no newbie to these boards, have a new computer and user name here. Been around for 5 yrs or so . I never could understand why some peeps go so far out of their way to talk shit about... my boat is faster then yours, your rebuild is stupid because of ????????? , my pump is better then yours, and on and on :argue: WHO ****ING CARES ????????????? Like HotRod Sprint said I to don't jump in on this on going BS talk but GD give it up ! HBJet has a nice ass boat ( and wife :D ) and he like anyone else can do what ever he wants and use whoever he wants on his boat and from what I see his #'s are pretty good for a jet . Sorry Chet but seems like your the # 1 in this department for questioning EVERYONE on the work to their boats ? Why Why Why ? If your going to make this your life style post some pics like they keep asking for or show up to run them and put a end to the maddness !

02-22-2004, 12:32 PM
Shark, you may have been around for "FIVE YEARS?" but that don't mean nothin cus everyone knows THERE AIN'T NO WATER IN WEST TEXAS ! NEENER, NEENER. LOL
Oxnard-it's a place!

02-22-2004, 01:15 PM
wow it was a rough night last night. I have a head ache. Anyone ever try those chasers? After this morn I think I am going to invest.

Shark In The Pond
02-22-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Oxnard
Shark, you may have been around for "FIVE YEARS?" but that don't mean nothin cus everyone knows THERE AIN'T NO WATER IN WEST TEXAS ! NEENER, NEENER. LOL
Oxnard-it's a place!
So true , It takes me a little over a hr to get to the lake

02-22-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Bense468
wow it was a rough night last night. I have a head ache. Anyone ever try those chasers? After this morn I think I am going to invest.
Yep, Bense - they're the SHIZZY, man - just follow the directions CLOSELY, plenty of water before bed, and VOILA - no hangover!!!! Worked for me (several times), anyway.....

Slick Knutts
02-22-2004, 04:59 PM
Dam Dam dam Chet is at it again. Chester when are you gonna learn son that you are the problem. Git wit the program and admit that you have a thing for Misshbjet and this is yur way of gettin close to her, try and make her boyfriend look bad. You need to find out why you are not running the numbers that should and git back to us in another life.
Shoe ****in weee

HotRod Sprint
02-22-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by HotRod Sprint
I couldn't stand it any longer, I have to make a reply here. Chet, I have yet, even once to see you post a helpful or encouraging post to any one in this forum. I'm not rich, but God blessed me with many gifts and talents, of which I try to use to the fullest, to save as much money as possible working on my boat. So I know where you are coming from, trying to save a buck. However, I am still trying to learn as much as possible about pumps, I can take one apart, and put it back together, thats about it. If it needs work I am going to take it to a professional to get that work done. I am not jealous or envious of Randy, because he pays to have most of his work done, but it sure seems as if you are. I don't know what you or Randy do for a living, I don't know either one of your mechanical abilities. What I do know is Randy can afford to have work done by a professional, a professional that takes time out of his very busy work schedule to help people out with as much information as possible on another forum. A professional that you bash every time you get a chance. Randy, in between all the bashings, tries to help people out in this forum, whenever possible. You, you talk a big talk, you stir up mud, and when people call you out to prove what you're blowing hot air about, You run and hide, you never post pics, or numbers, or anything else to prove your point. I haven't met you, and to be honest would never care to. I have yet to meet Randy, but might get the chance this summer, and look forward to it.
This is a forum about boating, jet boating in particular. Where people come together to share common interests, ideas, and help each other out. It doesn't seem you do any of that, you just bash, and bash, and bash. So why don't you do this jet boating community a favor, and just go away.
Originally posted by ChetCapoli
Again, numbers please HB. You pick on me for saying the same thing the other way around but as you say..."how do you know"???
Hotrodspenis, do your homework before you call me out k???? Funny, you dont know what i do and what boat i run? Are you living on another planet???(Newsflash...every other post ridiclules me about towel racks,vending,strakes...etc..etc... so what have you been reading???) My boat ran 87, yours?? I'm sorry i cant recall. Better yet, just quote where i BASH anyone except for HB and the donut clan?? Much less the language...i never use profanity like some of the morons in here use. Terrible.
First of all Chet, show me in my post where I called you out. I didn't! Second, I've seen the posts referring to your towels racks and other seemingly unorthodox stuff on your boat. My opinion is, it is your boat, do with it what you want. I just bought my boat, less motor. And since I don't know this boat, I am starting out with a relatively stock motor, that will push it to maybe 65. When I get comfortable with it at that speed I will start making upgrades to go faster, not until then though. As far as you bashing people, I have seen you bash Jack at MPD, I have seen you bash Duane at HTP, people who have probably forgotten more about pumps than you'll ever learn. Where in my post to you did I use or mention any profane word? Where in my post to you, did I call you any bad name? But yet in your post, look what you called me! Like I said before Chet, do this jet boating community a favor, and just go away.

02-22-2004, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by ChetCapoli
You paid $375 to have this conversion done WITHOUT having the inside done(SO IT LOOKS LIKE IN THE PIC REMEMBER) How much extra was that cleanup?(add it to the conversion now hb)
My bowl is at MPD, I was thinking about doing the conversion. Its a lot cheeper than getting a new bowl.
About the "extra" flow work, if I remeber correctly, that was included in the conversion.

Jake W
02-22-2004, 09:05 PM
HBjet and Chet the quest for the pics of the out of the box Aggressor imp(SS) and Bronze is over there were like 3 people taking pics of the boxed up imps .I will say that they looked pretty good came with a shim kit and the SS was less than a pound heaver than the Bronze.Brian weighed it.I am sure the pics will surface in due time.
Yea Yea in the (crank yankers voice)

Jet Hydro
02-22-2004, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by ChetCapoli
guess you have to call BS on it then. Like i mentioned before i cleaned it up best i could and put it back in and used it. Works fine but is not what it's hyped up to be IMO. It originally was .010...now it is closer to stock. That ring does not like sandy/muddy merky water. Sorry it's just my experience.

02-22-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Jet Hydro
Steve, right now is the best time for one of these!

Jet Hydro
02-23-2004, 07:30 AM
Randy I think I`ll take picture #1 for 200 please :D

02-23-2004, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by HBjet
Steve, right now is the best time for one of these!
DRAMA....if people would answer my questions and get rid of the exaggerated pics and so forth we might get to the bottom of this once and for all. HB if you spend the same time on getting those NUMBERS instead of all this other crap you just might end up PROVING me wrong. That's what it's about isnt it now?? So get on it! For some reason you can't though. :confused:
P.S. Yes slowy we agree just like i stated. No need to reiterate it.

02-23-2004, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by HBjet
if you where to compare price and quality from a converted JG to a stock out of the box Aggressor (or any other mfg) the converted one will win every time in both areas. Better performance, lower cost.HBjet
Again, Here's the statement HB....no DRAMA, no PICTURES...just NUMBERS!
"better performance, lower cost" YOUR WORDS.........NOW BACK IT UP!! Honest question...honest answers with no donut gallery please.

02-23-2004, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by 1HOTGMCJET
Yep, Bense - they're the SHIZZY, man - just follow the directions CLOSELY, plenty of water before bed, and VOILA - no hangover!!!! Worked for me (several times), anyway.....
Nice, the only prob I see is the plenty of water before bed part. I usually pass out at the end of the night with a bottle in my hand.

02-23-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Bense468
Nice, the only prob I see is the plenty of water before bed part. I usually pass out at the end of the night with a bottle in my hand.
The whole headache thing is from dehydration. (sp) Drinking water helps that.
I bought Chasers and have not gave them a good test yet.
I did try "Over 21" this weekend. I drank no water, was super shitty, and woke up great!! No headache, no gut rot, nada.
Before any of these pills came out, I just drink 2 huge glasses of water, That helped a lot, I am not tryin to say I have never had a hangover, but the water deal helps. I will give chaser a try this weekend!!